Author Topic: Pre-FS1 tech (I've been thinking)  (Read 6202 times)

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Offline aldo_14

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Pre-FS1 tech (I've been thinking)
I've been thinking about this, and I'm wondering about 1/2 things....

- When was the Orion introduced?

According to the old FSURPs 14-year war timetable, the Typhon was only introduced in 2333, so I doubt the Vasudans would let the GTA have a technological suoperiority for that long if the Orion had been introduced in the early 2310's

- did the GTA / PVD have large-ships before the Great war, such as older destroyer and cruiser class ships?

I'm assuming that the Orion and Typhon would both have predecessors.  If only one side had one destroyer class when the war started, it would not have lasted as long...

- how large were the first starfaring vessels?

I think at least 1km+ for colony ships - namely as jump driove tech wouldn't have been perfected yet, and also there would be probably be a greater need for coolant, etc

- when did the Vasudans discover subspace?

Techroom says they were 'young' when they first entered space, so I'm assuming it would be around 2300-2310 (GTA - 2313)

- How large was the Vasudan empire when first contact was made?  

My assumption is that first contact was probably in Antares, and that the Vasudans would have had control of everything from Vasuda to Antares, and all the nodes to and including Vega

- did the GTA have fighter-based lasers from the start?

Possibly they initially used mass-driver tech, and 'learned' effective fighter lasers from studying Vasudan technology?

- Did the GTA even have a fleet when they first met the Vasudans?

No need if Earth was untied, bar a few anti-pirate / crime ships, and a few wing sof fighters.  Maybe the first contact with Vasudans prompted both to start building a space fleet?

Just some ideas i thought I'd throw to ya  

Searching for the very souls who've already been told


            [email protected]            
ICQ: 119819902


Offline Darkage

  • 211
Pre-FS1 tech (I've been thinking)
I believe the largest ship back then was the Fenris class. 250 meters

                            [email protected]                          Staff member of
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over it.    
Soc Inferno

Project Rebellion
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Returned from the dead.


Offline Kitsune

  • 27
Pre-FS1 tech (I've been thinking)
The largest may have been the fenris, because wartime situations can spawn great improvements in technology.

But at the same time I can imagine there was a go-between in production that was scrapped in favor of a more powerful ship.
~Space Kitsuné
6-Tailed RPG Nut.

"Why the hell don't we have any missles on this damn boat?!"
"But Sir, we have Tempests, Rockeyes, and unknown bombs."
"Like I said ensign, 'Why don't we have any missles on this damn boat?!"

"I went to a fight last night and a hockey game broke out."  -Groucho Marx


Offline Vertigo1

  • 'Scaper
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Pre-FS1 tech (I've been thinking)
And what pissed them off so much that they would declare war against eachother?

"You know you've played Freespace too much when you're driving along trying to use countermeasures to shake off pursuing highway police." - Top Gun

Material Defender Studios
Gargoyles, Season 1.  Buy it, or DIE! :)

"Professor! This ship is capable of traveling 90 percent the speed of light! Why are we only doing 35 miles an hour!" - Leela
"Because we're in a hurry!" - Professor

"from a purely stastical standpoint japanese men DO have smaller penii on average" - Kazan


Offline Nico

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Pre-FS1 tech (I've been thinking)
Originally posted by MD-2389:
And what pissed them off so much that they would declare war against eachother?

the terrans did not respect the "conversation" (or something like that) according to FS2 techroom.


Offline Eishtmo

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  • The One and Only
Pre-FS1 tech (I've been thinking)
You've read my mind aldo.  And now my thoughts on, at least, the evolution of the destroyer.  All names, except Sagittarius, may be changed.  Please comment to correct any canon errors.  Enjoy the probably history of the destroyer.

Orion:  The First Destroyer

   For this I have decided to, for the time being, ignore the Shivans.  We know so
little about them that it simply isn’t practical.  However, we know quite a bit about the Terrans, and can speculate with some accuracy about the Vasudans, especially their interactions.  So I will start the story here, and a bunch of speculation.

   The first destroyer class vessel was nothing like what we know today.  In fact,
destroyers probably haven’t been around for nearly as long as we suspect.  To begin, though, we must examine the ships that came before, for which the only evidence we have is our own imagination.  So allow me some leeway here.

