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Aether's Guide for Nuggets!
All the basics of flight and combat are covered in the tutorial missions provided in the first release. This guide will simply give you additional tips after taking the tutorial to help you improve your skills behind the cockpit and hopefully make your experience a little more enjoyable.

("This indicates hotkeys")



  • Near Newtonian Physics
  • Manual Landing


  • Targeting
  • Theseus
  • Communications
  • Missiles
  • Blast Radius
  • Maneuvers



  • Near Newtonian Physics: Something you should always remember when playing this game is that you are subject to the laws of Near Newtonian Physics. Basically, this means coming to a complete stop isn't always that easy. As a result, you need to get used to flying in this environment.

    Tip 1: Don't get too close! You need to give yourself time to pick up speed after changing direction. If you're too close to a ship or an object you'll most likely crash into it.

    Tip 2: Use your afterburner! If you do find yourself on a collision course with a ship or any object, the first thing to do is turn away from the object. However this won't stop you from moving in the same direction for a second or two, so the best thing to do if you are too close is to use your afterburner ("TAB") to propel yourself in another direction and into safety!

    Tip 3: Embrace Space! Unlike atmospheric flight, space allows you to maneuver in any direction at any speed. If you're having trouble getting used to the flight mechanics, go into Multiplayer, start a game by yourself and fly around an asteroid field. Get yourself familiar with the controls without any enemies around to harass you.

  • DRADIS: The Direction, RAnge, and DIStance radar is useful for locating friendly and enemy ships in real time. It is a 3D radar which means you can identify if ships are above you, below you, behind you, in front of you or either side of you.

    Tip 1: Certain missions will require you to look for a faint DRADIS signal! This will appear occasionally as a glitch on the radar. An unknown DRADIS contact will show up (it will be red), flicker around in different locations and disappear again. In order to find the source of the faint DRADIS signal, you have to move towards it. If you are flying a Raptor then the Signal Strength Bar should increase the closer you get to the target.

    Tip 2: Maintain Stealth! Certain missions also require that you maintain stealth. The DRADIS is a useful tool in this scenario because it allows you to keep an eye on your enemy and therefore keep away from your enemy.

  • Manual Landing: Manual Landings can be tricky for Nuggets. Flying fast enough to get into the flight pod and slow enough to land is a difficult task.

    Tip 1: Line yourself up! Give yourself a little time to get it right. Landing is like threading a needle. You'll need a little distance to make sure you have enough time to line yourself up with the landing pod. As soon as you have the direction lined up you can reduce your speed without panicking.

    Tip 2: Use your thrusters! If you find that you're approaching the Landing Pod at an awkward angle it is best to use your thrusters instead of pointing the nose towards it. Using the thrusters (Directional: "Left, Right, Up and Down") allows you to look directly at the Landing Pod and guide yourself in as opposed to looking away from it and hoping you pull up at the right moment. Approaching at an awkward angle also doesn't give you enough time to land correctly.


    Here is an example of what NOT to do: (Not using thrusters)

     :no: [__Landing Pod___]<- 
                                                <Your Ship]
    Here is an example of what you SHOULD do: Using Thrusters

     :yes: [__Landing Pod___]< --------
                                                    <Your Ship]


    Tip 3: Gently does it! Once inside the landing pod you can reduce your speed to zero ("Backspace") or, if you're still coming in too fast, you can use your reverse thrusters ("Z") to slow down. Finally, use your downwards thruster (Directional: "Down") to gently land on the deck.



  • Targeting: Targeting allows you to effectively track and destroy enemy targets. However, in order to hit the target you need to be both in range and have a clear line of sight to the target.

    Tip 1: Pay attention to your Gunsight! Accounting for range is a vital part of targeting the enemy. You can shoot directly at the enemy, but on most occasions, by the time you have fired, the enemy will have passed by the area you were targeting. The Gunsight, located on your HUD as an Octagon with 8 lines sticking out, accounts for where the bullets will land by the time they reach the range of the target. The Gunsight constantly tracks your selected target. This is your true targeting reticle as the bullets will always follow this sight.

    Tip 2: Get a clear shot! A target that cannot be hit from your location will have an [  X  ] symbol in the targeting reticle once you've locked on. In order to hit the target you'll need to change your position to get a clear shot at it.

