Author Topic: Release: 3.6.16 Final  (Read 35066 times)

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Offline chief1983

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Release: 3.6.16 Final
Welcome to Zombocom!  I mean, welcome to the release of 3.6.16 final!  This is based on revision 9518.  Enjoy!
Previous 3.6.14 Release Thread

As always, you need OpenAL installed.  Linux and OS X come with it but Windows users will need to get Creative's OpenAL installer.

Also, since the internal code linking for TrackIR was revised, an external DLL is now required for FSO to use TrackIR functions.
The following DLL is simply unpacked in to you main FreeSpace2 root dir.
TrackIR is only supported on Windows.
TrackIR SCP DLL (Mirror) (Mirror) (Mirror)

Launchers, if you don't have one already:
All platforms:  wxLauncher (ongoing project for a unified launcher)
Windows:  Launcher 5.5g (Mirror) (Mirror) (Mirror)
OS X:  Soulstorm's OS X Launcher 3.0
Linux:  YAL or by hand or whatever you can figure out.

Known issues:
  • Difficulty-based damage scaling does not work (see 2788) - patch is in trunk, will release an updated build soon.
  • The now-standard Inferno builds have trouble converting retail pilots.  You might experience crashes.  Post logs.
  • See the list of Fix for next release bugs - mark a bug as an elevated priority (high, urgent, immediate) to get it included in that filter.
  • Here is the filter for Target 3.6.16 bugs.

Compiled on MSVC 2008

Inferno Builds
If you don't know which one to get, get the third one (no SSE).  If you don't know what SSE means, read this:
You can use freely available tools like CPU-Z to check which SSE capabilities your CPU has. (Mirror) (Mirror)
This one is based on the SSE2 Optimizations from the MSVC Compiler.
MD5: f438c174e47ff5746e9fe16f109ca41b (Mirror) (Mirror)
This one is based on the SSE Optimizations from the MSVC Compiler.
MD5: ae8ab50259e30a342a2f6b6790d9185c (Mirror) (Mirror)
MD5: 801358ee0cdaf85a23e5affccaed62bc

What are those SSE and SSE2 builds I keep seeing everywhere?
Your answer is in this topic.

OS X Builds
Compiled on Xcode 3.2.6

Inferno Build
FS2_Open-3.6.16.dmg (Mirror) (Mirror)
MD5: 6c0450fc48fde5c82ee1975aa500b19f

LINUX Builds
Compiled on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 32bit

Inferno Build
fs2_open_3.6.16.tar.bz2 (Mirror) (Mirror)
MD5: b12571214ceee83720aed9227f9fb8ba

FREEBSD Builds (experimental, limited support)
Compiled on GhostBSD LXDE 3.0 RC2 32bit

Inferno Build
fs2_open_3.6.16.tar.bz2 (Mirror) (Mirror)
MD5: 6c62b48bc1b97c6b7617f76b8e62c7af

Source Code Export
fs2_open_3_6_16_src.tgz (Mirror) (Mirror)
MD5: de235c178b8643da5bbecf6765c987d3

Changelog since RC1:
Code: [Select]
r9480 | niffiwan | 2013-01-03 00:57:53 -0600 (Thu, 03 Jan 2013) | 1 line

Workaround for mantis 2760: re-order struct shield_hit_info to avoid segfault with gcc & -ftree-vectorize
r9484 | niffiwan | 2013-01-05 22:14:01 -0600 (Sat, 05 Jan 2013) | 1 line

Autotools: check for alternate libpng package name (specifically for opensuse)
r9485 | niffiwan | 2013-01-05 23:03:33 -0600 (Sat, 05 Jan 2013) | 1 line

autotools: remove extra -lpng that will break compiles if libpng12 is being used
r9486 | chief1983 | 2013-01-06 13:24:49 -0600 (Sun, 06 Jan 2013) | 1 line

