Author Topic: MCO version 304  (Read 60496 times)

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Offline magic

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  • 211
Mech Commander Omnitech is standalone game.
There is no need for Mech Commander 2 installation nor disk.
There is no need for XNA installation any more for Mission Editor.

MCO 304

277: bugfix on delete array in missionBriefingScreen and missiongui.
278: ExtentRadius changed to be bigger for larger mechs
279: Variables defining removed heap sizes removed from the code.
280: Debugwins and variables removed from the code
281: Autosave file "Before_mission" added.
282: Mechlab bug - removed components saved to inventory fixed.
283: Players mechs are facing direction of the mission drop mech (first player unit in mission file)
shadowcat texture fix.Old Zeus replaced with Zeus mk2 model. Zeus mk2 to be replaced with another mech.
Buildings.csv fix - all dropships moved to air units. x_2_4 mission changed - components salvage added.
284: Cahnges in radio to prevent memory alloc if zero packet.
285: Problem with destroyed gates and pathfinding for longer disatnces fixed.
286: Bugfix in move.cpp - fixed redefinition of array(30) - mustbe 40+.
287: Many changes in define MAX variables in move.h and .cpp and other modules.Maps 180+ no longer crush on second load in solo.
Many checks added on delete or free. Misions MW2_1_1 and MW2_1_2 changed.
288: MW2_4_1 fix.
289: Saved variant name can go up to 20 characters (14). Crab icon. MW2_7_1 fix. Before_mission autosave for solo missions disabled.
290: PPC turret - new model. Bugfix in damage transfer from mission to logistics. Message window position changed.
Pilot ready screen fixed overlaping mech-pilot stats.
291: Mechlistbox and MechPurchase screen rewritten, no more crushes. Animation redesign - Fafnir and Warhammer2c (Karl).
New texture Warhammer2c (Karl).
292: Options - unlimited purchase implemented (components only for now). Options screen changed. Options.cfg changed - line for unlimited purchase added.
Change in logistics resolution selection.
293: Nova lGun joint fix.
294: Logistics resolution changes - logistics uses the same resolutons as mission.
295: Hi res offsets for logistics resolutions. ini files for logistic screens added for 1680 and 1920 res.
296: Logistics screens are in detected best supported resolution. Positions are calculated per offsets from ini files and 1280 as refernce.
297: Scaling for mech models and roataing weapon models for hi-res fixed. Hard coded cover rect for in pilot ready area moved to other rects.
298: Repair truck deploy reset if mission failed.
299: Salvage component changed to support CompCount. New Warhammer2c shadow (Karl).
300: Error in goblin pilot file fixed. Editor recompiled, xna-arm removed from editor obj manager.
301: Pilot radio under airstrike enabled.
302: Mech selection boxes for 2nd and 3rd line for offsets fixed. Pilot attribute metters not showing because of new cover rect fixed.
303: Fix: ECM shut down for dead or disabled mech with ECM. Fix: BlackJack eror in CSV file.
304: Editor is free of XNA.

MCO 276

Bug in component purchase screen fixed.

270: Summoner new texture and some UV fixes.
271: Bugfix - conflict between old and new component purchase.
272: LogistcsComponent object now has a counter, must make a copy for cancel click, changes in component list box.
273: Purchase files for Exodus and MW2 mercs changed.
274: New MC2res.dll - some descriptions added. Mission mw2_9_1 added to mw2_mercs campaign.
275: Turkina mech redesign - new texture. All changes per echelon from 29112012 reversed. Warhawk mech - texture changed
276: New sahdowcat mech model - new texture 6 weapon nodes. A_0_2 mission changed back from Iceferret to ShadowCat.

MCO 269

241 :More detail and water textures.
242 : Minor building fixes (Karl), cement2 to 7 (Starman)
243 :
Extent radius for large vehicles returned/set to 20 (Starman).
Hollander.csv new variant (Starman).
Timberwolf fix (Karl).
MAX_SENSORS increased to 200 (+50).
Editor: message for max units on save changed from 104 to 192.