    Tip 3: Know what you're shooting! When targeting subsystems of a Basestar (Turrets ("K"), Communications/FTL/Engines ("S"), etc.) you need to keep an eye on what you're targeting. On the bottom left hand side of the screen you can find the targeting information. Once a target is destroyed a new target will be automatically selected. This can be troublesome if you are tasked with destroying certain subsystems only. For example: If you are tasked with destroying Heavy Missile Turrets then you need to make sure that, after destroying one, your next target is another Heavy Missile Turret and not a Light Missile Turret or any other subsystem.
    Also be sure to pay attention to what missiles you have selected. Ship-to-ship missiles are only effective at taking down enemy fighters and are not as effective at destroying subsystems as torpedoes. The weapon selection and technical database will give you all the information you need on missiles and their purpose.

    Tip 4: Don't waste ammunition! From the beginning of a mission you are given a certain amount of ammunition. It's up to you to make sure you save enough to last you the mission. Save certain weapons such as missiles for larger targets or targets that are given a higher priority. ALWAYS make sure you are in range and have a clear shot before shooting, otherwise you are just wasting ammunition on targets you aren't hitting. Instead of firing a steady stream of fire where you might miss, try firing consistent bursts of fire when you're sure you'll hit your target.

    Tip 5: Find your main target quickly! You can take down 50 Toasters single handed, sustain zero damage and have only fired 49 bullets, but you still might fail the mission if a Raider armed with nukes slips past. Most of the time your objectives are added directly to your escort list on the right-hand side of your screen. Press "E" to cycle through this list and acquire your target. These could be friendly targets in need of protection or priority enemy targets in need of destruction. Also you can press "N" to quickly find newest targets which are occasionally the ones you need to focus on attacking. This occurs in a "new threat has appeared" kind of scenario.

    Tip 6: This might not be the droid you're looking for! You might have a Toaster right in your sights and almost have him finished off but then you find yourself under attack from another bandit. While it is tempting to keep going and get that eagerly awaited kill, it's best to defend yourself first. The target attacking you is indicated on your Heads Up Display as the empty red triangle (only the outline of the triangle is visible). This differs from the full red triangle which is the enemy that you have already targeted. Switch to target the attacking Cylon, take it out and then continue to engage the bandit now that you are safe from enemy fire.

    Tip 7: Point and target! If you know where the enemy you want to target is, simply aim your targeting reticule at the enemy and press "Y". This locks on to the enemy you are facing.

  • Theseus: The Theseus is your Battlestar and it's up to you to defend it! Defending Theseus is a primary objective for many missions. You can't control the Theseus, but that doesn't mean you can't use it.

    Tip 1: "And for Frak's sake stay out of the firing solution!" - Apollo Theseus defends itself primarily by firing its Heavy Turrets and its Light Turrets. The Heavy Turrets create a sort of wall of explosions. This wall is what's known as the perimeter. Most of the time you'll be eager to lock on to a bandit and shoot him down. However, if it's outside the perimeter then this is a bad idea. Let the bandit fly through the perimeter (being damaged in the process) and then finish him off! Staying inside the perimeter also keeps you safe from Theseus' Heavy Turrets.
    Sometimes the mission objective is outside the perimeter. In this case it is easier to fly above or below the firing solution to get through to your target (trying to fly around the sides is too long and flying through it is dangerous). If you are forced to fly through the firing solution (or if you're just impatient) at least use your afterburner at top speed to get through as quickly as possible to obtain the least damage.

    Tip 2: Don't stray too far! By staying close to Theseus, not only are you taking advantage of its firepower but you are also making sure it's better protected! Keep an eye out for bandits in the area and both you and Theseus can take care of them together.

  • Communications: This allows you to give commands to your squadmates and better manage your defence. It is accessed by pressing "C". It can be tricky at first but there are a few basic commands that can help a lot.

    Tip 1: If you want something done right, do it yourself! Your squadmates can be useful in a support role but you shouldn't rely on them to get things done. It's much better to use them as distractions for the enemy while you go for the main objective.

    Tip 2: No one fights alone! Needless to say, you can't take down 4 Raiders on your own without taking some damage. Before going to engage your enemy, make sure that your squadmates are with you. This can be done by opening the Comms menu ("C"), selecting Wings ("2"), then select your wing (It will always be the first wing so press "1") and then select "Form on my wing" ("7"). Your wing will line up beside you and assist you. Additionally you can select "Cover me" ("8") instead of "Form on my Wing" to make your wing more active in your attack.