   The final war of a series known as the Unification Wars ended in 2316, and with it the GTA as we have come to know it was formed.  A united Terran military force to help keep the various alliance members in line and protect all from pirates was formed,  and former enemies now became shipmates and wingmen.  The transition would not be easy, and until the 14 Year War some five years later would it be complete.

   But the fleets now united under GTA command were each enormous.  The biggest three fleets, from the old Terran Alliance, Lunar Republic and Jovian Alliance, had nearly a thousand ships each, creating a logistical, and financial nightmare.  As the various Admirals of the united fleet met for the first time in one of the new Arcadia stations high above Earth, their most pressing matter was to try to figure out how to manage such an unmanageable fleet.  Though many ideas were purposed, and some used, the one we’ll be concerned about is the decision to retire one of the ship classes that all but dominated the fleet:  the Leo battleship.

   In an age before advanced anti-capital ship bombs had been developed, a whole battleship was needed to fight off their equivalents, and protect the fleet.  This was a role that, in 2301, the Leo was designed for.  But time had finally come knocking, and the ship was no longer up to standards.  Their reactors were old, inefficient, and falling apart.  The weapons weren’t on the same technological level as the newer ship in the fleet, the Fenris cruiser.  So the decision was handed down to replace the Leo with a more modern

   The project was eventually turned over to the Han-Ronald Corporation, the famed creators of the Fenris cruiser.  Within their employ was a genius, Robert Williams.  Williams had been the key designer of the Fenris as well as a multitude of impressive transports including the Elysium, a transport that would serve far into the future.  He was an expert at making designs that could be easily upgraded with the latest technology.  So good was he that the Fenris and the later Leviathan would serve far beyond their predicted lifetimes.

   The problem for Williams, of course, was to make a much larger, more powerful warship than a simple cruiser.  After careful study of the tactics and theories regarding the use of such ships he decided that replacing the Leo was not the answer.  Instead, he decided that both the Leo and its carrier companion, the Sagittarius, could, and should, be replaced by one ship that could do both.  The leadership of the GTA liked the idea, and
Williams was given the green light to try.  The result would change battlefield tactics
forever.  But first, he had to fail.

   It took him nearly five months to design the new class of ship, doing most of the work by himself.  His blood, sweat and tears went into the design, and he named it the Orion Destroyer.  But this isn’t the destroyer we have all come to know and love.  In fact, many who would study this ship would call it the Pocket Orion, a name that fits it far better than any other I could come up with.  The PO (easier to write don’t you think) was little more than a third of the size of our Orion, about 750-800 meters long.  Though small, the ship was quite advanced supporting the ability to literally replace every part short of the hull with the most advanced technology, something that would carry over to our Orion.  It was designed to combine the capital ship smacking power of the Leo with the swarming fighter capacity of the Sagittarius.

   The problem, however, was that it couldn’t do either job very well.  Primitive
reactors and low fighter compliments didn’t allow it to accomplish missions as well as the pairing of the Sagittarius and Leo through computer simulations.  The design was still brilliant, but failed in too many areas.  The first destroyer was rejected, not even a prototype was built.  And Robert Williams was crushed.  Many believed that he was washed up at this point, the spark gone.  History would prove them wrong.

   He returned to the task he had begun, and tried to fix the problems with the PO.
Though its unclear how the final design for the Orion came to him, but according to his own biography, Williams was bored one night and simply ordered the computer to simply upscale the ship.  He liked the idea, and called in everyone he knew, because this was a project that would need more than just him to do.  It took two months, and the Orion as we know it was born of the genius of every Terran ship designer alive.

   The Orion we know today faced only one hurdle to approval, cost.  The ship was
frighteningly expensive, even to the very deep pockets of the GTA.  In the short term, it was decided that the Orion would be little more than a figurehead, and aside from a prototype, the GTD Orion, only four would be initially ordered, and due to their size, Han-Roland couldn’t do the job.  Instead, the Orions would be built by the newly formed Department of Starship Management (DoSM), an office designed specifically to build the Orion.  As the years would go by, every warship would pass through DoSM, including the Hecate and Aeolus.  But as a symbol of their pride, the insignia that hangs on the main office door still has a picture of an Orion under construction.

