Author Topic: HLPXCOM: Long War - Guess what, I'm going to finish this  (Read 42699 times)

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Offline crizza

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Re: HLPXCOM: Long War - Another unfortunate death...
Am I dead or in medbay?^^


Offline Gortef

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Re: HLPXCOM: Long War - Another unfortunate death...
Holy **** that was insane. I think I got a few grey hairs from that.

Yup. See, here they are. Now it takes me at least a week to get my hair back to it's previous condition.

So you need to think something else to do Mika.
Habeeb it...


Offline deathfun

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Re: HLPXCOM: Long War - Another unfortunate death...
You see, this is what happens when I get put in charge. There's a lot of explosions and someone ends up dead.

On the bright side, you'll still make an explosive return in a MEC suit! Probably going to be one of the more "well adjusted" ones

That last transport was intense...


Holy hell that Exalt mission! That's the craziest MEC charge I've seen. Which funnily reflects actually my real life, I've actually been in a slogging fest against three people alone...

Had to give the EXALT something to shoot at other than the operative, which means the tank that can take a hit or five

Am I dead or in medbay?^^

Medbay since... I think 36 days ago? Sometimes I lose track because of the hella long time it takes for anyone to recover

Holy **** that was insane. I think I got a few grey hairs from that.

Yup. See, here they are. Now it takes me at least a week to get my hair back to it's previous condition.

So you need to think something else to do Mika.


So after a long little while of me doing... well GTA... I've come back to post some more stuff!

Suppose having random captives of random species does actually come in handy

Looks like Guyinshinyarmour has finally learned all he could learn. With the ability to traverse terrain quickly and efficiently as well as being able to reload and shoot in the same turn *on top* of having a **** ton of health... it's no wonder this bastard is still alive! Short of being wounded for 35 days, he's a force to be reckoned with and one of our best scouts currently

I'm starting to hate it when they do that...

I thought they weren't able to bring armour with them?
Can't tell if he is... or he's just a tank...
Anyone notice that +12 to his 7 HP? I really hope that sticks around for the actual mission

Oooo money
Contact over NA!

He's down, but there's another tango in the South
Abductor class most likely, looks like they're making a drop

"Welcome back Plumguy, seems like you're in good shape"
"Yeah, whatever, fack off"
"Can it people. This should be by the numbers, we're in, we're out. Ramirez, see about tagging a couple"
"Scotty, you too"
"This **** makes me whole ability to scout pretty damned pointless you know that right?"
"If Gortina and myself disable their weapons, you won't need to worry"

"Time to give this new shotgun a test run"
"That's the pulse one right?"
"Hells yeah it is"
"Contacts two o'clock!"

"Laser one would've made that shot..."
"You'd of had an increase of some 4%, unlikely"
"Shut up Animaze"

"Make these kill shots"
"On it Lepanto"

"That's two confirmed"
"Not bad Lep"

"Moving up"

"They're just outside this door..."

"Could be worse"
"Never EVER say that"

"Like I said, NEVER SAY THAT. That's a MEC unit!"

"Scratch that, two, I've got two MECs"
"Once again, what are you not going to say Animaze?"

"One down"
"That other one is going to hit us back hard, so try not to get shot by it"

"...He just ran away"
"What a little *****"

"I'm hit, but okay"
"Pistols don't do much these days do they"
"Oh hello there"

"I blame the grey hair"
"Thought you took care of it?"
"God, it hasn't been a week yet!"

"Damn, he just vaporized"

"I am glad for grappling hooks"

"That's... two heavy hits here... armour is holding"

"**** you Mechtoid"
"That's a wrap... by the numbers, love it"

More heavy armour for the soldiers... precisely what we'll need before making our assault
We don't even know where we are assaulting yet
Soon... I think
« Last Edit: June 07, 2015, 10:33:58 pm by Mongoose »


Offline Gortef

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Re: HLPXCOM: Long War - Once again updated after break
Of course it was because of the one remaining gray hair. You know my great sniping powers come from my hairdo.
Habeeb it...


Offline deathfun

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Re: HLPXCOM: Long War - Once again updated after break
Of course it was because of the one remaining gray hair. You know my great sniping powers come from my hairdo.