    Tip 3: Assign them tasks while you have the time! During a mission it may be important to defend multiple ships. Before you get caught up in the frenzy of an assault, assign your Wings to defend different ships while you still have the time. This can be done by first targeting the friendly ship ("F"), opening the Comms menu, selecting a spare Wing ("2","3","4" or "5") and assigning them to "Defend my target" ("5"). This will provide cover for the friendly vessel and ease the pressure on you to defend multiple ships.

  • Missiles: This section will briefly discuss tactics in dealing with Basestar missiles. However, the most common type of missiles you will be dealing with are the Aircraft-to-Aircraft Missiles that come from enemy fighters. In Air to Air combat (or Space to Space combat if you want), the enemy will lock on to your ship. This is indicated on the right hand side of your HUD (or Heads Up Display) and is located above the "Guns" lock indicator. Countermeasures are activated with the "X" button. Bombs and Missiles are targeted using the "B" button.

    Tip 1: Stay behind the missile! Ideally, when taking out Basestar missiles, it is best to shoot it down from behind. This ensures that you are always a safe distance away from the missile and won't be damaged from the blast radius once you destroy it. If you attack from the front then the missile only gets closer and closer to you leaving you with a time limit to destroy it and not take any damage yourself.

    Tip 2: Don't stretch yourself thin! You may be prompted in missions to specifically target and destroy Nuclear missiles/torpedoes from a Baseship. 99% of the time it is unnecessary for you to abandon whatever objective you are pursuing to shoot down these missiles. This is due to the fact that Theseus' flak wall (also-known-as a firing solution/perimeter/firewall) often deals with the missiles itself. Check to see if you're actually needed before engaging these torpedoes/missiles.

    Tip 3: Know where the missiles are coming from! When the enemy fires a missile, the missile's direction can be learned by looking at your HUD and searching for the yellow "T" that has just appeared. If this indicator is in the top half of your screen (9-3 o'clock) then the missile is coming straight at you and you are in trouble as countermeasures are usually ineffective. To combat this, turn your ship until the indicator is in the lower half of your screen (3-9 o'clock) and drop countermeasures to evade the missile.
    This is because countermeasures are dropped behind your ship and stay behind. If you're facing towards the missile then you are closer to it than the countermeasure, therefore you will still be the primary target.

    Tip 4: Use your ears! Just because you've run out of countermeasures, this doesn't mean you've run out of options. The distance between you and the missile is given to you audibly through a beeping sound. The closer together the beeps (or the faster the beeping sound gets) the closer the missile is to you. Missiles aren't as maneuverable as your ship. Keep an eye on the direction of the missile, wait until the missile is very close and change direction while using your afterburner to avoid being hit by the missile. This normally buys you enough time for the missile to time-out or explode without making contact.
    Barrel rolls (by banking left/right and using your left/right thrusters) are also a suitable substitute for evading missiles for as long as possible. I hope it goes without saying that Glide is useless in this scenario as you wouldn't actually be changing the direction of your ship.

    Tip 5: Do you feel lucky? If you're crazy enough, one way to get rid of missile without launching countermeasures is, simply, to target them and shoot them down. During most campaign missions this is very difficult. However it is easier in Multiplayer where most players will make a head on attack at you, guns blazing and firing missiles. Seeing as you are both facing each other it is rare that a missile will make contact considering you are both firing your standard rounds at the same time. These missiles get caught in the crossfire and are usually destroyed. (On a side note, these Multiplayer games of Chicken usually result in both players "Winning" and crashing into each other.)
    Try to avoid being targeted by missiles by maneuvering constantly and do your best not to fly in a straight line.

    Tip 6: Don't despair! While Missiles can be a major nuisance, and it seems like simply avoiding them is a small victory for the effort involved, you can now use the same evasion tactics to attack the enemy. While it's a mistake to attack the enemy face-on, try attacking them from above while they are moving towards your general direction. This will make their countermeasures ineffective against your missiles!

  • Blast Radius: Needless to say, explosions are a pretty common occurrence in Diaspora. This isn't a problem unless you're too close to them, in which case you will take damage or, if the explosion is big enough, be destroyed.

