Author Topic: Just letting you know  (Read 10346 times)

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Offline Galemp

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Progress on Silent Threat: Reborn is picking up again. We've got 15 missions total, 3 are fully completed, 5 are in the testing phase, and three more are in progress.
With Goober coming back from Real Life and KT wanting to get this done, we might be able to get this done by... well, I don't want that statement to come back to haunt me. Let's just say we're looking forward to a release, OK?
"Anyone can do any amount of work, provided it isn't the work he's supposed to be doing at that moment." -- Robert Benchley

Members I've personally met: RedStreblo, Goober5000, Sandwich, Splinter, Su-tehp, Hippo, CP5670, Terran Emperor, Karajorma, Dekker, McCall, Admiral Wolf, mxlm, RedSniper, Stealth, Black Wolf...


Offline J.F.K.

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[font="SerpentineDBol"]. . . . W H O . I S . T H E . M A N , . W H O . I S . T H E . M Y T H ?[/font]

I`m glad your doing this.

I hope that the story makes better sense than Silent threat.

I didn`t understand ANY of the damn storyline in that. Especially the final mission, blowing up that hybrid crusier with no weapons that I could see.

where were the beam guns( whcih obviously were meant to be there?) That final mission also needs you having more support.

Ie when the unknown comes in they scamble everything they`ve got to help you.

Loads of orions being attacked and attacking as the hybrid blasts them with it`s experimental beam gun (every few minutes to make it fair as it is experimental)  

Now, THATS a final mission!
You`d need more than a lightsabre to kick a shivans arse!!!

I pick wahoonies for a living! Maybe that why I have no friends,


Offline Galemp

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No it isn't, that's a clumsy mess.

Trust me, you'll be pleased. All will be revealed in time.
"Anyone can do any amount of work, provided it isn't the work he's supposed to be doing at that moment." -- Robert Benchley

Members I've personally met: RedStreblo, Goober5000, Sandwich, Splinter, Su-tehp, Hippo, CP5670, Terran Emperor, Karajorma, Dekker, McCall, Admiral Wolf, mxlm, RedSniper, Stealth, Black Wolf...


Offline pyro-manic

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*waits with anticipation*

:yes: :yes: :)
Any fool can pull a trigger...

Originally posted by pyro-manic
*waits with anticipation*

:yes: :yes: :)

WHOOO! NEWS!? on this mod!? COOL!:eek:
The Ancients a old and proud reace, one that is not all alone, and I am not one of them, but I am Nouben.


Offline tEAbAG

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Can you give us the jist of the changes being made?

Maybe a good final mission, instead of a 'jam a nickle into the fire button and watch T.V. for a half-hour' mission?

Real objectives and fun combat?

Less useless weapons?
If happiness is a warm gun and love is a battlefield, why should we give peace a chance?

C-130 rollin' down the strip
hits a rock and start to tip
its all right, its OK
full of soldiers anyway

I think we should go Mung his dead grandma. - anOn


Offline Galemp

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Originally posted by tEAbAG
Can you give us the jist of the changes being made?

From my interview.

GE - "Reborn" is going to be for every FREDder who played Silent Threat and thought, "I could do better than this." Basically, once Release 2 is out with the original 'rubber-band-around-the-trigger' Silent Threat, I'm going to assemble a team to make it what it SHOULD have been. We'll fix all the annoying bugs and bad game play that was in Silent Threat while keeping the same storyline and new stuff. It will still be Silent Threat, but much more polished and refined, with better game play and mission design.

Maybe a good final mission, instead of a 'jam a nickle into the fire button and watch T.V. for a half-hour' mission?

This has been the most frequently asked question so far. Not to worry! I've been developing the final two ( :drevil: ) missions since November, and they will rock.

Real objectives and fun combat?
Yes indeed! :nod: Gobs of events everywhere, missions with atmosphere (no, not atmospheric combat, you ninny :p,) a storyline that flows, builds to a climax, and actually makes sense, and plenty of easter eggs for the die-hard Freespace Fanatic to uncover.

Less useless weapons? [/B]

You WILL actually have to use some of the more obscure weapons! It's now nearly impossible to beat Hellfire without Disruptor missiles, and when you're fighting off Seraphims and Nephilims without Banshees you'll be glad you have the Shield Breaker. There's a suprise in store for the EMP missile, too.
"Anyone can do any amount of work, provided it isn't the work he's supposed to be doing at that moment." -- Robert Benchley

Members I've personally met: RedStreblo, Goober5000, Sandwich, Splinter, Su-tehp, Hippo, CP5670, Terran Emperor, Karajorma, Dekker, McCall, Admiral Wolf, mxlm, RedSniper, Stealth, Black Wolf...


Offline Goober5000

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Originally posted by GalacticEmperor
There's a suprise in store for the EMP missile, too.

:drevil: :drevil: :drevil: :drevil: :drevil:



Offline Galemp

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What are you grinning at? It's not your mission. Though I'll trade you it for "Chasing Shadows" if you want...
"Anyone can do any amount of work, provided it isn't the work he's supposed to be doing at that moment." -- Robert Benchley

Members I've personally met: RedStreblo, Goober5000, Sandwich, Splinter, Su-tehp, Hippo, CP5670, Terran Emperor, Karajorma, Dekker, McCall, Admiral Wolf, mxlm, RedSniper, Stealth, Black Wolf...


Offline Goober5000

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Eh?  No, I'm talking about STR06, when it's "introduced".  You're talking about STR10, which you're doing. :nod:

And I'd like to keep Chasing Shadows. :)


Offline KLINE

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GE is a prick.
He needs to die


Offline Knight Templar

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wow.. didn't think you'd go that low.. :blah:
Copyright ©1976, 2003, KT Enterprises. All rights reserved

"I don't want to get laid right now. I want to get drunk."- Mars

Too Long, Didn't Read


Offline Galemp

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Originally posted by Shrike
You know it's a really bad idea to pull stuff like this, right? Especially when I can find your IP. Using alt-nics doesn't work if your IP comes up the same.


Let's see if Stealth's been banned again... :rolleyes: And I thought he had matured.
"Anyone can do any amount of work, provided it isn't the work he's supposed to be doing at that moment." -- Robert Benchley

Members I've personally met: RedStreblo, Goober5000, Sandwich, Splinter, Su-tehp, Hippo, CP5670, Terran Emperor, Karajorma, Dekker, McCall, Admiral Wolf, mxlm, RedSniper, Stealth, Black Wolf...


Offline tEAbAG

  • 26
Release Date?


When its Done.
If happiness is a warm gun and love is a battlefield, why should we give peace a chance?

C-130 rollin' down the strip
hits a rock and start to tip
its all right, its OK
full of soldiers anyway

I think we should go Mung his dead grandma. - anOn


Offline Goober5000

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There is no set release date.  In any case, most of us have exams right now, so it's pretty hard to get any Freespace stuff done. :)


Offline Knight Templar

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[glow=red][size=10]when it's ready![/size][/glow]

Boo ya.

Copyright ©1976, 2003, KT Enterprises. All rights reserved

"I don't want to get laid right now. I want to get drunk."- Mars

Too Long, Didn't Read


Offline IceFire

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Originally posted by Knight Templar
[glow=red][size=10]when it's ready![/size][/glow]

Boo ya.

:thepimp: [/B]

Nicely put :D
- IceFire
BlackWater Ops, Cold Element
"Burn the land, boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me..."