Author Topic: A few questions  (Read 5939 times)

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Offline TrashMan

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I'm back. long has it been? 2 years?
Whatever...after X amount of time I finally booted FS again.

I was completely into FS and I guess I started suffering from FS fatigue. Plus, there weer other great games to mod and I got banned from FS general so several things kinda came together that made me visit these forums less and less.

But now that FS itch is back. Yesterday I re-played my campaign to refresh my memory and went trough all of my files to see what I made for the 3rd part. Alas, in the process of playing I found out that I need to organize my files better and that my second chapter has plenty of errors that I somehow missed.
So I'm gonna fix chapter 2 and work on chapter 3.

However, however however.... since I've been gone for a while I might need a refresher on a few things. I already did tests and fixes and debugging and 90% of the stuff is fixed.
3 debug errors remain:
Code: [Select]
For 'RailgunImpact', 3 of 4 LODs are missing!

Unidentified priority group 'Fighter' set for objecttype 'Fighter'

Unidentified priority group 'Bomber' set for objecttype 'Bomber'

I can't recall from where I got ReailgunImpact.avi .. was it BluePlanet? Anywhoo dunno how to fix this (aside from giving a weapon a different explosion).
Errors 2 and 3 also don't ring a bell. AI issue?

Aside form that, a few FRED related questions (as I run into problems)

1) Subsystem Scanning. Can't get it to work. Stupid I know, but "Scannable" and "Toggle Subsystem Scanning" - no matter what combo I try IT JUST DOES NOT WORK.

2) Erm.. that's it. For now.
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Offline Cyborg17

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I remember having trouble with the subsystem scanning, too.  I had to fix it for the Aftermath mod.  You have to go into the initial status and specify a cargo under each subsystem that you want to be scannable.  And if you're sane and you want them to say scanned and not have individual cargoes, then Just say "Scanned".

I think you can ignore the LOD mismatch, and I don't know how to fix the other error.

EDIT: Actually totally misread the LOD error.  I have not run into that one yet, but it looks like it shouldn't be ignored.  Are all your mod dependencies up to date?


Offline TrashMan

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I know I took that Railgun Ani from another mod.... but I can't remember which one.


Pretty severe error. Causes crashing:

Assert: ti->texture.bitmap_id != -1
File: trails.cpp
Line: 205
Weapon trail tracer could not be loaded

« Last Edit: March 14, 2015, 10:52:19 am by TrashMan »
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Offline AdmiralRalwood

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Assert: ti->texture.bitmap_id != -1
File: trails.cpp
Line: 205
Weapon trail tracer could not be loaded
That assertion isn't on line 205; are you using a custom executable?
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Codethulhu GitHub wgah'nagl fhtagn.

schrödinbug (noun) - a bug that manifests itself in running software after a programmer notices that the code should never have worked in the first place.

When you gaze long into BMPMAN, BMPMAN also gazes into you.

"I am one of the best FREDders on Earth" -General Battuta

<Aesaar> literary criticism is vladimir putin

<MageKing17> "There's probably a reason the code is the way it is" is a very dangerous line of thought. :P
<MageKing17> Because the "reason" often turns out to be "nobody noticed it was wrong".
(the very next day)
<MageKing17> this ****ing code did it to me again
<MageKing17> "That doesn't really make sense to me, but I'll assume it was being done for a reason."
<MageKing17> **** ME

<MageKing17> God damn, I do not understand how this is breaking.
<MageKing17> Everything points to "this should work fine", and yet it's clearly not working.
<MjnMixael> 2 hours later... "God damn, how did this ever work at all?!"
<MageKing17> so
<MageKing17> more than two hours
<MageKing17> but once again we have reached the inevitable conclusion
<MageKing17> How did this code ever work in the first place!?

<@The_E> Welcome to OpenGL, where standards compliance is optional, and error reporting inconsistent

<MageKing17> It was all working perfectly until I actually tried it on an actual mission.

