Author Topic: RELEASE - Shrouding the Light  (Read 100524 times)

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Offline Blaise Russel

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RELEASE - Shrouding the Light
A new week begins tomorrow, so a fortuitous moment for me to release a little something I've been working on...


A year has passed since the destruction of the Lucifer and the flight of the Shivan armada. In the year 2336, the Terran and Vasudan peoples attempt to reclaim their former empires and piece together their shattered lives. However, dissidents and splinter groups from within jeopardise their hopes of peace - fighting for independence or against hated alien foes. In the midst of all this turmoil, you are transferred, from the safety of the 1st Battlegroup of Vasuda to the 13th Battlegroup's PVD Guardian and the troubled hotspot of Deneb...


Shrouding the Light VP

FSPort main VP (fsport2_3.vp), also the FS1 music VP (fs1_warble.vp)

Lightspeeds Set 3 and Set 6 nebulae (green and blue)

Lightspeed's new Weapon Effects

Admiral Nelson's patch


Place the nebulae files in the data/effects folder

Place the VP files in the your mod directory

Select the mod, start up the game, create a new pilot, select the campaign and enjoy!
« Last Edit: July 08, 2006, 12:31:59 pm by Goober5000 »


Offline Gloriano

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RELEASE - Shrouding the Light
wow just wow campaing with 21 mission is good, great work dude :)
You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.- Nietzsche

When in despair I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won; there have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall.- Mahatma Gandhi


Offline Lightspeed

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RELEASE - Shrouding the Light
Woooow, a B.R. production!

*Downloads immediately* :D
Modern man is the missing link between ape and human being.


Offline Goober5000

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RELEASE - Shrouding the Light
Holy crap, BR! :eek2: You definitely need a new custom title - Grand High FREDder, or summat. :)

Downloading now (this'll seriously tie up my afternoon :p).


Offline Taristin

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RELEASE - Shrouding the Light
So this is why you've been so quiet in TVWP, and AotD... It all makes sense now...

Anywho, I think I'll DL this, Homesick, and Sol: A History, since I have all week off from work, for some odd reason. I may actually play what everyone is ranting and raving about! :D
Freelance Modeler | Amateur Artist


Offline Taristin

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RELEASE - Shrouding the Light
Also... You made this a Vasudan POV Campaign. And for this, I will love you forever! *Big ol' kiss*
Freelance Modeler | Amateur Artist


Offline Blaise Russel

  • Campaign King
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RELEASE - Shrouding the Light

Almost forgot - kudos to Lightspeed for his astounding backgrounds, the FSPort team for all the superb FS1 stuff (and new Vasudan weapons), and Dark for the excellent GVI Cheops. Tsk... where are my manners?
« Last Edit: September 16, 2004, 01:37:38 am by 1432 »

RELEASE - Shrouding the Light
&%#$@ school!  No time!  NO TIME!

(Maybe over Christmas break... :D)


Offline Taristin

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    • Skelkwank Shipyards
RELEASE - Shrouding the Light
Ack! I forgot how crappy the Anubis really is... :(

Anywho, excellent so far. But the first mission, I think would have been better sans hud. ;)
Freelance Modeler | Amateur Artist


Offline Mad Bomber

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RELEASE - Shrouding the Light
(curses slow dialup, then curses Verizon and Comcast for never laying cable in West Marlborough Township :mad: )

Still, lookin forward to playing it, once I get all this stuff downloaded... :)
"What the hell!? I've got a Snuffleupagus on my scanners! The Snuffleupagus is active!"


Offline Mad Bomber

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RELEASE - Shrouding the Light
A thought: Does this require SCP?

I really don't want to spend the hours upon hours it would take to download Open, regardless of how awesome it may be.
"What the hell!? I've got a Snuffleupagus on my scanners! The Snuffleupagus is active!"


Offline Axem

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RELEASE - Shrouding the Light
It takes hours to download a 1.5 meg file?


Offline Taristin

  • Snipes
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  • BlueScalie
    • Skelkwank Shipyards
RELEASE - Shrouding the Light
He's on a really slow dial up connection...
Freelance Modeler | Amateur Artist


Offline Axem

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RELEASE - Shrouding the Light
Ouch, I guess I've gotten too used to broadband. I remember the days when a 6MB download was a daunting thing.


Offline Night Hammer

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RELEASE - Shrouding the Light
Me thinks this should be newsified :nod:

Good work as always BR :nod:
Stop... Hammertime :hammer:

RELEASE - Shrouding the Light
Awesome! Not only is this a fairly cool campaign (playing as a Vasudan is always fun), but it also motivates me to finish my own freakin' campaign.

Great work, BR!

RELEASE - Shrouding the Light
I'm having problems downloading the It keeps saying "source file could not be read" or something.


Offline ionia23

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RELEASE - Shrouding the Light
Pulled down BR's campaigns last night for Sol, Homesick, and this very impressive looking one.

Looks like all the modules for FSPort are required for it.  Good thing I got those too :).  Between SCP Main Campaign, Templar, FSPort: Great War, FSPort: Silent Threat, BWO, Derelict, Sol, Homesick, STL, and Inferno....I'm going to be busy :).
"Why does it want me to say my name?"


Offline Blaise Russel

  • Campaign King
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RELEASE - Shrouding the Light
'Lo, all. Just got back from a day trip to Cambridge, see.

A thought: Does this require SCP?

STL does require FSOpen. 'Twas built on and optimised for the 3.6 build.

I'm having problems downloading the It keeps saying "source file could not be read" or something.

Hmm. I'm stumped... not something to do with me zipping it up with WinAce, is it? That's the only vaguely relevant thing I can think of...

RELEASE - Shrouding the Light
Actually I downloaded it successful from your webpage, but it doesn't seem to want to download the zip file from this thread for me.