Author Topic: Babylon 4: Minbari Project release 1.0b (SepArate to TBP)  (Read 33094 times)

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Offline Vidmaster

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Re: Babylon 4: Minbari Project release 1.0b (Seperate to TBP)
better also write that in your first post on page 1   ;7
Devoted member of the Official Karajorma Fan Club (Founded and Led by Mobius).

Does crazy Software Engineering for a living, until he finally musters the courage to start building games for real. Might never happen.


Offline IPAndrews

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Re: Babylon 4: Minbari Project release 1.0b (Seperate to TBP)
 :lol: Added some scrolly text. Shame flashing text went out of fashion with the BBC Micro.
Be warned: This site's admins stole 100s of hours of my work. They will do it to you.


Offline Asprin

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Re: Babylon 4: Minbari Project release 1.0b (Seperate to TBP)
Added some scrolly text.
:D :D :D
Looks impressive!
QuantreTech Studios

Re: Babylon 4: Minbari Project release 1.0b (Seperate to TBP)
You may want to properly set up the wings. You have Beta 1 under Beta 1 wing, Beta 2 under Beta 2 wing, and so on. So I see Beta 1 1 (first ship in Beta 1 wing), Beta 2 1 (first ship in Beta 2 wing), etc. Then I'd have to assign each of them separately in the F targetting keys instead of being able to assign the entire wing in one F key at once.

And would it be possible to have the "full inertia" key re-assignable? It's really just a minor detail, preference related. I've been using spacebar as my primary fire button for the other fs2 conversions.

You might consider attaching +/- signs on the xyz speed indicators so the player knows if the speed displayed is up or down, left or right, forward or reverse. It would also be nice to have another set of numbers beside the z speed indicator just so the player knows what threshold he/she has set. For example, the player's ship is moving backwards at 100. Player hits the +100 threshold key a few times. It would take some time before the ship reaches that speed threshold. It would be nice to know off the bat what your current threshold is. I'm sure you can just count how many times you pressed the key. Still it would be much better to have that value visible.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2007, 05:21:01 pm by Hellequin »


Offline cloneof

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Re: Babylon 4: Minbari Project release 1.0b (Seperate to TBP)
Could osmebody help me with the second mission? I have tried it three times using diffrente "tactic" (lol if you don`t mind me saying  :D), but I just fail to keep up/distance with/from the intructer.
First time I used auto-pilot to reach the system, when returning back I accdientely pressed space and before I could do something about and bring my speed, mission had failed.
Second time I started the same, but with halfway to the required system I got more then 15KM and failed, thing that had not happen before.
Third time would have used the space key to get the same speed as my instrucotr, but even before I got to the good speed by pressing "W",  game went over even before the guy even warmed he`s engines.

If someone knows what i`m doing wrong here, please tell me.

In the meantime, i`m off to move some kilometers.


Offline darkmaster

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Re: Babylon 4: Minbari Project release 1.0b (Seperate to TBP)
Could osmebody help me with the second mission? I have tried it three times using diffrente "tactic" (lol if you don`t mind me saying  :D), but I just fail to keep up/distance with/from the intructer.
First time I used auto-pilot to reach the system, when returning back I accdientely pressed space and before I could do something about and bring my speed, mission had failed.
Second time I started the same, but with halfway to the required system I got more then 15KM and failed, thing that had not happen before.
Third time would have used the space key to get the same speed as my instrucotr, but even before I got to the good speed by pressing "W",  game went over even before the guy even warmed he`s engines.

If someone knows what i`m doing wrong here, please tell me.

In the meantime, i`m off to move some kilometers.

Just use autopilot and do not press any key on the way
TBP's apprentice FREDDER.

Campaign in development:
Guardian of Light (Demo state)(Download DEMO here)
The First Invasion - Part 1 (Planning Concept)

Single Mission :
Human-Narn First Contact (Download here)


Offline cloneof

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Re: Babylon 4: Minbari Project release 1.0b (Seperate to TBP)
Thank you. After trying for the fifth time I finally got it without anyone saying that I have moved too close or far.

As I have now played more then six mission, I have one opinion, TOO LONG. After playing dozens times diffrente levels, it became obvious that some of the players refused to finish the game in fear that they would be blown out after playing 10 minutes the same level. With this game the changes of dying rise beyond my possibility to calculate and with these extremly long mission with long distances as the laws of physics are changed.

In toher aspects a really nice and fun game.


Offline darkmaster

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Re: Babylon 4: Minbari Project release 1.0b (Seperate to TBP)
Euh... not so long. When I completed all 10 missions I really wanted to play more.
Mission 2 was a little hard, I died several times because of those damn missiles, there 's almost no way to avoid them.
And another very hard mission is the one in which you must protect a Minbary cruiser to attack 2 Drark cruisers and a lot of their bombers. If you get just one hit by the bomber, you 're out ! I must have replayed it 20 times before I got the idea not to protect the cruiser but run away from the battle. Ha, after the friendly cruiser was destroyed the game got loose.  :D
The other missions are average, not too hard, but not easy at all.
An amazing game !
TBP's apprentice FREDDER.

