Author Topic: Disgusting bigots! (Missouri Approve State SSMBA)  (Read 11317 times)

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Disgusting bigots! (Missouri Approve State SSMBA)
Originally posted by karajorma
I'm all for gay marriage but if they'd dropped the term, called it a civil union and pressed for it to be recognised with all the legal rights that a hetrosexual marriage has they'd have already gotten it.

Thats about how I think about it, aside from that they can do whatever the hell they want, I just dont wanna see it everywhere
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Offline Getter Robo G

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There have been at least 65 species of animals (according to discovery channel) that WE KNOW OF that have homosexual members. So guess what, homosexuality predates your religions by oh say almost 4 BILLION years. Now if you wantto say porn or abuse have turned these poor creatures down the wrong life path that's your opinion (Though I really would like the state to get a sign linguist to talk to Bubbles about what MJ did to him!) [Does the monkey sign for BAD TOUCH!] ;7

   Now I think marraige evolved when Fred Flintstone clubbed Wilma and grunted at other males (the chick is my wife!)... No biggie there

   I'm a Christian but I'd gladly convert to OLD SKOOL Mormonism to get a handful of hot hunnies as my wives... Just because that version of Mormonism is no longer Legal in Utah DOES NOT mean that you can't be a practicing polygamist/Mormon in other states IT'S YOUR RIGHT as your religion. Hell even those damn Satanists get religious freedom (I was in Basic training with one, he had Satanist on his dog tags, what a ******) :lol:

   As for marriage needing "protecting", I ask protecting from what? From people who want the an UN-NEEDED ceremony (as I myself could claim a bride and we could say our vows in nature with GOD as our witness alone and we would be married in the EYES OF GOD The rest of you (if I disliked you) could take a flying F***, as you would not be needed to attend or even a priest or "official"!

  The WHOLE issue is NOT about marraige itself it is all the other things legally that come with that piece of paper (like money it's just PAPER and worthless really).  Now say I disapproved of two men OR two women getting "married" how dies it REALLY affect me? It doesn't, I can have my own opinion on the subject but to be raging about a law to discriminate against others is assinine and shows how primitive some humans still are for the need to repress another group and be bigoted A-holes.

  Any such law would in reality be 1.) Unconstitutional, and 2 .) MORALLY wrong in the universal sense.

   On that point alone as a christian I am sickened and disgusted  with these defenders of marraige as well as our current political administration.

  Some of you need to start worrying about yourselves and learn to stop browbeating people who don't believe in your values cause your golden rule is supposed to be TOLERANCE and UNDERSTANDING...

  OF course you can throw that out the window if you can admit you are being a hyppocrit! In my opinion people who only hide behind half a religion are no better than the terrorsits hiding behind a few lines of Islamic text taken out of context. TRUE Islam is a valid and tolerant religion, but when nut jobs (of any nationality) get involved you can see how it turns out...

  Sorry to get so personal but when I have a "dilemma" I like to think "what would Jesus do/say?", then I make up MY OWN MIND.
That is my right of free will as BOTH a Christian and an American.

   BTW bible thumpers hold no water with me. I only care what Jesus was said to have spoken/acted (then again how accurate is that). So todays 700 club bigots are tomorrows sinners cause they continually fail the golden rule of their faith.
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Offline Blaise Russel

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Originally posted by Getter Robo G
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Offline Styxx

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Disgusting bigots! (Missouri Approve State SSMBA)
Originally posted by Kazan
(Styxx: if someone's a bigot, they NEED to be called on it, plain and simple -- something cannot be an insult if it's true)

Er, I won't complain about "bigot", but "stupid bigot" would be a problem, get what I mean? ;)

With "bigot" you're attacking his opinion, with "stupid bigot" you're attacking him. So let's refrain from ad hominem attacks.

