Author Topic: Uncharted Territory voice acting call  (Read 13829 times)

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Offline ReeNoiP

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Uncharted Territory voice acting call
As the title says I would like to see my mini campaign Uncharted Territory voiceacted.

The campaign consists of 9 missions set during the second great war after the nebula has been discovered. The story follows a science group stationed there, as they accidentally end up in an unknown system and attempt to return home.

The campaign has been proof read since it's initial release where it had a some trouble with spelling and grammar (English is not my first language).

Received list - 30.10.10
Fairuza VAC
Col. Dekker HLP
Crossfire92 HLP
Nemesis6 HLP
Getter Robo G HLP
Airguitar VAC
XIamSogekingX VAC
Bigchunk1 HLP
Darkblade HLP
Zaurask VAC
MicheleMaria AVAC
Crazzydrummer AVAC
Ransom ??
Taylor AVAC
Allen AVAC


The characters with the most lines are by far Alpha 1 and 2, Squadron leader and the captain of the Reuil. Characters in red are already cast.


Alpha 2 (Sully)
Description: One of the players wingmen. He is rather rash and is not afraid to speak his mind, especially when frustrated or angry. This sometimes gets him into trouble with his peers. That being said, he is a professional pilot and acts as such when the pressure is on. His main functions are to express the generel emotion felt by the pilots and provide advice during combat.
Age 25-35
Audition Lines:
1. Bah! Why do we have to fly around out here? There is never any action. (slightly frustrated, bored)
2. Damn, seems they sent in an advance force. (tense, focused)
3 Arg. We are trying damn it. (during action, frustrated/angry)

Description: The commander taking care of command briefings. Coolheaded and experienced, he has retired from frontline figthing. Due to his experience he is able to asses situations calmly and convey information in an understandable and efficient way to those under his command. For audition lines, bear in mind that they are part of speeches explaining the situation.
Age 45-55
Audition Lines:
1:Welcome to the GTtca Reuil pilots. This vessel will be the centerpiece of a scientific expedition in the nebula.
We are however not here to study the nebula itself, but rather to make use of the resources it has to offer.
2. The LRBP Gungnir and SLC projects have also shown progress. While a long range targeting system for the Gungnir cannon is far from complete, a reliable beam output has been obtained from the prototype.
3. Things are much worse than we feared. The GTVA has been completely outmatched by the Shivans and we are forced to flee before they destroy us all. Our greatest ship, the GTVA Colossus, has been destroyed and an armada of Sathanas class juggernauts has invaded the Capella system along with what seems to be limitless reinforcements.

Beta 1
Description: Not very experienced, but tries his best to live up to his duties as leader of Beta wing. The type of guy most people can get along with.
Age 20-25.
Audition lines:
1: Beta wing here. We are now launching from the Reuil and are ready to assist. (slightly nervous but still professional)
2: I still don't feel safe whenever they turn that SLC thing on. I know one of the researchers, and he told me they have this theory of what happened to the original crew of the Emmerich. (Expressing his concern)

Delta 1
Description: Hardened veteran. He knows the ropes, but is in no way overconfident.
Age 25-35.
Audition lines:
1: Welcome to the party, pilots. We are just wrapping up the last of the latest Shivan wave. Expect more coming soon. (still on guard and certainly not enjoying himself)
2: No we had plenty of help. The GVD Memphis jumped out a few minutes ago and there have been quite a number of cruisers coming through. (not angry but still not happy about the situation either)

Squadron leader
Description: The man doing the briefings. Professional and to the point. Think of the marine commander you see explaining the plan in movies. He also takes care of most debriefings, where he shows regret or reserved pride depending on the mission outcome. I imagine him being similar to Sanderson (delta commander) from Black Hawk Down.
Age 30-40
Audition Lines:
1:First of all, to all you new pilots: Welcome to the 33rd Blackbirds. Since the Reuil is designed for transport and support rather than actual combat, it is our duty to take care of any hostiles that may appear. (Briefing session)
2: Our mission is to eliminate the security force around the device. Scans suggest that this force consists of a wing of Dragon fighters and a number of sentry guns. The Dragon is one of the fastest and deadliest Shivan fighters: take them out quickly.
3: With the Crane destroyed, any possibility of obtaining data from the device is lost. This failure may very well mean, that we will be lost forever.

