Author Topic: [FotG Update] Fall 2021  (Read 2238 times)

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Offline wookieejedi

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[FotG Update] Fall 2021
It's been a few months since our last official forum update, so all of us at Fate of the Galaxy want to share what we have been working on this past fall.

Progress Highlights
  • Added substantial updates to Project Alderaan.
  • Added two new multiplayer co-op missions for Rebels and Empire.
  • Added Star Speeder 3000 (model and textures created by Dark Visor). 
  • Added AO maps to TIEs and shine map to V38.
  • Updated various components to improve optimizations including making scripts more efficient, LODs, and shield meshes.
  • Updated some visuals and audio, including adding some extra glow to hyperspace effect, tuning astromech size, adding new throttle sounds for TIE craft, adding normal map for debris texture and team color map for N1, adding pitch variations to other sounds, and fixing AO artifacts on ISD.
  • Updated AI to more carefully fly into hangar bays, and to follow parent ship orientation when exiting bays.
  • Updated wingmen gauge to be far more optimized. Overall, the scripted hud gauge got retired, as the useful features from it were coded into FSO. These included color for health, full wing names, and custom dot icons for ship classes (now bombers, interceptors, and fighters all have unique wingmen dots). Beyond the substantial optimization, this has the added benefit that the gauge will now scale at varying resolutions, use HUD brightness settings, and fully work in multiplayer.
  • Fixed multiple small aspects, including updating help overlays, mission updates, and a handful of edge case scripting bugs, and more that are too tedious to fully list here.

Community Connections
We also would like to highlight all the fantastic work continually being done with the FSO engine and SCP folks. That team has added new SEXPs, FRED flags, AI behaviours, bug fixes and optimizations, and many other enhancements which FotG takes full advantage of.

Moving Forward
For folks who want to see a bit more frequent FotG updates, feel free to join our Discord channel where we tend to post most of our informal updates:

As always, thank you all for your support and enthusiasm! Ultimately, we are nearing the final milestones for a public release. Once we have all the final content implemented and polishing completed, we will be extremely excited to share the game with everyone. In the meantime, here are some new shots of the updated Nebula settings. May the Force be with you!

« Last Edit: December 15, 2021, 02:16:56 pm by wookieejedi »

I have never been so expectant about the end of a video game. Honestly, the captures and images you share look absolutely spectacular and only increase my desire to be able to play such a work of art: the best version of a video game in the Star Wars universe. Thanks for all your dedication and keeping the project alive!


Offline wookieejedi

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  • Intensify Forward Firepower
I have never been so expectant about the end of a video game. Honestly, the captures and images you share look absolutely spectacular and only increase my desire to be able to play such a work of art: the best version of a video game in the Star Wars universe. Thanks for all your dedication and keeping the project alive!

Thank you for your continued enthusiasm, all of us on the team very much appreciate it! We cannot wait for folks to play FotG!