Change output filenames to match those used for 3.6.14 releases.
r9488 | Goober5000 | 2013-01-06 21:31:46 -0600 (Sun, 06 Jan 2013) | 2 lines

FUBAR's fix for Mantis #2770
r9489 | Goober5000 | 2013-01-06 22:07:28 -0600 (Sun, 06 Jan 2013) | 1 line

strncpy_s wasn't specified quite right (Mantis #2765)
r9490 | Goober5000 | 2013-01-06 22:35:36 -0600 (Sun, 06 Jan 2013) | 1 line

change from 1 meter to 0.1 meter
r9491 | Echelon9 | 2013-01-07 08:20:24 -0600 (Mon, 07 Jan 2013) | 1 line

Updated Mac Xcode 4 project for the 3.6.16 RC phase
r9492 | chief1983 | 2013-01-07 10:33:42 -0600 (Mon, 07 Jan 2013) | 1 line

Reverting 9491.
r9493 | Goober5000 | 2013-01-07 17:33:49 -0600 (Mon, 07 Jan 2013) | 2 lines

jg18's patch -- don't do irrelevant stuff when we're only querying for flags
r9494 | Goober5000 | 2013-01-07 19:44:48 -0600 (Mon, 07 Jan 2013) | 1 line

MSVC6 compatibility
r9495 | Goober5000 | 2013-01-07 19:56:54 -0600 (Mon, 07 Jan 2013) | 1 line

add files to project
r9498 | Goober5000 | 2013-01-12 16:34:30 -0600 (Sat, 12 Jan 2013) | 1 line

FUBAR's fix for #2779 -- don't crash when launching asteroids
r9499 | Goober5000 | 2013-01-12 18:05:21 -0600 (Sat, 12 Jan 2013) | 1 line

FUBAR's changes for Mantis #2775, plus the addition of the asteroid model
r9500 | Goober5000 | 2013-01-12 21:03:25 -0600 (Sat, 12 Jan 2013) | 1 line

for Mantis #2097, straighten out the departure code so that goals to warp cause warping, and comm departures use whatever departure method is specified
r9501 | Goober5000 | 2013-01-12 21:55:09 -0600 (Sat, 12 Jan 2013) | 1 line

wing departure now works
r9502 | Goober5000 | 2013-01-13 03:28:28 -0600 (Sun, 13 Jan 2013) | 2 lines

return special_hitpoints to using a specific value instead of a multiplier;
this was extensively tested in both single-player and multiplayer, using change-ship-class and changing ship loadout, against ships both higher and lower in hitpoints, to ensure it didn't re-break Mantis #2326
r9503 | Goober5000 | 2013-01-13 03:50:08 -0600 (Sun, 13 Jan 2013) | 1 line

onlyjob's spelling fixes, per Mantis #2777
r9505 | Goober5000 | 2013-01-16 01:13:47 -0600 (Wed, 16 Jan 2013) | 1 line

tell who is respawning
r9506 | m_m | 2013-01-19 07:06:51 -0600 (Sat, 19 Jan 2013) | 1 line

Fix for Mantis 2763:  ETS gauge showing up for ships with no shields if default ship had shields
r9508 | niffiwan | 2013-01-22 03:57:29 -0600 (Tue, 22 Jan 2013) | 1 line

Fix for mantis 2776: from onlyjob, fix format-hardening error
r9510 | The_E | 2013-01-26 17:37:25 -0600 (Sat, 26 Jan 2013) | 2 lines

