Author Topic: Rebel Galaxy  (Read 5582 times)

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Offline FIZ

  • 26
Apologies if any of the words run together, spilled beer on expensive keyboard, still  :banghead: about that.

I'm going to put the tl:dr here in the front in italics.  I'm no game critic but I feel I can share my impressions with my fellow freespace freaks.

If you liked the ship to ship combat in Assassins Creed: Black Flag (Not including the boarding) and obviously you like space games then you will get 20-50 hours of fun gameplay out of this.  I highly recommend a gamepad for this, my XB1 controller worked great for the PC version, but left trigger finger a little sore sometimes after long broadside battles.  If you have < $20 to burn and time to kill (a. Good for "airplane trips" b. will probably be on steam sale soon) then go for it  :yes:

Here comes the freeform thought that may contain spoilers and is completely based on opinion:


The gameplay is not ruined by the 2d axis you are limited to.  Most of the battles occur in very crowded belts or junkyards... which ramming into will mess your day up.  The ships are designed to be broadside brawlers and going off on the third axis would feel weird now that I've been through it.  The combat is very orbit/ direction based depending on what you need to do (which is usually point big guns at big ships).  It has an EVE vibe that lesser ships (you are always in a capital ship with x broadsides, y sneaky weapons, and turrets which you can override and blow the hell out of the 3rd dimension) are faster and the AI knows it.  Sometimes you are firing so many weapons at once the challenge becomes what not to hit.  The combat has not grown stale for me yet @ 43 hours as of this post.

It runs great, I think I could have used XP machine I just replaced with it just fine.  However, I was more than happy to up the graphics to max on the new rig.  Again, I used a gamepad, the devs recommend it and I have no input on how it plays keyboard and mouse.  On a laptop, you could probably play it happily on just the keyboard.

The story is engaging but weak.  It does its job which is to point you in the right direction.  "You can't beat mission x yet?  Better go back and do some faction missions and gear up before you go y"  I went anti-piracy on this play through.  It's pretty black and white, but there are opportunities to go back and join the darkside for me even now after finishing the story.  That may even be my next self-challenge, try and become grey to all factions.  There are factions that are %100 against you.  The last sector is terrible.  It makes no sense how the sector developed as it did, even the devs admit that this was bad.  Pretty much feels the story was designed after the game mechanics were worked out.

Everyone gets a "random universe" mostly that fields of whatever and planetary alignment are not the same for any two consoles?

Tidbit of FIZ:  My brother was around the second time I had time to sit down and play the game.  He was stoned and lives close enough and passes through to where I live enough that I don't need to throw a "great sibling good to see you again, guy!" party every time he passes through.  Good enough taste to like FS2, not a member of these forums.  He was *~~mezmorized~~* by this game.  He had no idea what was going on and I was just starting to learn so I was getting pissed having to pause (gotta love SP games just for pause).  I bought him the game as a gift and he spent the entire weekend after digging into it.  I'll ask him for his impression now that it's been a few weeks if you like.  He's the one with a college degree  :lol:

Why I'm still playing it: 

1.) Very care free- No internet I can come home and not worry about ****ing up $80,000 orders.  (Working remote can be dangerous after 2 beers)
2.) It plays very well.  It has a Diablo II crack element where you just want to keep going, even after the story is over.  More is out there.
3.) Could be some very interesting mods
     a.) Complaint: haven't been able to split save yet.  Would love to get inside a pirate base and see what's on the darkside.
4.)  Finished story with low tier ship (frigate... which is a size above your starting corvette.  It was a very expensive frigate though (Sturville... only possible to obtain by completing side missions.  I want a ****ing dreadnought.  Currently have THE top of the line destroyer, appropriately named Aquitaine.
5.)  I want bigger guns on my dreadnought.  I **** you not you could buy the highest tier ship and if your core gear is not up to speck you will get wiped.

You will a lot of money on ship upgrades.  On the positive, they apply to any ship.  On the negative, you can only own one ship at a time;  as I advance, sometimes I would love to have a fully loaded custom fast ship prepped and ready to go.

I mentioned Diablo because one or more of the devs were involved with Diablo (II?) and Torchwood (have not played).  Lack of multiplayer... this game would be wild as a split screen.

Winding down to summary:  You can trade, you can mine, but usually the best option is to fight.  It has pangs, but besides the one major ****-up in the story line, it's rather on par for an indie.  It's coming to consoles soon.  The mechanics are unique enough for a space junkie to be intrigued.  Fighter pilots will be disappointed, but if you ever wanted to just sit in an Orion and broadside your way to victory... yo... Rebel Galaxy.



