Author Topic: How to add mechs to MCO  (Read 36091 times)

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Offline magic

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How to add mechs to MCO
How to add new mechs to Mech commander Omnitech

You will need a new 3D mech model.

Every mech in this game has many files in multiple folders. I will explain which files in what folders.

MechCommanderOmnitech\data\art folder

There is a sub folder "mechicons" containing all mech icon files for the game. Files are in TGA file format and must be named with your mech name - "MyMechName.tga".
See contents of that folder for example.

There is a file buildings.csv which contains a list of all objects from the game.

Short description of some important columns form buildings.CSV:

File name - object name. It must match the name in the corresponding FIT file or CSV file  for mechs from objects folder.

File name = RepairBay2 in Buildings.CSV file,

Fragment from corresponding FIT file (in Object2):

l ObjectTypeNum=1

st Name="RepairBay2"

See examples in Buildings.CSV files:

Group ID - To which group the object belongs - mech, vehicle, building, … Important for mission editor.

NameID - Resource ID number for resource string in resource DLL file (see MC2RelStrings.Zip file). This is the name of object, which will be displayed in the game.
OR for MCO simple text entry for name which you want for the editor.

Type - object type: Mech, vehicle …

FitID - This is the object number for mech, vehicle or building from movobj.FIT file from objects folder.

New mech row in buildings.CSV must NOT be the last in the file. Leave at least one building as the last.

Every mech must have a file MCL_MC_ MyMechName.tga. It is used for mechlab in logistics.

MechCommanderOmnitech\data\objects folder

Every mech must have a CSV file (comma delimited). It contains definition for mech weight, speed, weapons, etc. It must be named "MyMechName.csv"

File contains definitions for all objects in MCO. It is where the object number is defined. When you create new mech you must add 3 new lines of text in appropriate category:

l ObjectTypeNum = 2;
st CSVname = " MyMechName"

First line is new object number for your new mech (or vehicle or building...)
Second is object type - explained in movobj file.
Third is your new mech name "MyMechName".

MechCommanderOmnitech\data\TGL folder

There is subfolder 512 in TGL folder. This is the place for all texture files. Texture files are TGA format, RGB, 512x512 pixels.

Mech 3D model, animation and ini files are here (TGL, AGL and INI files).
If you make a new mech you must create simple animations (no IK, FK...) as described below.

If you use existing mech, you must copy and rename all files from the source mech to "MyMechName..."

How to add new 3d mech models.
You have to export as ASE files from MAX with the correct names.  The game automatically converts the ASE files to the TGL and AGL formats when it loads them the first time.

<mechname> being the name of the mech like atlas or madcat, the filenames are as follows:

<mechname>.ase                      Stand pose.  This has no animation in it and is used to load the geometry for the mech.
<mechname>fallbackward.ase          Fallbackward animation
<mechname>fallforward.ase           Fallforward animation
<mechname>getupback.ase             Get up animation from fall backward.
<mechname>getupfront.ase            Get up animation from fall forward.
<mechname>hitback.ase               Hit animation when mech is hit from behind.
<mechname>hitfront.ase              Hit animation when mech is hit from front.
<mechname>hitleft.ase               Hit animation when mech is hit from left.
<mechname>hitright.ase              Hit animation when mech is hit from right.
<mechname>idle.ase                  animation when mech is standing awaiting orders.
<mechname>jump.ase                  jump animation for mech.
<mechname>limpleft.ase              limp animation when right leg is destroyed (I think.  If not, reverse this and the next one)
<mechname>limpright.ase             limp animation when left leg is destroyed.
<mecnname>parktostand.ase           animation for mech powering up.
<mechname>rntowk.ase                transition animation from run to walk.
<mechname>run.ase                           run animation.
<mechname>standtopark.ase           animation for mech powering down.
<mechname>sttowk.ase                transition animation from stand to walk.
<mechname>walk.ase                  walk animation.
<mechname>wktorn.ase                transition animation from walk to run.
<mechname>wktost.ase                transition animation from walk to stand.

All of these are converted to agl files the first time we load the mech.
The <mechname>.ase file is converted to a tgl file.

This is it. I know its complicated and I hope I wrote it right.
Good luck.

« Last Edit: December 08, 2014, 02:30:06 am by magic »


Offline Odisseu

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Re: How to add mechs to MCO
Was anybody successful in adding a new mech? I tried it two times (plus several more times correcting possible mistakes..) but failed, yet. :(
« Last Edit: December 06, 2014, 06:39:01 pm by Odisseu »


Offline magic

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Re: How to add mechs to MCO
Post your work somewhere or send me your work and I will see what is wrong.


Offline Ma.Din

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Re: How to add mechs to MCO

I got a question for you. How do you constrain the individual mech parts to the helpers? I've tried just parenting them, in Maya, exporting an fbx to Max, then converting it to an ASE. Whenever I do this, it always crashes. I've tried doing parent constrains as well, but end up with the same results. If need be, I can constrain the pieces in Max, but I don't know how.