<IronWorks> I am useful for FSO stuff again. This is a red-letter day!
* z64555 erases "Thursday" and rewrites it in red ink

<MageKing17> TIL the entire homing code is held up by shoestrings and duct tape, basically.


Offline Cyborg17

  • 29
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You have a custom table for the explosion involved, though, right?  You should be able to fix the bitmap id error by reducing the LODS in your Weapon expl.tbl or tbm, if I'm thinking about it correctly.

That's definitely an odd assert there.


Offline TrashMan

  • T-tower Avenger. srsly.
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Assert: ti->texture.bitmap_id != -1
File: trails.cpp
Line: 205
Weapon trail tracer could not be loaded
That assertion isn't on line 205; are you using a custom executable?

I'm testing with the 3_6_14_RC6

Looking over my files, I don't have a expl.tbl among my tables.
I do have a turrets-obt.tbm with this:

Code: [Select]
#Ship Types

$Name:                  Fighter
$Target Priority Groups: ( "Fighter" )
$Turrets prioritize ship target: NO

$Name:                  Bomber
$Target Priority Groups: ( "Bomber" )
$Turrets prioritize ship target: NO


« Last Edit: March 14, 2015, 04:17:42 pm by TrashMan »
Nobody dies as a virgin - the life ****s us all!

You're a wrongularity from which no right can escape!


Offline AdmiralRalwood

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I'm testing with the 3_6_14_RC6

Nobody's going to want to help you troubleshoot such an old version. See what errors you get with 3.7.2 RC5.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Codethulhu GitHub wgah'nagl fhtagn.

schrödinbug (noun) - a bug that manifests itself in running software after a programmer notices that the code should never have worked in the first place.

When you gaze long into BMPMAN, BMPMAN also gazes into you.

"I am one of the best FREDders on Earth" -General Battuta

<Aesaar> literary criticism is vladimir putin

<MageKing17> "There's probably a reason the code is the way it is" is a very dangerous line of thought. :P
<MageKing17> Because the "reason" often turns out to be "nobody noticed it was wrong".
(the very next day)
<MageKing17> this ****ing code did it to me again
<MageKing17> "That doesn't really make sense to me, but I'll assume it was being done for a reason."
<MageKing17> **** ME

<MageKing17> God damn, I do not understand how this is breaking.
<MageKing17> Everything points to "this should work fine", and yet it's clearly not working.
<MjnMixael> 2 hours later... "God damn, how did this ever work at all?!"
<MageKing17> so
<MageKing17> more than two hours
<MageKing17> but once again we have reached the inevitable conclusion
<MageKing17> How did this code ever work in the first place!?

<@The_E> Welcome to OpenGL, where standards compliance is optional, and error reporting inconsistent

<MageKing17> It was all working perfectly until I actually tried it on an actual mission.

<IronWorks> I am useful for FSO stuff again. This is a red-letter day!
* z64555 erases "Thursday" and rewrites it in red ink

<MageKing17> TIL the entire homing code is held up by shoestrings and duct tape, basically.


Offline TrashMan

  • T-tower Avenger. srsly.
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Yeah, I just switched. And nothing works with it.
 I downloaded the exe (SSE version), the launcher, the full Media VP 2014.
Then I started my campaign and got a bajilion error report - parcticaly my entire weapons table.
The header of every weapon after the line 5800 retunred an error. I'm talking things like this:

Code: [Select]
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Big ship weapons
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Returning errors. And this is normal build, not a debug one.
Note that a earlier debug build didn't have any issues with my weapons.tbl.

The INF builds are now normal, right?

You know what even funnier? I wanted to re-play Blue Planet (using the older build) and it worked. there were some missing textures, but it worked.
But then I decided to update everything and I also updated the entire BP using FSO installer.
Now when I start that I get about 71 warnings and 24 missing ships.
And yes, I did change the mod.ini to look from medivavp 2014 instead of the old mediavp_3612.
Nobody dies as a virgin - the life ****s us all!