244 :Mw4 Cougar fixed - error in tgl incorrect ase export (6 weapon nodes), new Cougar model (6 weapon nodes).
245 : MAX_MOVERS_PER_TEAM increased to 150 (was 120). Max units for one team must be less then 150 (usually enemy).
Number of units plus number of sensor towers must be less then 200.
246 : AblStackHeap set to 4Mb.,Mission mw2_8_1_Wolcot added to mw2mercs campaign
247 : No salvage if mech too deep under water, removed gos_free in terrtxm.cpp.
248 : New mech - Stalker 11 weapon nodes, Nova mech - Changed torso - original was unusable.
249 : Button layout for lowest resolutions fixed, Stalker and Mist Lynx icons, New salvage values in salvage screen, armor and internal damage reduce the price, Players disabled mech can be salvaged for 10% of the price.
250 : Mech salvaged through salavge screen after mission are not auto-repaired.
251 : Hollander2.csv fix.
252 : Mech icon - Crossbow, MistLynx fix (Karl).
253 : UniversalBrain.abl file updated, 2 new component warehouses (new textures), Destroyed Nova fix, CanHaveECM will not be listed as ECM in weapons listbox for mechs. It is listed as a component.
254 : Null overlay index (terrain type) redefinition from 41 to 1, Both Editor and MCO recompiled, New mech Crab.
255 : Fixed crush on exit after last mission in campaign (save dropweight), New vehicle ACV.
256 : New vehicle Bulldozer, New vehicle Hummer
257 : New Argus texture, new shadow model (Karl).
258 : New BloodKite texture and shadow model (Karl)
259 : New Fafnir texture and shadow model (Karl)
260 : Fafnir texture fix (Karl)
261 : Changes in several modules per Echalon9s PVS studio changes, MaxVisualRange = 400 (
262 : New Champion model (Karl), 5 new textures for Karls models.
263 : 2 bugfixes per Echelon
264 : New mech Firefly (Karl - model by Starman)
265 : Firefly icon (Karl), Compbas min ranges for some weapons added, LRM range decreased.
266 :
Component stacking in components inventory and purchase.
Number of components can be set in purchase file:
   l Component3 = 156        //Laser
   l CompCount3 = 10   
Game can read  both new and old purchase files and combination (if CompCount is not found CompCount=1)

Mech variant can be set in purchase file:
   st Mech1 = "Jenner"
   l MechVariant1 = 1
Game can read  both new and old purchase files and combination (if MechVariant is not found MechVariant=0)

Files mcl_c$ and mcl_mc changed in art folder - new text box definition for component count.
267 : Change in Component Purchase screen because of previous modifications.
268 : Lupus redesign (Karl).
269 : Hellfire redesign and Lupus fix (Karl). Mech purchase screen changes.

MCO 240

- Redesigned mission GUI - MC1 style,
- Damage transfer from mission to logistics,
- Repair buttons added to mechbay and mechlab.
- Every weapon has its own weapon range - new ranges calculation, simple math instead of predefined tables in mc2,
- ECM works as ECM umbrella now, all friendly mechs under ECM range are invisible for sensors, can be purchased and added to the mech in mechlab.
- New simple math calculations for LOS, increased LOS for high ground,
- New Beagle probe, increase sensor range and can detect shutdown mechs, can be purchased and added to the mech.
- max unit textures are now up to 512x512,
- max game detail textures... can go up to 1024x1024,
- new detail textures fixed that ugly looking terrain,
- new building textures, redesign of existing textures.
- redesigned old overlays and over 100 new overlays, cement, grass, terrain...
- additional ammo bins for all weapons,
- player can hire local mercs in mission if allowed by mission designer. Full control of those merc mech and vehicles for the duration of the mission,
- New Paved Road texture,
- High res damage icons are used for logistics and will show damage in logistics.
- Orange is added to damage colors.
- New MCO purchase file editor by Karl,
- New Arrow IV turret - model by Starman, texture by Karl.
- Quick load/save fix.
- New feature Resource points for the mission are now visible in mechbay, player can icrease or decrease the number just like the drop weight.
- Left click and drag disabled in mechbay and mechlab.
- Component salvage like in MC1
- new button design for mission gui.
- new button for repair truck - recharge your repair truck with one click (cost RPs).

ABL Commands:
- teleporttopoint(PartID, position),
- setbrain(PartID, brainFileName),
- togglesensorstrike;
- toggleartillerypiece;
- toggleairstrike;

- setobjectivetype(objectiveID, type)
- checkobjectivetype(objectiveID)

- Summoner - magic.
- Timberwolf - Karl.
- Mad Dog - Karl.