    Tip 1: Don't fire missiles at close range! It might seem stupid to ask why you would fire a missile at point blank range when you can get a lock at a distance and have it follow the target. However, in the heat of battle it may get confusing as to where you are and you might be closer to your target than you think. Keep your distance from your targets and you won't get any shrapnel from your own missiles.

    Tip 2: Get the frak out of there! If it seems like a large ship is going down or if you are notified that a ship is going down, fly as far away from it as possible! The larger ships have a huge blast radius that could easily consume a small ship like yours. You need to keep your distance from it. When you're far enough away you can sit back and watch the fireworks!

  • Maneuvers: The primary goal of combat is to destroy the enemy without being attacked yourself. This can be done by maneuvering to positions where the enemy is open to attack while you are safe from harm.

    Tip 1: Don't attack the enemy head on! Riding out to meet the enemy face to face might seem like the fastest way to get into the action (which it is) but it's also the fastest way to get killed (sorry). They have just as good a shot at you as you do at them. It's not always possible to avoid attacking the enemy head on, but if you're not already under fire then it's not worth the risk.
    The best way to attack the enemy is to approach from either above or below when moving towards it OR by approaching them from the side. You can tell which way you're approaching the enemy by first locking on to them, then looking to the bottom left hand side of your screen. The targeting information will tell you which way the enemy is facing in relation to where you are. Use this to adjust your position and attack.
    Another way to find out which way the enemy is facing is by using the Aspect Angle. This appears on your HUD (Heads Up Display) as a small T. When the T is on the top half of your HUD (9-3 o'clock) then the enemy is facing towards you. When it is on the lower half of your HUD (3-9 o'clock) then the enemy is facing away from you.
    Due to the fact that Raiders have quite a thin profile (they are long and wide but not tall targets) it is difficult to attack when directly behind them. Compensate for this by attacking from angles that give you more to shoot at (i.e. Above, below, diagonally).

     :no:Here is an example of what NOT to do: (Attack head on)

    [Your Ship> .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- <Cylon]

     :yes:Here is an example of what you SHOULD do: (Attack from above/behind/side)

    [Your Ship>.


     :yes:After the Cylon passes you, you can simply turn around, line up behind your target and destroy it.

    -------<Cylon].........<Your Ship]


    Tip 2: Use Glide! If you have an enemy chasing you from behind, the best way to attack him is to turn on Glide ("W") and turn to face the enemy. This allows you to maintain your speed in the same direction you were going in and fire in the direction your enemy is based. After the enemy is destroyed or out of range, turn glide off and you can move in different directions again.
    You can also use Glide to perform more complex maneuvers by turning it on, changing direction and turning it off while firing afterburners. Basically, it allows you to make sudden changes in direction.



     :no:1. Being Chased
     <-----<Your Ship]-----<------------<Cylon]

     :yes:2. Turning on Glide and Attacking (Note: Your ship changes the direction it is facing but continues moving in the same direction you were going previously)

    <-----[Your Ship>.-.-.-.<-.--.--.--.--.--.<Cylon]


    Tip 3: Use reverse! When attacking Basestar's subsystems it's sometimes easier to hit the targets when stationary. Being stationary, however, makes you a sitting duck to the many Cylon raiders that pour out of the Basestar! To compensate for this try flying towards your target and, when you are close enough to hit it, reverse ("Z") while firing. Repeat this as many times as necessary and remember to ask your squadmates for cover, just in case.

    Tip 4: Again, use your thrusters! Using your thrusters are a great way to avoid enemy fire. By randomly thrusting in different directions, you make yourself a difficult target to hit. If your enemy is chasing you from behind you can simply thrust up, hit the brakes and thrust down to end up behind him.

    Tip 5: Keep a hand on the throttle! Auto-match speed is useful for following friendly Vipers in formation or for moving at the same speed of a ship you are escorting. In combat, however, it can be a nuisance to move at the same speed as your enemy. If you're following the enemy at the same speed he's going and he's out of range then it could be a LONG time before he gets into range. Take the initiative! You decide how fast/slow you need to be to take out the enemy.

