Author Topic: a children's book  (Read 6452 times)

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Offline Mongoose

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That cover art couldn't be any more Nazi-friendly if there was a swastika plastered across it.

Actually, the Nazis confiscated firearms.  The cover art is pretty Nazi-un-friendly.
I meant it more in the sense that, if you looked up Nazi propaganda art for the "ideal Aryan family," it'd probably look a lot like that.  That's a terrifying level of Wonder-bread white.


Offline Goober5000

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Poe's Law is about extremism.  Since open carry enjoys widespread (and growing) support across the US, it is by definition not extreme.  You're not very open-minded, are you? :p

I don't think that's the problem here. I can't speak for someone else but that cover is just too creepy for it to seem unintentional. I could probably draw something more appealing offhand. Also the plot description makes it seem beyond retarded.
A book promoting open carry might be really weird to someone not living in the states(or another very gun liberal country) but I don't think it would reach Poe's Law levels of weirdness. If it was a 10 page essay explaining the merits of it with a normal cover I doubt anyone would find it very creepy.

TBH, the illustrations seem a little "off" to me as well -- and not just the cover, but the ones inside the book too.  It's probably the Uncanny Valley effect.  The author and illustrator are probably very good at their jobs as open carry advocates, but producing children's books, not so much.  Plus it's the first book for both of them.

I meant it more in the sense that, if you looked up Nazi propaganda art for the "ideal Aryan family," it'd probably look a lot like that.  That's a terrifying level of Wonder-bread white.

Ah.  So how long have you been terrified of white people?  Perhaps I should be glad we're not talking face to face.  I wouldn't want you to run screaming from HLP. :D
« Last Edit: August 21, 2014, 09:20:31 pm by Goober5000 »


Offline Dragon

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They look off and somewhat disturbing because they're poorly drawn, that's all. Nothing sinister about it, it's their first book and it shows. I say, I'm not seeing any signs of a great literary career for the author, nor great art/illustrating career for the guy who drew the pictures. This whole book looks average, it's subject might seem controversial to some, but given how open we are beginning to be to children about various things, I think it's nothing unusual. I've seen worse illustrations, more controversial (and gross, to boot) topics and worse writing than that. I've also seen a lot of better ones. It seems low-average to me, the author is clearly medicore, but to his credit, he's not aiming for the heavens, either. Not much else can be said about that, really, as it's pretty short and somewhat bland, as usual with children books.

Oh, and there should probably be a children's book on gun safety, too (if there already isn't). When you first introduce anyone (young or old) to firearms in general, the first words they hear should be about safety. No matter what your political/moral/etc. stance on guns is, it's imperative to know the basic safety rules before you're within a meter of a functional firearm (or even an airgun, or an ASG replica).

As for the concept of open carry, I have no problems with it. Concealed carry is fine, and very useful if you want to look snazzy. A gun holster hardly looks good with anything except cammie trousers (well, OK, cowboy trousers could work, too, but only if you're from Texas :) ), and the only ones that look remotely "snazzy" are MARPAT ones, which aren't permitted for casual wear in the US anyway (what with being the current USMC uniform pattern). If you don't care about looks, open carry is more "honest" (in that everyone sees you're armed) and it's much less prone to snagging issues. A good holster can allow the gun to be drawn very quickly (much faster than most concealed carry options), meaning any would-be attacker stands a little chance of stopping you if you practice this enough. It's also safer and allows more flexible choice of your weapon.


Offline Lorric

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Have you found a way to read the book Dragon / Goober / anyone? I'm not buying a copy of the book, but I am curious as to what's inside.


Offline karajorma

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Poe's Law is about extremism.  Since open carry enjoys widespread (and growing) support across the US, it is by definition not extreme.  You're not very open-minded, are you? :p

You're not very good at reading, are you? :p It's pretty obvious that I was talking about the book I actually linked to in my post.
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Offline 666maslo666

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I meant it more in the sense that, if you looked up Nazi propaganda art for the "ideal Aryan family," it'd probably look a lot like that.  That's a terrifying level of Wonder-bread white.

So just because they are white it somehow implies an "ideal Aryan family"? Really, a terrifying level of white? Dont you think you are being a bit racist and presumptive yourself?
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Arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics. Even if you win you are still retarded.


Offline Scotty

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Are we seriously arguing about how white badly-drawn people on the cover art are now?


I think I'm just going to let it sink in how utterly bone-headed this discussion is right now.


Offline The E

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Poe's Law is about extremism.  Since open carry enjoys widespread (and growing) support across the US, it is by definition not extreme.  You're not very open-minded, are you? :p

Speaking of open-mindedness and open carry, what's the life expectancy of a non-white open carry practitioner these days?
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Offline swashmebuckle

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There are definitely black open-carry advocates, and the quickest path to enacting strong gun control law would probably be to reboot the Black Panthers and convince them to conduct mass open carry demonstrations across the country.


Offline karajorma

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Might also be the quickest way to get the 2nd amendment repealed. "****! Black people have guns now!" :p
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Offline swashmebuckle

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Black people having guns is already a comfortable part of the racist narrative; it's black unity, political efficacy, authority etc. that America fears.

I don't know what HLP's policy about swastikas is but the cover picture just reminded me of some Nazi propaganda posters you can find in most history books.

It's obviously black-and-white but the similarity is still there.
Again, if I'm breaking some swastika ban rule here just remove my post or something.
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Offline Nuke

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yay german propaganda!

im gonna start a collection one of these days.
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Offline Mr. Vega

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There is nothing about this topic that needs to be rationalized. What's the whitest names you could give the chars in that book? I vote Bucky Bockhorn for the dad.
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Offline deathfun

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Might also be the quickest way to get the 2nd amendment repealed. "****! Black people have guns now!" :p


Might also be the quickest way to get the 2nd amendment repealed. "****! Black people have guns now!" :p

Oh, sweet, naive Karajorma....  The pro-gun lobby would tell both sides to buy more guns to defend themselves against those people with all the guns, and the GOP would turn that marketing ploy into a policy plank.  It's like a miniature Cold War, except that the two feuding sides are of one nationality, and any potential fighting would occur entirely between civilians.


Offline Scotty

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I'm slightly uncomfortable that everyone here besides The_E immediately transposed "non-white" into "black".  There are a lot more non-white groups than just black people, guys.


Offline Klaustrophobia

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Might also be the quickest way to get the 2nd amendment repealed. "****! Black people have guns now!" :p

i realize the :p is meant to indicate in jest, but i still can't help but find the implications of this statement offensive. 
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Offline Nuke

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i dont think censuring people who make offensive statements is a good idea. for one it lets me know who the asshats are.

for example: the thing i most despise about the kkk, is that they are a christian organization.
I can no longer sit back and allow communist infiltration, communist indoctrination, communist subversion, and the international communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.

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Offline Lorric

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I'm slightly uncomfortable that everyone here besides The_E immediately transposed "non-white" into "black".  There are a lot more non-white groups than just black people, guys.
All two of them.