The less distractions the better!

He got away from our first interceptor
Send another!

Another one!
How many of these things are there?

Commander! Third tango, he's moving in
The Raven's are all down, we can't take him out!

Why the hell do they want China so badly?
No idea
Commander, our operative is ready for extraction but we've got inbound EXALT moving to his position

"Exterminate... exterminate..."
"Droid? You okay?"
"I wouldn't mind entirely if he shot me a couple times"
"Welcome back Mongoose, how was medbay?"

"Such a lovely little restaurant, shame it's about to get obliterated"
"Group of three just ahead"
"Lets go say hi"

"Two inside"
"Deploying smoke"

"Pretty hard hits there, nothing a medpack won't fix"


"Disrupting comms"

"Move to get them off that point"

"****, more of them!"
"Dammit Mongoose, trying to get yourself shot?"

"One sniper down"
"They're moving"

"Lets get give it to them ohhh go give it to them"

"Second comms down"

"Belt fed FREEDOM"


"They're coming in"
"Wasting some good shots they are"

"****, someone get that guy"
"With pleasure"

"Lets take a look around this corner"

"That's another four... five?"
"Initiate defensive protocol"

"From five star restaurant to blood stained"

"Grenade out!"

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Oh, another one?"

"They're flanking us"
"No matter"

"They're making this way too easy"

"Bloody everywhere though"
"Not many left"

"**** you"
"He'll get his, don't worry"
"Engaging moving target"

"Seems we're clear"
"Doesn't feel like it"

"Cut them down"

"I've got him"

"That's a clean sweep"
"Not bad at all, remember them being a little more problematic"
"Had better cover this time around"



Offline deathfun

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Re: HLPXCOM: Long War - Once again updated after break

Seems we've got a live one this time
Should be an easy sortie, send them in with arc throwers... might get lucky

An assault man that has the reflexes of a scout? Well I'll be damned. CommanderDJ is certainly not someone you want to mess around with as he comes barreling down towards you ready to perforate your body with holes. Not to forget how he can take a beating, and still stay on beat

Congratulations Patriot, you've been PROMOTED to Lieutenant


"Seems we're taking the rookies out of the barracks this time around"
"Nothing wrong with a little practice for the new guys"
"Let's hope you don't get disemboweled by a Muton allowing your intestines to flop around on the dirt as you look towards the medic crying for help"
"Veers, holy ****"

"Low density enemy count, but we don't know what they are just yet. Keep your eyes open"

"Targets spotted"
"Look alive Rookies, now is your time to shine!"

"Jesus, we can't hit a broad side of a barn"

"Got one!"
"He ain't dead yet"
"Yeah but, I hit it"

"Agh, ****... nothing like plasma grenades to wake you up"

"Missed again"

"How is this thing still standing"
"Strong hull plating mostly"

"About time"

"The rest are on the run"
"Chase them down"

"There he is"
"Sweeping around, lets see about capturing this one"

"Nice and weak"

"The idea here is to hit and weaken... not miss Rookie"

"Hit and weaken, yet you just obliterated in one shot"
"Shut up"

"We're missing something here"
"I think I hear something..."

"Removing from existence"

"I am very glad you didn't miss"



Offline deathfun

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Re: HLPXCOM: Long War - Massive updating en route
We're one step closer to being on par with the aliens
Only difference being, is it'll cost us a pretty penny to get there

Guess what we've got once again
Prep the team and get the Skyranger in the air before they land, we'll meet them when they land

"It's time to bring the pain!"
"Yeah, that's if you can hit anything Mika"
"Why don't you run off Animaze, I'll show you how good a shot I am"
"You good there Gortina?"
"Hell yeah, managed to find hairspray earlier"
"...Why have I been stuck with the B-Team"

"Everyone knows the drill, we've done this countless times before"
"Yeah, and each time we wish we'd of just shot this thing down"

"Clear right"
"Checking left side"

"Here we go, five... no seven, seven drones"
"Opening fire!"

"Suck on this!"

"Helluva grenade throw"

"Taking two"

"Looks like they're retreating"
"What are we waiting for then?"