    Tip 6: Break the pattern! You will probably find yourself in an eternal loop with an enemy trying to get a shot off at some point in the game. Or maybe you'll find yourself flying at the enemy, firing briefly and then turning around because he's flown past you, only to repeat the maneuver again. These patterns obviously aren't very effective for you and it's up to you to break them. Avoid using auto-match speed. You're only copying the enemy and you need to stop doing this if you're in an eternal loop with him. Break away from the target and get some distance. This will break the pattern and opens the door for you to create an opportunity where you have the upper hand. Of course, it's a mistake to just run away with your back exposed. Use Glide ("W") to counter this. It allows you to get some distance, break the pattern AND it allows you to face your enemy. Performing this maneuver gives you a headstart. While you have the opportunity to both fire at the enemy and get some distance, the enemy will only be starting to break out of the pattern you were in.

    Tip 7: Turn into your enemy! Unfortunately, it's not always possible to avoid facing the enemy head on. If you find yourself under fire from the enemy, the best thing to do is to turn into him, close the gap, and keep firing at him. While you will take damage (and presumably already have), you'll be limiting the amount of time the enemy has to fire on you while landing some hits on the enemy at the same time. The best part of all is that, just before the enemy passes you, you can activate Glide, turn to the direction the enemy is going and get right on his tail the moment he passes. Don't waste a second, finish him off.


    Guide has been revised to include tips from: CooperHawkes, jg18, Newman, KaraJorma, Ace, Sushi, Water, Scourge of Ages, MatthTheGeek, Skunimatrix and Al-Rik.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2012, 12:02:09 am by Aether »
So say we all!

Re: Aether's Guide for Nuggets!
hi mate
im finding these tips really usefull
but this part is kinda confusing :)
"And for Frak's sake stay out of the firing solution!" - Apollo
but your suggesting to stay inside the solution :D

and in the shows most of the combat is done outside the flak wall
which is kinda a tick wall of flack close to the galactica


Offline newman

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Re: Aether's Guide for Nuggets!
"And for Frak's sake stay out of the firing solution!" - Apollo
but your suggesting to stay inside the solution :D

He's really not. Inside the firing solution means being in the middle of the flak wall - that hurts and isn't conducive to your health. Staying inside the perimeter is a different thing altogether, that means staying closer to the Theseus and well away from the flak wall. While this will help you survive, your objectives don't always allow for this; sometimes you need to fly outside the perimeter, and sometimes you need to chase down nukes or heavy raiders which can take your right through a flak wall. Like in any real battle, the plan doesn't survive for more than five minutes :)
You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here! - Jayne Cobb

Re: Aether's Guide for Nuggets!
Excellent guide!

I'd like to add one little thing to the manual landing portion though: Since many time you'll be landing straight out of combat, or with mere seconds before FTL, you'll frequently be coming in too fast to make it pretty. Use reverse thrust to slow down and avoid over-shooting the landing pad, which could happen if you just kill your engines.

And yes, that did happen to me once before I remembered that I had reverse thrust. I flew in too fast, bounced off the deck a few times, and shot out the other side. Had to make a U-turn.


Offline Aether

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Re: Aether's Guide for Nuggets!
bla_trucc: Newman pretty much answered your question  ;)  But now that you mentioned it, I think I'll edit the guide to explain that you should avoid going through the firing solution for objectives that occur outside the perimeter. Thanks for your feedback :)

Scourge of the ages: Thanks for the compliment! That's some very good advice and I'll add it to the guide ;)
« Last Edit: September 10, 2012, 10:47:21 pm by Aether »
So say we all!

Re: Aether's Guide for Nuggets!
Okay... I can't dodge a missile for the life of me.  Any tips?


Offline MatthTheGeek

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Re: Aether's Guide for Nuggets!
Don't fly in a straight line. Glide won't help you much. Use CMs.
People are stupid, therefore anything popular is at best suspicious.

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666maslo666: Releasing a finished product is not a good thing! It is a modern fad.

