Author Topic: Michael Moore's Movie  (Read 7370 times)

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Offline aldo_14

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Originally posted by Liberator
FOX News banned in Canada?

Since when?  By who?

By sensible minded people everywhere?

I've seen FOX news via Sky.... it strikes me very much as the most tabloid news channel I've seen - i.e. no big words, aimed at the thicker end of the market, more spin than facts.  Redneck TV, even.


Offline DeepSpace9er

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1. Saying the US media is liberal is like saying that Hitler really enjoyed porkin' his black, Jewish, communist boyfriend. Its a victim mentality. Despite the fact that the media is so right-ward slanted that it borders in the obscene, certain people keep going on about the liberal media and how they're trying to destroy Christianity etc etc.

:wtf:  Uhh... how have you been defining "media?" ABC, CNN, NBC, MSNBC? Those are right-winged? They have never been right-winged ever. Remember the abu-grab "scandal?" who were the ones playing the story over and over and over and over again to no sensible purpose? What about Bush's dental records back in February or March and how they were demanding he release them. Remember when Bush launched his campaign ad's and how they coached the "9/11 victims" to come in and say how they were "offended?" You ever heard of Dan Rather?

There are 2 major mediums where the right-wing operates: talk-radio and Fox News. There are some other things like National Review and Drudge Report but as far as the TV media is concerned they would like nothing better to see Bush killed because he is temporarily halting their extreme left-winged agenda.


Offline aldo_14

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Maybe the vast majority of the US media is neither right nor left wing, and you're* just saying it is because it has the gall to post a story which disagrees with your politicial views?

*i.e. people


Offline karajorma

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It always makes me laugh how the Right wing Americans  on this board act like they're victims even though they have a right-wing president in power :D

Seriously guys. Drop the we're so victimised routine.
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Offline Rictor

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I'm around 99% sure that Fox is NOT banned in Canada. Nope, Fox has its own channel, Fox 29, that broadcasts out of Buffalo and is even on the basic cable package. True, they play cartoons, sitcoms and so forth, but for a good chunk of the time, Fox News is what it broadcasts. CNN, MSNBC and ABC all have their own channels here, so I don't think that anyone is censoring anything.

I've watched Fox many time before, especially during the war. I did it mostly for the comedy, switching between them and CNN. Just because I don't live in America, doesn't mean I don't know jack about American media.

DeepSpace9r: well, those mostly point to them sensationalizing the news, sort of like they did with the Howard Dean yell. If you look at their coverage before and during the war, you will see that they basically said whatever the White House spokesman said, without having a single independent thought. The media's job is not to be a mouthpiece for the government, they are supposed to question and investigate. And then during the war, they had that whole "embedded journalists" thing.

Also, notice how at press conferences, they always take it easy on Bush, always asking him softball question. It usually take a foreign journalist, like the Irish one a few days ago, to put some pressure on Bush & Co to answer the real question.

They never, ever attempted to portray the story objectively, only from the American side. They refuse to show civilian casualties, they refuse to report corruption within the CPA, they refuse to hold politicians accountable.


News is what someone is trying to supress, all the rest is just advertising.
-Some famous journalist, cant recall his name-
« Last Edit: June 30, 2004, 10:33:53 am by 644 »


Offline pyro-manic

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Not seen f-9/11 yet, but I will when I get the chance. His movies are too biased to be classed as documentaries, but they do ask very serious questions, that need to be answered.
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Offline Lonestar

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Seen it, got it free from and its not illegal so dont hack up my post unnecessarily like other places have. Mr. Moore has in fact allowed his movie to be distributed on the internet, as long as no one profits from it he doesnt care for copyright.

What did i think of the movie?

I think it was informative, and an eye opener on how things really work with G.W. Bush and his family and the Saudi Royals. Im Glad Moore researched this stuff and even happier no one can really discredit the film on a grande scale, all ive seen people say he lied about is small trivial things which bear no impact on the movie. Bush reminds me of a mongaloid child, except mongaoloids are nicer, smarter, and more respectful then this president. The fact he sat there to read a child book during his countries worst defeats is living proof he doesnt know a shred of what to do. I myself, had i gotten the news in that position would of quickly left the elementry school and head back to command and control to assess the situation. As commander in cheif its his responsibility to make things happen, not everyone around him. This puppet president is a joke and im glad Moore exposed him.

What do i think or Mr. Moore?
A little over the top, and he does like to make things look worse then they are at times, however he does nothing different then lets say what a CNN does during wartime, or the BBC, or even Al-Jeezera. All Moore is doing is writing his facts and opinions on a backboard of his choosing, and asks you the American people to listen with an open mind and make a decision.

I think he needs to go more along the lines of fact finding and feeding rather then the way he does it, but all in all his message got sent, and im listening. It takes a great man to stand up for whats right and i think mr. Moore is a great man.


Offline Lonestar

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Originally posted by pyro-manic
Not seen f-9/11 yet, but I will when I get the chance. His movies are too biased to be classed as documentaries, but they do ask very serious questions, that need to be answered.

I dont know if its TOO Biased, i mean all i saw in the movie was stories of bush, and his family, while moore gave his views on some things, i wouldnt say its too biased. It is biased but everything he found on bush is fact, therefore even if bias is an issue, you cant quell facts like those and if you can then i would say the film is too biased, however, as it stands nothing is proven wrong from the movie so i have to say its quite a peice of journalistic work, twisted to piss some people off (bush and his lackey's)


Offline Lonestar

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Originally posted by Rictor
I'm around 99% sure that Fox is NOT banned in Canada. Nope, Fox has its own channel, Fox 29, that broadcasts out of Buffalo and is even on the basic cable package. True, they play cartoons, sitcoms and so forth, but for a good chunk of the time, Fox News is what it broadcasts. CNN, MSNBC and ABC all have their own channels here, so I don't think that anyone is censoring anything.