Campaign in development:
Guardian of Light (Demo state)(Download DEMO here)
The First Invasion - Part 1 (Planning Concept)

Single Mission :
Human-Narn First Contact (Download here)


Offline cloneof

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Re: Babylon 4: Minbari Project release 1.0b (Seperate to TBP)
Yeah that was tricky mission, but as him, I hope more campaigns to this game, most hopefully by these excellent makers of this game who have shown that they know what they do.


Offline Mihard

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Re: Babylon 4: Minbari Project release 1.0b (Seperate to TBP)
As one of the developers of this project, I am pleased to see the reviews, such as last 2.
And I happy to report, that Asprin already began work on a new company that will be more longer. We have a lot of work ahead, but we hope to release a new company soon enough.
Minbari Project
Sorry my(google) english :) // Iya ne panimay english gavarit' :)
Can't understand comments?! - Just learn OLBANSKIY! :)


Offline Asprin

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Re: Babylon 4: Minbari Project release 1.0b (Seperate to TBP)
Asprin already began work
I'm surprised, because Asprin :D still works on new AI code. :mad:
QuantreTech Studios


Offline Asprin

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Re: Babylon 4: Minbari Project release 1.0b (Seperate to TBP)
The project update information:
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Offline emi_100

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Re: Babylon 4: Minbari Project release 1.0b (Seperate to TBP)

The project update information:
amazing!!  :eek2:
love it!  :nod:

-------FAITH MANAGES------
  • Normal Maps for -The Babylon Project-
  • "Battle at ..." (Campaign) You can't choose when, but you will choose where... and you will fight! GO NOW!
  • "One Mistake" (Third Space Campaign)
  • "Each Night I Dream of Home" (Crusade Single Mision)


Offline Vidmaster

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Re: Babylon 4: Minbari Project release 1.0b (Seperate to TBP)
Devoted member of the Official Karajorma Fan Club (Founded and Led by Mobius).

Does crazy Software Engineering for a living, until he finally musters the courage to start building games for real. Might never happen.


Offline thief

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Re: Babylon 4: Minbari Project release 1.0b (Seperate to TBP)
I have a weird problem, few keys refuse to work( ex. H;F;\;Backspace;.....) so I can't target enemy or foe, go max speed, complete stop etc. :wtf: I thought the problem is my keyboard so I change it,... without any succes. :confused: Any sugestion?


Offline IPAndrews

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Re: Babylon 4: Minbari Project release 1.0b (Seperate to TBP)
Any sugestion?

Go as in the forums on the Minbari Project site. Minbari Project is not supported here.
Be warned: This site's admins stole 100s of hours of my work. They will do it to you.


Offline Asprin

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Re: Babylon 4: Minbari Project release 1.0b (Seperate to TBP)

The last path (we've already started voice recording for the new version) for the B4: Minbari Project v.1.1. is available for download here:


- Screen Refresh Rate in OGL mode added
- Profile crash problem is fixed
- Major updates in AI code
- Cutscenes problem is FULLY fixed
- Some fixes in "RED ALERT" logic
- Major updates in "SHIP-SHIP" collisions
- Some fixes in campaign logic
- Some minor bugs fixed
QuantreTech Studios



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Re: Babylon 4: Minbari Project release 1.0b (Seperate to TBP)
This really is not a problem but i got lost in hyperspace in training mission 2  flow around for 45 mins before quit the game.   oh well   :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
When the destroyers came for us, we attacked. Never had we been defeated. They were like the others: strange, hideous, resisting, fighting. Only these were not like the others: They did not die. We made our first retreat. We could forego one system. We left it to the destroyers and went elsewhere. But they followed. They hunted us. They followed us when we retreated, discovered where we lived.
For a long time we did not know why they chased us. They were no ordinary enemy. They did not seek our territory, our technology, our resources.
Now we know our crime was sin.


Offline Vidmaster

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Re: Babylon 4: Minbari Project release 1.0b (Seperate to TBP)
yeah, that's one of the most frustrating things I have ever experienced. I failed this mission 5 times just because my pal and the guys attacking him were way off the beacon.

Trust me, other missions are really fun but this one  :shaking: :shaking: :shaking: is horrible since the team has removed the ability to speed up time.
Devoted member of the Official Karajorma Fan Club (Founded and Led by Mobius).

Does crazy Software Engineering for a living, until he finally musters the courage to start building games for real. Might never happen.


Offline Asprin

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Re: Babylon 4: Minbari Project release 1.0b (Seperate to TBP)
the guys attacking him were way off the beacon.
When this mission is started, instructor tells you - "...your NAV system is limited..." So, stay close to his fighter. If you lost beacon after the combat, just target instructor and follow him until you don't see local beacons on your radar. Then, switch to NAV mode and....
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