Author Topic: Meeting Ground (Arrange games here)  (Read 31806 times)

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Offline FSHero

  • 25
Meeting Ground (Arrange games here)
Hello, myself and FSW will plan on playing Diaspora multi tonight, Sat 2012-09-08 at 2300 BST (2200 GMT i think this works out as).

Everyone is free to join; I, FSHero, will likely be the host. I will be hanging out in the IRC channel ( #hard-light), so meet us there!
« Last Edit: September 08, 2012, 02:00:04 pm by CooperHawkes »


Offline FSHero

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Re: Meeting Ground (Arrange games here)
Lol, was looking for this post; looks like someone moved it to a new, more sensible, location. Thanks!


Offline CooperHawkes

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Re: Meeting Ground (Arrange games here)
sry, im quite new to the whole moderator business. but as the multiplayer board is still very comprehensible, i figured its not that hard to find a split or moved topic :)
take me out to the black,
tell 'em i ain't coming back,
i don't care, i'm still free,
you can't take the sky from me


Offline MatthTheGeek

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Re: Meeting Ground (Arrange games here)
Standard policy would be to post a locked thread like this in lieu and place of the moved thread (if you did make one I missed it).
People are stupid, therefore anything popular is at best suspicious.

Mod management tools     -     Wiki stuff!     -     Help us help you

666maslo666: Releasing a finished product is not a good thing! It is a modern fad.

SpardaSon21: it seems like you exist in a permanent state of half-joking misanthropy

Axem: when you put it like that, i sound like an insane person

bigchunk1: it's not retarded it's american!
bigchunk1: ...

batwota: steele's maneuvering for the coup de gras
MatthTheGeek: you mispelled grĂ¢ce
Awaesaar: grace
batwota: oh right :P
Darius: ah!
Darius: yes, i like that
MatthTheGeek: the way you just spelled it it means fat
Awaesaar: +accent I forgot how to keyboard
MatthTheGeek: or grease
Darius: the killing fat!
Axem: jabba does the coup de gras
MatthTheGeek: XD
Axem: bring me solo and a cookie


Offline karajorma

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Re: Meeting Ground (Arrange games here)
Basically cooper, you unticked the "Leave redirection post" option or whatever it's called. You usually shouldn't do that.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

[ Diaspora ] - [ Seeds Of Rebellion ] - [ Mind Games ]

Re: Meeting Ground (Arrange games here)
I'm pretty sure that this coming week they'll be a few of us online from 9PM ish US Eastern Time.  Maybe some on earlier than that.  We were on last night getting people to install the game and multiplayer accounts set up.  Did manage to get some TvT action going on. 

Generally if you see a game that is "SkUnimatrix's Game" or [BSG-Scorpia] I have it set for 5 minutes/15 kills on dogfight or 10 Minutes/20 kills for TvT.  So if you can't join, just wait a few minutes and try again.  Usually we're in the lobby for 3 - 5 minutes after a match.  I've noticed several people trying to get into our games and just wanted to note that publically here. 


Offline Cerebus

  • 26
Re: Meeting Ground (Arrange games here)
I'm going to host a server now in hopes of getting someone on

now being 2100 Mt 9/9

if you get in the server and I'm not there right away I'm doing stuff around the house and walking by and checking to see if anyone joins.  be patient, I'll be there


Offline Ghost

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Re: Meeting Ground (Arrange games here)
Broski, I'm in like flynn

e: good game, man. I really do think that hosting makes a huge difference, not to knock your skill level. If you bothered to remap the controls, you're clearly more involved in getting better than I am. Like I said, I have an undeservedly large ego, so I think I kick ass at every game.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2012, 11:23:00 pm by Ghost »
Wh00t!? Vinyl? Is it like an I-pod 2 or something?



The Greatest Game in Existance


Offline Cerebus

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Re: Meeting Ground (Arrange games here)
good fights man

I think the non hosting party has to change the update settings to low frequency to even things out.  I'm not convinced there's a major difference, I think you just needed to get warmed up on those first ones :D

Re: Meeting Ground (Arrange games here)
If you want to play a game sooner rather than later it's probably best to go on IRC and ask if anyone's up for it.
The good Christian should beware of mathematicians, and all those who make empty prophecies. The danger already exists that the mathematicians have made a covenant with the devil to darken the spirit and to confine man in the bonds of Hell.


