Author Topic: Atlantia Rising (from BtRL early days)  (Read 5131 times)

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Atlantia Rising (from BtRL early days)
Hey all! Apologies if this is the wrong forum to place this, but I have been wanting to share this.

First off, a late congratulations to the Diaspora team on their release! I worked with many of the team members on Beyond the Red Line back in the day and I was excited to see them go on to accomplish a feat, the challenge of which many underestimate!

Anyway, back during BtRL I went under the handle Dukeman42; I was lead writer for the project for some time. Those of you who were around for Beyond the Red Line may be interested to know what the story of the "preview" campaign would have been with my continued involvement. That story became Atlantia Rising, which is now nearing completion! While some of the plot points have changed to be more believable, a few new ones have been added (the chapter "Enemy of My Enemy" is entirely new), and focus has shifted from the action to the characters (though there is still plenty of action!) to better fit the narrative medium, the main characters and their overall journey remains relatively untouched.

Have a read of the background of Atlantia Rising below, then head over to if you would like to read what has become a full-blown novel. Parts are still releasing every Wednesday, until its completion sometime in late April/early May.

Thanks an enjoy!

Atlantia Rising has its origins nearly ten years ago in 2004, around the time the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica (BSG) began airing in the US. I had done a small bit of voice work for a freelance video game project and, while looking for more, came across a BSG space simulator project that was in its beginning stages.

I put my name in to be a voice actor and had the opportunity to chat with the project’s founder about the game and his vision for it. He wanted an engaging story that would tie directly in with the recently aired mini-series. I offered a few suggestions on ways that might be achieved without crossing canon or coming off as too coincidental or ‘fanboy-ish.’ Soon after, I found myself heading up development of the story for the game’s eight-mission demo campaign.

This was the first time I had developed a story like this. I relished in the process, developing characters and plot points whenever and wherever I could—in the car, the shower, you name it—as I drew inspiration from Bear McCreary‘s unforgettable score. Before long I had a solid cast of characters and a story that was both exciting and organic to the BSG universe. There were some areas where I had to stretch believability to serve the needs of a game format, but all in all I thought I had a good addition to the BSG story on my hands.

Ultimately, The story would not find life on the PC. I had to leave the project and, even worse, the project on the whole failed to come to fruition. Several of the original team members did begin a different game project which recently celebrated its first public release. For anyone that is remotely familiar with fan-based game development where everyone is a volunteer and chain of leadership can be muddy at best, this is quite an accomplishment!

I digress. I was very disappointed in having to leave the project and as a result, the very thought of Battlestar Atlantia and her crew’s story was painful. I shoved it to the back of my mind (and hard-drive) and let it lie, not knowing when—or if—I would return to it. But there is a funny thing about a good story, good characters, that is true regardless of genre or medium.

They will not leave you alone.

As I began delving deeper into screenwriting, the tale of Atlantia began coming back up to the surface. Despite my efforts to force them back down and focus on other endeavors Admiral Nagala, Alan Sanders and the rest would not let go of me. The story has become a part of BSG canon in my mind. It is not an egotistical thing; quite simply, the characters came to life so fully that I could not help but find them integrated with the official BSG universe.

Around September 2012, I finally gave in and began writing the first chapter of the unofficial novella, Atlantia Rising.

This work is not affiliated with the new web series, the television series or NBC Universal in any way. Admiral Nagala, Battlestars Galactica and Atlantia, The Twelve Colonies and other referenced story elements are property of their respective copyright holders. All other characters are original. This work is offered freely and not-for-profit. I share it openly with anyone who wants to read it!

To say I am excited is an understatement. With the change of medium, I am able to more fully explore the characters’ actions and motivations than I ever would have been in the framework of a video game storyline. Still, given a novel is so utterly different from a film screenplay (which I have become most familiar with over the past few years), it will be interesting to see how well I am able to adapt to the format. Atlantia Rising is a labor of love, an experiment and a learning experience rolled into one.

I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed creating it. And I hope, for BSG fans, it will find a place in BSG history for you as it did for me.

Finally, thank you to everyone who created such a compelling universe, that I could not help but play in it for a time. And thank you to Glen A. Larson, who created the original Galactica so long ago. Without them, Atlantia Rising would not exist.

So Say We All.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2013, 01:40:05 pm by RedAssAg05 »


Offline karajorma

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Re: Atlantia Rising (from BtRL early days)
Hey, nice to see you Dukeman. Long time no see.

Glad to see all the work you did on that plot line for BtRL didn't come to nought. I look forwards to reading it.
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Offline Fish

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Re: Atlantia Rising (from BtRL early days)
Oh, I am liking this!