- Objective Action for Mission Editor - Add Component salvage (add a components FIT file containing number of salvage components and component list)

- Error when loading mission with destroyed building as first after start.
- Bugfix for MakenewtechnologyAvailable, Playwav and PlayBik
- Bugfix incorrect entry for additional purchase files.

MCO 156

I am sorry for problem with corrupted textures, it is fixed.

MCO 155

- K_lightgate fix

MCO 154

- left, right, up, down animations disabled in menus.
- tileHeap, tileRAMHeap eliminated.

MCO version 152

One new mech and 27 new buildings.
- New mech - Omen (Karl)
- Kurita building set - (Heavy, Medium, Light) Gate, Wall, Post and Kurita Turret Control (Karl)
- Petrol Station (Karl - model by Starman)
- MC1/G building set - CranePA (animated), Elemental Barracks, Farmhouse, Field Storage, Hanger, 6 Kurita Houses, 5 Office Buildings Variants (Karl)

MCO version 151

- exodus x_2_5 mission fix (mission was impossible because of new feature, indirect fire without LOS).
- 1 bug and 3 possible problems fixed.
- folders missions and textures cleanup.
- Flyer units movement changes reversed. This should fix many problems in released 3rd party campaigns.

MCO version 148

More then 50 problems, bugs and fixed limits in the code fixed.
Improved stability.
Crushes for large maps (200) fixed.

MCO version 143

- Object2 changed files for all my buildings (impassablewhendestroyed)
- Long Tom projectile speed doubled.
- bug - invalid normal fixed (crush in base aries mission  and possibly more missions. Function with two arguments with the second argument defaulted to NULL if omitted. At one place in the function value is assigned to second argument without checking its existence.)

MCO version 141

- textureCacheHeap and textureStringHeap eliminated
- colorMapHeap and colorMapRAMHeap eliminated
- craterPosHeap, cratershpHeap and craterList heap eliminated
- mapData heap eliminated
- Indirect fire weapons can fire if target is in range (no need for LOS)
- Crater texture loaded as separate var.
- Flyer units dynamics fixes.
- impassableWhenDestroyed for buildings activated. Set to False in file and destroyed building will be passable in game.
- impassableWhenDestroyed changed in all fit files for buildings in MCO objects folder. 

MCO version 133

Mechs are free of mc2res.dll for logistics.

MCO version 132

REmodeled buildings: Barracks, Chemical Plant, Dome, HQ, Hangar,
Industrial complex, Liquid Storage - (Karl - models Hades)
Popup MRM Turrets anim fix (karl)
New buildings: Factory, Dome (karl)
New Salamander Armor as mech (karl - model by ThorC).
REmodeled buildings: 2StoryCivLiving (karl)
Fixed: Elemental (new animation - karl), Factory, Dome (Karl).
New Building: Windmill Port Arthur variant (karl)
Editor buiding groups fix.
Exodus and MW2 missions fixes - l modelID = ... must be new objnum for mechs,
vehicles and new buildings, or the edit0r crush on show object in objectives.
x_2_5 fix: Truck moved out of danger.
Repair Bay dynamics changed.
New building: Field Repair Bay
New Building: Portable Repair Bay
New Vehicle: Armored Supply Truck
Old Repair bay with new anims for new repbay dynamics

4 new abl commands:
pointsToAdd - number of Resource points, can be + or -.
Effect: Add resource points for the mission.
pointsToAdd - amount of money, can be + or -.
Effect: In mission add money.
Effect: Enable/Disable repair truck in support for the mission.
Effect: Enable/Disable salvage craft in support for the mission.

Chance to fall under heavy fire (hit by heavy weapons).
Auto detect closest supported resolution to players desktop resolution.

NEW ABL command:
settxtbuildingname(BuildingID, "BuildingName");

BuildingID - number from the editor for building.
"BuildingName" = "New text building name"

Effect: Display "BuildingName" text as building name in mission.
Works for Buildings, Turrets amd Gates

Building does not need entry in mc2res.dll. All is set in
st Name="Building Name" - text for in mission display
l BuildingName=0 - must be zero

Buildings dont need entrys in mc2res.dll for the editor.
In buildings.csv type "Building Name" instead of "Name ID Number"
Mechs and vehicles also dont need entrys in mc2res.dll.
For vehicles it is ( file): st Name   ="Ambulance".
For mechs it is (mech.csv file): MechName,Anihilator.