Any help would be appreciated.

Here's the 90% completed Catapult I did years back, but I never once, got it in the game and I'm not sure what I've missed.. -_-
« Last Edit: January 21, 2015, 03:50:25 am by Ma.Din »
"Using no way as way. Having no limitation as limitation." - Bruce Lee


Offline magic

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Re: How to add mechs to MCO
pm me and I will send you mech skeleton file in max...


Offline Ma.Din

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Re: How to add mechs to MCO
pm me and I will send you mech skeleton file in max...


Do the models use the same skeleton, 'cos in my exports, it appeared they're different. Also, is there a naming scheme for mech parts that I need to follow?
"Using no way as way. Having no limitation as limitation." - Bruce Lee


Offline magic

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Re: How to add mechs to MCO
It depends on which model animation you want to use.

For Catapult you will use existing catapult animation and your naming scheme must match the one from catapult.ase.

Unless you want to make your own animation.
In that case you may use any naming scheme but you will have to make all animation files.


Offline Ma.Din

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Re: How to add mechs to MCO
It depends on which model animation you want to use.

For Catapult you will use existing catapult animation and your naming scheme must match the one from catapult.ase.

Okay. I've got you. Basically, I make the naming scheme the same and move the helper objects into position to match the mech model.  Then, I do a link constrain to the helper object to the model piece. (It's been ages since I messed with Max. In fact, the last time I did, MC2 was new and on the shelves.)

Unless you want to make your own animation.
In that case you may use any naming scheme but you will have to make all animation files.

Are the helpers actual polygon pieces? When I load up the ASE files in Max 7 to export them to FBX, so I can use them in Max 2012 the FBX will give me the equivalent in Maya, which are locators, but your Max file doesn't export the helpers. I guess what I am asking is what exactly ARE, in Max terms, the helpers so I can see if they'll import to Maya the same way.

Also, on the subject of mechs. I noticed that you have Elemental and Salamander "mechs." I wanted to make jump infantry, so would it be feasible for me to create infantry that could jump, using the same system? I am guessing I'd have to put at least 1 point in internal structure in each area to get it to work, but is this possible within the limits of the game engine? This is also interesting, 'cos if that's the case we could possibly create protomechs? ;)

Also, what's the limit for mechs and vehicles in the buildings.csv? I have a couple of vehicles I need to texture, that I would like to put in the game and I have a few more T Poses of the Unseen mechs from Mechwarrior Online.
"Using no way as way. Having no limitation as limitation." - Bruce Lee


Offline magic

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Re: How to add mechs to MCO
Okay. I've got you. Basically, I make the naming scheme the same and move the helper objects into position to match the mech model.  Then, I do a link constrain to the helper object to the model piece. (It's been ages since I messed with Max. In fact, the last time I did, MC2 was new and on the shelves.)


Are the helpers actual polygon pieces? When I load up the ASE files in Max 7 to export them to FBX, so I can use them in Max 2012 the FBX will give me the equivalent in Maya, which are locators, but your Max file doesn't export the helpers. I guess what I am asking is what exactly ARE, in Max terms, the helpers so I can see if they'll import to Maya the same way.

How do you load ASE files to max 7?

Also, on the subject of mechs. I noticed that you have Elemental and Salamander "mechs." I wanted to make jump infantry, so would it be feasible for me to create infantry that could jump, using the same system? I am guessing I'd have to put at least 1 point in internal structure in each area to get it to work, but is this possible within the limits of the game engine? This is also interesting, 'cos if that's the case we could possibly create protomechs? ;)

It must be at least 1 point, for internal structure and for armor.

Also, what's the limit for mechs and vehicles in the buildings.csv? I have a couple of vehicles I need to texture, that I would like to put in the game and I have a few more T Poses of the Unseen mechs from Mechwarrior Online.

Dont worry about that, the number of objects can be doubled.

I did redesign for half of the stock MC2 mechs, do you have any of those redesigned beside Catapult.


Offline Ma.Din

  • 28
Re: How to add mechs to MCO
Okay. I've got you. Basically, I make the naming scheme the same and move the helper objects into position to match the mech model.  Then, I do a link constrain to the helper object to the model piece. (It's been ages since I messed with Max. In fact, the last time I did, MC2 was new and on the shelves.)


Okay. Now do we have to link chain multiple objects? When I pulled them into Maya, a lot of the helpers are actually linked to the Center Torso piece. It was a bit confusing. I may just link every in Max, since I haven't successfully exported a working ASE with Maya.


How do you load ASE files to max 7?

Max 7 is the last version to officially support ASE importing. The Max 6 ASE import plugin works with 7. I have it, along with the dll files you need to get it to run on Win 7. The caveat is Max7 won't close in Win 7. You have to manually close it through the Task Manager. It doesn't lock up or crash the machine. It just won't close the app, using the "x" button or the exit command. If you Virtual Box an XP machine, it's okay.


