Author Topic: Adding mod assets to vanilla FS2 campaign?  (Read 1669 times)

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Adding mod assets to vanilla FS2 campaign?
Is this possible? If so how would I go about it? I particularly want to add the weapons and ships of Blue Planet to vanilla FS2 Open.
I've never modded this game before, so if anyone could explain how to or point me to the appropriate tutorial it would be appreciated.

Re: Adding mod assets to vanilla FS2 campaign?
The Blue Planet Complete release includes a variant of the retail campaign, Freespace Blue, that adds some BP assets and mechanics. Of particular note is that TAG missiles are actually useful now.

Beyond that, it'd help to know more about what you had in mind.

Re: Adding mod assets to vanilla FS2 campaign?
Aside from affecting balance you can add in BP fighters into the retail campaign by copying over the assets and table entries and renaming them to retail fighters so they get loaded over them.

So instead of $Name: GTF Atalanta in the bp-shp.tbm you have $Name: GTF Perseus. This would load the Atalanta over the Perseus in whatever mod you used it in. If you don't want to overwrite any retail fighters you can also link the bp fighters and weapons with their respective tbms and edit the availible loadouts in the missions. They'd be essentially the same missions except you could select BP fighters to fly in the missions.
But then you'd have to manually select the fighters and bombers over whatever retail ones in the loadout. You'd also have to edit the campaign file to make those ships availible.

For capships it would result in a lot more potential breakage with beam-free, fire-beam, and fire-turret SEXPs as they're reliant on specific subsystem names. If you just copy over the Titan to the Hecate it's not going to have its beams on the same turrets.

Naturally this would completely break retail balance as all of those fighters are much more powerful than their retail counterparts.
[19:31] <MatthTheGeek> you all high up on your mointain looking down at everyone who doesn't beam everything on insane blindfolded

Re: Adding mod assets to vanilla FS2 campaign?
Aside from affecting balance you can add in BP fighters into the retail campaign by copying over the assets and table entries and renaming them to retail fighters so they get loaded over them.

So instead of $Name: GTF Atalanta in the bp-shp.tbm you have $Name: GTF Perseus. This would load the Atalanta over the Perseus in whatever mod you used it in. If you don't want to overwrite any retail fighters you can also link the bp fighters and weapons with their respective tbms and edit the availible loadouts in the missions. They'd be essentially the same missions except you could select BP fighters to fly in the missions.
But then you'd have to manually select the fighters and bombers over whatever retail ones in the loadout. You'd also have to edit the campaign file to make those ships availible.

For capships it would result in a lot more potential breakage with beam-free, fire-beam, and fire-turret SEXPs as they're reliant on specific subsystem names. If you just copy over the Titan to the Hecate it's not going to have its beams on the same turrets.

Naturally this would completely break retail balance as all of those fighters are much more powerful than their retail counterparts.

I'd like to add the fighter and bomber assets/weapons as standalone craft that I can select to use during the FS2 campaign.
Do I need to use FRED to do all this or would notepad++ suffice?