And by the way, I agree with that article: if you're not gay, why the hell do you care if they can ger married or not? As for the "civil union" matter, there's just a little problem - if it's "equal but separate", it ain't equal.
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Offline Kazan

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Disgusting bigots! (Missouri Approve State SSMBA)
Now there is on religious person whom i can respect (Getter Robo G)


owning people on his third post... there is much potential in this one :D
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Offline karajorma

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Disgusting bigots! (Missouri Approve State SSMBA)
Originally posted by Styxx
And by the way, I agree with that article: if you're not gay, why the hell do you care if they can ger married or not? As for the "civil union" matter, there's just a little problem - if it's "equal but separate", it ain't equal.

I agree. But lets take slavery as an analogy. How far do you think anti-slavery laws would have gotten if they hadn't gone via the stepping stone of segregation? The average white man may have been prepared to accept that they didn't have the right to own slaves but far fewer would have been prepared to accept blacks as their equals.

It's quite hard to get something like this in one single leap. You have to go in smaller steps. There would be a lot less opposition to gays having civil unions. Once there there would be a lot less opposition to gay marriage since everyone would say that it's just a change in the word used.

I'm not saying that they should stop at civil unions but what is more important. Getting the rights and protections that married people have or being able to use the same word as they do? Go for the important goal first. Then you can worry about the lesser ones.
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Offline BlackDove

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Disgusting bigots! (Missouri Approve State SSMBA)
Originally posted by Kazan
BD that's an interesting take..  but you don't care about other peoples human rights?

Way I see it, it's not my place to meddle in affairs I have no idea about. Fact is, I can scream "free-this free-that", but considering the fact I'm not homosexual, it means I have no idea how to view the issue from that angle.

However, all of that is of course, caused by the fact I am not of the opinion marriage itself is the best idea for people who are able to participate in it anyway. ;)

The question of "gays" and "marriage", isn't so much of an issue for me on the "gay" part, as much as it is on the "marriage" part of it.

However, I think I know enough to say this - whoever decided to make a religious habit such as marriage, connected with the law, needs their head examined. I mean that was just a poor move.


Offline Deepblue

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Disgusting bigots! (Missouri Approve State SSMBA)
The monster grows larger by the minute...

Anyhoo I think the whole matter has gotten way too heated and out of hand. But I personally believe that marraige should remain as it has, but that SS couples should be able to get the rights that they want. However I am against SS adoption because studies show that kids grow up best with a mother and a father in the home.

My thoughts in a nutshell.

As far as the constitution is concerned, it all depends on perspective and interpretation, it could go both ways, but we will never know what the makers really meant.

BTW: Everyone...  Chill...


Offline karajorma

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Disgusting bigots! (Missouri Approve State SSMBA)
Originally posted by Deepblue
However I am against SS adoption because studies show that kids grow up best with a mother and a father in the home.

Prove it. Find me a single acredited study that says that.

You may find plenty of studies that show that kids do better in a 2 parent home over a 1 parent home but find me a study that tested gay and straight couples.
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Offline Crazy_Ivan80

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Disgusting bigots! (Missouri Approve State SSMBA)
Originally posted by BD

However, I think I know enough to say this - whoever decided to make a religious habit such as marriage, connected with the law, needs their head examined. I mean that was just a poor move.

hardly, as has been said before: marriage predates religion. Marriage is also a mainly secular thing. Marrying in a church will yield you nothing legal if the state does not acknowledge the marriage.
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Offline 01010

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Disgusting bigots! (Missouri Approve State SSMBA)
I can't wait until the day Tin Can's son comes out to him.

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Offline Rictor

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Disgusting bigots! (Missouri Approve State SSMBA)
Originally posted by Crazy_Ivan80

hardly, as has been said before: marriage predates religion. Marriage is also a mainly secular thing. Marrying in a church will yield you nothing legal if the state does not acknowledge the marriage.

I should point out that marriage does not predate religion. Very few things in human nature predate religion. If you are reffering to the Big 3 (Islam, Christianity and Judaism) then you would probably be right, but religion, in one form or another, has been around for a very long time.


Offline Rictor

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Disgusting bigots! (Missouri Approve State SSMBA)
Originally posted by 01010
I can't wait until the day Tin Can's son comes out to him.


Just like Big Dick (Cheyney).

methinks the future is bi, for better or worse.

