Author Topic: Planets and stars  (Read 8603 times)

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Offline Rodo

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I envy that shadows projecting on the planet's surface... no clue how to achieve that without a modeling tool right?
el hombre vicio...

I don't think so, I use 3dsmax to cast the shadows.

Okay, i have a question. How do i make a PDF??? I know i have to have adobe reader right?? That seams like the best course of action, that way i can include images and stuff. As there are a lot of steps to cover.

Well, try PDFconverter. It's freeware AFAIK.

Okay, ive been trying to deside on a layout. And i think i may have a good one..

How I Make My Planets:

Programs I use:

PhotoShop CS3
3dsmax 9

Creation of the textures:

This is done only in photoshop, because I don't have Gimp anymore.


This is a defining point of how good your planet will look, and many people will have fewer options here due to PC limitations.

I personaly use 16,000 X 8,000 pixels, this makes an image that is at least 400 MB without any editing, so make sure you have Plenty of RAM and a good CPU.

For this tutorial i will use a 10,000 X 5,000 pixel template as it is quite balenced..


In photo shop. Click File/New and create a image at the size of 10,000 X 5,000 pixels:


Now depending on the type of the planet that your aiming for you will use the bucket tool to fill the canvas with the color that you want the planet to be(In this case "Red")


Choose a brush that has a good and random spread


Ajust the brush size to somewhere close too 1000 pixels..


Change the color your going to paint to a slightly darker color, in theis case a darker red.. then start painting random spots onto the canvas till it looks like this:


Now you'll need some Reference imagery so you can paint the details. Or in some cases just copy and paste and change the layers..
The best refernence imagry i have been able to find so far is to use the google image search, type in "Satalite Image"

The Application off reference imagery:

This is the part that makes or breaks how good your planet will look.. And will require a good amount of time  to perfect your skills.

Well what do you guys think?? Good enough to continue?


Offline Rodo

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I have neither of the programs you are using, but I'll come arround with what I have, go on it's going ok so far.
el hombre vicio...


That's okay, the process that i use should be very easy to transfer to other programs, as there is nothin in particularly unique... just alot of tweaking.. lol

I'll keep going, and thanks for your support guys... :D