Author Topic: Cutscenes status  (Read 2012 times)

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Offline dizzy

  • 26
Hi there

What whould be the status right now in fs2_open & linux for playing the cutscenes ? Which formats are supported ?

(this actually started by noticing that it does not play the divx version of cutscenes which might be kinda normal if fs2_open has no included divx decoder and doesn't seem to link against one)

AFAIK there's no support for cutscenes right now...
I think someone (TurboMan?) said, that he would try to inplement MPEG-Cutscene-Support because AVI-Cutscene-Support would be difficult...


Offline taylor

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Just be patient, I've been working on new movie code for all platforms.  It's not a priority at the moment but will be done before too much longer.  I've got to get the OSX version going and debugged and get all of the sound code updated first.

AVI cutscene support is a bit more difficult but I've decided to just do it anyway.  I'm going to use ffmpeg for AVI and MPG support since it works on the platforms and architectures that we need and is LGPL (when not compiled with the GPL code bits).


Offline dizzy

  • 26
hehe, I was going to sugest ffmpeg too. Damn I would wish the day whould be 36hours instead of 24h, it's not enough time for work, school, home and the various projects I work on and fs2. Cause I would really like to work on this on fs2_open (the movie support). But if you already done something into this direction I guess that would result in duplicated work.

I was thinking, the main problems whould be:
1. decoding the frames (use ffmpeg for that)
2. displaying them (as I can see there is a lot of stuff to read about all this formats to package the video information, other than RGB that is, but I think because fs2 already portably uses OpenGL then we could use OpenGL functions to display the movie frames :))


Offline taylor

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Originally posted by dizzy
I was thinking, the main problems whould be:
1. decoding the frames (use ffmpeg for that)
2. displaying them (as I can see there is a lot of stuff to read about all this formats to package the video information, other than RGB that is, but I think because fs2 already portably uses OpenGL then we could use OpenGL functions to display the movie frames :))

About the only problems with ffmpeg are the licensing issues but avoiding some capabilities by not using the GPLed code I think we'll be mostly ok.

I've already got ffmpeg support pretty much done otherwise though.  It's still rough and needs a lot of cleanup and optimization, but it will work.  I want to try and use it on all platforms though which will take a little longer to get worked out.  Gettting all of that done is low priority like I said though.  It needs the new sound code for one thing and that's not even buildable yet.  When the OSX version is done and tested, 3.6.7 goes out with official Linux and OSX binary packages, TBP gets installers for Linux and OSX, and after I get some sleep then I'll start working on the sound and movie code again. :)


Offline dizzy

  • 26
Oh I see, nice. So then, I'll just continue to "test" fs2_open by continuing to play the campaigns I have in the queue and try to keep my promise to do the ebuilds for fs2_open, TBP when the Linux support releases happen.

Keep up the good work! :)

I have far too less disk space :(
I had to delete FS2 because of that (but I burned it on DVD with the current media_vps and binarys ;) )
I hope that I can start "testing" again, soon ;)
Ahh... It's great, that so "many" good games get ported to Linux...
Far more game developers should put the games they made under the GPL :)
Does anyone know if the Homeworld SDL developer is working on his project anymore?

Hmm... I should learn to code C(++) so that I could help out eventually...