Author Topic: Best Moments...  (Read 1790 times)

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Offline Grug

  • 211
  • From the ashes...
Ok, so for some general spam on the topic of Homeworld, what are peoples favorite moments from the world of the Homeworld saga's.
So favourite mission, or objective etc from any of the games. :D

For me it was the 3rd(?) mission of HW1, when you return to kharak.
Mothership jumps in, you turn the camera and find your world in ashes... That was a true gaming moment for me, and actually made me hate the Taiidan... :)

kewl. Any1 else? :D

Well, every moment from Homeworld was a great one, it was such a beautiful game; in particular i found the great nebula missions very awe inspiring, also it was very sad that when you had to exterminate the Kadeshi, who were the same race as you.
Also the karos graveyard was impressive, huge derelicts from your far part left there to rust....

Too bad i can't say the same of HW2, quite a mediocre game imo, also they screwed up the storyline... :sigh:


Offline Grug

  • 211
  • From the ashes...
yah i agree, HW1 storyline drew me in, HW2 was too fast, and they didn't even explain things properly.

Ah well... Hopefully we can eventually fill in the gaps :D

yeh the nebula missions were pretty kewl.
maybe some1 could make a mod for HW2 or relic can redo the campaign and release it for d/l over the net so ppl can get the full story behind everything... ah well.