   GTD Orion would come off the assembly lines in July of 2319, some six months before the Vasudans were encountered.  This triggered a push on construction, completing the second Orion, GTD Gaia, by July of the next year.  Gaia and Orion were in functional service just as the 14 Year War began.  The Gaia would be the first Orion in combat, defending Earth from a Vasudan raiding party very early in the war.  So successful was it, that the Gaia would become the defender of Earth, and the command ship of the 1st Terran Fleet.  Following the raid, the remaining four came out of the Io shipyards, with orders for many more to follow.  By the 2328, all of the old Leos had been either destroyed or retired, and only a handful of Sagittarius’ remained in limited service.  The Orion would serve as the biggest ship in the combined Terran and Vasudan fleets until 2349, when the Hatshepsut (or Hecate, unsure on this issue) was introduced.  Even as new technology was developed, the Orion would be updated, replacing reactors, weapons, sensors, fighter bays, nearly everything, and this ability was used to stuff the Bastion and Nereid with meson warheads and seal the nodes to Capella.

   A bust of Williams was placed outside the offices of DoSM after his death in 2333.
His last design, the Hippocrates, wouldn’t be built until after the Great War.  In his honor, one was named after him, but was destroyed in a Hammer of Light raid in 2338.  There are no plans to name another one after him.

The Vasudan Destroyers

   The raid on Earth in late 2321 changed the Vasudans greatly.  After training for years to fight hoards of religious fanatics, they couldn’t get over the accuracy, and power of GTA weapons.  But what scared them more than anything were the rumors of a super ship that had dished out most of the damage.  The Gaia shook PVN command to core, and they quickly scrambled to meet the new challenge.  In less than six months, the Vasudans produced their first destroyer, the PVD Thanatos.  Unfortunately for the Vasudans, they had made the same mistake Williams had made nearly four years earlier, the Thanatos was simply to small to be very effective.

   Though the Thanatos was an unmediated disaster, it showed the GTA the speed with which this new enemy could adjust their tactics.  The Vasudans cranked out nearly fifty Thanatos’ in less than four years, swamping the battlefield with them.  Despite their design, however, they were eventually regulated to the classic battleship role, leaving the small and ineffective fighter bays to be turned in to a easily destroyable reactor housing.
Eventually, the Thanatos would vanish from the battlefield, the last one going down in the Battle of Talnia in 2327.

   But those four years of mass producing Thanatos’ had not been wasted.  Careful study of the Orion had revealed the flaws in the design, and a new destroyer, the Savior class, was developed.  In 2326, the first Savior’s came off the line.  They were one and a half kilometers long, and capable of taking on an Orion at point blank range.  But their true weakness was soon exposed.  In an attempt to emulate some of the design decisions of the Orion, they placed the Saviors reactor near the outer hull without realizing that it was there to be easily removed in case of failure or need for replacement.  Of course, they weren’t stupid and quickly placed a turret on the spot to protect the reactor.  But instead of protecting it, they simply turned it into a target.  By the end of the cease fire of 2328, the GTA began exploiting the poor design decision, and sending Saviors down in droves.

   Despite the horrendous losses of Saviors, the Vasudans continued to produce them until 2333, when the first Typhon came off the line.  Eventually, the remaining Saviors were either destroyed or recycled, and the Typhon became the frontline destroyer for the Vasudan Empire.  The new design made the Terrans laugh, until the Eisenhower and the 4th fleet fell at the hands of a fleet led by one.  The reason it finally worked, as opposed to the old Saviors, was that it was based on Vasudan design philosophy instead of Terran.  This led to the reactor was buried deep in the hull to protect it.  Despite this, GTA planners tried to blast the turrets off of Typhons hoping to hit the reactor, thus the reason why GTA info on the ship indicated that the turret armor was weaker than expected.

   The Typhon would serve a long and proud history, but by placing the reactor deep in the hull, the new weapons of the fleet doomed many to death.  As time would pass, the new Hatshepsut class leaned even farther toward their own design ideas and away from the Orion.  But at the same time, the general destroyer concept changed as well.  While the Hatshepsut became more like the battleship of old, the Hecate, then new Terran destroyer, became more like a carrier.  Considering this trend, eventually the old division between carrier and battleship will make a comeback, and the reign of the destroyer as queen of the fleet will fade once again into history.

I'm working on another version of the 14 Year War timeline and history.  That'll take a bit longer than this did.  Later.

