Author Topic: NCP Campaign Ideas  (Read 9193 times)

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Offline karajorma

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No need for test missions. Anyone who has done the walkthrough is welcome. :)

In fact the basic idea is to catch people immediately after they've done the walkthrough, before they FRED a test mission and decide to turn it into an entire campaign :lol:
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Offline Fergus

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I have a general idea for a campaign.  Start it relativly early in the whole FS2 time zone, say a month or so pre NTF days, and finish it with you defending the last Destroyer out of Cappela.  I think its better if we avoid doing missions after Cappela in the nebula and the Unknown systems, but I defer to karajorma.
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Offline TopAce

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It would be too long. FRED a destroyer chase. You are a pilot on board an unimportant destroyer(let's say GTD Kelleps, just to give it a :cool: name) which is tasked with the destruction of a larger cargo depot and its defences, but an NTF/Shivan destroyer interferes. It is the best to face this destroyer as soon as possible to kick the Shivans/NTF hard. In the first mission, you hinder some freighters/transports from transfering more cargo containers to the site. While you are away from the GTD, it comes under attack by some bombers, which cause some damage to it. Destroy the cargo and help the Kelleps in taking down the bombers. The next mission should be the direct assault on the cargo depot, but unexpectedly, the evil enemy destroyer jumps in and threatens the Kelleps. There is no choice, but to escape. The next mission should be a tactical engagement: As there is no enough weapon(bombs and bombers) on the Kelleps to destroy it and the Kelleps is damaged, you have to disarm the enemy destroyer's main beam cannons. You fly a [glow=blue]LIGHT[/glow] bomber in this mission and you are armed with the Stiletto or Trebuchets. Unfortunatly, the enemy destroyer escapes but you chase it on. The last is a RED alert mission, there the Kelleps will help you, you must finish your job and let the Kelleps destroy the enemy destroyer.

This idea came spontatly, so if there are gaps, forgive!
My community contributions - Get my campaigns from here.

I already announced my retirement twice, yet here I am. If I bring up that topic again, don't believe a word.


Offline karajorma

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Okay. The sign-up thread is up. Everyone who's interested should take a look.,26744.0.html

If people still want to post campaign ideas I don't mind. No doubt they'll be considered for the next round of FRED Academy campaigns.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline Singh

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Karajoma asked for perhaps a larger campaign based on the fleet devasted at Epsilon Pegasi. I'll need some help correcting ship names whereever applicable.


Mission one takes place as per normal. Alpha one plays part of the 44th Iron Fist's Space Superiority Squadron, based onboard the GVD Toeris, one of the 6th Fleet's two Orion Class Destroyers inside the Epsilon Pegasi system. Alpha wing is on routine patrol of the system. The Toeris is being escorted by the GTCv Hawkwood, the GTCv Parapet, the GVCv Nebtuu and the GTC Explorer. They are currently on the lookout for pirates and are also aiding in escorting a large civilian convoy (consisting of several transports and freighters - a few of them Vasudan) from Epsilon Pegasi into Capella. Cue comms chatter between Alpha 3 and Beta 1 (the latter of whom is a Vasudan pilot attached out to the Toeris). Basic chatter about how it is being the only Vasudan on a Terran destroyer and basic back-and-forth arguments. The Vasudan pilot points out that he isn't the only one here, and the GVCv Nebtuu does point out that they are here as well. The Captain of the Explorer pipes in and asks them to keep quite.

Then of course, pirates jump in and attack the convoy. Alpha and beta wings have to engage and destroy. The pirates go for only the Vasudan transports and freighters, along with the GVCv Nebtuu; but are rebuffed by Alpha 1. Mission debriefing mentions how odd this is; but nothing more. Alpha 3 and beta 1 MUSt survive the mission.

Mission two doesn't see the NTF revolution just yet - but suggests hints of it.

The Toeris completes its escort and all the civilian freighters jump out. They are about to jump out when a signal comes in from the GTD Repulse and Rear Admiral Koth - they are under massive attack by pirates. A conversation ensues between the captain of the Toeris and Admiral Koth.