"Bridge is clear"
"Keep pushing"

"Here they come!"
"Always hated Mutons"

"Dig in, looks like we're drawing the line here"

"Whoa ****, there goes my cover"

"He's down"
"Get that Mechtoid out of the picture"

"We all good?"
"I'm a little hit, but I should be alright"

"Up he goes!"

"The side! He's at the side again!"
"Hey, there's that little drone bugger"

"Oh ****"
"This isn't good"

"Damn, these little things are hard to hit"
"Maybe you just suck at aiming"

"About that line in the sand..."
"Those beserkers are going to cause us some issues"
"Pull back... **** this is going to be close"

"Murray, stop missing"

"Lets see what they're up to"

"Actually, Mika, why are you holding a railgun?"
"Um... I... don't know"
"God dammit Mika. Rheyah isn't here to hold the Pulse one, not until Engineering is done"
"I thought she was coming along like she always does..."

"****tiest timing if ever I've seen it"

"This thing just won't go away"

"God... dammit, I'm hit pretty good over here" Given the fact there is full cover between Astrid and the Cyberdisc, this annoyed me

"Now who can't hit things hmm Animaze?"

"More of them incoming!"
"Lead, this isn't looking too good"
"We've got this"
"Is that thing supposed to be spinning?"

"...Huh, I'm unscathed"
"But that wall sure as hell took a beating" Didn't screen cap it, but, at least there's footage. Literally the worst attack that thing could've done

"That's a few big targets"

"Getting off this roof"

"Where the hell did he come from!"
"You good?"

"He's on the move again!"

"No! No no no no! Just NO"
"Oh ****"

"None, she's dead"
"God dammit..."

"I'll see about getting into a better spot"
"I can't miss this beat!"

"Should've shredded him first"
"Ah well you know... whatever"

"Two down"
"Still got the one on the roof"
"I miss having walls for cover"

"I don't feel very comfortable here"

"Holy **** we're lucky"
"Still have that Mechtoid staring at us"

"Why is the Muton retreating?"
"Don't know, don't care"

"****! Didn't see him there"
"Ah, but I do"

"Down low! In the water"
"Dekker here, blowing this joint"

"Time to face equal Tech, Mech!"

"Well that was a lot of effort for nothing"

"She's hit!"
"We've still got a pulse"
"****, I'm coming NGTM!"
"Someone shoot that god damned Mechtoid"

"Come on you wanker"

"Slightly overkill, but worth it"
"They're pulling back"
"Thank god"

"Where the hell did you come from!"
"You shouldn't sneak up on people, it's rude"

"This is why I have armour. Beep beep mother****er!"

"You're good myte, you're good"
"Moving down into the alley... oh hello there"

"Nice little breather we've got now"
"Make it count"
"Muton! Left side"

"More down the middle"

"I see youuuu"

"Yeah, we're clear here too"
"Push to the cargo hold"

"Would you look at that! More drones"

"Stack up, spread yourselves across the doors"

"So uh, Gortina... how's the weather?"
"It's lovely"


"****! That was close"

"I may have been down, but I sure as hell wasn't out! Can't touch this pink awesome!"

"Think they're not a fan of you Mika"
"They just can't handle this manly moustache"

"Fragments be damned, screw these ****s"
"Getting at him from above"

"All yours"
"With pleasure"

"Lost one... but that's what we walk into on these god forsaken transports"



Offline Mika

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Re: HLPXCOM: Long War - Massive updating en route
killcount = ++7;

Are they trying to overflow the buffer? Have to consult with Vahlen about the bit depths in the registers...
Relaxed movement is always more effective than forced movement.


Offline Gortef

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Re: HLPXCOM: Long War - Massive updating en route
Poor Astrid. She was fun to talk to.

On other hand I think I found some nice sap from that downed tree. Natures own beauty gel.
Habeeb it...


Offline deathfun

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Re: HLPXCOM: Long War - Massive updating en route
killcount = ++7;

Are they trying to overflow the buffer? Have to consult with Vahlen about the bit depths in the registers...

In 16 bit glory

Poor Astrid. She was fun to talk to.

On other hand I think I found some nice sap from that downed tree. Natures own beauty gel.