Prevent the hud-set-frame sexp from accidentally causing badness by setting an invalid frame offset

r9512 | Goober5000 | 2013-01-27 04:28:35 -0600 (Sun, 27 Jan 2013) | 2 lines

apply m!m's fix for Mantis #2780
also correct the off-by-one error in the range check (path_num must < n_paths, not <=)
r9513 | Goober5000 | 2013-01-27 04:29:19 -0600 (Sun, 27 Jan 2013) | 1 line

flip these around so that they're less confusing
r9514 | Goober5000 | 2013-01-27 04:29:39 -0600 (Sun, 27 Jan 2013) | 1 line

correct the sexp help for string-to-int
r9515 | Goober5000 | 2013-01-30 00:56:46 -0600 (Wed, 30 Jan 2013) | 1 line

this ought to fix Mantis #2326
r9516 | Goober5000 | 2013-01-30 02:08:53 -0600 (Wed, 30 Jan 2013) | 2 lines

no, silly Volition programmer, that's handled elsewhere
(fix Mantis #2783)
« Last Edit: February 11, 2013, 01:07:33 pm by chief1983 »
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"You may not sell or otherwise commercially exploit the source or things you created based on the source." -- Excerpt from FSO license, for reference

Nuclear1:  Jesus Christ zack you're a little too hamyurger for HLP right now...
iamzack:  i dont have hamynerge i just want ptatoc hips D:
redsniper:  Platonic hips?!
iamzack:  lays


Offline achtung

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So beautiful yes. | FatHax | ??????
In the wise words of Charles de Gaulle, "China is a big country, inhabited by many Chinese."

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Offline headdie

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awesome work guys
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quote General Battuta - "FRED is canon!"
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Offline Nuke

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that was quick.
I can no longer sit back and allow communist infiltration, communist indoctrination, communist subversion, and the international communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.

Nuke's Scripting SVN

Wow, a single RC - that must be a record :eek: Congrats!


Offline Apollo

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Wow that was amazingly fast.
Current Project - Eos: The Coward's Blade. Coming Soon (hopefully.)


Offline niffiwan

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And here's some more Linux builds for different distros (32/64bit Intel architecture only).

  • To install, click the 'Download Package' link, select your OS and follow the instructions
  • RPMs install to /usr/bin, DEBs install to /usr/games/bin (eh - I just did what lintian recommended)
  • If you use wxlauncher, copy or link the binaries to your FSO/TC game folder so it can find them

Any feedback is appreciated! :D
Creating a fs2_open.log | Red Alert Bug = Hex Edit | MediaVPs 2014: Bigger HUD gauges | 32bit libs for 64bit Ubuntu
Debian Packages (testing/unstable): Freespace2 | wxLauncher
m|m: I think I'm suffering from Stockholm syndrome. Bmpman is starting to make sense and it's actually written reasonably well...


Offline Cyborg17

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I think this shows how careful you guys are when adding features these days.  Good job.  :yes: :yes:


Offline chief1983

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Actually, the whole point this time was that no features were really added to trunk between 3.6.14 and 3.6.16, we merely bug fixed what was already in trunk already that wasn't in the last release.
Fate of the Galaxy - Now Hiring!  Apply within | Diaspora | SCP Home | Collada Importer for PCS2
Karajorma's 'How to report bugs' | Mantis
#freespace | #scp-swc | #diaspora | #SCP | #hard-light on EsperNet

"You may not sell or otherwise commercially exploit the source or things you created based on the source." -- Excerpt from FSO license, for reference

Nuclear1:  Jesus Christ zack you're a little too hamyurger for HLP right now...
iamzack:  i dont have hamynerge i just want ptatoc hips D:
redsniper:  Platonic hips?!
iamzack:  lays


Offline Dragon

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Great news. I wish I had more time for FS these days...
Anyway, now that we're at 3.6.16, what are the plans for the immediate future? Will we see Antipodes 8 integrated?


Offline karajorma

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That's the next thing we're working on.
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

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Offline Apollo

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Is that the one with deferred lighting?
Current Project - Eos: The Coward's Blade. Coming Soon (hopefully.)


Offline Black_Yoshi1230

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I thought that was new pilot code.

