Author Topic: Disgusting bigots! (Missouri Approve State SSMBA)  (Read 11319 times)

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Offline Kazan

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Disgusting bigots! (Missouri Approve State SSMBA)
Stealth: you're a total freaking retard - i've only tossed it at you, pointing out that the EXPERTs will tell you your claim about "marriage always being between a man and a woman" is false

11,000-member American Anthropological Association.

.... Bush has cast the union between male and female as the only proper form of marriage, ....

"Rather, anthropological research supports the conclusion that a vast array of family types, including families built upon same-sex partnerships, can contribute to stable and humane societies," the association's statement said, adding that the executive board "strongly opposes a constitutional amendment limiting marriage to heterosexual couples."

The statement was proposed by Dan Segal, a professor of anthropology and history from Pitzer College in Claremont (Los Angeles County), who called Bush's conception of the history of marriage "patently false."

"If he were to take even the first semester of anthropology, he would know that's not true," said Segal, a member of the anthropological association's Executive Committee.

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Offline Rictor

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I can recommend one book, having to do with the Greeks, by Thomas Cahill, a historian and author. Its part of his series regarding significant civilizations of the past and is called Sailing the Wine-dark Sea, and is actually not the dry, boring history you might expect but actually a lively recounting of the past. It has a good bit about homosexual relationships, but I doubt many of you will buy a book just to prove so-and-so on the Internet right or wrong ;) ;)


Offline Kazan

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I feel the need to publicize this PM-engnage -- he just tried countering a study from a PROFESSOR EMERITUS OF PSYCHIATRY with a LAYMEN'S OPINION


Kazan wrote on 08-06-2004 08:51 PM:

Stealth wrote on 08-06-2004 06:41 PM:
if i'm clearly wrong, then why is gay marriage such a disputed topic?  obviously not everyone shares your perspective

*rolleyse* the average huam freaking being is not intelligent enough to realize that reality is not whim to their emotions.

1) name some of the numerous civilizations that have had homosexual marriages.

Rome for a start, oh then the catholic church having sancitified homosexual marriages in the 3rd century (including a pair that were SAINTED -- only the 5th time i've told you about them

2) name some SCIENTIFIC PROOF that gays are born gay.

numerous studies in the last decade *finds the latest*

So, homosexuality is transmitted through mothers to sons and daughters, not by overprotective or seductive behavior, as was once believed, but what Dr. Turner calls the ‘Gene for Gender’, the Xq28 region of her chromosomes. - The study, by Dr. William J. Turner, a Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry at the State University of New York at Stony Brook

(hint: pwnd)
see, you can insult all you want, but without the above two, your argument is nothing, and it's just your arrogance trying to make a point

you love ignoring the facts when they slap you in the face
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Offline Stealth

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Disgusting bigots! (Missouri Approve State SSMBA)
Originally posted by Kazan
Stealth: you're a total freaking retard -

No Kazan, you're the "total freaking retard", because in every. single. major. argument. in this forum and the VWBB, you've always taken a side, and anyone that disagrees with you is always the idiot, the ignorant person, the 'bigot', the stupid one, or, in this case, the "total freaking retard"... work on your arguing skills, it'll get you far in life.  you attack the argument, not the person presenting it.  i'd have thought that through all your bannings and getting verbally raped in your 'arguments' you'd have learned this by now.
found that interesting.


Offline Kazan

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your article: laymen
my article: professor emeritus of psychiatry

i win  -- you know why my opposition is always the idiot? BECAUSE I DON'T ARGUE THINGS THAT I DON'T HAVE THE EVIDENCE TO _PROVE_ I AM RIGHT
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Offline Stealth

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Kazan messaged me yesterday saying:
You're assertion about marriage is patently false and I could line up thousands of cultural anthropologists in front of you to tell you such

hah.  we had a little discussion through PMs, and when i challenged him to quote some formal research that gays are born gay, he mentioned that article...

then i mentioned:
in which a study by the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) says that gays are NOT BORN GAY!

i mean, what more evidence do you need Kazan?  read that article it'll do you good.  there's some pretty "high-up" names and organizations, that i'm sure even you will recognize.  Many of them being gay themselves, and saying that they weren't born gay.  i mean damn.  are you trying to speak for gays when you're not gay yourself?  or are you?


Your article:  ONE PROFESSOR
My article:  
National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH)

ummmmm :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Offline Stealth

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That's from NARTH themselves... from the mouth... if ANYONE would claim that gays are born gay, it would be them... but READ THAT ****ING ARTICLE and then give me some professor's opinion.  damn you're hard.


Offline aldo_14

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Disgusting bigots! (Missouri Approve State SSMBA)
Er...gonnae calm down a bit before you get the thread locked?

Both of you.


Offline Rictor

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Disgusting bigots! (Missouri Approve State SSMBA)
Stealth: dude, don't lnk to Free Republic, it makes me fell all dirty just having the link on the page :ick: :ick:

Kazan: seriously, go smoke a joint or something, you need to relax. The opposition is always the idiot? C'mon, don't make me laugh. You know who also thought he was always correct? That right, Genghis Khan! So the lesson is, stay in school, don't do drugs, and don't be like Genghis Khan, cause you'll just end up dead and get your image sold of to make a sci-fi B movie, and no one wants that.


