Author Topic: Mission: "Sixth Wonder" Unplayable with mediavps 2014  (Read 9641 times)

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Offline bigchunk1

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Mission: "Sixth Wonder" Unplayable with mediavps 2014
I found an error that makes the freespace2 mission "The Sixth Wonder" unplayable:
When using media vps 2014 SCP version 3.7.1, the colossus refuses to destroy the hawkwood. It just jumps in and the beams don't fire. When I switched to mediavps 2012 and kept the same scp version, the colossus fired on the hawkwood and the mission completed like normal.

Is something wrong with the new colossus in mediavps 2014? Has anyone encountered this error?

On a side note the new models and effects look very nice so far.
BP Multi
The Antagonist
Zacam: Uh. No, using an effect is okay. But you are literally using the TECHROOM ani as the weapon effect.


Offline General Battuta

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Re: Mission: "Sixth Wonder" Unplayable with mediavps 2014
You gave your wingmen an ignore order on the Hawkwood. Tell them to attack and the Colossus will start firing.

This could be fixed in the mission file itself I believe, the bug has been around since retail.


Offline bigchunk1

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Re: Mission: "Sixth Wonder" Unplayable with mediavps 2014
I gave my wingmen a lot of "attack my target" orders but I don't remember giving an "ignore" order. I could be wrong though, I was pressing a lot of buttons.
BP Multi
The Antagonist
Zacam: Uh. No, using an effect is okay. But you are literally using the TECHROOM ani as the weapon effect.


Offline bigchunk1

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Re: Mission: "Sixth Wonder" Unplayable with mediavps 2014
Ok, nevermind this thread. I played "The sixth wonder" again with mediavps 2014 without issuing orders this time and everything continued normally. I was able to beat the mission with no issue.

That is some special sort of bug. Especially considering that command orders you to ignore the hawkwood when the colossus jumps in.

Edit: Grammar
« Last Edit: March 29, 2014, 06:54:25 pm by bigchunk1 »
BP Multi
The Antagonist
Zacam: Uh. No, using an effect is okay. But you are literally using the TECHROOM ani as the weapon effect.


Offline General Battuta

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Re: Mission: "Sixth Wonder" Unplayable with mediavps 2014
Yeah, it's  areally stupid issue that's been around since retail.


Offline Trivial Psychic

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Re: Mission: "Sixth Wonder" Unplayable with mediavps 2014
I've always found that bug to be beneficial to my score.  With the Ignore command often filtering up to friendly capital ships, that means that I can inflict a lot of the damage myself, then using the Attack command to get the nearby capital ships to help me finish off, but I've still inflicted enough of the damage myself that I get the kill.  I once tried to take on the Sathanas myself, but without the Colossus' firepower it took so long that I flew out of the authorized combat zone and got myself blown up.
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Offline Dragon

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Re: Mission: "Sixth Wonder" Unplayable with mediavps 2014
Note that Colly's (nor anyone's, in retail) beams don't count towards the score, so it's actually pretty easy to get credited for the Sath. :) Just dismiss your wingmen and hit it a few times.


Offline General Battuta

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Re: Mission: "Sixth Wonder" Unplayable with mediavps 2014
I've always found that bug to be beneficial to my score.  With the Ignore command often filtering up to friendly capital ships, that means that I can inflict a lot of the damage myself, then using the Attack command to get the nearby capital ships to help me finish off, but I've still inflicted enough of the damage myself that I get the kill.  I once tried to take on the Sathanas myself, but without the Colossus' firepower it took so long that I flew out of the authorized combat zone and got myself blown up.

Wasn't much point to any of this, beam damage doesn't count towards kills!


Offline Goober5000

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Re: Mission: "Sixth Wonder" Unplayable with mediavps 2014
This bug was supposed to be fixed awhile ago.  The comm system now uses ai-ignore-new, which doesn't prevent the Colossus from firing on the Hawkwood -- or at least, it shouldn't.  I hope this isn't a regression.

Re: Mission: "Sixth Wonder" Unplayable with mediavps 2014
This bug was supposed to be fixed awhile ago.  The comm system now uses ai-ignore-new, which doesn't prevent the Colossus from firing on the Hawkwood -- or at least, it shouldn't.  I hope this isn't a regression.

I can confirm that this bug is alive and well in MVPS 4.7.3, and I always forget about it the first time I play the mission  :banghead:


Offline Goober5000

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Re: Mission: "Sixth Wonder" Unplayable with mediavps 2014
The disarm order toggles the protection flag, just like the ignore order.  24.2 will change the comm menu to issue the non-protect version of disarm.