You're a wrongularity from which no right can escape!


Offline TrashMan

  • T-tower Avenger. srsly.
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I AM A FRIGGIN IDIOT: PLEASE DISREGARD THE ABOVE POST. A certain underscore was missing causing all kinds of problems.

But.. now that I checked again (with the debug build) here are the errors I get now:

Muzzle flash "Gmuzzle" already exists!  Using existing entry instead.

Muzzle flash "Rmuzzle" already exists!  Using existing entry instead.  (etc, etc...pretty much I get this for tons of muzzle flashes)

weapons.tbl(line 5585):
Warning: Error parsing id# in XSTR() tag XSTR("From God with Love. Excerpt from the Book of Armaments: "...And Saint Attila raised the meson missile up on high, saying, "O Lord, bless this, Thy meson missile, that with it Thou mayest blow Thine enemies to tiny bits, in Thy mercy." And the Lord did grin! Then the Lord spake, saying, "First shalt thou remove the Holy Safety Locks, then shalt thou arm the missile. Keep thy foe in thy sight and wait for the holy beep of doom. Then launchest thou thy Holy Meson Missile of Antioch II towards thy foe, who being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it. Amen.." Thanks to advances in technology, no counting to three is required.", 3352)

weapons.tbl(line 6002):
Error: Required token = [#End] or [$Name:], found [; -------------------------------------------------------------].

For reference, line 6002 is this one - the one right above "Big Ship Weapons"
$Name:                        ShivanbigBomb
$Model File:                     shivbmb1.pof
$Mass:                        35.0
$Velocity:                        75.0
$Fire Wait:                        30.0
$Damage:                                              14000
$Damage Type:                          Plasma                                 
$Blast Force:                                         1000.0
$Inner Radius:                     100.0                  
$Outer Radius:                     270.0               
$Shockwave Speed:                     75                                     
$Armor Factor:                     1.0
$Shield Factor:                     0.02
$Subsystem Factor:                                    0.5
$Lifetime:                        30.0
$Energy Consumed:                  0.0
$Cargo Size:                     50.0
$Homing:                        YES
   +Type:                              ASPECT                        
   +Turn Time:                         1.5
   +Min Lock Time:                  7.0                  
   +Lock Pixels/Sec:               25                  
   +Catch-up Pixels/Sec:            0                     
   +Catch-up Penalty:               15                  
$LaunchSnd:                        97
$ImpactSnd:                        101                                       
$FlyBySnd:                        -1
$Rearm Rate:                     0.02
$Flags:                           ( "Bomb" "Huge" "No Dumbfire" )
   +Start Width:                        0.5                                       
   +End Width:                           2.0 
   +Start Alpha:                        1.0
   +End Alpha:                           0.0
   +Max Life:                           2.0                                       
   +Bitmap:                           ShivMTrail01                              
$Icon:                                 iconHelios
$Anim:                                 Helios
$Impact Explosion:                     ExpMissileHit1
$Impact Explosion Radius:               15.0

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Big ship weapons
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Name:                                  MX-52
$Model File:                    MX-50.pof
$Mass:                                  5.0
$Velocity:                              150.0
$Fire Wait:                             30.0
$Damage:                                50
$Damage Type:                 Explosive                                             
$Blast Force:                   200.0
$Inner Radius:                  20.0                                   
$Outer Radius:                  40.0                                   
$Shockwave Speed:               0.0                                   
$Armor Factor:                  1.0
$Shield Factor:                 0.6
$Subsystem Factor:              1.0
$Lifetime:                              8.0
$Energy Consumed:               0.0                                     
$Cargo Size:                    4.0                                   
$Homing:                                        YES
   +Type:                          HEAT                                   
   +Turn Time:                     0.7
   +View Cone:                     90.0                                   
$Swarm:                 8
$LaunchSnd:               102                                             
$ImpactSnd:                 88                                             
$FlyBySnd:                  -1
$Rearm Rate:                    4.0                                     
$Flags:                                 ( "Big Ship" )                                         
   +Start Width:     0.25                                           
   +End Width:      0.5                                           
   +Start Alpha:   1.0
   +End Alpha:      0.0
   +Max Life:      1.5                                           
   +Bitmap:        MissileTrail02                 
$Icon:                                  iconmissile01
$Anim:                                  LoadMissile01
$Impact Explosion:                      ExpMissileHit1
$Impact Explosion Radius:       5.0