Offline Kazan

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Stealth: NARTH is a biased source, they are a SECTARIAN organization, not an academic one

Rictor: **** you, you know i don't abuse my body  -- you know what Genghis Khan didn't have EVIDENCE to back his ass up.
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Offline Rictor

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thats why he waged a bloody war to conquer the world, lack of evidence.

The Romans were always like "Genghis, dude, you suck. You couldn't argue your way out a wet paper bag, you stupid Mongol.." and he'd get offended and go cry in his tent, but he knew the only way to make them respect him was to wreak murderous vengance across Europe, sack their cities, kill their men and enslave their women.

So seriously, take it easy, or Rome had better watch out, the Great Khan rides again.


Offline Kazan

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rictor that's the dumbest thing you ever have stated
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Offline Stealth

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Originally posted by Kazan
Stealth: NARTH is a biased source, they are a SECTARIAN organization, not an academic one

You've got to be kidding me... you're accepting the study done by some professor, but the study done by a NATIONAL organization whose purpose is do RESEARCH homosexuals, their background and behavior, you're saying is incorrect and biased!?

You're one of those people who no matter how much fact is thrown in front of them, they're too hard-headed and thick to admit that they're wrong, because that might damage their boosted ego.  Instead, when the going gets really tough, and they don't have any more evidence or proof, they start throwing out names and insults at the opposing arguer.  that's not the definition of arguments or discussions Kazan.  as i said, with all the experience you have, i'd have thought you'd act more mature.

:rolleyes: :yes:


Offline Ghostavo

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Disgusting bigots! (Missouri Approve State SSMBA)
Stealth, Kazan... instead of trying to find if gays are born that way, try to find if straight people are born that way. If that is the case, then the former must be true. If not, it's a matter of life choice. :p

If one is true, so is the other.
"Closing the Box" - a campaign in the making :nervous:

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Offline karajorma

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Disgusting bigots! (Missouri Approve State SSMBA)
Originally posted by Stealth
then i mentioned:
in which a study by the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) says that gays are NOT BORN GAY!

This has to be the single most stupid thing I have seen in my entire life. Do you not realise that NARTH aren't a real scientific body any more than creation scientists are?

NARTH is a non-profit, educational organization dedicated to the research, therapy and prevention of homosexuality

You see. They all believe that God say homosexuality is a sin and therefore it should be stopped. Every word out of their mouths is suspect because unlike a lot of scientists who were simply interested in discovering if homosexuality had a genetic basis and didn't particularly care either way, NARTH have a VERY strong bias. They don't want homosexuality to be genetic.

Originally posted by Stealth

That's from NARTH themselves... from the mouth... if ANYONE would claim that gays are born gay, it would be them... but READ THAT ****ING ARTICLE and then give me some professor's opinion.  damn you're hard.

Nope. Narth will NEVER say that homosexuality is genetic. Christians like them don't believe in evolution. The genes present in mankind are present cause God wants them to be there. If people are born gay that means that God wanted them to be gay so therefore NARTH and thei band of morons can't continue to persecute gay people simply for being gay.

Stealth from the second you quoted NARTH I lost any respect I may have formerly had for you on this issue. It's obvious that you're willing to quote any source that agrees with you no matter how ridiculous and nonsensical it is. You've now joined the ranks of those who quote christian science as proof of their examples and therefore I really don't see any point in refuting your arguements any further. Like Flat Earthers once someone is that far down the path of being wrong there is no way back.
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Offline Stealth

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Disgusting bigots! (Missouri Approve State SSMBA)
that's too confusing :d

EDIT:  at Ghostavo
« Last Edit: August 06, 2004, 04:21:43 pm by 594 »


Offline Stealth

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Disgusting bigots! (Missouri Approve State SSMBA)
Stealth from the second you quoted NARTH I lost any respect I may have formerly had for you on this issue. It's obvious that you're willing to quote any source that agrees with you no matter how ridiculous and nonsensical it is. You've now joined the ranks of those who quote christian science as proof of their examples and therefore I really don't see any point in refuting your arguements any further. Like Flat Earthers once someone is that far down the path of being wrong there is no way back.

and because you post what one professor stated, suddenly it's a proven fact that gays are born gay!?


try to "refute" my arguments by posting [size=10]P-R-O-O-F[/i][/size] that GAYS ARE BORN GAY!!!!!!


Karajorma:  Of course, you're so predictable... the moment a source comes along that you don't like, you label it as "Christian", or "biased", and disregard it... :rolleyes:.  typical.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2004, 04:23:20 pm by 594 »


Offline karajorma

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Disgusting bigots! (Missouri Approve State SSMBA)
Originally posted by Stealth
You've got to be kidding me... you're accepting the study done by some professor, but the study done by a NATIONAL organization whose purpose is do RESEARCH homosexuals, their background and behavior, you're saying is incorrect and biased!?

Just cause they call themselves the national something doesn't mean that they are worth anything.

They could call themselves the Grand High Poobah's or Knowledge and it wouldn't make their research any more scientific.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline Stealth

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OK, now i thought we'd moved off attacking my source... and i thought you were going to present me with 100% clear proof that gays are born gay.  which i don't see.  
