Author Topic: Primary Weapons with Ammunition!!!  (Read 6312 times)

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Offline ZylonBane

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Primary Weapons with Ammunition!!!
Originally posted by Goober5000
But doesn't that have more to do with the weapon module, as opposed to the fighter itself?

Let's take the venerable M61 A1 Vulcan cannon. This gun has been used in numerous US jets, including the F-18, F-15, and F-16. Here's the relevant bit from
In the F-16 and some other installations (M61A1 installations are tailor-made to each aircraft type)...

So the F-16 carries 500 rounds, the F-15C 940 rounds, F-18 412 rounds, and so on.
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Offline Goober5000

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Primary Weapons with Ammunition!!!
Mmm...interesting.  Okay, I concede your point. :)


Offline HotSnoJ

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Primary Weapons with Ammunition!!!
F-16 carries 500 rounds

WWII fighters carried more then that...I know one kind did at least.
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Offline ZylonBane

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Primary Weapons with Ammunition!!!
But on the other hand, we know that weapons in FS are insanely modularized, to the point where pilots can pick and choose which fricken' guns are installed in their fighters only a short while before the things actually launch.

So, y'know, it could go either way.  :nervous:
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Offline Goober5000

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Primary Weapons with Ammunition!!!
Originally posted by ZylonBane
But on the other hand, we know that weapons in FS are insanely modularized, to the point where pilots can pick and choose which fricken' guns are installed in their fighters only a short while before the things actually launch.

So, y'know, it could go either way.  :nervous:

What the - you're not supposed to change your mind after winning the argument! :lol: :lol: :lol:

That was my original thought. :) Since they're modularized, the primary weapon ammo capacity is determined more by the weapon itself than the ship.


Offline Bobboau

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Primary Weapons with Ammunition!!!
yes but if things are modularized could it not go down to the ammo modules them slves, were you have a diferent ammo module for each fighter.

and if you don't use a ammo gun then there is more space for added capasitors, wich would mean more weapon energy ;7
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Offline ZylonBane

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Primary Weapons with Ammunition!!!
I guess at a certain point you realize that the way FS handles certain things is just plain silly. In the real world, squadrons are composed of ONE aircraft type. Period. Try to imagine a scene from a present-day movie--

"Okay, I'll be flying an F-15. Goose, you and Ice-Man are in B-17s. Deadmeat, you're in a Mirage. Beta wing will be Harriers. Delta wing will be crop dusters. Gamma wing will be Sopwith Camels."
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Offline EdrickV

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Primary Weapons with Ammunition!!!
FYI, a little info on what exactly ballistic means.

Main Entry: bal·lis·tic
Pronunciation: b&-'lis-tik
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin ballista
Date: circa 1775
1 : of or relating to ballistics or to a body in motion according to the laws of ballistics
2 : suddenly and extremely upset or angry : WILD — usually used with go
- bal·lis·ti·cal·ly /-ti-k(&-)lE/ adverb
Ground - "Let me help you out, you're clear to taxi any way you can, to any runway you see."

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Offline Solatar

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Primary Weapons with Ammunition!!!
Well, ballistic sounds better than "non-laser".


Offline ZylonBane

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Primary Weapons with Ammunition!!!
None of the existing FS2 fighter weapons are lasers.
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Offline Bobboau

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Primary Weapons with Ammunition!!!
well ya, there actualy a colection of lit pixels in a computer screen representing two or four triangles with an addative alpha blended transparency mask, meant to resemplep pulse weapons.

laser is the termonology used in all the code and tables, though it would probly be more acrurate to describe them as plasma weapons or just pulse weapons.
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Offline Goober5000

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Primary Weapons with Ammunition!!!
Even the ballistic primaries use the flag "WF_LASER" in the Source Code. :) WF_LASER means primary, and WF_MISSILE means secondary - it's just how they did it.


Offline Petrarch of the VBB

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Primary Weapons with Ammunition!!!
This could be useful to we tappers, for the Mass Drivers is the ships.


Offline Inquisitor

Primary Weapons with Ammunition!!!
The semantics discussion fascinating and all, but can we move on from it. As Bobboau pointed out, it IS fiction ;)
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Offline elorran

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Primary Weapons with Ammunition!!!
Regardless of wether primary ammo counts would be good or not, they would be useful to some people and the additional feature would actually be used by some.  We could also use it in a simple rework of the original FS2 campaign to rebalance the game and change the maxim into a munitions based weapon rather than using energy.
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Offline Eishtmo

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Primary Weapons with Ammunition!!!
Question:  Can you reload these weapons?  Call in a support ship and get a reload just like for missiles.  Probably a reduntant question, but an important one.
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Offline Petrarch of the VBB

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Primary Weapons with Ammunition!!!
It would be safe to assume so, as goober talks of the rearm rate flag in the tbl.


Offline Goober5000

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Primary Weapons with Ammunition!!!
Yes, you can. :nod:

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