Elemental and Salamander jump fix (karl)
Huntsman and IceFerret - better mech models (karl)
Mech CSVs fix for new armor.
New armor allocation - more armor types.
My missions RPtruck fix.

Mech speed display extended

New Hi-res menus. 3 resolutions: standard 800x600 plus 1280x1024 and 1440x900

Mission briefing screen and pilot ready area added to new menus.
Mech purchase fix, compnent purchase fix.

mech purchase screen added to new menus.

Fixed bad load for feet0000.tga
Added folder detail with some detail textures to textures folder.

New logistic res change

new menus component purchase screen added.
new building - Generator (karl)

auto resolutions change - change resolution only if desktop res is
different then logistic res.

mission heap eliminated
appearance heap eliminated
terrain heap eliminated (200 crushes on first loaod after game start)
radio and msgheap heap eliminated
soundheap heap eliminated
system heap eliminated
gui heap eliminated - it was not used?
tgl heap eliminated. (f MaxVisualRange = 500 //300)
mechlab art for mechs - Karl
ase2tgl mem error fixed.

MCO version 102

Editor fixed: no more crushes on exit under win7, no more crushes in unit settings dialog.
Repair vehicle recharge completed.
Quick save/load fixed, no more crushes after quick load.
Game will recalculate paths for destroyed buildings.

MCO version 092

- Quicksave bug fix - more then 10 weapon nodes - another fixed limit.
- Better Kodiak mech model - 10 weapon nodes.

MCO version 091

Whats new:
- Quck load bug fix - another fixed limit.
- Repair truck can be deployed only once.

MCO version 089

Whats new:
- Mouse wheel incorporated in all MCO list boxes.
- Many mech fixes from Karl.
- New mech - Warhammer 2c (Karl)
- Improved mach models (magic):
Warhawk (model changed, 10 weapon nodes),
CauldronBorn (model changed, 12 weapon nodes),
Orion (better model, 9 weapon nodes, better animation),
Orion2c (better model, 9 weapon nodes, better animation),
Awesome (better model, 9 weapon nodes, better animation),
Centurion (better model, 6 weapon nodes, better animation),
Intruder (9 weapon nodes),
Grizzly (8 weapon nodes),
Nova (better model, 7 weapon nodes, better animation).
- New mech Zeus MK2 - 9 weapon nodes (magic).
- 4 new tanks: JEdgar, Saracen, Savannah, Striker (karl)
- Bug fixed - vehicle weapon nodes only 2 active, if created more then 2 in ASE/TGL, wehicle fire only first salvo and never again. All 4 nodes are now active and OK.
- new Elemental as mech (Karl, model by Thorc).
- 2 types of Forest-walls added to the game (karl).
- new building - Solar Collector (magic).
- max waypoints changed to 32 (magic).
- Repair Truck can recharge from resource buildings and resource vehicles.
- Repir Bay is not destroyed when empty.

OK here is the first release of MCO:
(full game installer package - 400 Mb)

( - no longer available.

(full game installer package - 430 Mb)  - no longer available.

We wish to thank all the people who downloaded and played MCO's first release. Special thanks to all of you that playtested and reported bugs and other problems. Many of the problems and bugs found in the first release were fixed and there are many new features in the current build. We are very happy about receiving so much positive feedback and the interest you people still show into that yewel of a game.

We would like to outline 4 very big changes in this new build :

- Texture resolution for in game objects (mechs, vehicles, buildings) and terrain detail texture is now 256x256 (was 128x128) (To clarify : It's now possible, but not changed everywhere already )
- Memory allocation for game and Editor is changed and that fixed many issues.
- New maps 140x140, 160x160, 180x180 and 200x200
- 15 (!!!) new mechs added to the game

This is a stand alone game: install this in its own folder. Also, you will need Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 (x86) redistributable which can be obtained from Microsoft directly at:
If you want to use the editor, you will have to also install the XNA build for the editor (extract xna build and don't dbl click XNABuildSetup.exe. Dbl click XNA Build System.msi. It will install and report an error in the end about something missing. Just finish the install and it will be OK.

What's new in Mech Commander Omnitech?

