Author Topic: FRED Help Memory cant read  (Read 895 times)

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Offline Krallis

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  • XKappaXThetaX
FRED Help Memory cant read
Okay I've just started modding Freespace 2. Well using FRED real. One question I have is if my map gets too big will it give an error because my map has 2 demon's on it a Sathanas a hatsheput and about 20 assorted fighters. I keep getting a memory cannot be read error whenever I start it up. If I get the FRED2 Open will that solve the problem. At this point alll things I have for freespace are the retail versions but im preparing to set up open.
3D Artist In The Making.



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Re: FRED Help Memory cant read
Possibly but I believe there is still an object limit but it has been increased.  Could be wrong but it's worth a try.  Besides it's much better anyway.
No-one ever listens to Zathras. Quite mad, they say. It is good that Zathras does not mind. He's even grown to like it. Oh yes. -Zathras


Offline Krallis

  • 27
  • XKappaXThetaX
Re: FRED Help Memory cant read
I've just gopt all the VP's for Open. I have open 3.6.9 and the VP's are for 3.6.8. I have the files to make them work so it should be running by tomorrow.
3D Artist In The Making.