After that error it crashes.
Oh, the railgun Impact thing. Yeah I can remove the effect and fix it, I know. But can anyone recall a mod that used a railgun impact explosion?
« Last Edit: March 15, 2015, 06:41:25 am by TrashMan »
Nobody dies as a virgin - the life ****s us all!

You're a wrongularity from which no right can escape!


Offline TrashMan

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Seems like nothing works any more. Going back to the older build (which I used to play BOTH my own campaign and BP two days ago) and neither works.

The only thing that seems to work with the latest build is the MediaVP_2014, and even that gives me 15 errors
« Last Edit: March 15, 2015, 06:45:08 am by TrashMan »
Nobody dies as a virgin - the life ****s us all!

You're a wrongularity from which no right can escape!


Offline niffiwan

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weapons.tbl(line 5585):
Warning: Error parsing id# in XSTR() tag XSTR("From God with Love. Excerpt from the Book of Armaments: "...And Saint Attila raised the meson missile up on high, saying, "O Lord, bless this, Thy meson missile, that with it Thou mayest blow Thine enemies to tiny bits, in Thy mercy." And the Lord did grin! Then the Lord spake, saying, "First shalt thou remove the Holy Safety Locks, then shalt thou arm the missile. Keep thy foe in thy sight and wait for the holy beep of doom. Then launchest thou thy Holy Meson Missile of Antioch II towards thy foe, who being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it. Amen.." Thanks to advances in technology, no counting to three is required.", 3352)

This entry has an odd number of quotes (7) which is the probable cause of the error.  You should replace all the double-quotes (except the starting and ending ones) with $quote. i.e.

XSTR("From God with Love. Excerpt from the Book of Armaments: $quote...And Saint Attila (etc)

Also, unless you have a localisation entry for this text you should use -1 for the 2nd argument, instead of 3352.

For the duplicate muzzle flash entries, I'd guess that it's defined multiple times in your tables, maybe in both mflash.tbl and -mfl.tbm's? Anyway, you may as well post a debug log, that should help us figure our what's going on with 3.7.2RC5 + BP & Mediavps_2014 at least, and once that's all sorted it'll be easier to get your mod working without warnings.
Creating a fs2_open.log | Red Alert Bug = Hex Edit | MediaVPs 2014: Bigger HUD gauges | 32bit libs for 64bit Ubuntu
Debian Packages (testing/unstable): Freespace2 | wxLauncher
m|m: I think I'm suffering from Stockholm syndrome. Bmpman is starting to make sense and it's actually written reasonably well...


Offline TrashMan

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For muzzle flash, I only have this: (mv_advmuzzle-mfl.tbm)