SpardaSon21: it seems like you exist in a permanent state of half-joking misanthropy

Axem: when you put it like that, i sound like an insane person

bigchunk1: it's not retarded it's american!
bigchunk1: ...

batwota: steele's maneuvering for the coup de gras
MatthTheGeek: you mispelled grâce
Awaesaar: grace
batwota: oh right :P
Darius: ah!
Darius: yes, i like that
MatthTheGeek: the way you just spelled it it means fat
Awaesaar: +accent I forgot how to keyboard
MatthTheGeek: or grease
Darius: the killing fat!
Axem: jabba does the coup de gras
MatthTheGeek: XD
Axem: bring me solo and a cookie

Re: Aether's Guide for Nuggets!
roll while banking to perform a maneuver close to an atmospheric barrel roll and fire counter measures.  Having a joystick with twister rudder in the handle helps with this or rudder pedals.  Also doing the same and hitting the A/B's when the missiles get close will work if you are out of CM. 

Also depends on what you are fighting as well.  Bank and roll will usually defeat Cylon dogfighting missiles, but are less effective against the ones that lock on. 


Offline Aether

  • 27
Re: Aether's Guide for Nuggets!
Hey. I'll add a Missile section under combat now. :)

I'll add your suggestions too ;)
So say we all!


Offline Aether

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Re: Aether's Guide for Nuggets!
And it's done.

Thanks for the input!  :)
So say we all!

Re: Aether's Guide for Nuggets!
Thanks!  I'll have to try that although, to be honest, I've tried doing something like that before.  It's nearly impossible to tell how close the missile is unless I switch to external view and do an extreme zoom out.


Offline Aether

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Re: Aether's Guide for Nuggets!
Listen to the beeps ;)

Or use the force... It is up to you :lol:

(That's the second Star Wars reference I've forced into this :P)
So say we all!


Offline Ace

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Re: Aether's Guide for Nuggets!
One thing you might want to add to targeting is the "X" on subsystems out of line of sight. A few people seem to have issues with hitting turrets because they're firing from out of line of sight.
Self-plagiarism is style.
-Alfred Hitchcock


Offline Aether

  • 27
Re: Aether's Guide for Nuggets!
Had to do a space in between the brackets and the X aswell, otherwise I got this thing:
  • [/color] :lol:
So say we all!

Re: Aether's Guide for Nuggets!
Any tips on the second REAL mission? the one where you destroy the cylon basestar that is following you?

Re: Aether's Guide for Nuggets!
Make sure you're targeting the heavy missile batteries at the tips of the arms, not the light missiles closer to the center axis. Don't zoom out ahead of the rest of your squadron, you'll be swarmed if you're the only Viper in raider range. Use glide to keep your nose pointed at the missile launchers without actually colliding with the baseship. Oh, and the missiles are on the inner surface of the arms, not the smooth outer side. Sometimes the target box will have an "X" over it if you don't have line of sight, but it does get confused sometimes and say it can hit a target it really can't, so use your own judgement.


Offline MatthTheGeek

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Re: Aether's Guide for Nuggets!
Don't give orders to your wingmates until the Basestar is disarmed, they have specific orders FREDed at the beginning to target specific subsystems and they usually manage to carry them out better than if you try to manually micromanage them.

EDIT: Note that using nightly builds (or even 3.6.18, IIRC) instead of older official Diaspora builds may alleviate the need to depend on the original orders, as there was a bug in AI subsystem attack pathing that was fixed recently-ish, which means they should react better to your orders if you make them attack specific subsystem manually.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2013, 01:11:35 pm by MatthTheGeek »
People are stupid, therefore anything popular is at best suspicious.

Mod management tools     -     Wiki stuff!     -     Help us help you

666maslo666: Releasing a finished product is not a good thing! It is a modern fad.

SpardaSon21: it seems like you exist in a permanent state of half-joking misanthropy

Axem: when you put it like that, i sound like an insane person

bigchunk1: it's not retarded it's american!
bigchunk1: ...

batwota: steele's maneuvering for the coup de gras
MatthTheGeek: you mispelled grâce
Awaesaar: grace
batwota: oh right :P
Darius: ah!
Darius: yes, i like that
MatthTheGeek: the way you just spelled it it means fat
Awaesaar: +accent I forgot how to keyboard
MatthTheGeek: or grease
Darius: the killing fat!
Axem: jabba does the coup de gras
MatthTheGeek: XD
Axem: bring me solo and a cookie

Re: Aether's Guide for Nuggets!
Thanks! that helped. I didn't know that red was so much better armed for baseship attack. I beat the campaign, but the end was sad :(

Re: Aether's Guide for Nuggets!
This guide is very awesome. Thank you! Particularly the tip of starting a multiplayer game to get used to spaceflight!