Offline Darius

  • 211
Good read!

More tempted than ever to get the game. My worry was regarding the number of hulls you can get and the sizes. Dreadnought I assume is pretty damn huge?


Offline MatthTheGeek

  • Captain Obvious
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  • Frenchie McFrenchface
I highly recommend a gamepad for this
* MatthTheGeek skips
People are stupid, therefore anything popular is at best suspicious.

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666maslo666: Releasing a finished product is not a good thing! It is a modern fad.

SpardaSon21: it seems like you exist in a permanent state of half-joking misanthropy

Axem: when you put it like that, i sound like an insane person

bigchunk1: it's not retarded it's american!
bigchunk1: ...

batwota: steele's maneuvering for the coup de gras
MatthTheGeek: you mispelled grâce
Awaesaar: grace
batwota: oh right :P
Darius: ah!
Darius: yes, i like that
MatthTheGeek: the way you just spelled it it means fat
Awaesaar: +accent I forgot how to keyboard
MatthTheGeek: or grease
Darius: the killing fat!
Axem: jabba does the coup de gras
MatthTheGeek: XD
Axem: bring me solo and a cookie


Offline NGTM-1R

  • I reject your reality and substitute my own
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My comment on this game would be that it's...well it's kind of like playing EVE Online, only all the other players have been replaced with (not very well designed) bots. Outside the story it's a skirmish game where you only get one ship, and unless you deliberately reach beyond what you're equipped for, you'll not face much challenge. (If you do, you'll get yourself killed real quick.)
"Load sabot. Target Zaku, direct front!"

A Feddie Story


Offline starbug

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The game also has one of the best none orchestral soundtracks i have ever heard for a game in a long time.  It also sports GTA music player system so you can put your own music into the game. I'm early into the game but loving it. Can you get big capital ships like Battleships??.

The Dev has also hinted at mod support as well

if there is any consistancy with the Shivans, it's their lack of consistancy - -Norbert-


Offline FIZ

  • 26
You can go Corvette > Frigate > Destroyer > Cruiser > Dreadnought (Battleship)

I'm only on the Destroyer level and it feels much larger than my frigate, which again felt foreign from my corvette.  You really notice the difference in crowded space (junk fields, belts).  There are hualer classes that correspond to ship sizes, one of the dreadnoughts has a beefy hold compared to other dreads you can purchase.  It may only be a cruiser.  But yeah, the game does a pretty good job scaling the size imo.

I haven't tried mouse + keyboard, may work fine, but would be weird for me as I'm playing on my TV instead of my regular PC monitor.

If your on the fence, I imagine this being on Steam holiday sale, but who knows?  Music is pretty solid like starbug said, enough is loaded to play through the story before it starts to get stale.  Very space-westerny.

I don't like the EVE comparison, RG is much more laid back, but I did find myself writing down a few market prices because you seem to always need to keep buying new turrets.


Offline jr2

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My comment on this game would be that it's...well it's kind of like playing EVE Online, only all the other players have been replaced with (not very well designed) bots. Outside the story it's a skirmish game where you only get one ship, and unless you deliberately reach beyond what you're equipped for, you'll not face much challenge. (If you do, you'll get yourself killed real quick.)

You can hire Mercs I've heard (haven't tried it yet though).

EDIT: I meant hiring mercs.  I have the game.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2015, 11:31:38 am by jr2 »


Offline Mikes

  • 29
My comment on this game would be that it's...well it's kind of like playing EVE Online, only all the other players have been replaced with (not very well designed) bots. Outside the story it's a skirmish game where you only get one ship, and unless you deliberately reach beyond what you're equipped for, you'll not face much challenge. (If you do, you'll get yourself killed real quick.)

Intriguingly enough... as simple as the game is... the PvE is way more complex and enjoyable than EvE Online's. ;-)

Still, I would say Eve Online is entirely the wrong game to compare this to, both are in space, but really that's where the similarity ends.

I'd describe it more like Diablo/Torchlight in Space.


Offline FIZ

  • 26
Merc Spoiler:

It's totally worth getting a merc ASAP.  You can only have one at a time, but they stick with you after the initial one time payment until they are destroyed, plus they are relatively cheap for whatever stage in the game you are at.  They don't take a percentage of a mission payout, sometimes they may kill a ship with a bounty and you don't get said bounty.  Also you can pretty much micro manage them if you wish.  They all fly gunships, can really help with fighter screening or just providing another target for the enemy.