The Captian of the Toeris asks what is going on, and questions about the assault, but Admiral Koth just keeps giving excuses about lack of information and some such. the conversation starts to get fierce but finally the Captain of the Toeris agrees and jumps out. But the mission isn't over just yet. The GTC Explorer and the GVCv Nebtuu have remained behind to help escort another group of civilians that are to arrive soon. They do arrive, followed by more bombers and fighters, all of which focus their attacks on the Nebtuu. When the Nebtuu asks for the Explorer to give covering AAA fire, the Explorer gives an excuse saying that all power relays have had a massive failiure and that they are dead in the water. Alpha wing finally manages to throw off the assault. All ships depart as they recieve a signal from the GTD Teoris. Note: Alpha 3 and Beta 1 must survive this mission.

Mission three is the betrayal. When the GVCv Nebtuu and Explorer arrive on the scene; they appear just before the GTD Teoris, which is right behind them. Ahead is Admiral Koth's ship, but no sign of the pirates. Surrounding the Repulse are several bombers, cruisers, corvettes and.......the Iceni.

When the Nebtuu asks what is going on, and what is the Iceni, Admiral Bosch replies, stating that Neo Terra has no place for Vasudans; and they should retreat immediately or be destroyed. He offers a choice to the terran pilots: either join or die. The main reason Alpha three and Beta 1 has to survive is for this mission: the true betrayal happens between both, when Alpha three attacks Beta 1. Cue comments from Beta 1 how they had worked alongside each others for 'years' yet how can Alpha 3 just turn on him like that. Cue general hatred/extremist reply against Vasudans and death scream from Beta 1. Various fighters take friendly and hostile IFFs accross the board, and Alpha one has to take down all hostiles and survive till the Toeris returns. Protection of the Nebtuu is secondary; but its still an objective.

When the Toeris finally arrives, the Captain confronts Koth, asking him how he could do this to the GTVA and conversations flowing with shock and fear. Mention that Koth worked with teh captain of the Toeris personally for several years; and how could he betray him, of all his friends. Bosch is the only one who replies that he is doing this for humanity, and orders Koth to open fire on the Toeris. Koth hesitates, unsure what to do, faced with one of his friends. Then Bosch reminds him this was what he had signed on to do; humanity's future is at stake, and unless they made a stand here and now, the dream of Neo Terra would never be realized. Bosch then reminds him coldly of what the GTVA have done for Koth and his family.

this fuels Koth onwards, and he coldly obeys, and opens fire (perhaps add a little 'I'm sorry.' bit here). The Toeris doesn't stick around, it and the Nebtuu jump out as the Explorer and other ships that came with it turn traitor and attack it. Neo Terra has arrived in Epsilon Pegasi.
Onto Mission four.

Mission four takes place with the Toeris on the run. At every corner, the fleet (consisting of the GTD Toeris, the GTCv Parapet and the GVCv Nebtuu) are hitting into and running from NTF Blockades and forces of varying sizes and magnitudes. The NTD Repulse has apperantly not chased them just yet, focusing more on getting the Iceni out of the system. The Main assault itself hasn't begun (as witnessed in the main campaign) and this mission focuses more just before it. NTF Units have defected from the 6th Fleet and more are pouring in from Deneb and Alpha Centauri. As it is, almost 40% of the fleet is in the hands of the NTF, and with forces pouring in, the odds don't look good.
With a damaged ship and a demoralized crew; the Captain of the Toeris has made a plan. The Toeris and the corvettes are of little use on their own, with little or no support from smaller craft and supplies. The first priority is on getting re-enforcements.

For this mission, it is in the form of a small group of cruisers that managed to avoid the NTF conflict so far. They have sent out a distress signal out requesting for immediate assistance. The mission is simple - Alpha wing has to go in, make contact with the cruisers and inform them of the situation. The Cruisers in question are the GTC Templar (Aeolus), the GTC Rampart (Leviathan) and the GTC Rogue (Fenris). All are holding position for now, next to a medical frigate that had come under assault from the NTF. The Cruisers communicate with the GTD Toeris and say that they are ready to move once the frigate has fixed it's engines. Alpha wing is ordered to protect them as per normal. You eventually get trouble, but then, this is freespace, waht do you expect? :p

The mission ends when an NTF Corvette jumps in (The NTCv Hawkwood) along with even more fighters and bombers. It opens fire on the frigate (cue message of 'oh the humanity!' or 'how descpicable' and such) and Alpha is ordered to retreat with the cruisers to the Toeris. The cruisers will play an important role in the next mission - which is a run on an NTF supply depot.