Would've put you on the frontlines, but someone needed to protect Animaze in case of Sentinel occurrence

Splash yet another UFO. We might want to consider upgrading our weapons at some point for these things
Put it on the shopping list
Speaking of lists, the Council has a task for us. It's coming on screen now

"Looks like we're going light on this one"
"Everyone else is apparently le tired"
"I do two jobs, two jobs!"
"You haven't had to intercept a UFO in a while Phantom"
"And you hardly move Lepanto"
"Engaging rum... not enough for this ****"

"A bomb... we're walking on a bridge with a bomb large enough to blow up an entire city"
"Could be worse"
"Sentinels ahead!"

"Disabling power node"

"He's coming our way"

"I'm blue and I'll beat up this guy"
"I think I'm shooting the right one..."

"Keep the push going"

"Why is it always Thin Men?"

"Beautiful shot"
"Not like it's a difficult shot to make"

"Problems MP-Ryan?"
"Nothing I can't handle"

"You haven't said any crappy puns yet MP-Ryan"
"I'd rather not try to defuse this explosive situation with humour"
"...There we go"

"Damn that's a helluva shot"
"Give him the one two"

"There's that second bastard!"

"Spread out before defusing that thing, we'll have incoming once they realized something went wrong"

"Here we go"

"We're clear"
"That was easy"
"Please don't say that"

While she's pretty good in the pilot seat, the ground game pays off with the main focus being on overwatch, tazing, and being able to lob explosive halfway across the field. Definitely not someone you want to be near, or far, or just anywhere in the vicinity of... as your cover won't last the turn

« Last Edit: July 15, 2015, 03:36:52 pm by deathfun »

Re: HLPXCOM: Long War - Massive updating en route
Nice, 100 psi score!


Offline Gortef

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Re: HLPXCOM: Long War - Massive updating en route
They set us up the bomb, but it was nothing our mates couldn't handle.
Habeeb it...


Offline deathfun

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Re: HLPXCOM: Long War - Massive updating en route
Nice, 100 psi score!

Psi is something I haven't quite delved into as of yet. They overhauled it significantly, so I decided to currently just do what I know and experiment later

They set us up the bomb, but it was nothing our mates couldn't handle.

All your bridge are belong to us
Not a euphemism

Do we have the satellite prepped?
Affirmative Commander. We are preparing to launch it momentarily
Get it over Japan... we need to figure out where that signal is coming from

Soon. Soon.
The labs would also like to report the completion of the Antigrav Systems. Should be able to field a new set of armour which allows flight

"My hair is prepped and ready to go"
"Plasma carbine? Why not my new shotgun!"
"Pulse technology is something else"

"Once again we find ourselves here"
"Time to go to work"

"Droid contacts"
"Let them come to us"


"Down it goes"

"Yeah, you run away you little bastard. Can't handle this freedom!"

"Flanking action detected, engaging target"

"Prep your rifles, we're going in"

"Target down"
"Eat this!"

"We can't hit a damned thing can we"

[7/13/2015 2:49:26 PM] Andrew "Deathfun" Allardyce: "I CAN"

"**** this, I'm moving in"

"Yeah, lot of good that did me"
"These little ****s are hard to hit"

"Looks like that's it"
"Stack up"

"I've got some large amounts of movement coming from outside"
"Two teams, one goes around, the other takes it straight to them"

"Sentinel just got ****ed"

"I've got you covered Scotty"
"Usually that's my job"

"Yeah, **** you prick. Unce unce"
"Team one is in position"

"Team two has a bit of a problem"
"That's a few sectoids"


"Least he's our crazy"

"Looks like they're backing up their Mechtoid as per usual"
"Their loss in the end"

"Breaking their overwatch"

"Finishing up that drone"

"Shooting fish in a barrel"

"Someone mess with the sights on this thing?"
"You don't... have sights on that thing"

"Come on, bring it on!"

"He's running scared!"
"Na, just a tactical retreat"

"What's that Mech up to..."

"Readjusting aim... calibrating"

"Almost down, he's feeling it"
"Overkill time"

"I hear something..."
"Form up and press on"

"Seems we've caught a break here, so many sectoids"
"Engaging newly acquired targets"

"Look at them scatter!"