It must be at least 1 point, for internal structure and for armor.

Okay, I got it but  does that mean 1 point of armor and IS or one point PER location? Since the Vehicle FIT files can't use jump jets, that's the only way to create Jump Infantry, correct?

Dont worry about that, the number of objects can be doubled.

I did redesign for half of the stock MC2 mechs, do you have any of those redesigned beside Catapult.

The only things I have right now is the Catapult and a few 3025 vehicles, none of which are textured. I also have the old models I repaired of Karl's, for the Beagle and ECM, but those are fully textured, I believe. I did, however, strip all the models from Mechcommander Online. I have to piece all the parts together, to combine a mech, then render T Poses for each model. Basically, any model in MCO, I can make a low poly version of for Omni.  I wanted to recreate a lot of the ones during the early Succession Wars. Evidently, I made FIT files for ALL the Vehicles from the Technical Readouts a few years back that I didn't know I still had. I thought I lost all this stuff, when my computer died 2 years ago. I haven't been around, 'cos I had a kid. ;)
« Last Edit: January 23, 2015, 01:49:27 pm by Ma.Din »
"Using no way as way. Having no limitation as limitation." - Bruce Lee


Offline magic

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Re: How to add mechs to MCO
I haven't been around, 'cos I had a kid. ;)

And I thought you were angry at me. :lol:

How is it to be a parent, hard but sweet... :yes:


Offline mikeva1

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Re: How to add mechs to MCO
I am reading through your tutorial and already have a question' You have the following in step one:

Fragment from corresponding FIT file (in Object2):

The problem is that I have not found anything (yet) on how to work on, read, modify, etc FIT files.


Offline mikeva1

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Re: How to add mechs to MCO
I am looking at the following entry for the Repairbay2 in buildings.CSV and trying to interpret what each item means


 Here is what I have come up with so far based on the first line in buildings.CSV

Name ID                            RepairBay2                     
Group ID                            26
Name ID                              34248   
Type                                   BUILDING
FIT ID                                 79
SPECIAL TYPE                    ,
ALIGNMENT?                      0
CAPTURABLE                      0
Draw Building On TacMap  0
TGA Filename (if any),        0
Mechlopedia Scale             0.8
Mission Briefing scale        0.4

I am interpreting that the ,, after BUILDING means that the next entry (SPECIAL TYPE) is blank.  There are other entries where ,, is used as well.

Now lets look at a mech entry


It has two places with the ,, - in this case I believe that means that Mechlopedia Scale is blank/not used.

About my last post concerning FIT files - Notepad reads them just fine. Is this what should use to modify the FIT files?

Another question. You have the following in step 1:
Fragment from corresponding FIT file (in Object2):

l ObjectTypeNum=1

st Name="RepairBay2"
 It is NOT clear to me what the "corresponding FIT file  (in Object2)" is.

in "1.3
Every mech must have a file MCL_MC_ MyMechName.tga. It is used for mechlab in logistics."   Just to clarify: Are these the files located in MechCommanderOmnitech\data\art?

I think that's all I have for part 1. Now I get to go fix supper and later on back to reading this again.


Offline magic

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Re: How to add mechs to MCO
Use Notepad to open and modify, FIT, CSV, and ABL files.

Using excel for CSV-s will corrupt the file on save.

Ignore Object2 file. It is obsolete.

Every mech must have a file MCL_MC_ MyMechName.tga. It is used for mechlab in logistics." These the files located in MechCommanderOmnitech\data\art.

Also mech entry:


can be now:


It can read both, reference number from mc2res.dll and string_name. You cant use both at the same time.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2015, 12:13:36 pm by magic »


Offline mikeva1

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Re: How to add mechs to MCO
"Using excel for SCV-s will corrupt the file on save."
Don't mean to sound so ignorant (even though I am when it comes to MCO) - but - what is SCV-s?

I will update the re-write and include this information.

Re: How to add mechs to MCO
files of file type .csv


Offline mikeva1

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Re: How to add mechs to MCO
hmmmm.... SCV-s is CSV file type?

Any other tidbits like this you would like to share? Things I can add in?


Offline magic

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Re: How to add mechs to MCO
Sorry, typo, SCV is CSV file type. Corrected in the post above.


Offline mikeva1

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Re: How to add mechs to MCO
"Also mech entry:


can be now:


It can read both, reference number from mc2res.dll and string_name. You cant use both at the same time."

if I understand you correctly then I could use EITHER 34049 (reference number from mc2res.dl) OR I can use string_name (Jagermech_whatever_I_want_to_name_it_for_the_editor)


Offline mikeva1

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Re: How to add mechs to MCO
Okay, here is version 1 of re-write .

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