- Components inventory is back, just like in old MCG.
- No more unlimited purchase for mechs.
- Mission is too difficult and you have a lot of cbills, no problem, buy additional drop weight (5t - 10000cb), as much as you can afford.
- New save game file format.
- Component purchase.
- Component purchase screen.
- Sensor and jumping skills added to pilots like in mcg.
- Pilot promotion screen and pilot review area changed.
- Pilots get experience for those skills.
- New calc system for ranks.
- Sensor message when pilot has new sensor contact.
- Jump facing jump direction fixed.
- Skill try for sensors and jumping based on current sensor and jumping skill value.
- Fall when failed jump skill.
- New resolution 1920x1080.
- Sensor specialty skill and Jump specialty skill are now obsolete.
- 4 existing sensor levels are based on sensor skill value.
- Jump distance reduced for heavier mechs, more tons - lesser jump distance.
- Unit roster is no longer sorted; you can change as you wish. That way you can shift damaged units back in formation and put undamaged in front.
- 6 formations available for now. Formation key is "K", press to cycle through formations.
- Mechs are free of object2.pak (object numbers start is at 1200).
- Number of polygons limit tripled.
- A modification of rollins message box implemented.
- All vehicles are free from object2.pak (object numbers start is at 2000).
- All buildings can be free from object2 (object numbers start is at 2500, original buildings will be left in object2)
- Set of Rollins buildings.
- Starman's Mech Hangar.
- 5 new mechs (Fafnir and Lupus by Karl, Intruder and Thug by magic and MadCat MkII by MCO team).
- Number of potential abl commands doubled (was 256, now 512).
- Modified rollins message box added and accessible as abl command (for use in main mission abl file):


first parameter can be 0 or 1.
0 - instant message for the duration of number of seconds (10),
1 - rollins message box with press enter to continue, in this case third parameter should be 0.

Second parameter is text message. It should have no limit because it passes a pointer to string to underlying function.

Third is a number of seconds to display a message in case first is set to 0.

- Modified Mech purchase screen. New mech purchase simplified to the maximum, no memory consumption at all.

-changed objectchangesides abl command for use in mission.abl

objectchangesides(PartID, teamID);

PartID - number from the editor for buildings, part id for mover (getunitmates(squadID)) from squad ID.
teamID - (0,2 player; 1,3,... enemy)

effect: change object side.

- NEW ABL command:
addmovertoplayer(PartID, teamID, commanderID);

PartID - part id for mover (getunitmates(squadID)) from squad ID.
teamID - (0,2 player; 1,3,... enemy)
commanderID = 0, player is 0 for Single player. Here for possible future multiplayer.

Effect: switch enemy mech or vehicle to player and add that unit to player roster.

- Changed the way of loading pilot icons.
- 6 NEW (not replacement NEW) pilots from MCG: Vixen, Scarab, Hunter, Beast, Mystique, Hitman. Thanks to ThorC.
- Activated ALL 4 weapon nodes for turrets.
- Max object texture resolution changed to 256x256.
- 3 wide resolutions supported; 1920x1200, 1680x1050 and 1440x900.
- reduced number of buildings and trees that can be rendered by the distance from camera.
- shadows will not render if distance from camera is too long.

What's NEW in editor:
- Fixed many errors: dynamic memory allocation version conflict.
- New load for mechs, vehicles and buildings. It will load old MC2 way as well.
- Rollins resize bug fix implemented.
- Fixed 600 objects limit for buildings.
- Max number of pilots doubled to 128.

Whats new in second release:
- Texture resolution for in game objects (mechs, vehicles, buildings) is now 256x256 (was 128x128)
- Memory allocation for game and Editor is changed and that fixed many issues.
- New maps 140x140, 160x160, 180x180 and 200x200
- Activated ALL 4 weapon nodes for turrets.
- Max object texture resolution changed to 256x256.
- 3 wide resolutions supported; 1920x1200, 1680x1050 and 1440x900.
- reduced number of buildings and trees that can be rendered by the distance from camera (to prevent crashings or polygon overload).
- shadows will not render if distance from camera is too long.
- New maps 140x140, 160x160, 180x180 and 200x200
- Turrets and gates are free of object2
- Starmans Autocannon, LargeLaser, LRM and Calliope turrets included.
- Memory alloc fixed. Maps 180 and 200 are not crushing on exit now.
- All MC1 pilots are in MCO (by ThorC).
- New mechs Grizzly, Cicada, Crossbow, Ranger (by Magic)
- New Mechs Sunder, Hellfire, Redesigned Mist Lynx, Blood Kite, Naga and Mad Cat Mk3 (by Karl),
- New mechs Uziel, Argus, Thanatos, Owens (by Karl, models by Starman)
- New mech Champion (by Karl - model by RavenIIC)
- Mobile Turret Control vehicle and Mobile AC Turet (by Starman)
- New MRM turret, MRM popup and camo turets and LRM camo turrets (by Karl).
- New/fixed ABL and brain file functions (check the moddb download description for more details on this issue)

What's NEW in editor:
- Max number of pilots doubled to 128.
- More skys added to editor up to 36.
- Editor mem alloc changed.