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I know there is a method, but all I see is madness.
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I know there is a method, but all I see is madness.


Offline QXMX

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Pre-FS1 tech (I've been thinking)
Here's something I compiled for a campaign idea.  It's not cannon, but hey  

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The History of Exodus Fleet

Long before the outbreak of war between the GTA and the Vasudan Emperium, the GTI, then under the command of Admiral Allenson, was tasked with the advance exploration of potential star systems for colonization.  They had many resources at their disposal including the full backing of the GTA security council and their own base of operations in a remote area of Delta Serpentis.  From there, they launched many expeditions to uncharted systems, but soon discovered the logistics of such expeditions were extremely hard to meet using the smaller craft supplied to them by the military.  They petitioned the GTA for permissions to begin research into larger craft.

Over the next 17 years, the GTI conducted research into large-scale reactor systems, stabilizing devices, jump drives, and high-stress framework.  There were many failures, including the GTXS Andromeda and the GTXS Hixos, until a new prototype, the GTXS Nebus, became the first Terran capital ship put into active service.  This flying colony spanned over 2 kilometers in length and was fully equipped to deal with the hazards of exploring new terretories.  It was equipped with enough life support and and cargo space to support up to 10,000 passengers and crew for up to 6 months at a time, with space left over for sample storage heavy machinery.

However, a short time after that, in 2303, a historic meeting took place in the Ribos system.  The GTSC Tendros, making routine surveys in the Ribos, detected an energy signature of unknown configuration.  Several minutes later, the Science Cruiser was face to face with a small alien cruiser.  It took several days just to set up a method of communication.  The species, identifying themselves as "Vasudans" in the Terran Language, were an intriguing lot, very sophisticated, cultured, and advanced.  Meetings were set up in both Sol and the Vasudan Home System of Vasuda Prime, and soon the two species became trading partners, exchanging knowledge and learning about each other.

The GTA security council, however, took a sharply different view of this development.  They knew that another sentient species so close to Sol could and will eventually result in conflict.  So, while fostering good relations with the Vasudans diplomatically, they instructed the GTI to create more powerful and advanced weaponery and warships in preparation.  The GTI undertook several projects, fully funded by the GTA SC, and this netted several outstanding new weapons.  The ML-16 Laser became the GTA's newest weapon, capable of destabilizing the molecular bonds between atoms, and also the disruptor Cannon, capable of knocking out electronic subsystems.  The Apollo fighter and the Angel Scout craft entered their Op-eval phases, and, most importantly, the GTXS Nebus was modified to incorporate more weapons turrets, a stronger hull, and combat spacecraft and became the very first Terran Destroyer, the GTD Orion.

Even with these new advances, the GTI began to go further, researching how to build even bigger and more powerful warships and weapons.  However, the outbreak of the T-V war shifted the GTI's main focus to intelligence gathering and sabatoge, which severely cut into its weapons research programs.  All but the most crucial were cut, and work on the larger warships was suspended until further notice.

That notice never came.  The war dragged on for nearly 14 years with no end in sight.

The GTA Security Council desired a new avenue of attack.  They charged the GTI to seek out new territories from which to attack the Vasudans, hopefully finding nodes that the Vasudans hadn't yet discovered.  Antares, Ikeya, and Ross 128 became launch points for these expeditions.  Barnard's Star and Gamma Draconis were discovered at this time, but lacking any real jump nodes into Vasudan Territory, these systems were largely ignored.

In the year 2333, a GTI scouting wing in the Ross 128 system came accross a small asteroid field.  They detected strange power signatures coming from inside.  Assuming a possible Vasudan Ambush position, they entered the asteroid field.  Contact was very shortly lost with the wing, and all available fighters were deployed to the area.  The GTI cruiser in the area, the GTC Zane, found little trace of the Wing Gamma, and also found something alltogether strange.  A strange looking fightercraft sat in the nebula, apparently completely disabled.  There was nothing to suggest anything that it was this ship that destroyed Gamma Wing, and black boxes recovered from these craft showed bits and pieces of a violent first contact.  The fighter was commandeered by GTI special ops forces and all evidence of the meeting was erased from records.  The fighter itself was towed back to the Sol System and underwent extensive research.  This, too, was, however, a second string project that was soon suspended to bend more resources to war.

