Author Topic: Primary and secondary banks  (Read 1446 times)

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Primary and secondary banks
Sorry for posting so much questions I hope I'm not annoying anyone ^^

Is it possible to have a turret that will for example fire a secondary weapon, but do not have the primary box grayed out in the editor?

That way depending on the mission one ship could use a primary or a secondary on its turret? (It's for a capship not a playable ship of course!)

I tried to set
$Default PBanks: ("A weapon")
$Default SBanks: ("")

But the secondary is then grayed out in the editor.
I'm asking because in FRED you can sed a bank to "None", but not in a shp.tbm


Offline Trivial Psychic

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  • Snoop Junkie
Re: Primary and secondary banks
I'm pretty sure you need a default weapon in the tables.
The Trivial Psychic Strikes Again!

Re: Primary and secondary banks
I think I found the solution, by setting $Default PBanks: ( -99 ) and $Default SBanks: ( "A weapon" ) it works I can choose either a primary or a secondary weapon for the turret in fred