Author Topic: Diaspora Fan Wishlist  (Read 24967 times)

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Offline Narvi

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Re: Diaspora Fan Wishlist
Okay, after the finale I know what I want.

The Colonial Anthem, AKA the old BSG main theme, playing during a relevant moment of triumph.  :drevil:

EDIT: Oh wait, the lawyers would probably garrote the team if they did that.

Well, barf.

Re: Diaspora Fan Wishlist
Narvi, you never played the BtRL demo??


Offline Mobius

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Re: Diaspora Fan Wishlist
He might have played it, but he surely hasn't beated a mission to listen the Victory track. :P
The Lightblue Ribbon

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Re: Diaspora Fan Wishlist

Harsh scene, though the training drones must have been vicious. ;)

/end derail


Offline Narvi

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Re: Diaspora Fan Wishlist
Harshing on me, are you?  :nervous:

It's been months since I finished it. Maybe I should replay it.

Re: Diaspora Fan Wishlist
Just kidding around, really, Narvi, hehe.

Speaking of, I kind of miss playing that demo too.


Offline Deckard

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Re: Diaspora Fan Wishlist
To be honest here at my end.. I'd wait for the release of R1... However, comes to mind one at this moment. The wish would be to wrap a couple bucks or whatever coin you move there at your end and to send them to any postal box the devs facilitate to us for this matter. This way they could buy some pizza and coke and feel a little gratified for their good work on this game. Deal? :D
Deckard a.k.a The Silencer

Re: Diaspora Fan Wishlist

I would think it would be easier if first they supplied us with the url's to the websites of their local pizza joints and we could supply the credit card numbers for the orders.

I do think the Dev's will get their due on this one, the attention (between both projects) from the net has been phenomenal.

I do hope the bug fix team is a seperate entity from them though.

Finally, yeah I'll probably just wait for R1.

Re: Diaspora Fan Wishlist
No HUD is an extremely bad idea.   Fightercraft have always had some type of sights, even when pilots were shooting at each other's recon biplanes with revolvers in WWI.  Aircraft technology has continually pushed towards making the controls and instrumentation for fighters require less and less staring around the cockpit and more looking out the canopy.  Thats the entire point of HOTAS and MFDs; simplification and keeping the pilot's eyes searching for foes.  Most importantly taking away required assistance does not make you more in line with the show's canon.  In the context of the show Viper jocks are not handicapped by their lack of HUD, on the other hand playing the game without one makes you easy pickings.  This is an very important distinction you need to make when considering gameplay options like this.  Introducing a handicap that doesn't exist in the context of the show and negatively impacts gameplay does not make you more like Starbuck, it just makes you dead.  Playing simple dogfights with a stripped down HUD is one thing but when you need to play an in depth mission, with multiple objectives ships to escort, required targets, etc. the lack of a HUD will make it impossible to keep track of what it is you are supposed to be doing.  Crippling the pilot's ability to fly because of a production oversight in the show is not a viable gameplay option.  That said FS2 certainly allows you to modify your HUD, so if you wish to do it yourself power to ya.

would it be possible to give the hud a metroid prime appearance? that perceptive can help bring home the idea that you are actually wearing a helmet. 


Offline Adalla

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Re: Diaspora Fan Wishlist
Yay, another opportunity to remind the Dev's of my personal wishes for a BSG sim.

Being a real pilot, and being interested in the actual "flight" experience of piloting a Colonial Viper, I'd have the following requests at the top of my list:

1) Full launch, landing, hangar ops cycle. What I mean by this is ability to land in the Landing Bay. Position yourself over one of the lifts. Engage maglock. Engage the lift that takes you down to the Hangar Deck and then have the option to park the thing (automatically) or re-launch. You press like 1 or 2, like giving a command to a wingman, and it either parks you or it places you in a Tube, at which point you give the Launch Officer the go ahead (press a key) and launch back out. The important thing would be to model the Launch Tube, the Hangar Deck and the Lifts and it to be seamless. For those who dont want to go through all of this and just want to "blow stuff up", give them the option to skip this entire procedure and end the mission or start in the Tube ready to launch.

2) BtRL did it, so perhaps you are also considering it, but it'd be nice to have TrackIR and an interactive cockpit like in F-16 Falcon or IL2 Sturmovik. The latter low priority on my wish list.

3) Make sure you doesnt take 8000 direct hits and 200 circles to kill a Raider ;)

4) I know this is really far fetched...but hey, that's why it's called a "wish list". Planetary flight and missions, with possibly seamless re-entry. Maybe in Diaspora: 2018 Platinum Edition? ;)

Honestly, No. 1, TrackIR and a reasonable lagless experience is all I really ask for :) The rest I trust in the talent of the Devs :)



Offline karajorma

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Re: Diaspora Fan Wishlist
TrackIR is already supported by the engine. BtRL didn't have to do anything particularly special beyond hire Swifty before the break up to code it.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline FraktuRe

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Re: Diaspora Fan Wishlist
Anyone who cries about the circle fights obviously isn't very good at flying.
Or something.
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Offline Demitri

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Re: Diaspora Fan Wishlist
I do hope the bug fix team is a seperate entity from them though.

