Author Topic: Prologue Released!  (Read 185739 times)

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Offline Starman01

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Well, I replayed it and got the right ending this time. Did the first cruiser maybe fire torpedos I missed?

Possible, but the turret-AI should be very good in shooting down the capship missiles (at least at longer range), besides a single cruisemissile hit shouldn't do more than 25% damage, and you said you had 50% left on the wellington ?

9 out of 10 voices in my head always tell me that I'm not insane. The 10th is only humming the melody of TETRIS.


Offline Buzz

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Possible, but the turret-AI should be very good in shooting down the capship missiles (at least at longer range), besides a single cruisemissile hit shouldn't do more than 25% damage, and you said you had 50% left on the wellington ?

yeah, it took some damage from fighters, but nothing major.  I finished off the cruiser, got rocked by the blast, die Wellington radiod "thanks for saving our bacon" and I was returned to the mission briefing screen, saying that without a carrier, I was screwed...

it worked fine the second time, though

ps: How do  I apply for a job with you guys? Seriously.


Well, I replayed it and got the right ending this time. Did the first cruiser maybe fire torpedos I missed?

Possible, but the turret-AI should be very good in shooting down the capship missiles (at least at longer range), besides a single cruisemissile hit shouldn't do more than 25% damage, and you said you had 50% left on the wellington ?

Wait, what? 0.o; That same mission, I accidentally let a single enemy missile in from a Gothra (I think that's how you spell it), and that single missile destroyed the Wellington. But ...the ship had 65% health. I'm not entirely sure whether or not the Wellington had full shields on the side it got hit on, but because my wingmates and I were mopping the floor with the enemy bombers, I bet it did.

So I got to the second-to-last beacon, and then, poof, because of one missile. Eh? That supposed to happen? x_X

Also, strange thing. I saw one person complain about missing cruisers in that same mission. Well...first (think it was that one) nav point, where the Wellington yells about incoming capship missiles. Eh. Where? I was looking around, hitting B the whole time, but didn't find any missiles. My wingmates didn't break to defend and the Wellington's turrets didn't shoot. No capship missiles came. o.o;

Oh, by the way, one more thing. Did you guys improve the AI or something? My wingmates are actually absurdly good fliers. They're rarely dropping into the red zone, and almost always killing every missile before it even gets within a half-click of the carrier. I actually feel safe on bombing missions for once!


Offline MetalDestroyer

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It should be noted that the Arrow features the same autoslide (or "Shelton Slide") feature that it had in Wing Commander III. Autoslide is toggled on and off by pressing Alt + G. When Autoslide is engaged, maneuvering the Arrow with the joystick or keyboard will make it pivot on its axis without changing its direction of flight, which has multiple tactical usages.

How do we know if the ship has a slide control and it is enabled ?


Offline Tolwyn

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Also, strange thing. I saw one person complain about missing cruisers in that same mission. Well...first (think it was that one) nav point, where the Wellington yells about incoming capship missiles. Eh. Where? I was looking around, hitting B the whole time, but didn't find any missiles. My wingmates didn't break to defend and the Wellington's turrets didn't shoot. No capship missiles came. o.o;

Ehh... yeah?

It should be noted that the Arrow features the same autoslide (or "Shelton Slide") feature that it had in Wing Commander III. Autoslide is toggled on and off by pressing Alt + G. When Autoslide is engaged, maneuvering the Arrow with the joystick or keyboard will make it pivot on its axis without changing its direction of flight, which has multiple tactical usages.

How do we know if the ship has a slide control and it is enabled ?

Only the Arrow has this feature. :)
Wing Commander Saga: A Legend Is Reborn | WingCenter
Tolwyn’s reputation for risk taking with other people’s lives was considered  to understate the facts. The admiral’s willingness to sacrifice anyone or anything to achieve his objectives had long been lauded in the popular press. He was “the man who got things done”.- Colonel Blair

No errors, no random CTDs, just pure fun and proof of why getting hit with missiles is a bad thing.
-WC Saga's beta tester

Report Wing Commander Saga bugs with Mantis


Offline karajorma

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And the only way to know if it's on (apart from watching to see what's flying past your ship) is to remember whether you turned it on or not :)

We really need a HUD indicator for it :)
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline Starman01

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We really need a HUD indicator for it :)

Seconded ( I have to add this to my wishlist :) )

Also, strange thing. I saw one person complain about missing cruisers in that same mission. Well...first (think it was that one) nav point, where the Wellington yells about incoming capship missiles. Eh. Where? I was looking around, hitting B the whole time, but didn't find any missiles. My wingmates didn't break to defend and the Wellington's turrets didn't shoot. No capship missiles came. o.o;

At this navpoint there is no enemy capitalship. I just used a trick to have some real bombs appearing.  The Wellington and the close defending fighters will be able to intercept a few missiles, but not all. But their guard goal only starts when the danger get's closer. Maybe this is also a timing problem of the mission scripts once you reached the autopilot. Let's see if more people report this (because I doubt you will be able to reproduce it). It always worked for me, and you wouldn't believe how often I played it :)

Oh, by the way, one more thing. Did you guys improve the AI or something? My wingmates are actually absurdly good fliers. They're rarely dropping into the red zone, and almost always killing every missile before it even gets within a half-click of the carrier. I actually feel safe on bombing missions for once!