"Looks like we're almost clear"
"Just one more place to check"



"One of them is heading around back!"
"I've got him"

"Say good night... in however it is you say things like that"

"Damn good show people"
"Did... none of us get shot?"
"Not even once"

While Scotty might not have the speed of a scout, she certainly has the ability to take a punch or two required of one! Accurate, while being able to deliver more than one consecutive shot is one helluva combination. Not to mention being able to dodge whatever is being shot at you

Robotic in nature, and simply not the best medic to comfort you as you die, it won't matter since this series of medical droids will ensure that you just won't die. While unimpressive itself, you'll be glad to have this model on the field specially since it'll probably be what keeps you from the brink of death

Sorry about the lateness on this, past two weeks I had a guest over so her and I were spending a lot of time doing other things together. Also Terraria 1.3 came up so that was important


Offline crizza

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Re: HLPXCOM: Long War - Massive updating en route
Medbay... such fun and the service... marvellous  :D


Offline Mongoose

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Re: HLPXCOM: Long War - Massive updating en route
Best part of upcoming new computer: being able to load this thread without nearly hard-locking my system.


Offline deathfun

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Re: HLPXCOM: Long War - Massive updating en route

Etc etc
We stopped caring about the shooting down of the UFOs haven't we
Given this one is number... 95? 96?

How much more intel do we need Commander?
Given our current numbers... this next mission should get us a fifty-fifty change our accusation is the right one

Commander to the situation room, Commander to the situation room

The location of the alien base? What sort of numbers are we looking at here
Unknown, but the resistance should be more than we've encountered yet
When can we get a team out there?
Majority of our heavy hitters are still in medical, would you like to send the rookies?
No, we'll have to hold off until we're damned prepared. They've had as much time as we have to bolster their defenses... we need to make sure our team is able to punch through

Pun intended

"Anyone want a pre-mission drink? Anyone? No? More for me then"
"I AM OUT OF MEDBAY! Time to strike fear into their hearts... with my fist! I will grab their beating heart! AND EAT IT"
"Am I the only one who isn't insane?"
"No, I'm... not insane. Surprisingly. MEC transformation didn't actually mess me up all that much... must've been the weed"

"Mongoose, what's your position"
"Nearby the burning tanks, about two blocks from extraction"
"Looks like you've got a long haul ahead of you"

"I'm seeing six tangoes!"
"That's not six, that's three"
"Right, doubles"

"They're inside! Second floor! Your hearts are MINE"


"How many god damned people are on overwatch"
"Too many, Mongoose, you better make this quick"

"Path has been cleared somewhat, go!"

"Incoming volley"

"Not sure how much more of this I can take"

"Armour is in the orange, taking a lot of heat here"

"I don't have infinite of these"
"Any small amount is helpful"


"Punchy punchy!"

"They're moving"

"New contacts inbound!"
"Mongoose, remember when I said to make this fast?"
"I didn't drink enough for this mission"

"Relay down, lets get the hell out of here"
"But hearts!"

"That should buy us some time"

"Explosives, not cool man"

'Ha! He blew himself up!"
"What an idiot!"

"Keep running!"

"Almost there guys"

"****... I... don't think I'm going to..."


Has the new intel been cross referenced?
Affirmative Commander... it's between Egypt and Nigeria
If we accuse the wrong country so be it. We'll be one step closer to ridding ourselves of this pestilence

It's time we paid our little friends a visit


Offline Gortef

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Re: HLPXCOM: Long War - Totally been neglecting, but soon... EXALT will die
Oh boy both the Excalt Base AND the Alien Base on our sights.

I think I need to prepare my hair extra carefully for these shows.
Habeeb it...


Offline deathfun

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Re: HLPXCOM: Long War - Guess what, I'm going to finish this
Hey guess what! It's time to revitalize this!
Because I am absolutely not going to leave this without finishing it. That's just poor form
On a bit of a sidenote, for those still interested, would you prefer the video editions continuing without the commentary or do you mind the voice over?