Captain - Atlas
Description: Captain of a transport ship and commander of any teams on board. Most lines are status updates during missions.
Age 30-40.
Audition lines:
1: Wait. Are you just going to let them die? (shocked)
2: We have docked with the Emmerich. Entering airlock now. (Cool headed status update)

Captain - Emmerich
Description: Captain of a science cruiser. While not used to being on the front lines he still has GTVA training and know how to react as long as he is not pressured.
Age 30-40.
Audition lines:
1: This is the Emmerich. Alpha we are completely dependent on you for targeting. In addition to the blockade, we have a Shivan cruiser with escorts moving towards the jump node. (Professional and in control)
2: Dammit the Shivans have figured out our position. We have to destroy those warships before they get within range of their beam cannons. (slightly paniced)

Captain - Crane
Description: Captain of an AWACS ship. Often notifies the player of incoming enemies. Most lines are short information input delivered in a professional manner (still stressing the situation). Used to providing information rather than being in direct danger. He loses his nerve a bit when forced into a potentially dangerous situation.
Age 30-40
Audition lines:
1: GTA Crane on station. Watch our back Alpha. (slightly nervous, but still professional)
2: Cut the chatter and stay sharp pilots! We have bombers heading for the Reuil. (Cool and in control)
3: We are right in front of that destroyer, if we don't evacuate now we are done for. Please help us! (panic)

Captain - Gabriel
Description: Captain of a Corvette. Authoritative and confident. He is used to large scale military missions and acts as such. Think Colonel Steven Caldwell from Stargate Atlantis.
Age 30-40.
Audition lines:
1: This is the GTCv Gabriel, we received your distress call. We will occupy the destroyer until your jump drives are ready. Once they are, jump to these coordinates. (Authoritative)
2: The Shivan cruiser has successfully been destroyed. This should get their attention. (coolheaded but alert)

Captain - Aquitaine
Description: Same guy as in main FS2 campaign if you can. Otherwise, go for something like General Hummel (Ed Harris) from The Rock.
Age 40-50.
Audition lines:
1: GTD Aquitaine now on station. We will provide cover during our approach towards the node. (Authoritative)
2: Understood. We will continue to protect the ships outside your range until they jump out and then fall back to your defence perimeter. (sad yet in control)

Misc. Voices
Cruiser captain (Only has these 3 lines)
1: This is the GTC Logan. We are escorting three gas miners to Vega.
2: Affirmative Reuil. All turrets ready to fire.
3: One of our gas miners has been destroyed. Keep those Shivans off us.

Terran pilots (2) - Astaroth fighters. I hate these things, so bloody fast. (annoyed, ready to attack) - Delta wing here. We have completed preparations and are ready to assist. (professional, ready for action)
Vasudan Pilot - The Shivans have destroyed one our freighters. Please assist us in keeping them at bay Terrans.


Alpha 3 (Kim)

Description: Rational and caring. She often teases and scold her other wingmate Sully (Alpha 2), but not in a mean way. Since she and Alpha 2 has known eachother for a long time, she is often the one who stops his frustrated outbreaks. While still professional, she is often the first to express sadness or admit she is afraid.
Age 25-35.
Audition lines:
1: Heh seems Sully isn't the only one causing trouble. (Teasing, mostly to calm herself)
2: The Eligos is launching fighters. Everyone prepare for some company! (During combat, professional)
3: We lost both of them? After all we have been through. (shocked, sad)

Captain - Reuil
Description: Commanding officer of a large ship with many under her command. Strict and to the point, but not without emotion. Being the leader of the many people in trouble, she does her best to appear strong. Has a few sad lines. Used for command briefings and orders during missions.
Age 35-45
Audition lines:
1:Intercept and destroy those fighters Alpha. Emmerich proceed with the experiment, this is what can be expected. (Commanding officer during combat)
2:Stand down pilot! Either you come to your senses right now and help us resolve this situation, or you face a court martial. (Angry)

Sending auditions
Please send your audition lines to [email protected] in the format charactername_linenumber_HLP username.wav or .ogg. Preferably in .rar files containing all lines for each character you want to audition for in the format charactername_HLP username.rar.
Alpha2_ReeNoiP.rar contains:

For captain characters just input the ship name eg. Gabriel_1_ReeNoiP.wav.

Voice acting will be done in .wav 11kHz mono. If someone knows a way to make sure everyone has to same mic volume please tell me :).

Note that I have audition threads up on the Voice acting alliance and Voice acting club fora as well. Audition deadline there is 01.04.10, so I wont decide on further roles until then.

Emmerich is pronounced like the last name of Otacon from MGS. Look here at 4.30. Warning MGS4 spoilers.

Reuil is pronounced as in this video.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2010, 08:35:55 am by ReeNoiP »
Uncharted Territory is released. But I still need voice actors


Offline The E

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Re: Uncharted Territory voice acting call
Umm. Couple of suggestions: Auditions should always be requested in either wav or ogg. FSO can't handle mp3s, so you'd have to transcode them anyway.
Audio normalization is best handled by you after you've received your samples.
If I'm just aching this can't go on
I came from chasing dreams to feel alone
There must be changes, miss to feel strong
I really need lifе to touch me
--Evergrey, Where August Mourns


Offline ReeNoiP

  • 27
  • I FRED
Re: Uncharted Territory voice acting call
Umm. Couple of suggestions: Auditions should always be requested in either wav or ogg. FSO can't handle mp3s, so you'd have to transcode them anyway.
Audio normalization is best handled by you after you've received your samples.