Disgusting bigots! (Missouri Approve State SSMBA)
Originally posted by 01010
I can't wait until the day Tin Can's son comes out to him.


What's that supposed to mean?

Honestly, I'm telling you my thoughts and I get mauled by a half page post by Kazan. The usual "Im right, your [EDIT]very very[/EDIT]wrong" antics.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2004, 01:26:52 pm by 1718 »


Offline 01010

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Disgusting bigots! (Missouri Approve State SSMBA)
You know, the sad thing is about this is that in reality it's such a non issue for millions of people, it's just another example of the vocal minority getting their way.

I say kill all the Gays, Straights, Bi's, Blacks, Whites, Kids, Grandparents, Chinese, Asian, Indians, Bovines, Canines and whatever other group you can think of. I think it's time for a mass genocide so we can see if the next sentient race to evolve can do things better

Just leave me alive to make some funny and misleading time capsules for the next race.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2004, 01:28:19 pm by 784 »
What frequency are you getting? Is it noise or sweet sweet music? - Refused - Liberation Frequency.


Offline Genryu

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Disgusting bigots! (Missouri Approve State SSMBA)
Originally posted by .::Tin Can::.

"Gay" is just wrong. Its wrong, its immoral, it goes against what we as humans did in order to reproduce. Silly faggot, dicks are for chicks!

It seems today people will always ***** about "freedom" and "feelings"!

First, proof that you really don't know what you're talking about, since lesbians are gay, and don't have dick :D
Plus, a favorite quote of mine : "life will always find a way", or for the narrow-minded, a species will always find way to reproduct.

Second, if people were to limit your freedom, and trample your feelings, I'm sure you'll be one of the first to ***** about it. As Getter Robo said, most of the 'christians' I see here don't practice their religion major tenet : tolerance.

And as for gay rights, well... I said let them marry, but put restriction when it comes to children, at least until it can be really proved that having same sex parent wouldn't trouble a child too much. Surely less than having heterosexual drunkards for parents, but heck, you gotta take what you can.
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Offline jdjtcagle

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Disgusting bigots! (Missouri Approve State SSMBA)
Tin Can: I think he means your kids will be gay...

Since, it usually turns out that way.  You grow up hating gay people and then your kids are gay
« Last Edit: August 05, 2004, 01:30:21 pm by 1472 »
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Disgusting bigots! (Missouri Approve State SSMBA)
Originally posted by Genryu

First, proof that you really don't know what you're talking about, since lesbians are gay, and don't have dick :D
Plus, a favorite quote of mine : "life will always find a way", or for the narrow-minded, a species will always find way to reproduct.

Second, if people were to limit your freedom, and trample your feelings, I'm sure you'll be one of the first to ***** about it. As Getter Robo said, most of the 'christians' I see here don't practice their religion major tenet : tolerance.

And as for gay rights, well... I said let them marry, but put restriction when it comes to children, at least until it can be really proved that having same sex parent wouldn't trouble a child too much. Surely less than having heterosexual drunkards for parents, but heck, you gotta take what you can.

When I mean freedom and feelings, I mean things like waving constituational rights around like a flag in a mannor of "Fifth!"

Its not wrong, its just that sometimes people will take their rights and twist them to their liking. They also seem to come up with right that dont even exist at times. In terms of Feelings, Im speaking "hippy" feelings, if you will.

And no, jdjtcagle, my son will not grow up gay.


Offline 01010

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Disgusting bigots! (Missouri Approve State SSMBA)
Originally posted by jdjtcagle
I think he means your kids will be gay...

Since, it usually turns out that way.  You grow up hating gay people and then your kids is gay

Karma baby!

I just think persecuting someone because of something so fundamental to their being as their sexuality is like persecuting someone for having arms y'know?

It's bizzare, do these people walk around with corks in their arses ever vigilant to the "backdoor menace"?
What frequency are you getting? Is it noise or sweet sweet music? - Refused - Liberation Frequency.

Disgusting bigots! (Missouri Approve State SSMBA)
Ya know, I never, ever came into believing that you are "born gay"