Not even through the first chapter yet, and I'm having a lot of flashbacks to how I felt watching the miniseries for the first time...

There goes my evening :P

Re: Atlantia Rising (from BtRL early days)
Kara: Good to hear from you again as well! Looks like you guys have been keeping busy; glad to see it!

Fish: I'm glad you are enjoying it so far! Feel free to share it with others; word of mouth is all I have to go on.

By the way, the next part of Chapter V will be up today; it will appear on the main page of the blog, as well as, on the 'Atlantia Rising' page as a PDF.


Offline Fish

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Re: Atlantia Rising (from BtRL early days)
Is there an RSS/Atom feed somewhere on the blog?

Re: Atlantia Rising (from BtRL early days)
Is there an RSS/Atom feed somewhere on the blog?

It should be there now; take a look on the right, beneath 'Unreadable Mini.'


Offline Frak_Tastic

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Re: Atlantia Rising (from BtRL early days)
Just finished reading the whole thing.  Very interesting take on the events of the miniseries.

I would imagine this would be good plot fodder for other releases.

Re: Atlantia Rising (from BtRL early days)
Just finished reading the whole thing.  Very interesting take on the events of the miniseries.

Thanks for reading and for your feedback! The final chapter and epilogue will be releasing over the next 5-6 weeks.


Offline newman

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Re: Atlantia Rising (from BtRL early days)
I like your writing style, and the whole thing didn't feel fanwanky at all, which is kind of rare with fan fiction :) If I were to offer any feedback, it's that sometimes you go a bit too far in explaining stuff that'd pretty much be clear to your target audience without an explanation (for example decon = decontamination). Stuff like that could be given an asterisk and explained at the bottom of the page instead; that way those who need an explanation can still find it, but "veteran" sci-fi fans won't feel like they're being hand held. Not really anything big, I jut find it that overly explaining things can sometimes decrease immersion. Other than that, nice job!
You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here! - Jayne Cobb

Re: Atlantia Rising (from BtRL early days)
I like your writing style, and the whole thing didn't feel fanwanky at all, which is kind of rare with fan fiction :) If I were to offer any feedback, it's that sometimes you go a bit too far in explaining stuff that'd pretty much be clear to your target audience without an explanation (for example decon = decontamination). Stuff like that could be given an asterisk and explained at the bottom of the page instead; that way those who need an explanation can still find it, but "veteran" sci-fi fans won't feel like they're being hand held. Not really anything big, I jut find it that overly explaining things can sometimes decrease immersion. Other than that, nice job!

Avoiding 'fanwank' territory was one of my primary goals as I developed the story. I wanted it to be something that felt organic to the universe and not too 'what-if.'

I definitely found it difficult to balance fan consideration with accessibility when writing, not getting too 'educational' while still providing enough information for a wider audience to understand what was going on. I appreciate your feedback! And thank you for reading; I am thrilled to finally be sharing it with fellow fans!

Re: Atlantia Rising (from BtRL early days)
I've enjoyed it so far. I'm instinctively lukewarm on the "Yet another battlestar survived and gathered a fleet" premise, just because it's a well that so many people go to (even the original show!), but this is well-done, and I fully expect everyone to be dead well before the start of "33." :p There are a few rough sentences that could be smoothed out, like the "de-con" line but they're few and far between. I'm also unsure about how the civilian ships that were saved and vice-president are going to fit in with so little time life.

And, of course, one of the nice things about doing this as prose is that I don't know who the Cylon is, though I have a couple of candidates. I'm looking forward to reading the end.

Re: Atlantia Rising (from BtRL early days)

Thank you for reading, and for the feedback. The "who's a Cylon?" angle was a tough one for me; I'm still not sure I'm satisfied with how that ends up. I'll let the audience read and decide for themselves. :)

Re: Atlantia Rising (from BtRL early days)
Well, the end has come; the Epilogue was posted today.

If you have not yet read it, you can find the Epilogue and the preceding chapters at!

I am working on a novel-formatted version that I will be releasing in the next few weeks; it weighs in at nearly 220 pages!

I hope you all enjoyed the story. Thanks for reading!


Offline Frak_Tastic

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Re: Atlantia Rising (from BtRL early days)
I did enjoy reading this, thank you!

Re: Atlantia Rising (from BtRL early days)
Well, now that it's wrapped up, I can say
I was totally wrong in my guess that the old deck chief was a Brother Cavil copy. Or, maybe I wasn't, but it was never made explicit. ;)