Are we prepared Commander?
Absolutely. Lets end this. Those traitors will meet their untimely end

It would appear we have to mulligan our first attempts at assaulting the Exalt base...
I hate this glitch

"My hair is ready"
"This time I'm actually in support of the crazy guy"
"I am totally ready to get shot!"
"Of course you are Mongoose"
"Calculated survival rate: 86%"
"Let's get this done. Time to lead this charge"

"This is Lepanto, reporting in. We are go for insertion"
Command hears you loud and clear, good luck Alpha Team

"Doesn't look like much"
"Where's our greeting party?"
"Sectoid! Ah **** it's one of the red ones"

"Tango down"
"Moving up"

"I hear something..."
"We've got incoming!"

"Light 'em up!"

"Mecs moving up! Oh yeah look at these muscles"
"You're a robot. You don't have muscles"
"...Skynet precept activated"

"Dropped him like it's hot"
"Taking the shot"

"Still one left"
"He's got nothing on us"

"Yeah, but I think he just alerted the rest of his crew"

"I mean, that's one way to deal with him"

"Running ahead, seeing what I can see"

"Good god this place looks amazing. The hell did Exalt do? Are they curators of fine art or something"
"Who cares. BLOW IT ALL UP"

"Get the area covered, we don't need anyone coming up in our asses"
"Ah whatever Lepanto, you hardly move. You have our asses covered"

"Jesus that guy is packing some armour"

"Keeping him down, someone get around him"

"With pleasure. I will once again have my revenge!"

"You dare shoot at ME?"

"I don't think they like you two"
"I've got eyes up here, it's not looking too good"
"We've come to far to let these bastards win"


"Have a faceful you traitorous bastards!"
"We've got more incoming!"
"They're coming out of the walls!"

"Raining hell from above"

"I'll join you in that"

"Damn I forgot how those pack a punch"

"They just don't like FREEDOM!" *Eagle screeeeeeech*
"Damn, look at that hologlobe"
"Honestly, I prefer the colour red"

"Anyone else glad they don't have plasma weaponry?"

"Lets see you try to use THAT now"

"Another batch incoming"
"I've got 'em"

"Double tap mother****er!"

"Now that's what I call a... close encounter"
"The pun guy died, you are not his replacement Mongoose. Also you're on a roof"

"Why couldn't I just carpet bomb this place"
"Strategic relevance"
"Who cares!"

"My turn!"

"Got more on our scopes here"
"At this rate we'll be overwhelmed"

"Overwatch failure, recalculating"

"Is that a zebra rug?"
"You know, our own base could use some of this stuff"

"Hit, but I'm okay"
"Oh ****, where did this guy come from?"
"That's a big gun"

"Screw this, grenade out!"

"I'm dodging this stuff like bouncers at clubs!"

"Puny man. You will suffer"
"Good god that's a lot of targets"

"Oh the horror! The shame! Oh how you miss so gloriously"

"Puny man with your peashooter"

"Position undesirable, moving"

"Anyone nearby?"
" hair"

"Snipers in the distance there"
"I see him!"

"Engaging medical procedure"

"We need to put these fools down"
"Definitely have enough people to shoot"

"Here's another package for you pricks!"

"I can almost feel that myself... I FEEL ALIVE"
"They're feeling it"

"Down big guy, DOWN"

"Your moustache seems to have gotten in the way of your way"
"My moustache can take plasma and still look good unlike your face. Hell, it'd be an improvement"
"Big talk from a guy who died"

"Quip detected: Get the **** up"

"Who would've thought the Droid knew how to make me feel all fuzzy inside"
"I love this plasma"

"Got a guy on our flanks here"

"I need to get closer"
"Finally in position"

"Well my cover is no longer there"
"Where's he going?"

"Anyone got a shot on that big guy?"
"He's a pain in the ass isn't he"

"Back from the brink, and bringing the pain!"

"Might need to redecorate after that one"

"Servos are a bit stiff"

"Your time is short puny man"
"Oh how it is"

"He's down for the count"
"Are we clear on contacts?"
"Yeah, we're clear. Solid ****ing job people"

"Surprisingly few Exalt soldiers"
"What, you were hoping for more?"
"Kinda. More notches and organs to add to the collection"



Offline crizza

  • 210
Re: HLPXCOM: Long War - Guess what, I'm going to finish this
Still in medbay I guess?
But great you're finishing this.

Re: HLPXCOM: Long War - Guess what, I'm going to finish this
Welcome back to the fight, Commander!