Code: [Select]
#Muzzle flash types

+name: PWmuzzle

+blob_name: PWmuzzle
+blob_offset: 1.0
+blob_radius: 2.0

+blob_name: PWmuzzle
+blob_offset: 2.0
+blob_radius: 1.5

+blob_name: PWmuzzle
+blob_offset: 2.5
+blob_radius: 0.75

+blob_name: PWmuzzle
+blob_offset: 3.5
+blob_radius: 0.5

+name: Gmuzzle

+blob_name: Gmuzzle
+blob_offset: 1.0
+blob_radius: 3.0

+blob_name: Gmuzzle
+blob_offset: 2.0
+blob_radius: 2.0

+blob_name: Gmuzzle
+blob_offset: 2.5
+blob_radius: 1.5

+blob_name: Gmuzzle
+blob_offset: 3.5
+blob_radius: 0.5

+name: Bmuzzle

+blob_name: Bmuzzle
+blob_offset: 1.0
+blob_radius: 3.0

+blob_name: Bmuzzle
+blob_offset: 2.0
+blob_radius: 2.0

+blob_name: Bmuzzle
+blob_offset: 2.5
+blob_radius: 1.5

+blob_name: Bmuzzle
+blob_offset: 3.5
+blob_radius: 1.0

+name: Rmuzzle

+blob_name: Rmuzzle
+blob_offset: 1.0
+blob_radius: 4.0

+blob_name: Rmuzzle
+blob_offset: 2.0
+blob_radius: 3.0

+blob_name: Rmuzzle
+blob_offset: 2.5
+blob_radius: 2.5

+blob_name: Rmuzzle
+blob_offset: 3.5
+blob_radius: 2.0

+name: Cmuzzle_small

+blob_name: Cmuzzle
+blob_offset: 1.0
+blob_radius: 8.0

+blob_name: Cmuzzle
+blob_offset: 2.0
+blob_radius: 4.0

+blob_name: Cmuzzle
+blob_offset: 2.5
+blob_radius: 2.5

+name: Cmuzzle_big

+blob_name: Cmuzzle
+blob_offset: 1.0
+blob_radius: 15.0

+blob_name: Cmuzzle
+blob_offset: 2.2
+blob_radius: 8.0

+blob_name: Cmuzzle
+blob_offset: 3.0
+blob_radius: 4.0

+name:         viper_muzzle

+blob_name:    viper_muzzle2
+blob_offset:  0.0
+blob_radius:  0.9

+blob_name:    viper_muzzle
+blob_offset:  0.1
+blob_radius:  0.4

+blob_name:    viper_muzzle
+blob_offset:  0.5
+blob_radius:  0.3

+blob_name:    viper_muzzle
+blob_offset:  0.7
+blob_radius:  0.1

+name:         huge_muzzle

+blob_name:    viper_muzzle2
+blob_offset:  0.0
+blob_radius:  25.0

+blob_name:    viper_muzzle
+blob_offset:  5.0
+blob_radius:  10.0

+blob_name:    viper_muzzle
+blob_offset:  10.0
+blob_radius:  5.0


Stupid question:
Where is the log located?
Nobody dies as a virgin - the life ****s us all!

You're a wrongularity from which no right can escape!


Offline niffiwan

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The log should be here:

Find the file called fs2_open.log. The location of the file depends on your operating system:
- Windows: \freespace2\data\ *
- Mac OS X: ~/Library/FS2_Open/data **
- Linux: ~/.fs2_open/data

If you installed FS2 to C:\Program Files\ (or C:\Program Files (x86)\ on 64-bit versions of Windows), the log file will not be in FS2\data\, but rather in a "virtualized" folder. This can be found by either going to the data folder, and clicking on the "Compatibility Files" button in the Explorer window, or by manually navigating to C:\Users\<Your Username>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\<Rest of the path to your FS2 directory>\data

For the muzzleflashes, I can't see an obvious reason in the code for why that warning is being produced from your quoted table, so it kinda makes me think you might have another table hidden somewhere. You could try renaming all the +blob_name: entries to something different to the +name:, but I don't think that it's going to make the warning go away.
Creating a fs2_open.log | Red Alert Bug = Hex Edit | MediaVPs 2014: Bigger HUD gauges | 32bit libs for 64bit Ubuntu
Debian Packages (testing/unstable): Freespace2 | wxLauncher
m|m: I think I'm suffering from Stockholm syndrome. Bmpman is starting to make sense and it's actually written reasonably well...


