Author Topic: Death Star model?  (Read 9889 times)

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Offline chief1983

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They have a bad name because they are notoriously hard to execute as a compelling mission in which the player has any effect at all on the outcome, and on top of that most rookie mission designers try to make one without understanding all the fundamentals of successful mission design.  So, most BoE attempts are laughable at best.  I don't doubt that a seasoned, motivated mission design veteran could create a compelling BoE mission but I don't know of any who have.
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Offline General Battuta

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Inferno had a good one, BP2 had a good one, Derelict lets you kinda watch a good one, Wings of Dawn had several good ones.

Checkpoints are really helpful in designing them.


Offline swashmebuckle

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The engine couldn't handle the actual BoE if we used fully functional ships for everything due to engine limits, but with clever design and maybe some scripting it should be possible to make something that's significantly more convincing than any previous game version. Gonna be missing quite a few necessary ship classes at first release, but it's a good long term goal :)


Offline Dragon

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Yeah. 30 ISDs, in FoTG quality, would probably bog down most computers. :) And that's not counting support units, DSII, Executor, and the Alliance fleet. And of course the swarm of fighters. Wookiepedia has a decen OrBat, and it's quite impressive. Still, some sort of multi-part "approximation" of the original BoE could be possible.

as someone who did toyed a little with huge models (real sized planets) as well as near warp speed travel and stuff like that, I can say is possible to work with giant models with some scaling trickery, the UI allows you to change "scales" of speeds and distances, working with this, means you can actually shrink everything and make everything slower, allowing you to create models that look "huge", however in some overly complex models, some discrepancies start to happen in the collision detection department, probably related with decimal points, refresh rate of the engine and/or simple accuracy of the engine, I m sure the_E could detail the reasons better, but so far the best I have been able to tinify things, is to 1/4 size for my star trek mod with fighter-like capital ships.


Offline Dnamro

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I am wondering if the same technique used  to create the Battle of Yavin for The Battlefield 2142 Star Wars mod, First Strike, could be used with FS2?

The outer Hull, Tie Hanger and trench of the Deathstar are made up of multiple rectangle shaped pieces that fit together like a mosaic floor tile.     What looks like one huge object is many much smaller sized objects designed to connect together into one seamless giant object.    The line of sight distance is also reduced, so that players only see part of the deathstar.  This all helps to reduce rendering lag.     

I am the remaining dev of the now dead First Strike mod for BF2142 and can provide the models if anyone is interested.    When EA pulled the plug on BF2142 it essentially killed any mods for it.   


Offline Dragon

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If you look one page back, Zookeeper did pretty much that in a mod I once tested. There were two models, surface and trench, which were turned on and off by the script depending on the player's position. Another way would be to use a huge "terrain" model (which is a proven method of doing planetary missions in FS), use detailboxes for the finer detail and have the "landmarks" (turbolaser towers, hangars and such) as individual structures, much like Blue Planet made its cities.

It was an interesting experience and it probably could be made to work again, but it'd have to be refined, especially if you wanted to include the landmarks. The demo worked, but it was incredibly simple.

Nice to have you here Dnamro. I was fond of First Strike myself. :)
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Offline Dnamro

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Thanks for the reply and welcome guys.   

I hate the way EA pulled the plug on Battlefield  2142 and many other games last year.   BF2142 was set up to always use an online account and First Strike proved to be buggy with random crashes without the online account connection.   

I have been looking into other game engines.  Battlefield 2 was the first thought, since they use the same model format, but it does not have the mech or space map support that would be needed.   It would take a lot of work to recode an AT-ST to work in Battlefield 2.  I also too a hard look at the Unreal 4 engine, but textures would have to be redone for a new game engine and the engine is not fully develolped.    The models and textures looked great 10 years ago, but texturing has changed a lot since then.  Count B tipped me off last year to this Freespace 2 mod.   I shared our Tie Defender, but I think that was the only thing the team could use at the time.    It looks like Freespace 2 could be a good choice for porting some of the First Strike space maps.