This does raise an interesting question. One that has probably been answered a thousand times already and by my asking it again will probably just annoy the devs! :nervous:

Will there be a beta release before R1 for "The Great Diaspora Bug Hunt '09"TM, or is this being handled in team?
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Offline Lt.Cannonfodder

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Re: Diaspora Fan Wishlist
Handled inside the team, with maybe a handful of trusted people from the outside.


Offline Mobius

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Re: Diaspora Fan Wishlist
Anyone who cries about the circle fights obviously isn't very good at flying.

I doubt it. I "cry" about the circle fights because they're not that BSG-ish.
The Lightblue Ribbon

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Offline karajorma

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Re: Diaspora Fan Wishlist
Then don't do them. It's pretty stupid to complain about how the AI is flying wrong when you are also flying wrong.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline Mobius

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Re: Diaspora Fan Wishlist
I don't do them, it's the AI that performs that kind of maneuvers...
The Lightblue Ribbon

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Offline karajorma

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Re: Diaspora Fan Wishlist
If you're not also doing them, the circle fight ends pretty quickly. It's only when you're also willing to do them that the AI continues.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline Ace

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Re: Diaspora Fan Wishlist
Yay, another opportunity to remind the Dev's of my personal wishes for a BSG sim.

Being a real pilot, and being interested in the actual "flight" experience of piloting a Colonial Viper, I'd have the following requests at the top of my list:

1) Full launch, landing, hangar ops cycle. What I mean by this is ability to land in the Landing Bay. Position yourself over one of the lifts. Engage maglock. Engage the lift that takes you down to the Hangar Deck and then have the option to park the thing (automatically) or re-launch. You press like 1 or 2, like giving a command to a wingman, and it either parks you or it places you in a Tube, at which point you give the Launch Officer the go ahead (press a key) and launch back out. The important thing would be to model the Launch Tube, the Hangar Deck and the Lifts and it to be seamless. For those who dont want to go through all of this and just want to "blow stuff up", give them the option to skip this entire procedure and end the mission or start in the Tube ready to launch.

This requires subobject translation, which isn't fully supported by the engine yet. Launch tube launches and flight deck landings are still a go however.

2) BtRL did it, so perhaps you are also considering it, but it'd be nice to have TrackIR and an interactive cockpit like in F-16 Falcon or IL2 Sturmovik. The latter low priority on my wish list.

Kara already answered this one.

3) Make sure you doesnt take 8000 direct hits and 200 circles to kill a Raider ;)

Taking advantage of slide and glide helps prevent this.

4) I know this is really far fetched...but hey, that's why it's called a "wish list". Planetary flight and missions, with possibly seamless re-entry. Maybe in Diaspora: 2018 Platinum Edition? ;)

There's nothing down the pipeline for this in the engine.
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Offline Adalla

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Re: Diaspora Fan Wishlist
3) Make sure you doesnt take 8000 direct hits and 200 circles to kill a Raider

Taking advantage of slide and glide helps prevent this.

I was referring to the lag. In BtRL it was absolutely pointless to play in Multiplayer. There was more chance of the Earth to stop spinning than one of your rounds who actually hit the Raider to register it.

A lot of people deny it, but folks, besides the arrogance of some of the Devs in BtRL, the PRIMARY reason why the community fell apart was due to the endless circling, which was as a direct result of none of your hundreds of DIRECT HITS actually registering, which was a direct result of the multi-player lag.

Having founded and headed the biggest BtRL gaming clan, I talk from experience.

The only people who argued the endless circling was the person's own choice were usually the people who played it 24 hours a day and actually managed to get so good that even with the horrible lag they were able to compensate and actually manage kills.

But most of us dont have a lifetime to spend on a computer game to get to the point where we can actually beat the lag and get good enough at it to enjoy it.

So it is my biggest advice to the Diaspora Devs to consider the net code and lag possibly the most important issue if you actually want to create and sustain an online multi-player community.

If you only are interested in the single-player community, then the lag is not an issue. But some of the most successful games in history are those who had re-play value in multi-player like StarCraft and Diablo, long after their single-player aspects were dead.

And for anyone who wants to argue with me (I just have a feeling), please dont. This is just my opinion. This is why I personally quit playing BtRL. This is why the 9th Battlestar Group (biggest BtRL clan besides The Cylon Base) died.

I am only telling you this to help you.

Just my 2 cents,