No improvement on the code side, but I use a lot of AI goals for the allied fighter to make them appear intelligent and as the missionscript orders them :)

@Buzz : I will post something in couple of days regarding new jobs we have to offer. Just a short note (I don't want to turn this into a recruiting thread ;) ) mission designers are always welcome :)

9 out of 10 voices in my head always tell me that I'm not insane. The 10th is only humming the melody of TETRIS.


Offline Buzz

  • 23
@Buzz : I will post something in couple of days regarding new jobs we have to offer. Just a short note (I don't want to turn this into a recruiting thread ;) ) mission designers are always welcome :)

allright, cool, keep me posted.


It has been some time since I heard from this "little" project and when I did first hear about it, I was rather sceptical. Over the years - as part of several fan-communities - I have seen several ambitious fan-projects fail miserably. While I did not necessarily expect this one here to fail, I still felt rather unexcited about it - which lasted until I actually installed the prologue and began playing it...

I am blown away, really! This is IT, this is the real thing, this is Wing Commander finally back where it should be! Back on my PC and with me blasting Cats out of the skies! ;)
While I like the WC2-era more than the many chages - especially in design - of WC3, this still is really great! With all the extra work in it beyound "simple" programming, like the dialogs, the briefings, the "little" details in the missions, like the fake-gun-down with the corvette, this game gets a depth I have not known from fan-projects.
I have seen many such projects and have been part of several ( not PC related, but books, among them a WC-RPG ), I think this one here is the best. What adds to it outstanding quality is the stability of the game. I remember other keen projects, which simply failed on my PC simply because of constant crashing of the games, due to OS problems, etc. - not with this one. Uncomplicated enjoyment of the whole game! :D

So, a really big thank you for your awesome efforts! I salute you! :)

Hello from me too!
It's great seeing 2 of my fav space sim (well, as much as they can be :P) series together. :D

Very nice mod, liked the whole feel and the story so far.
But mostly, I really liked the voice acting. That's usually one of the things that mods do wrong.
Here I just love listening to Ninja and Assassin (and Baws, but he rarely makes any jokes :P).

I only have one problem, although the configuration can find my X-52 joystick, I don't seem to find an option to enable it from the in-game options (been some time since I last played FS2 and IIRC it would default in joystick mode.). So I play with keyboard...the horror. :P

Any help please?


Offline Tolwyn

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I only have one problem, although the configuration can find my X-52 joystick, I don't seem to find an option to enable it from the in-game options (been some time since I last played FS2 and IIRC it would default in joystick mode.). So I play with keyboard...the horror. :P

Please try different options in the launcher, especially Force0 and Force1. It should help.
Wing Commander Saga: A Legend Is Reborn | WingCenter
Tolwyn’s reputation for risk taking with other people’s lives was considered  to understate the facts. The admiral’s willingness to sacrifice anyone or anything to achieve his objectives had long been lauded in the popular press. He was “the man who got things done”.- Colonel Blair

No errors, no random CTDs, just pure fun and proof of why getting hit with missiles is a bad thing.
-WC Saga's beta tester

Report Wing Commander Saga bugs with Mantis


Offline ARSPR

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+ What does -wcsaga flag enable in FS2 engine?

- Removing -class name in the briefing icons (click on it)
- Removes enemy wingnames ingame
- more to come (I hope :D )

I've updated this info to FS Wiki -wcsaga flag help .

  • Please, please, please, READ and UNDERSTAND the sticky threads in FreeSpace & FreeSpace Open Support board.
    A lot of people are willing to help you, but, as anyone can understand, seeing the very same "issues" repeated again and again can become quite depressing. Please, spend a bit of time trying to solve the issue by yourself.
    (Lobo deserves a monument).
  • Then, if you aren't still able to solve your issue, feel free to ask for help in that same board.
    FYI, most of the troubles are caused by wrong mod installations which lead to either missing data or undesired cross-effects between them. Always follow the mod installation instructions and keep a clean FS2 installation as explained in the sticky threads. Two additional links about how the game handles game data:
  • If you think that you've discovered a bug, mantis it.
    Provide as much info as you can, and try to narrow it down. A lonely "FS2 doesn't work" is not a good report.