Offline Ghost

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    • whoopdidoo
Re: Meeting Ground (Arrange games here)
Eeeeh, sorry to HeadScar and Winter. I tried to external view your dogfight 'cause I was 15 klicks out, and the game crashed. Sorry guys!
Wh00t!? Vinyl? Is it like an I-pod 2 or something?



The Greatest Game in Existance


Offline An4ximandros

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Re: Meeting Ground (Arrange games here)
Bloody hell,  I was trying for hours to get my bloody Router to open the Ports but it always rejected them!
Frak you Bell, you always feck everyone over down to the simplest thing!  :mad: :mad: :banghead:


Offline Ghost

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    • whoopdidoo
Re: Meeting Ground (Arrange games here)
I have a game in the lobby right now if you fellas are up for a fight, 6:30 pm Eastern time. I'll be hosting until my friend tells me to come to his house, which could be a while.

edit: it's 5:30 pm eastern time, someone please join my gaaaaame
« Last Edit: September 12, 2012, 04:31:01 pm by Ghost »
Wh00t!? Vinyl? Is it like an I-pod 2 or something?



The Greatest Game in Existance

Re: Meeting Ground (Arrange games here)

Hello all,

Just to inform you ill will be hosting a few games on Saturday the 15th September (2012) around 12-1pm GMT (Maybe abit earlier or later depending on when i go to sleep :D ).

Depending on the amount of people that show up i shall either run it as a few FFA games or some team based play, if some people would rather have a practice i am happy to run sporadisk's Co-op free-flight mission with ambience
[Or if you have your own mission you want to try out im happy to wither host it for you or talk you through how to set it up your self]

I shall also try and run a ts3 server but depending on if it lags Diaspora or not it may not stay up for long :)
I am no expert on piloting but I'm willing to help people out however i can :)

TS3 Server Connection info:
Username: [Please put your ingame name for your username thanks]


Offline Ghost

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    • whoopdidoo
Re: Meeting Ground (Arrange games here)
Hostinnnn right now. 730 pm EST right now, please hop in :)
Wh00t!? Vinyl? Is it like an I-pod 2 or something?



The Greatest Game in Existance


Offline Brandt

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Re: Meeting Ground (Arrange games here)
Game will be up tonight 2012-09-21 around UTC:22:00
« Last Edit: September 21, 2012, 12:57:55 am by Brandt »


Offline AdamaAd

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Hosting for Australian Diaspora players
Myself and a small group of players will be Hosting most nights untill midnight for our time zone , (UTC+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney.

We have formed a mainly Australian player Wing called the Toaster-Terminators and are hoping to find former wing mates whom we flew with in BSGO here in Diaspora, also hoping to find any other players in our time zone from any country who want to play as either colonial pilots or cylon pilots against us. Most of us are Sci-Fi games mad and have beta tested many games like the matrix online, startrek online, swtor as well as BSGO.

All are welcome to join the wing to help the multiplayer test community grow, we seek to help the devs identify any issues during matches and take both RolePlaying as colonial pilots and beta testing very seriously.

Toaster Terminator players have created our own montaged insignia and colorschemes and are working on more custom vipers using the great nameplate tutorial in FredDocs. I will attach our old team poster here that we made by screen capturing each others ships in BSGO.

To keep in with the Battlestar Lore, the Toaster Terminators full name is ; The 1st Crux Southern Cross Viper Squadron, this was chosen as its the star system on our National Flag and there are many choices for nearby systems that could be our Battlestar name, like Centaurus for example.

Hope to hear from any prospective pilots soon. :)

[attachment deleted by a basterd]


Offline Echelon9

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Re: Meeting Ground (Arrange games here)
Great to see fellow Aussies setting up games.


Offline Garlend

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Re: Meeting Ground (Arrange games here)
If anyone is on and interested i currently have a game up waiting on players to join called Kalisto's game.


Offline CenturionModel0005

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  • Original Centurion
Re: Meeting Ground (Arrange games here)
Hi All I am a new convert From BSGO I fly on Virgon Server I am looking at getting in to some MP but I can never find any servers running I am from the UK but I am not working at the Mo so I can Play anytime