Offline TrashMan

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Here's the log file

Also, I do have another file, mflash.tbl, but there's nothing in it that should cause a conflict:

Code: [Select]
#Muzzle flash types

;; small muzzle flash
+name: mflash_small ;; whatever you want to name it

+blob_name: expmissilehit1 ;; anim name, offset from muzzle, radius
+blob_offset: 1.0
+blob_radius: 6.0

+blob_name: expmissilehit1 ;; anim name, offset from muzzle, radius
+blob_offset: 4.5
+blob_radius: 4.0

+blob_name: expmissilehit1 ;; anim name, offset from muzzle, radius
+blob_offset: 6.0
+blob_radius: 3.0

+blob_name: expmissilehit1 ;; anim name, offset from muzzle, radius
+blob_offset: 8.5
+blob_radius: 3.0


Now that I look, the other muzzle flashes aren't even all. Guess I can just delete them

[attachment deleted by nobody]
« Last Edit: March 15, 2015, 08:32:11 am by TrashMan »
Nobody dies as a virgin - the life ****s us all!

You're a wrongularity from which no right can escape!


Offline niffiwan

  • 211
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OK, from your log I can see a bunch of issues :)

1) Muzzle Flashes (but you're going to remove them anyway)
2) Decal warnings, I presume you just need to remove all $decal: / +texture: / +backface texture: / +radius / +burn time: entries from weapons.tbl
3) RailgunImpact LODS: I'm going to guess that the table is specifying 4 LOD distances, but the model only has one.  Therefore removing all the LOD entries bar one in the table should fix it.
4) mismatched quotes in description of HMMOA-3 weapon (see above and replace " with $quote)
5) A crash when parsing the Vasudan Flux Cannon - which seems odd given that it's a retail weapon! :) Maybe post your weapons.tbl all -wep.tbm files?
Creating a fs2_open.log | Red Alert Bug = Hex Edit | MediaVPs 2014: Bigger HUD gauges | 32bit libs for 64bit Ubuntu
Debian Packages (testing/unstable): Freespace2 | wxLauncher
m|m: I think I'm suffering from Stockholm syndrome. Bmpman is starting to make sense and it's actually written reasonably well...


Offline TrashMan

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2) Weapons like the Keyser or Shivan lasers have decals. Those are stock weapons. How could they cause problems?

3) Here's the weapon that uses the railgun impact
Code: [Select]
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$Name:                         Advanced THT
$Model File:                    none
@Laser Bitmap:                  Arrow_bolt
@Laser Glow: 2_laserglow03
@Laser Color: 10, 250, 120
@Laser Color2: 10, 200, 150
@Laser Length:        50.0
@Laser Head Radius:  5.5
@Laser Tail Radius:  5.0
$Mass:                             0.4
$Velocity:                         750.0                           
$Fire Wait:                        3.0                     
$Damage:                           2500
$Damage Type:            High_Explosive
$Armor Factor:                  1.25
$Shield Factor:                  0.6
$Subsystem Factor:              1.0
$Lifetime:                          6.5
$Energy Consumed:                0.30                           
$Cargo Size:                    0.0                             
$Homing:                             NO
$LaunchSnd:                         206                                     
$ImpactSnd:                         85                                     
$Flags:                      ("Big Ship" "Huge" "supercap" "Particle Spew" )
 +Start Width: 4
 +End Width: 6
 +Start Alpha: 0.25
 +End Alpha: 0.0
 +Max Life: 1.0
 +Bitmap: bombbeamblue
$Icon:                          icongun03
$Anim:                          LoadGun02
$Impact Explosion: RailgunImpact
$Impact Explosion Radius: 40.0
 +Count: 1
 +Time: 15
 +Vel: 0.31
 +Radius: 4
 +Life: 1.0
 +Scale: 0.0 
 +Bitmap: rail