2335.  Everyone remembers the year that we first encounter the Shivans, and the year of the Great War.  Never before had either the Terrans or the Vasudans encountered a species of this great of power and technology.  When they pulled together, they shared ideas and technology, and discovered that each other weren't so bad after all, but even stealing and adapting Shivan technology didn't appear to be enough to stop them.  The appearence of the SD Lucifer and the destruciton of Vasuda Prime was a deciding factor in reopening the the old GTI Technology project, renamed project Exodus, classified Level Omega.  This called for the remodification of 2 Orion Ships and several smaller craft in preparation for a mass exodus from Terran-Vasudan Space.  This proved to be unecessary, however, with the destruction of the SD Lucifer and the collapsing of the Sol Jump Node.  The GTI HQ in Delta Serpentis shifted focus again, gathering together all shivan technology they could get their hands on, which led to the GTI Hades Rebellion of 2336.  The GTI lost this war, and their records were largely destroyed.

Ten years later, work began on the GTVA Collossus.  This was largely a result of of analyzing Shivan Technology and combining the best aspects of both Terran and Vasudan sophistication.  In preparation, the newly formed GTVA and GTVI took a look at some of the former projects of the Rogue GTI, and came accross Project Exodus.

During the Collossus construction period, several large ship secrets were discovered, including massive fusion reactor technology.  The GTVI believed in the Collossus, but they also needed a contingency plan for the survival of both species.  In 2253, Project Exodus, renamed GTVI Directive Omega 18, was revived in the now lightly travelled Delta Serpentis System.  The project, which called for a modification of 2 Orions, now called for the construction of a ship much larger than the Colossus.  The design was originally redesigned for a Juggernaut about 5 kilometers in length, but as more advances were made with the Colossus project, and as more needs were added, the craft underwent several redesigns, getting bigger and bigger.  The final design, the GTWS Exodus could, if necessary, serve as a colony ship for over 100,000 Terran and Vasudan Soldiers and Civilians, with its own escort fleet.  Those who would go were pre-chosen, and the list was updated every 5 years.  The ship itself, a monument to engineering, spans over 16 kilometers in length, and sports a Subspace Stabilizing Drive based on scans taken from the Lucifer and the Hades.  A fully functional colony equipped with living space, cargo space, factories, processing plants, 2 fighterbays and 1 heavy launch bay, hydroponic and agricultural domes, Entertainment and business facilities, medical facilities, and everything else that it might need for self-sufficiency.  The ship itself has its own division of over 600 fighters and bombers and pilots, soldiers, and other military installations, as well as a sizeable escort fleet(see details on concept art) and an elite detachment of marines and security forces.  Completed early in 2365, it sat in dry-dock in Delta Sepentis awaiting the fateful order that everybody hoped that nobody would have to give.  Gradually, the GTVA brass became confident that the Shivan threat was over, so plans were made to strip parts of the Exodus for parts and supplies.

Unfortunately, those dreams were shattered in the Spring of 2367, when the NTF re-established contact with the Shivans in the Gamma Draconis System.  This time, it appeared that there was no stopping them, they poured from the Nebula, through the Knossos, into GTVA Space.  The contingency plan was put into motion, with all selected personnel and civilians being ferried to the Exodus.  Its escort fleet formed, including the GTD Delecroix(wasn't destroyed in the fight with the SD Ravanna), the GVD Aldebaran, and several smaller cruisers, corvettes, and transports  Following the near loss of the Aquataine and the Appearance of the Shivan Juggernaut, Exodus Fleet made its departure through an uncharted jump node found during the reconstruction period.  Contact has been lost with GTVA Space, and we fear the worst.  We may very well be the last surviving Terrans and Vasudans in the universe.  That was 23 years ago.


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Now, 2390, is a year like any year.  We've been adrift for some time now, and we're still no closer to finding our new home.  *sigh*  I guess it's back to swapping the deck again.  At least I'll be in the military in a few weeks; maybe I'll get to fly one of those new fighters next year. *sigh*  Can't wait.

