Author Topic: Need help with Aristeia  (Read 1042 times)

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Offline Kiloku

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Need help with Aristeia
I'm playing on Hard, but at this point it feels like I accidentally unlocked some sort of secret ultra difficulty harder than "Reality". 

I'm flying the Kent.
I've read the wiki's walkthrough, and nothing recommended there helps at all. My missiles seem to be useless (I'm using Darts mostly, though when I try Javelins they're equally useless). Getting through the initial dogfight is easy enough, though I only get 1 kill at most, and usually it's no kills at all. Then comes the Treb strike, and I can usually take out one of the Treb groups, but not the other before the Artemis wings arrive. The timing seems off, again, I can only take out one Artemis group before the Maxim strike comes, and *those* take the Indus down to under 40% hull integrity. 
The Wiki tells me to order Beta to take out one Maxim group while I go for the other group with Gamma's help. This does nothing, by the time I'm done with my group, Beta hasn't killed a single Herc. I'm not sure if they even attack them despite being ordered to do so.

When the Medea comes, it'll take out the Indus because the Maxim strike left it so wrecked, I can't ever get past that part. 

Another thing is that we're told to take out the weapons subsystems on the corvettes, but they're unassailable. If you try to use Paveways on them from a distance, the Paveways never hit (I don't know if they just miss or if they're shot down). If you try to use the Rapier, you're too close and get shredded by flak and AAA-beams.

I'm getting desperate but I don't wanna try a lower difficulty before seeing if the forum can give me more help than the wiki.

Quick edit to add: I've read that framerates higher than 60 cause missiles to miss, but I'm already using the frame-limit feature to stay at 60 FPS, so I don't think that's why my missiles are missing.


Offline General Battuta

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Re: Need help with Aristeia
I think this mission (and all of BP2, really) has suffered some difficulty creep during various table changes. But if you get to the checkpoint with the Indus at 40% hull, you should be okay for the rest of the mission.

Don't worry about disabling corvette weapon subsystems. As soon as the Medea arrives, gather your fighters near you, and get yourself in position to attack.

As soon as reinforcements unlock, call in some gunships or strike bombers and go all in on the Medea. If you have fighters still, have them guard the bombers/gunships or attack the Medea's fighter escort. Use your own weapons to focus on the Medea's beams if you can, but really, your strike package should have enough firepower to kill the corvette in short order.


Offline General Battuta

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Re: Need help with Aristeia
While this mission has always been an action high point, with multiple squadrons and warships clashing, I'm unsatisfied with the way it's evolved into kind of a survival gauntlet rather than an explosion of proactive violence. It's supposed to be Laporte's aristeia, and those don't usually involve a lot of hiding.


Offline Kiloku

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Re: Need help with Aristeia
I think this mission (and all of BP2, really) has suffered some difficulty creep during various table changes.
Game balance is a lot of work. I didn't know it had changed so much!

As soon as reinforcements unlock, call in some gunships or strike bombers and go all in on the Medea. If you have fighters still, have them guard the bombers/gunships or attack the Medea's fighter escort. Use your own weapons to focus on the Medea's beams if you can, but really, your strike package should have enough firepower to kill the corvette in short order.

Gunships + Bombers was perfect! I think my mind was laser-focused on those beams and previously I only ordered them to disarm or to specifically target the beams. Giving the Destroy order worked. I managed to remove one of the beams before the strike package actually attacked.
Getting my fighters to harass the Medea's escort was probably also essential for me to succeed.

Thanks a lot!