So, um, any bets on what the last version number of 2013 will be? Five bucks says it might be 3.6.22. (unless there's reason to go 3.7...)
The MechWarrior 2 Resource Forum / Flyboy's Flight Sim + Aviation Page / Falcom Sound Team JDK / Jane's F/A-18 - Resources

&& "LAUNCH! LAUNCH! S__T WE'RE HIT! WE'RE TAKING CANNON FIRE! GET US THE HELL OUTTA HERE!" - The best Jane's Longbow 2 Co-Pilot Audio Clips.

|| BEAMS! DEATH BY BEAMS! <- Blue Planet: War in Heaven in a nutshell. (Phrase is adapted from the Freeman's Mind spinoff Barney's Mind, Episode 14: BEES! DEATH BY BEES!)

^ Give a kid a stick and tell him to beat up his enemies, he'll do it without a second thought. Give a kid a book and tell him to defeat his opponent, and he'll read the book, defeat the other's mind, and smack him on top of the head. Give a kid a flower, he'll force his opponent to eat it.


Offline General Battuta

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3.7 is the new pilot code

Someone tell me if BP works on these builds with the deferred lighting stuff commented out, I'm away from PC


Offline Klaustrophobia

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no.  here is the crash dump from the debug build

Code: [Select]
bp-shp.tbm(line 222):
Error: Required token = [#End], [$Subsystem:], [$Name], or [$Template], found [$Glowpoint overrides: ( "red_glow_10:1,2" )].

ntdll.dll! ZwWaitForSingleObject + 21 bytes
kernel32.dll! WaitForSingleObjectEx + 67 bytes
kernel32.dll! WaitForSingleObject + 18 bytes
fs2_open_3_6_16_DEBUG.exe! SCP_DumpStack + 354 bytes
fs2_open_3_6_16_DEBUG.exe! Error + 229 bytes
fs2_open_3_6_16_DEBUG.exe! error_display + 369 bytes
fs2_open_3_6_16_DEBUG.exe! required_string_4 + 388 bytes
fs2_open_3_6_16_DEBUG.exe! parse_ship_values + 22940 bytes
fs2_open_3_6_16_DEBUG.exe! parse_ship + 1013 bytes
fs2_open_3_6_16_DEBUG.exe! parse_shiptbl + 374 bytes
fs2_open_3_6_16_DEBUG.exe! parse_modular_table + 267 bytes
fs2_open_3_6_16_DEBUG.exe! ship_init + 578 bytes
fs2_open_3_6_16_DEBUG.exe! game_init + 1686 bytes
fs2_open_3_6_16_DEBUG.exe! game_main + 519 bytes
fs2_open_3_6_16_DEBUG.exe! WinMain + 330 bytes
fs2_open_3_6_16_DEBUG.exe! __tmainCRTStartup + 358 bytes
fs2_open_3_6_16_DEBUG.exe! WinMainCRTStartup + 15 bytes
kernel32.dll! BaseThreadInitThunk + 18 bytes
ntdll.dll! RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 99 bytes
ntdll.dll! RtlInitializeExceptionChain + 54 bytes
I like to stare at the sun.


Offline General Battuta

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I said with the deferred lighting stuff commented out  :p

Don't worry about it though, not your problem!


Offline Klaustrophobia

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oh.  i thought you were saying these builds had the deferred lighting commented out, and therefore might work.
I like to stare at the sun.


Offline The E

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I said with the deferred lighting stuff commented out  :p

Don't worry about it though, not your problem!

Battuta, we're also using the new mainhall stuff from Antipodes. Even with the deferred render stuff commented out, WiH is NOT, and will never really be, compatible with .16.
If I'm just aching this can't go on
I came from chasing dreams to feel alone
There must be changes, miss to feel strong
I really need lifе to touch me
--Evergrey, Where August Mourns


Offline guitarfan01

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Wait, so if I upgrade, I can't play Blue Planet?  What other campaigns are affected by this?


Offline The E

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You cannot play Blue Planet with these builds because BP uses features that will be in _future_ builds. Other campaigns and mods are unaffected by this.
If I'm just aching this can't go on
I came from chasing dreams to feel alone
There must be changes, miss to feel strong
I really need lifе to touch me
--Evergrey, Where August Mourns