I see no LOD distances

5) Here's the flux cannon
Code: [Select]
$Name:                          Vasudan Flux Cannon
$Model File:                    Tsunami.pof
$Mass:                                  10.0
$Velocity:                              270.0
$Fire Wait:                             4.0
$Damage:                                600
$Damage Type:            Explosive                                           
$Blast Force:                   0.2
$Inner Radius:                  20.0                                     
$Outer Radius:                  40.0                                   
$Shockwave Speed:               0                                             
$Armor Factor:                  1.0
$Shield Factor:         0.1
$Subsystem Factor:      1.0
$Lifetime:                              15.0
$Energy Consumed:               0.0                                     
$Cargo Size:                    1.0                                     
$Homing:                                        NO
$LaunchSnd:                             102                                           
$ImpactSnd:          88                                         
$FlyBySnd:                              -1
$Rearm Rate:                    5.0                                   
$Flags:                                 ("Big Ship" "Huge" "supercap")                   
+Bitmap:           MissileTrail02                                                                               
+Start Width:      0.25                                           
+End Width:        0.15                                           
+Start Alpha: 1.0
+End Alpha: 0.0
+Max Life:                          1.5                                                           
$Icon:                                  iconmissile08
$Anim:                                  LoadMissile06
$Impact Explosion:                     ExpMissileHit1
$Impact Explosion Radius: 20.0

Since I'm out of town, I only have my laptop with me. I don't have FS installed on it, but I do have my mission and table files, so until Friday, I can't make more tests.
Nobody dies as a virgin - the life ****s us all!

You're a wrongularity from which no right can escape!


Offline niffiwan

  • 211
  • Eluder Class
2) Weapons like the Keyser or Shivan lasers have decals. Those are stock weapons. How could they cause problems?

Er, the stock definitions of the Kayser & Shivan lasers don't have damage decals, there must be another table that's overriding the default weapons. (The reason for the warning is because decals were removed from FSO, it's not going to cause issues/crashes, it just doesn't work)

3) Here's the weapon that uses the railgun impact
Code: [Select]
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$Name:                         Advanced THT
$Model File:                    none
@Laser Bitmap:                  Arrow_bolt
@Laser Glow: 2_laserglow03
@Laser Color: 10, 250, 120
@Laser Color2: 10, 200, 150
@Laser Length:        50.0
@Laser Head Radius:  5.5
@Laser Tail Radius:  5.0
$Mass:                             0.4
$Velocity:                         750.0                           
$Fire Wait:                        3.0                     
$Damage:                           2500
$Damage Type:            High_Explosive
$Armor Factor:                  1.25
$Shield Factor:                  0.6
$Subsystem Factor:              1.0
$Lifetime:                          6.5
$Energy Consumed:                0.30                           
$Cargo Size:                    0.0                             
$Homing:                             NO
$LaunchSnd:                         206                                     
$ImpactSnd:                         85                                     
$Flags:                      ("Big Ship" "Huge" "supercap" "Particle Spew" )
 +Start Width: 4
 +End Width: 6
 +Start Alpha: 0.25
 +End Alpha: 0.0
 +Max Life: 1.0
 +Bitmap: bombbeamblue
$Icon:                          icongun03
$Anim:                          LoadGun02
$Impact Explosion: RailgunImpact
$Impact Explosion Radius: 40.0
 +Count: 1
 +Time: 15
 +Vel: 0.31
 +Radius: 4
 +Life: 1.0
 +Scale: 0.0 
 +Bitmap: rail

I see no LOD distances

The LODs are configured in weapon_expl.tbl / -wxp.tbm.  $LOD for the railgunImpact just needs to be set to 1 (sorry, I should have looked at the doco before making my previous comment)