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Offline Nico

  • Venom
    Parlez-vous Model Magician?
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Pre-FS1 tech (I've been thinking)
harg! two long posts. I'll read that later (considers this as a "bump"   )


Offline Darkage

  • 211
Pre-FS1 tech (I've been thinking)
Originally posted by venom2506:
harg! two long posts. I'll read that later (considers this as a "bump"   )

  what he said

                            [email protected]                          Staff member of
Don't loose
your headz
over it.    
Soc Inferno

Project Rebellion
Gost of the past
iqc 102628858
[email protected]
Returned from the dead.


Offline Vertigo1

  • 'Scaper
  • 28
Pre-FS1 tech (I've been thinking)
Originally posted by darkage:
  what he said  

"You know you've played Freespace too much when you're driving along trying to use countermeasures to shake off pursuing highway police." - Top Gun

Material Defender Studios
Gargoyles, Season 1.  Buy it, or DIE! :)

"Professor! This ship is capable of traveling 90 percent the speed of light! Why are we only doing 35 miles an hour!" - Leela
"Because we're in a hurry!" - Professor

"from a purely stastical standpoint japanese men DO have smaller penii on average" - Kazan


Offline aldo_14

  • Gunnery Control
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Pre-FS1 tech (I've been thinking)
During the T-V War (later called the 14-Year War)  Terrans have excelled (over Vasudans) in the area of mass manufacturing and weaponry.

(from FSRef Bible)

If the GTA was better at both making ships, and had better weapons, how come the T-V war degenerated into a war of attrition, with both sides suffering heavy losses?

Does this mean that the PVE had a huge standing navy?

(and why have the little smily icons above this post vanished?   )

Searching for the very souls who've already been told


            [email protected]            
ICQ: 119819902


Offline Kitsune

  • 27
Pre-FS1 tech (I've been thinking)
Perhaps it was sheer determination and skill?

The vasudans had some very speedy and manueverable fighters.

All this talk has me thinking about doing a battleship as well.
The main diference will be the addition of anti-fighter turrets.
They'll have special short range (800-900 meters or so) but a really fast firing time and turret turn time will be VERY quick.(0.1)
And alot better at anti-bomber defences.

Hmm, 10 30" Guns (Higher speed and damage, but it isn't an energy weapon so the ship would need to be rearmed after missions), 10 regular turrets, 5 multi-purpose missle launchers, and 15 screen defence guns.
~Space Kitsuné
6-Tailed RPG Nut.

"Why the hell don't we have any missles on this damn boat?!"
"But Sir, we have Tempests, Rockeyes, and unknown bombs."
"Like I said ensign, 'Why don't we have any missles on this damn boat?!"

"I went to a fight last night and a hockey game broke out."  -Groucho Marx


Offline Ace

  • Truth of Babel
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Pre-FS1 tech (I've been thinking)
Play Cardinal Spear  

I hope in the far future to renovate it totally into something that can go down as matching Volition quality. (i.e. actually do up some new models, weapon icons, a few dialogue tweaks, full cb animations, and it's then done)

In the Babel Effect, mention is made of the GTD Kemuel which is later the frame used for the Balius carriers.

The Orions were innovations of the mid V-T war, and the "Kemuel" was a ship first designed with artificial gravity shortly after the Fenris class.

We can assume that artificial gravity was later in the V-T war, with the Orions and similar craft as the Orion seems to be a 3rd generation ship, Fenris 2nd, and the older ships more then likely didn't have artificial gravity but did have a "paintjob" like the Fenris.

Anyhow in FS:FPS there is a lot that shows that artificial gravity isn't perfect in the 7th year of the V-T war, Orions are the new bastions of the fleet, and Typhons aren't there yet.

Staff member FreeSpace Watch
Self-plagiarism is style.
-Alfred Hitchcock


Offline Red5

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Pre-FS1 tech (I've been thinking)
 My GTF-Congo Bomber was produced during the T-V war
This is my signature

Pre-FS1 tech (I've been thinking)
Originally posted by aldo_14:
[B- did the GTA have fighter-based lasers from the start?

Possibly they initially used mass-driver tech, and 'learned' effective fighter lasers from studying Vasudan technology?

Except Terrans have always had better weapons than the Vasudans. Who was stealing the Avenger from us in the great war?

And another question. What started the war? E's probably got better ideas than me, but I'd say this.