Mission five is done at the other end of the Epsilon Pegasi system. Admiral Koth has now turned his efforts into hunting down the GTD Toeris and it's small fleet. However, after the initial attack and betrayal by Koth, supplies are running low and the Toeris needs spare parts, food and water to keep on running. Contact with Command was re-established for a short while before it was lost again. Re-enforcements are on the way, and would be there within 36 hours - but the Toeris cannot wait that long, and with Koth hot on their heels, he would catch up to them long before the re-enforcements do.

Admiral Toeris says he has a plan to strike back at the NTF, and maybe stop Koth as well. But before they can start, they need the supplies present at this Depot. Scans revealed that it is gaurded by two cruisers, the NTC Majestic and the NTC Reef, along with several wings of fighters. The Depot itself consists of an Acardia Class Installation, several transports and a field of Cargo Containers.
Alpha wing will be going in first to Nuetralize all the fighters. Once that is done, the GTC Templar, the GTC Rogue and the GTC Rampart will jump in along with Gamma wing's bombers to take on the cruisers. During this time, Alpha wing has to go through the cargo and scan to see which one contains the cargo required. The cargo will be present in only three containers out of the entire bunch, and freighters will be dipatched to collect it once the scanning is done. But this is the more interesting twist here - a transmission is recieved from a transport on the other side of the station. It is from a group of civilian hostages being held by the NTF. They are the only survivors from a battle between NTF and GTVA forces elsewhere, and Koth had ordered them taken in rather than nuetralized. The transport is on auto-pilot and set to dock with the station within a few minutes, where marines would board and them take them into custody. Alpha one is ordered to terminate the auto-pilot (read: scan) onboard the transport. As soon as he's done however, a wing of fighters are launched from the station to intercept the transport and destroy it. Of course, Alpha 1 intercepts and they go kaplooie. The mission ends almost immediately after the transport departs, when Koth's destroyer pops in to stop the assault. Everyone jumps out, running like heck!

Mission six sees Alpha one back onboard the Toeris. The raid on the depot is declared a total success. The civilians have a rather interesting story to tell the Toeris. Koth's raid has been going on throughout Epsilon Pegasi, destroying GTVA forces left and right, leaving the Teoris's small fleet as the last remaing bastion of strength the GTVA has here. Losses of the fleet are estimated at 75%, a devastating blow to the 6th fleet. But interestingly enough, wherever Koth has been involved in battles that has Civilians inside of them, he has captured them rather than allow them be killed, and made sure that the ships acting under his command do not do the same. The Captain of the Toeris says this is one of the main reasons for his plan, which as unbelievable as it sounds, is to convince Admiral Koth to surrender. With re-enforcements less than twenty hours away, they are going to have to slow down Koth's destroyer long enough for them to get away. As of the moment, Koth himself is chasing down the Toeris, not trusting the task to any of his other ships, as the exact size of the Toeris's fleet is unknown to them.
A strike is planned against the chasing destroyer - which is just one jump behind them now. Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta wings will jump in near the Destroyer, with the main objectives being to disable the following systems: Navigation and Sensors. Disabling the Engines is not recommended since the Captain wants Koth to keep the chase himself - rather than dispatch the massive fleet at his command, which the Toeris would never survive against (but Koth doesn't know that).
Mission six is a success of both subsystems are disabled. Of course, make it tough for Alpha to do so. Koth has been delayed a few hours, giving the Toeris just enough time to make a run all the way to nearby Enif station.

