Author Topic: PalmCiv: You want it? Sign in the following petition to help get it.  (Read 657 times)

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PalmCiv: You want it? Sign in the following petition to help get it.

And go sign the petition.

How does it look like?

Here is the beta version on development.

A preview of the Palm and Nokia Communicator version

And of course the obligatory screenshots

(note that they are early screenshots. FInished game -IF IT GETS FINISHED- will probably look different(aka much better) than this!

The ugly thing is that Civ is about ready for release and Ubisoft doesn't permit Redshift the rights to the game. So, post in here to tell them we want it!

Thank you in advance!
If you want to be ready for Wing Commander Saga: The Darkest Dawn, then download and play the prologue first.


Then, while waiting for the Darkest dawn, Download Starshatter 4.02

You 'll understand why once you have.