Author Topic: Warthog and Saitek Pedals?  (Read 4791 times)

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Warthog and Saitek Pedals?
I have the Thrustmaster Warthog HOTAS and Saitek Combat Rudder Pedals and seem to have a problem getting Freespace to see the throttle and pedals. When I try and bind the absolute throttle to the throttle control nothing happens.

Any ideas?


Offline Herra Tohtori

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Re: Warthog and Saitek Pedals?
At the moment, FreeSpace Open can only recognize one game controller, and you choose it in the Launcher's Joystick/Audio tab.

In this case you have your joystick in the first controller slot, selected by default, and other controllers aren't recognized.

I think there are plans to change this, but changes in the control input code require significant changes in pilot code, which is slated for the FreeSpace Open version 3.7 (no ETA at the moment).

In the interim, there are solutions to combine your physical controller devices into one virtual game controller device, which can then be selected and you should get all of the axes bound to controls you want. PPJoy (or PPJoyJoy), if I recall right, has this functionality.
There are three things that last forever: Abort, Retry, Fail - and the greatest of these is Fail.

Re: Warthog and Saitek Pedals?
I found PPjoyjoy and created a virtual joystick that combines all three controllers. In the properties all the axes respond fine for this virtual joystick. I can't seem to get Freespace to see this virtual joystick. In the launcher I have the options for No Joystick and then six Microsoft PC - joystick drivers. Is there anyway to know which one to select?


Offline Herra Tohtori

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Re: Warthog and Saitek Pedals?
Trial and error?

The naming for the devices is a bit unfortunate, but that's really a Windows issue of labeling all the devices identically, I think.
There are three things that last forever: Abort, Retry, Fail - and the greatest of these is Fail.

Re: Warthog and Saitek Pedals?
I used JoyID and made the Virtual Joystick the last one in the list and then chose that one in the launcher. I could then bind all the axes controls in the config screen. The absolute throttle worked when I bound it in the config screen however it does not work in the game itself. I tried both throttles as well as the slider on the Warthog throttle and they all will bind fine but none work in the game.

Any ideas?

Re: Warthog and Saitek Pedals?
Never mind... it seem FS2 can only use some of the axes. I played around and got the throttle and bank working fine now.

Thanks for your help


Offline jg18

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Re: Warthog and Saitek Pedals?
Glad to hear you got it working (or working as well as it'll ever work), but please don't post the same question in multiple forums.

Re: Warthog and Saitek Pedals?
Does that mean that all FS2 full conversion games use the same keybind list?

Only wish PPjoyjoy supported more than 16 buttons. I will use Xpadder to bind the rest for now.


Offline jg18

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Re: Warthog and Saitek Pedals?
Does that mean that all FS2 full conversion games use the same keybind list?
Diaspora (at least after patching) has different default keybindings from FS2 retail. No idea about TBP. However, as far as I know, joysticks are handled the same way in all of them.


Offline Herra Tohtori

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Re: Warthog and Saitek Pedals?
Yep, there's only a limited amount of analog axis controls at the moment. Pitch, Roll, Yaw, Throttle Absolute and Throttle Relative, if I recall right.

At the moment, all FS2_Open based games use fundamentally similar game engine, with minor differences in some cases. The only exception is Wing Commander Saga, which branched to their own version some years ago, but even that still has the same pilot code, and thus mostly the same controls.

You might be able to use your joystick's and throttle's profiler software to bind the buttons to certain key presses, and configure the controls that way. I assume Xpadder you mentioned does something similar.
There are three things that last forever: Abort, Retry, Fail - and the greatest of these is Fail.

Re: Warthog and Saitek Pedals?
Can someone tell me where the control config settings are stored?


Offline Herra Tohtori

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Re: Warthog and Saitek Pedals?
Pilot files, I think.
There are three things that last forever: Abort, Retry, Fail - and the greatest of these is Fail.