MCO team
« Last Edit: May 13, 2013, 12:27:24 am by magic »


Offline Timerlane

  • 27
  • Overseer of Slag Determination
Re: MCO version 089 release
Was a little surprised to see the new WHIIC as a reseen, but you guys made it look good, IMO. Forgot to look at the Centurion, but the other high-texture updated/models are looking good, too.

Repair truck recharge feature sounds interesting; gotta see how that works.


Offline magic

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Re: MCO version 089 release
Did I forgot that WHIIC? I also forgot new Cougar (MW4 Cougar - by me), as Cougar1 (CougarX).


Offline Karl

  • 211
Re: MCO version 089 release
@Timberlane, yeah the reseen WHIIC was my idea, I saw the reseen and I think the artwork for the reseen is awesome and since previously the WH and WHIIC were the same model I thought that doing a remodel of the WHIIC would serve two purposes
1. Since the IIC is a clan refit I though like the hunchbackIIC the look needed to be clanified, personally I think the reseen looks more high tech and therefore more clan
2. In game the player can now instantly tell the difference between the WH and the WHIIC where as before it wasn't until the player had been reamed by CERPPC's that they knew it was actually an IIC.

Glad you like the model, it was difficult to model, but I think it the only mech that I have managed to model so far that is more true to the BT artwork

Re: MCO version 089 release
Is there some way to play MC-Omnitech on a Linux operating system?
I'm getting a new computer soon, and may have to change to Linux for specific reasons.


Offline magic

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  • 211
Re: MCO version 092 release
version 092 released


Offline Karl

  • 211
Re: MCO version 102 release

Since there has been little activity on this board I though I would post this, looking to get it into the next release

Re: MCO version 102 release
what is it?
It looks kinda like a fafnir mixed with a few other mechs.
But it looks good too!

Re: MCO version 102 release
Oh, the Omen. It was a bit hard to tell without the textures.
But it looks great!!

Is there anything I could work on for MCO?
I've worked a bit on my modeling skills, and have started to use GIMP for textures, but I'm not good at it yet.
I could work on vehicles, but modeling mechs is a bit of a challenge at my current level.


Offline Karl

  • 211
Re: MCO version 102 release
Well if you want to we would definitely like to add more of anything to MCO, you know the vehicles and buildings available in MCO, if you see that we are missing something that you could provide please feel free


Offline magic

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  • 211
Re: MCO version 132 release
MCO version 132 released.

Re: MCO version 132 release
Thankyou.  Downloading now! ;7

Re: MCO version 132 release
That's a huge amount of work in this update.  Well done and thanks a lot!

Does downloading this update the game or is it the entire thing again?  Will saved games be affected?

Thanks once again.

Re: MCO version 132 release

If history is a guide it will be a whole new game file and you should install to a new directory.  You can probably copy your save games after but no guarantees they will work properly.



Offline magic

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  • 211
Re: MCO version 132 release
Just uninstall and install in the same folder. Saved games should work.

Re: MCO version 132 release

Also, it's nice being able to buy mechs now, although doing the Exodus campaign using nothing but what I could salvage was actually really fun.   

Re: MCO version 132 release
Mnor question: Why do you use Filesonic? Why not use ModDB or Filefront? Filesonic is being an ass to me half the time.


Offline magic

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  • 211
Re: MCO version 132 release
I tried to upload to moddb and the upload cracked after 4 hours. For some reason I cant transfer the file from filsonic to moddb. Upload time of the file that size on filesonic is less then hour. And I already had an account there...


Offline nodlew

  • 24
Re: MCO version 132 release
Hey, totally awesome to find this mod available. I have been searching for a fun RTS to play, and on a chance I decided to see if there were any mods for Mech Commander 2. Stoked to try this and hope you guys continue to improve and expand on it.

I'm a fan of Mechwarrior and Battletech from way back, and, since nothing official has been released in years, it's inspiring to see the fan community remaking old tools to create new content.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2011, 01:31:55 am by nodlew »