General Battua: While I am going blind, I do thank you for pointing out the link.
I honestly didn't see it. (The only way I can surf the net now - meaning forums - is with an negative black with green letters background). I take any ribbing about that in good fun...
However, you do not have permission to dole out another's models when the author is still contactable.
Hence my post was valid. I was not just asking for the model, I was also asking PERMISSION to use it for my purposes as I detailed.
Not every author jumps when I ask for model usage (either to convert to FS2, or just for my fanfic, or some other effort that strikes my fancy).
After all, we wouldn't want someone making an angry post about not asking for permission. (like that's never happened before). Happened to me twice here in Seven years (might be a bit before your time).
Do a search for SAAB or USS Scorpion. One time was not my fault, the other was, both were unintentional though...
Nuff said.