 I wasn't sure if what Zookeeper tested was similar or not.   So, it sounds like it should be workable to port over the Battle of Yavin from First Strike to  freespace 2.   When I get some time, I will see about porting over the objects for the Deathstar into Freespace 2.    If that works, there are a couple of space stations and many space containers as well as sattelites.


Offline jr2

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I am wondering if the same technique used  to create the Battle of Yavin for The Battlefield 2142 Star Wars mod, First Strike, could be used with FS2?

The outer Hull, Tie Hanger and trench of the Deathstar are made up of multiple rectangle shaped pieces that fit together like a mosaic floor tile.     What looks like one huge object is many much smaller sized objects designed to connect together into one seamless giant object.    The line of sight distance is also reduced, so that players only see part of the deathstar.  This all helps to reduce rendering lag.     

I am the remaining dev of the now dead First Strike mod for BF2142 and can provide the models if anyone is interested.    When EA pulled the plug on BF2142 it essentially killed any mods for it.   

No way to hack an unofficial server for 2142?


Offline Dnamro

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Anyone can host a BF2142 server.   Here is a run down of the many issues with BF2142 since the EA shutdown of the game:


Offline coffeesoft

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I was trying to rip the models some time ago  :D , i remember that was difficult.

I have as well a BF model viewer "bfmeshview220" and some other tools, if someone is interesed i will upload all.


Offline coffeesoft

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I am the remaining dev of the now dead First Strike mod for BF2142 and can provide the models if anyone is interested.

If you have the models, can you share them ?, i have many errors when trying to convert them from BF to OBJ.
Wrong normals, missed textures....

May be you have other working versions, thanks


Offline Dnamro

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Yes, those are some of the models I was talking about.  Yes, I can convert them to obj format.   

BFMeshviewer is just a viewer.  It has no export capability.   The trick is that the import/export plugins for 3ds max were proprietary and only set up for max 7 - 9.   


Offline coffeesoft

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bfmeshview220 has an option to export OBJ, but it makes a crunchy model.

I remember now how difficult was all the process with 3ds max plugins and MAX 9  :banghead:

Nice if you can share them   :P


Offline Dnamro

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I exported a few models with 3ds max.   Try these out:

I assume that you have access to the textures, so just included the models.


Offline Dain

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I was thinking about how a deathstar mission would work.. the main thing that bothered me in all previous game attempts is that there is very little good reason to fly down the trench. Why not just fly along the surface and then enter the trench there?

I suppose placing a load of turrets around the top of the trench except for the beginning, so that the best way to stay alive is to stay low and move fast would work. Preceded by having to take out a few towers/TIEs before it's your turn to make the run.

Would be exciting!


Offline jr2

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Sensor towers up top.  Turbolasers might be too slow to accurately track a starfighter, but TIEs certainly can.  And if they have an accurate lock on your position, you can be sure you would be swarmed with them.  At least, in the trench, they are going to be coming at you from some point on the trench, and you will be zipping to all sides of the trench, so the best shot at you is from them following you (above - can't get an accurate bead on the enemy craft before you have to break off your attack, from the front - dangerous and extremely hard to get a target lock on enemy craft before they are past, so, it must be pursuit from behind to catch the Rebel starfighters).


Offline Dnamro

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In the FirstStrike version, the sensor towers have to be destroyed first.   Someone can't go right to the port and destroy it first.   The trench is useful to help hide the Rebel ships from the ties.    Once the sensor towers are destroyed, players will want to go down the trench to attack the port to help avoid  the ties flying around.   


Offline Dain

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Sounds like a good idea since in the film the turrets had a hard time hitting the rebel fighters. Would mean the player would have to divide their attention between destroying objective and dogfighting as well. I suppose the AI Gold/Most of red can make their failed runs while that's going on.