The mission goes great except at the end of the mission when the cap ships jump in and destroy the ARTIL. ships. then it says nothing we can do warp out. ok so I warp out and i get a black screen with the hud visible and the ship that is supposed to be in bottom left of the screen is in the top left. then I have to press F2 and exit game as pressing ESC doesnt do anything. I reproduced this bug three times in a row exactly at the same spot.

*note I had the same exact bug in wings of dawn but i forgot how i fixed it.

settings @ launch
D:\Freespace 2\fs2_open_3_6_13r_INF_SSE2.exe -mod Dimensional Eclipse,mediavps_3612 -missile_lighting -3dshockwave -post_process -soft_particles -fxaa -dualscanlines -targetinfo -rearm_timer -ship_choice_3d -weapon_choice_3d -3dwarp -warp_flash -snd_preload -mipmap -ambient_factor 90 -spec_exp 0.7 -spec_tube 1.0 -spec_point 0.7 -spec_static 1.0 -ogl_spec 15 -bloom_intensity 20 -fxaa_preset 9 -spec -glow -env -mipmap
exe used
*note will try using an older build particalry this one "fs2_open_3_6_13r_INF_SSE2_r8670" and if that one doesnt work then this one "fs2_open_3_6_13r_INF_SSE2[9012]"
is there an easy fix for this bug? thx for all the help i like the game very much its one of only i think 2 or 3 other mods that manage to slow down my computer

i have
cpu core i7 940 @ 3.108GHz
gpu GTX 560 Ti 2 GIG factory overclock to core 900MHz @ .987 volts
also is there any settings I should lower to make the game not slowdown? i know theres nothing wrong with my compy i take good care of my baby