Mission seven doesn't take place near Enif station - its at the other side of the planet in fact. The Toeris and Alpha wing jumps in, only to find an NTF force of two corvettes, a cruiser and a wing of bombers waiting for them.  A fierce battle ensues, and the NTF ships fall as they are outnumbered massively. But the Toeris takes a direct hit to the engines and they go down. Alpha must not gaurd the Toeris from several cruisers, corvettes and bombers as they jump in to take it out. Then finally, Koth himself comes in and opens fire on the Corvettes and Cruisers (but not the Destroyer itself. note: The Parapet, Nebtuu and Rampart all have to survive as they appear later in the main campaign). The battle ends when the GTCv Hawkwood sends a distress signal regarding a large, unknown ship before the signal terminates. Seconds later, the Colossus jumps in, right in-between Koth's destroyer and the Toeris. Koth retreats immediately; while the Toeris is ordered to stand down for the moment.
Debriefing mentions facts about the battle elsewhere in hte system, and the possible plan to lure Koth out from hiding. But the captian of the Toeris says he has a different idea instead, one which has a more peacefull resolution. Cue Mission eight.

Mission eight is simple, very simple actually. The captain of the Toeris knows one of Koth's hiding spots, and manages to track him down for a final showdown. The Toeris is alone, and here against Command's orders. The Repulse is alone, without any fighter cover or any other ships. They are still repairing damage which the Colossus did to it. The guns are off-line when the Toeris jumps in, and Koth muses how the Toeris has come to finish him off when he's down. The Captain of the Toeris says he isn't here to kill Koth, he never was. What follows is a long conversation and argument between Koth and the Captain of the Toeris - who tries his best to convince Koth in ending this Massacre; he brings out everything, including the friendship he had shared with Koth in his earlier years. When the main guns come back online on the Repulse, the Captain refuses to open fire, and instead disarms his guns, throwing his fate and their friendship entirely into Koth's hands. Koth ends up being surprised and speechless - but it works in a sense.

Koth then says he has no choice - and then says why.

The reason he defected was not because of his hatred of the Vasudans - it was what Bosch told him. It is revealed that in an attempt to get Koth to defect, Bosch told him everything of his plans - plans which convinced Koth to help Bosch and the NTF, for the sake of humanity - the very same reason that Bosch initially created the NTF. He has little choice but to fight. The Captian of the Toeris tries to convince him to tell him the plan - Koth agrees, and sends a classified packet of data directly to the Captain.

The Captain has almost got Koth to change sides when the signal comes in - the Rampart has been spotted attacking the Majestic and the Refute; and to save both Koth has to jump in and help them. Koth is surprised, thinking the Captain had betrayed him. He then opens fire and then jumps out to engage the Rampart....the debriefing mentions how Koth went up against the Colossus, and how Command might just court-martial the Captain of the Toeris for disobeying orders. If you want to extend it, mention Bosch's plan and how the Captain intends to act on it,otherwise cue end of campaign.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2004, 03:30:20 am by 1259 »
"Blessed be the FREDder that knows his sexps."
"Cursed be the FREDder that trusts FRED2_Open."
Dreamed of much, accomplished little. :(


Offline karajorma

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Okay Singh.

1. The campaign looks great. I definately think you should finish it off.

2. It's not actually the campaign I asked for though. I was talking about Koth's attack on Epsilon Pegasi that happens while the Aquitaine is in the nebula (75% losses, end of nebula operations only solved by the first deployment of the Colossus).

That said so far I think I'm liking this campaign even more :D

Finish her off. I've decided to go with FreespaceGundam's idea for now mostly cause it's nice and long (and finished) but although I won't be picking the next campaign we do I'm sure this will have to be in the running.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2004, 03:49:11 pm by 340 »
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline Singh

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thank you Karajoma. Don't worry about the attack bit - Koth's fleet will get the system one way or the other, and this focuses on the survivors of the initial betrayal and then the eventual attack.

Ive updated Mission four - mission five will be forthcoming soon :)
"Blessed be the FREDder that knows his sexps."
"Cursed be the FREDder that trusts FRED2_Open."
Dreamed of much, accomplished little. :(


Offline Singh

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there, updated all the way to Mission eight (which ought to be the last mission. Unless you want me to extend it all the way to 15+ Karajoma).

Edit: finished Mission eight. Thats the end of it, unless you intend to go all the way boss.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2004, 03:31:22 am by 1259 »
"Blessed be the FREDder that knows his sexps."
"Cursed be the FREDder that trusts FRED2_Open."
Dreamed of much, accomplished little. :(


Offline karajorma

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Post it to the new Campaigns thread. Just to keep things neat :D
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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