1. Terrans and Vasudans have first contact and get along well.

2. A number of Terran and Vasudan ships are destroyed by unknown forces - Shivans? There are no survivors

3. Each side balmes the other for the attacks putting them on uneasy ground.

4. A Terran figher wing finds a terran cruiser (heavily dmaged by Shivans) with Vasudan rescue ships swarming around it.

5. Terrans assume that the Vasudans attacked and open fire on them. Vasudans fight back - War starts.

Culloden - 16th April 1746


Offline aldo_14

  • Gunnery Control
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Pre-FS1 tech (I've been thinking)
I had an idea on the start of the T-V war myself;

Basically, first contact is made on 2319.  According to the FS Ref bible, people are happy to learn of life.

Unfortunately, a number of rogue elements in both sides are involved in minor skirmishes.  Although there is no war, tensions are inflamed and both sides begin to improve their fleets.  When a Vasudan colonisation ship is destroyed by Terran rebels, killing an important dignitary, the 2 races become ever more paranoid.

PEace hangs on a knife-edge.

The breaking point comes when a Terran dignitary is meeting with a Vasudan counterpart on a (unknown-ype) VasDestroyer, to discuss trade rights in the uncolonised systems.

Unfortunately, the Terran makes a communications error upon his trnasport leaving the ship - offending the Vasudan dignitary enough for them to attack and destroy the Elysium.


(just an idea - feel free to better it   )


Offline Ace

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Pre-FS1 tech (I've been thinking)
Sounds pretty close to what Volition had established Aldo.  

I'd actually go a step further, that the rebellious Vasudans could even be the HoL, believing that the Terrans are the "all powerful race" and wish to start the war to cleanse the Vasudan people.

The actual war being sparked by conversation being mishandled during a diplomatic meeting on colonial settlement also works, with tensions on both sides leading to armed conflict almost instantly.

Staff member FreeSpace Watch
Self-plagiarism is style.
-Alfred Hitchcock


Offline Eishtmo

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Pre-FS1 tech (I've been thinking)
Well, the 14 Year War started for the same reason all wars start, resources, fear, nationalism, imperialism, ect, ect.  I think political factors played a major part in why the war last as long as it did, though I do believe there were several cease fires along the way.

In the end, it wasn't that the conversation ceremony was messed up, it was the fact that neither side decided to forgive it.  By the timeline I've done, initial contact was actually quite peaceful, with two experianced and intellengent diplomats trying to ensure peace for the next few decades.  Then the treaty they work out is rejected by the goverments, and the diplomats shipped off to obscure stations.  Now two idiots meet, get all pissy, and. . . Well, you know the rest.

By my estimation, though, its likely there was contact long before "official" contact.  Unfortunatly, it mostly had to do with illegal trade (drugs mostly).

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I know there is a method, but all I see is madness.

Pre-FS1 tech (I've been thinking)
Originally posted by Eishtmo:
By my estimation, though, its likely there was contact long before "official" contact.  Unfortunatly, it mostly had to do with illegal trade (drugs mostly).

Ys, but not by tht long. I'll admit that Pirates and the likes probably made firt contact firt, but no matter how hard they tried, they'd only be abl to keep it a secret for a month. Two at best.

Culloden - 16th April 1746


Offline aldo_14

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Pre-FS1 tech (I've been thinking)
Originally posted by Culloden:
Ys, but not by tht long. I'll admit that Pirates and the likes probably made firt contact firt, but no matter how hard they tried, they'd only be abl to keep it a secret for a month. Two at best.

I don't think that really makes sense IMO....

1/ How would the pirates / smugglers be able to communicate?  I doubt any criminal enterprise finance the development of a translator.

2/  Would there even be any pirates in Vasudan systems?  Because the initial colonisation would be by government/GTA ships, any initial contact would surely be by either the colonisation ships, or the initial colonists.  Especially if the GTA sent in scout fighters / ships first.

3/ first contact would probably be either in a 'new' system, or as Vasudans entered a jumpnode.  New systems are highly unlikely to be pirated, as there would be relatively little business there.  Also, initial concentrations of GTA forces would be high, to secure the system.  Jumpnodes would obviously be protected.

4/Actual contact between Vasudans and terran renegades would be highly unlikely, as the Vasudans are suppossedly very caste conscious.  They would probably frown on criminal groups.

Another thing is that first contact would be a truly earth-shattering (maybe not the right word   )experience.... it would be almost impossible for someone to kep it quiet, even if they wanted to.

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