There's only one path, it just has multiple end points.
Indeed, the second half gets incredibly repetitive. I tried to find a way to make it more interesting, but I couldn't. It was just the "Transcend Problem" : the player just needs to cross all those nodes, and there's nothing really interesting that could happen.
Initially, all of those missions lasted 15 minutes. Thanks to Droid803 for pointing out that that was really way too long.
Being a very bad pilot, I tested the campaign on Easy level, so I didn't really have big problems with the mission in the Binary or the solo ones. The cruiser didn't beam me while scanning, and I just stayed away from the nodes until my drive recharged, then full-burned towards it.
You're right about the anti-climactic ending. For me, since I made up the story, it seemed obvious enough that he would be extensively debriefed, then thrown into captivity; I just didn't think of adding that. But yes, I should have.
Bugs in the mainhall? Huh? I didn't notice any.
The training, yeah, I guess it was too challenging. I always fail when the Bakhas start their run. From that point onwards, it was... just a shot in the dark. I probably should have hired an elite tester for it.
The blobs, that was decided over a year ago, when I hadn't learned to appreciate them yet. But you're right, I should have kept them.
The Repulse not maneuvering, the default loadouts, the comments on the strikeforce: Damn, it seems so obvious now that you're pointing at it. *headdesks*
Fourth mission, yeah well. The idea was that you take those data back home to the NTF R&D department. But indeed, it doesn't really make a difference. The convoy jumping in without recon first: *headdesks again*
Now, I initially had quite some troubles with the ships ramming each other instead of jumping out, so I played that mission at least twenty times. (Yes, really.) It was a real pain. I didn't want the player to have to do it even just five times, since it's a full fifteen minutes. That's why the ships survive regardless of anything. Fighters not scannable, class names visible: indeed, that's not supposed to happen.
I never had all those fighters on my tail; I just ignored them while scanning, so they didn't come after me.
Music not working, what the hell? I think that's on your side.
Yes, the second half is dull and repetitive. I tried to keep it somewhat realistic, but that made it a pain to play.
I freely admit that I'm not good at writing. But I wanted to make that campaign anyway
The player is briefed by Alpha 1, a veteran pilot who isn't easily impressed - hence the casual, informal tone. I should have worked that out somewhat deeper, yeah.
You definitely have a point with blowing up that fighter cover. Yeah, I should have left them a choice. Again, it's an obvious thing now that someone says it.
And, erm, you're not supposed to one-man-stop the Shivans
Needs more fighters around the Rakshasa?
Well, I could have the campaign end oon player death, but that would frustrate players who want to continue but die "by accident".
So yeah, overall, I agree with you. On the amateurish execution and the bad details as well. I should have had more people testing and commenting it.