Whoever Hanlon was: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.
Albert Einstein: Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe.

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Offline karajorma

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- Removing -class name in the briefing icons (click on it)
- Removes enemy wingnames ingame
- more to come (I hope :D )

Actually the entire option is likely to vanish after 3.6.9. This sort of thing should be handled by tables or in FRED. Certainly not in a launcher flag where any idiot can come along and turn them off.

In addition other mods may want some of the features but not others. The removal of enemy wingnames for instance would have been very useful in BtRL but I can't turn it on unless I want to turn on everything else along with it.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline Starman01

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Agreed, that's a little problem. If it's going to be in the tables (question is which one ? ) it would be fine for me too :)

9 out of 10 voices in my head always tell me that I'm not insane. The 10th is only humming the melody of TETRIS.


Offline Goober5000

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From what I remember: there is at least 1 (more likely 2) enemy Razor(s) gunning for you. You should take care of them first. Use your missiles, it is very easy to take down an enemy fighter while performing a frontal attack run. But be careful, they can fire a missile at point blank range as well :)
This brings up another point.  I just played that mission and kept on getting chased by Razors.  So I ended up killing all the Razors before we finished off the Demons.  Then I got a message that the rest of the fighters were fleeing, and Sandman wanted to run after them.  But all the fighters were gone. :p


Offline MetalDestroyer

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Still about the Slide control. Could it be possible to enable it just by maintaining the button instead of toggleing (I don't know if this word exist >_< ) the sliding control one time to enable it and a second time to disable it ?

I think it would be more easier to pilot the arrow and make some Sliding manoeuver.


Offline Starman01

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This brings up another point.  I just played that mission and kept on getting chased by Razors.  So I ended up killing all the Razors before we finished off the Demons.  Then I got a message that the rest of the fighters were fleeing, and Sandman wanted to run after them.  But all the fighters were gone. :p

Interesting, how did you manage that  :) ? This additional wing that is simulating the fleeing pirates first appears when the primary goal "defeat pirates" has been completed, so you shouldn't be able to get to them before you were ordered back.

Still about the Slide control. Could it be possible to enable it just by maintaining the button instead of toggleing (I don't know if this word exist >_< ) the sliding control one time to enable it and a second time to disable it ?

I think it would be more easier to pilot the arrow and make some Sliding manoeuver.

AFAIK that's a code problem. I'm not sure it's possible to trigger a function "as long as key is pressed". At least I remember someone saying this.

9 out of 10 voices in my head always tell me that I'm not insane. The 10th is only humming the melody of TETRIS.


Offline ARSPR

  • Preys On Mantis
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I'm using -alpha_env and, unless it's intentional, you've got mirror effects, (white alpha channel in -spec maps), in the next ships:

+ F86
+ PS Caernaven
+ Dralthi
  • Please, please, please, READ and UNDERSTAND the sticky threads in FreeSpace & FreeSpace Open Support board.
    A lot of people are willing to help you, but, as anyone can understand, seeing the very same "issues" repeated again and again can become quite depressing. Please, spend a bit of time trying to solve the issue by yourself.
    (Lobo deserves a monument).
  • Then, if you aren't still able to solve your issue, feel free to ask for help in that same board.
    FYI, most of the troubles are caused by wrong mod installations which lead to either missing data or undesired cross-effects between them. Always follow the mod installation instructions and keep a clean FS2 installation as explained in the sticky threads. Two additional links about how the game handles game data:
  • If you think that you've discovered a bug, mantis it.
    Provide as much info as you can, and try to narrow it down. A lonely "FS2 doesn't work" is not a good report.

Whoever Hanlon was: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.
Albert Einstein: Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe.

Dell Dimension 9200 - Vista 32-bit Ultimate
Core 2 Quad Q6600 @2.4GHz - RAM 2 GB DDR2
nvidia 8800 GTX - Integrated Sigmatel Audio


Offline Kazan

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Still about the Slide control. Could it be possible to enable it just by maintaining the button instead of toggleing (I don't know if this word exist >_< ) the sliding control one time to enable it and a second time to disable it ?

I think it would be more easier to pilot the arrow and make some Sliding manoeuver.

this is something i wanted, but until the new pilot code is in adding keys breaks stuff
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"The Mountains are calling, and I must go" - John Muir

The WCS Prologue is magnificent! Thanks people which have made it! Magnificent game, I have passed it on one breath. However I have some questions:

1. Then will be realized next part of WCS?
2. Whether there will be medals and new ranks?

P.S. Sorry for my English, I don’t now this language so good. I am also use electronic translator…
P.S. Sorry for my English, I don’t now this language so good. I am also use electronic translator…

Misters - smile! The clever face still not an attribute of mind...