I imagined that the audition lines would be done again by the chosen voiceactor, so I figured it would save some space. But come to think of it asking them to do double work is kinda silly. Changed to .wav.
Uncharted Territory is released. But I still need voice actors


Offline General Battuta

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Re: Uncharted Territory voice acting call
.ogg if possible, it's a lot smaller.


Offline Nemesis6

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Re: Uncharted Territory voice acting call
I'm gonna record some stuff for Beta 1. I'll post it as soon as I find it satisfactory.

By the way - Reuil = Pronunciated ray-el/rail?


Beta 1 -

By the way, "Emmerich" turned out as "Emmerish". If you want it changed I can redo the line.

Misc. voices -

Sorry if the voice seems dull - I haz cold.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2010, 07:54:52 pm by Nemesis6 »


Offline Colonol Dekker

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Re: Uncharted Territory voice acting call
Enmerich = 'Emma-rick'.
I'm gonna do my standard thing and send at least three lines for each role. Take your pick.
Probably over the weekend though :)
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
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Offline Scotty

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Re: Uncharted Territory voice acting call
Minor nitpick:  Admiral Petrarch never did the voicing for the Acquitaine in-mission, AFAIK.  It was all some woman, wasn't it?


Offline General Battuta

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Re: Uncharted Territory voice acting call
Guy. Aquitaine captain. See 'Argonautica', 'Proving Grounds'.


Offline Colonol Dekker

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Re: Uncharted Territory voice acting call
That guy couldn't have possibly been awake 24/7 could he. Give some allowances :)
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
GO GO DEKKER RANGERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
President of the Scooby Doo Model Appreciation Society
The only good Zod is a dead Zod


Offline ReeNoiP

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Re: Uncharted Territory voice acting call
That guy couldn't have possibly been awake 24/7 could he. Give some allowances :)

That makes sense. Well I think most people would have trouble sleeping during the events where the Aquitaine is present, but maybe they work in shifts.
Uncharted Territory is released. But I still need voice actors


Offline Scotty

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Re: Uncharted Territory voice acting call
Guy. Aquitaine captain. See 'Argonautica', 'Proving Grounds'.

Right.  I knew the Acquitaine didn't use Petrarch in-mission, but for some reason I kept thinking the captain of the Phoenicia did the voicing for the Acquitain as well. :ick:


Offline JMN

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Re: Uncharted Territory voice acting call


Offline ReeNoiP

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Re: Uncharted Territory voice acting call

Thank you. I will give you an answer very soon.
Uncharted Territory is released. But I still need voice actors


Offline gavilatius

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Re: Uncharted Territory voice acting call
I'll see what I can do, I'll probably have to take a stab at all the voices... man, a Michael Ironside sound-alike would be great for
delta 1 or squad leader. :eek2:
any one beat the last boss yet?


Offline ReeNoiP

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Re: Uncharted Territory voice acting call
I'll see what I can do, I'll probably have to take a stab at all the voices... man, a Michael Ironside sound-alike would be great for
delta 1 or squad leader. :eek2:

 :yes: I look forward to it.

Actually the actor for SL is pretty close to Michael Ironside, even if he lacks the rasp part  :p.
Uncharted Territory is released. But I still need voice actors


Offline Desertfox287

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Re: Uncharted Territory voice acting call
maybe I can act  ;7 I need a warm up for my campaign anyway


Offline Colonol Dekker

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Re: Uncharted Territory voice acting call
Is squad leads Sully? Or am I confused. . . .cos I can rasp. I just need to smoke a tonne beforehand.
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
GO GO DEKKER RANGERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
President of the Scooby Doo Model Appreciation Society
The only good Zod is a dead Zod


Offline ReeNoiP

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Re: Uncharted Territory voice acting call
Is squad leads Sully? Or am I confused. . . .cos I can rasp. I just need to smoke a tonne beforehand.

No squad leader is the guy doing the briefings and debriefings. No need to ruin your throat.
Uncharted Territory is released. But I still need voice actors


Offline ReeNoiP

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Re: Uncharted Territory voice acting call
Time for a status update  :).

I have received complete voicework for the Reuil and the Atlas. The Gabriel and Delta 1 are supposedly done, but I have yet to receive the files.

Right now I'm trying to find a good way to make sure all files have the same volume. So far my best bet is normalization->amplification in Audacity, but it hurts quality a bit too much for my liking. Any veteran advice on this?
Uncharted Territory is released. But I still need voice actors


Offline General Battuta

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Re: Uncharted Territory voice acting call
Normalize, use noise removal, amplify as best as you can without severe clipping.