5) Here's the flux cannon
Code: [Select]
$Name:                          Vasudan Flux Cannon
$Model File:                    Tsunami.pof
$Mass:                                  10.0
$Velocity:                              270.0
$Fire Wait:                             4.0
$Damage:                                600
$Damage Type:            Explosive                                           
$Blast Force:                   0.2
$Inner Radius:                  20.0                                     
$Outer Radius:                  40.0                                   
$Shockwave Speed:               0                                             
$Armor Factor:                  1.0
$Shield Factor:         0.1
$Subsystem Factor:      1.0
$Lifetime:                              15.0
$Energy Consumed:               0.0                                     
$Cargo Size:                    1.0                                     
$Homing:                                        NO
$LaunchSnd:                             102                                           
$ImpactSnd:          88                                         
$FlyBySnd:                              -1
$Rearm Rate:                    5.0                                   
$Flags:                                 ("Big Ship" "Huge" "supercap")                   
+Bitmap:           MissileTrail02                                                                               
+Start Width:      0.25                                           
+End Width:        0.15                                           
+Start Alpha: 1.0
+End Alpha: 0.0
+Max Life:                          1.5                                                           
$Icon:                                  iconmissile08
$Anim:                                  LoadMissile06
$Impact Explosion:                     ExpMissileHit1
$Impact Explosion Radius: 20.0

Since I'm out of town, I only have my laptop with me. I don't have FS installed on it, but I do have my mission and table files, so until Friday, I can't make more tests.

OK, the +Bitmap: entry should be the last entry after $Trail, not the 1st. i.e.

Code: [Select]
+Start Width:      0.25                                           
+End Width:        0.15                                           
+Start Alpha: 1.0
+End Alpha: 0.0
+Max Life:                          1.5   
+Bitmap:           MissileTrail02   

Anyway, when you're back your your main PC see if those suggestions help out.
Creating a fs2_open.log | Red Alert Bug = Hex Edit | MediaVPs 2014: Bigger HUD gauges | 32bit libs for 64bit Ubuntu
Debian Packages (testing/unstable): Freespace2 | wxLauncher
m|m: I think I'm suffering from Stockholm syndrome. Bmpman is starting to make sense and it's actually written reasonably well...


Offline TrashMan

  • T-tower Avenger. srsly.
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I moved the bitmap entry up because the other FSO exe complained about that...
Nobody dies as a virgin - the life ****s us all!

You're a wrongularity from which no right can escape!


Offline karajorma

  • King Louie - Jungle VIP
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    • Karajorma's Freespace FAQ
1) Subsystem Scanning. Can't get it to work. Stupid I know, but "Scannable" and "Toggle Subsystem Scanning" - no matter what combo I try IT JUST DOES NOT WORK.

****, it's been ages since I played with these settings too so I can't remember exactly what you need to do either :D But I did check the Diaspora FREDdocs (which all FREDders should consider reading regardless of whether or not you mod for Diaspora since they have lots of information about new FS2 Open feature which the original docs don't cover) and I found this

Scannable ships can be approached and scanned. If you have set Cargo Known when the ship is scanned the ship will change from not scanned to scanned. If you haven't set that flag, the cargo will be revealed. Toggle Subsystem Scanning allows you to swap between the two methods of scanning the game allows. By default a big ship can not be scanned as a whole, you must scan individual subsystems. Conversely, a small ship can not have individual subsystems scanned. If you wish to have a big ship scannable or wish to scan the subsystems of a small ship, tick this.

Hopefully that helps. 
Karajorma's Freespace FAQ. It's almost like asking me yourself.

[ Diaspora ] - [ Seeds Of Rebellion ] - [ Mind Games ]


Offline TrashMan

  • T-tower Avenger. srsly.
  • 213
  • God-Emperor of your kind!

My HDD is a mess. I can't even fine the files of my first campaign. Have to check if it's still hosted somewhere or if it's maybe one of my external disks.
I've been away for far too long...

EDIT: And I just checked and the only -wxp I have is beams-wxp.tbm with this:
Code: [Select]

$Name: ParticleSmoke01
$LOD: 1


Odd.. I'm sure I had another table.
I guess I'll jsut add hte railgun entry there.
Nobody dies as a virgin - the life ****s us all!

You're a wrongularity from which no right can escape!