an "In hud" scroll bar to see all your teams ships and status
the same for enemies
so u dont have to cycle through them all
I love this idea! Enough that I'd try it myself if I wasn't already working on a bunch of stuff. Who knows, I might anyway.

But this sort of thing still sounds like it might be just above my experience level...

So let's brainstorm. The way I imagine it is something like the Independence War 2 contact list: a mini-escort list, which shows a scrollable list in the same order as you get from pressing the T / shift-T keys, and the currently selected target highlighted.
Perhaps have the option of changing the list to hostiles only when H is pressed (or friendlies only with F).
The main problem I can think of with this is when missions have lots of targets, you're not much better off than before... the list can only take up so much of the screen before it's in the way.
Plus there's all the stats -- what do we want to show and what do we have room for? Name and health, sure... how about speed? distance? class?