I've watched Fox many time before, especially during the war. I did it mostly for the comedy, switching between them and CNN. Just because I don't live in America, doesn't mean I don't know jack about American media.

DeepSpace9r: well, those mostly point to them sensationalizing the news, sort of like they did with the Howard Dean yell. If you look at their coverage before and during the war, you will see that they basically said whatever the White House spokesman said, without having a single independent thought. The media's job is not to be a mouthpiece for the government, they are supposed to question and investigate. And then during the war, they had that whole "embedded journalists" thing.

Also, notice how at press conferences, they always take it easy on Bush, always asking him softball question. It usually take a foreign journalist, like the Irish one a few days ago, to put some pressure on Bush & Co to answer the real question.

They never, ever attempted to portray the story objectively, only from the American side. They refuse to show civilian casualties, they refuse to report corruption within the CPA, they refuse to hold politicians accountable.


News is what someone is trying to supress, all the rest is just advertising.
-Some famous journalist, cant recall his name-

We get Fox news in Canada, Saturday at 6pm EST. Thats the only time we get fox news, and its always about good things.
CNN in Canada is a huge US propaganda machine. Everytime you turn to CNN its "WAR ON TERROR" or "TERROR ALERT HIGH!" or something to try and scare me into beleiving in the US government.

The war is heavily censored, the fact we cant see the dead soldeirs coffins is proof of that. The fact we dont get any reports out of baghdad except what is "approved" proves that as well.

You want real news, go to and get away from the US censorship thats all over north america, not just the US.


Offline Flipside

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Any man who describes the Very Hungry Caterpillar as his favourite childhood book worries me...why? Because GW Bush was born in 1956, The Very Hungry Caterpillar was released in 1969, when GW Bush was 13 years old.

Anyone who has read this book will understand that this is NOT a book read by your average 13 year old, more like 5 year olds :)

Whilst checking this out, I came across this interesting and rather worrying link....

Obviously biased, as the website shows, but as I said before, a mountain of rubble can contain a gold nugget ;)
« Last Edit: June 30, 2004, 12:24:19 pm by 394 »


Offline Bobboau

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I said the fox news chanel not the fox network and from this "We get Fox news in Canada, Saturday at 6pm EST." it sounds like you don't get it, but it's being brought in by some other network. if I were to ask what is on the fox news chanel right now could you tell me? if not then you arn't getting it.
anyway, I was just reading that one post and remebered hearing that Fox news was banned in Canada and thought "wait how can he be saying this if he's never watched it"
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Offline Rictor

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Trust me, Fox isn't banned. If it is banned, they're doing a terrible job of it. I distinctly remember watching Fox News, and this was for months and months. Now that I think about it, I don't really remember if it was 2 channels, one for news and one for general, or whether the general channel carried the news at times. Its possible that we get both.

The one thing that we don't get, and its a pity, is BBC. All the American news stations are on, but hardly any other news channel except for a Canadian one named CBC.

No, I couldn't tell you whats on Fox right now, ask someone who has a TV.


Offline Knight Templar

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We (I) get the BBC at certain times of the day through the same channel that gives me PBS.
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Offline Bobboau

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I think the fox network (the entertaiment chanel) carried the fox news feed for about a month or so during the war, if you have two chanels then you probly do indeed have fox news and thus I heard wrong, but if it has cartoons and stuff it's _not_ the fox news chanel.

ok, /*swiches on FNC*/ hannity and colms is on right now, who is hannity talking to right now, if you can't answer you don't get the chanel.

though if you don't have it it doesn't prove that it's banned, just that it's not available in your area, there are plenty of places that don't have it in the US.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2004, 08:44:24 pm by 57 »
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Offline Ashrak

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from what i currently read ... all the "americans" here support bush (dont know if theyr afraid of him or something)

i on the other hand have always thought of bush on the same terms as "president Clark" from Babylon 5 ..... a powerhungry son of a *****

and im currently watching the movie so i might change my opinnion ... doubt it very much though ...

oh and on a side note Fahrenheit 9/11 was banned in USA (last i heard)
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Offline Knight Templar

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:wtf: Err.. no it wasn't. Moore couldn't find anyone who wanted to produce it.
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Offline karajorma

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Originally posted by Flipside
Any man who describes the Very Hungry Caterpillar as his favourite childhood book worries me...why? Because GW Bush was born in 1956, The Very Hungry Caterpillar was released in 1969, when GW Bush was 13 years old.

Anyone who has read this book will understand that this is NOT a book read by your average 13 year old, more like 5 year olds :)

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So now we go from Mike Moores movie to why everyone thinks Bush is stupid...

What a bunch of haters... :doubt:


Offline karajorma

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The entire movie is about why everyone thinks Bush is stupid. Next you'll complain about people discussing WWII after watching Saving Private Ryan :)
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Offline Knight Templar

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Originally posted by .::Tin Can::.
So now we go from Mike Moores movie to why everyone thinks Bush is stupid...

What a bunch of haters... :doubt:

I hope you see your own irony there, buddy. It's appauling, and I hope you don't think like that in the Real World™.
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