Author Topic: Disgusting bigots! (Missouri Approve State SSMBA)  (Read 11311 times)

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Offline Kazan

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Disgusting bigots! (Missouri Approve State SSMBA)
Originally posted by karajorma
This isn't about gays wanting to mock marriage or annoy christians. This is about them wanting the same legal protections that a married couple automatically gains.
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Offline Ace

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Disgusting bigots! (Missouri Approve State SSMBA)
Well Washington state is now allowing for them.

Yay for us!

I do find it funny that the pro-state's rights people are the ones who will want to repeal the pro-gay marriage laws in some states. :p

So when is Abraham Lincoln going to come back from the grave to liberate the gays? :)

...anyway when Civil War 2 happens, guess which state has nuclear weapons? Washington ;) The Bible Belt is gonna glow for a while...

Note: If you're too stupid to understand satire and sarcasm... I pitty you.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2004, 05:23:08 pm by 72 »
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Offline Blaise Russel

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Disgusting bigots! (Missouri Approve State SSMBA)
Because Tin Can wouldn't.

Originally posted by Stealth
yes, my argument is that marriage always has been between man and woman.


Oh, and:

America isn't harmed in any way. Tradition is.

If things get to the point where traditions actually have to be defended, doesn't that suggest that their time has come?


Offline Bri_Dog

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Disgusting bigots! (Missouri Approve State SSMBA)
Why does it matter if gays are or aren't born gay?

They ARE gay. Who cares why?

Deal with it.


Offline Kazan

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Disgusting bigots! (Missouri Approve State SSMBA)
Originally posted by Blaise Russel

because he thinks quoting non-academic sectarian organizations are valid sources, and he ignores the actually valid sources
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Offline Kazan

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Disgusting bigots! (Missouri Approve State SSMBA)
Originally posted by Bri_Dog
Why does it matter if gays are or aren't born gay?

They ARE gay. Who cares why?

Deal with it.

I agree, however the regressive members of our species are incapable of comprehending why it's not their business
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Offline Lonestar

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Disgusting bigots! (Missouri Approve State SSMBA)
This is way outta hand guys. Its ok to Discuss hot topics, but this constant attacking back and forth between people cannot be tolerated, it only breeds more hatred.