Yeah, comparing this to EVE is totally misleading.  I was mostly PVE for credits in EVE, the combat quickly became a chore, especially salvaging the battlefield afterwards.  Sure, the missions are going to get repetitive eventually in any open ended game, but until that point, you don't feel so forced to do chores.  You already bought the game.  Don't need a three month subscription to train up skills.

Freelancer is brought up a lot as a comparable game which is fair, but I stand by the opinion combat is a lot more AC: Black Flag ship to ship fighting.

I'm going to stop campaigning on this thread for the game now, like I said, I found it pretty solid for a 20 hour story and I feel like I'm repeating myself going on about what it is and isn't.  I will gladly answer any questions or respond to any bragging rights anyone brings up to the best of my abilities  :warp:


Offline Mikes

  • 29
Merc Spoiler:

It's totally worth getting a merc ASAP.  You can only have one at a time, but they stick with you after the initial one time payment until they are destroyed, plus they are relatively cheap for whatever stage in the game you are at.  They don't take a percentage of a mission payout, sometimes they may kill a ship with a bounty and you don't get said bounty.  Also you can pretty much micro manage them if you wish.  They all fly gunships, can really help with fighter screening or just providing another target for the enemy.

Yeah, comparing this to EVE is totally misleading.  I was mostly PVE for credits in EVE, the combat quickly became a chore, especially salvaging the battlefield afterwards.  Sure, the missions are going to get repetitive eventually in any open ended game, but until that point, you don't feel so forced to do chores.  You already bought the game.  Don't need a three month subscription to train up skills.

Freelancer is brought up a lot as a comparable game which is fair, but I stand by the opinion combat is a lot more AC: Black Flag ship to ship fighting.

I'm going to stop campaigning on this thread for the game now, like I said, I found it pretty solid for a 20 hour story and I feel like I'm repeating myself going on about what it is and isn't.  I will gladly answer any questions or respond to any bragging rights anyone brings up to the best of my abilities  :warp:

Well I did find it quite neat for what it is. took me about what... 3-4 afternoons to play through the story and try out some of the Dreadnoughts and I'd say it was definitely worth the money.

Way more Enjoyment/Fun per hour played than I'd get playing some MMO-Grinder/Eve PvE in any case lol.

I mean ... it has that Firefly vibe going, that kickass soundtrack and quite solid gameplay centered around blowing huge spaceships to bits with large explosions. Perfect afternoon/after-work enjoyment ;-)
« Last Edit: November 08, 2015, 02:20:43 pm by Mikes »


Offline jr2

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Apologies if any of the words run together, spilled beer on expensive keyboard, still  :banghead: about that.

Disassemble it, wash it, dry it, reassemble.  The sugar in the beer is a conductor IIRC.  Look online for guides on what to do / what soap to use.  Just be sure it's 100% dry before reassembly.



Offline NGTM-1R

  • I reject your reality and substitute my own
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  • Syndral Active. 0410.
I'd describe it more like Diablo/Torchlight in Space.

Mechanically, perhaps, but in terms of how they play, it's pretty much EVE in that you get yourself and your drone (hi Merc) and you issue the attack order and then you kinda sit there circling with the target for awhile. Despite the difference in mechanics, the way combat feels and the way combat looks are startlingly similar. The broadside-based weapons mechanics make tactical maneuvering somewhat simplistic and definitely predictable.

In that way, it's exactly like EVE.
"Load sabot. Target Zaku, direct front!"

A Feddie Story


Offline Mikes

  • 29
I'd describe it more like Diablo/Torchlight in Space.

Mechanically, perhaps, but in terms of how they play, it's pretty much EVE in that you get yourself and your drone (hi Merc) and you issue the attack order and then you kinda sit there circling with the target for awhile. Despite the difference in mechanics, the way combat feels and the way combat looks are startlingly similar. The broadside-based weapons mechanics make tactical maneuvering somewhat simplistic and definitely predictable.

In that way, it's exactly like EVE.

/shrugs .. I did play Eve for quite a while back in the day and I couldn't disagree more.

It's ships in space and ships in space with broadsides tend to circle each other lol ... but Eve always controlled very much like a hotkey based MMO in my eyes and this certainly doesn't. It's also so much more fast paced and action oriented which Eve certainly is not.


Offline FIZ

  • 26
Apologies if any of the words run together, spilled beer on expensive keyboard, still  :banghead: about that.

Disassemble it, wash it, dry it, reassemble.  The sugar in the beer is a conductor IIRC.  Look online for guides on what to do / what soap to use.  Just be sure it's 100% dry before reassembly.


Will do, thanks!  I thought I got it 3-4 times now by popping off sticky keys, cleaning with iso-propyl and soaking it back up with q-tips and paper towels, but now it seems to have all just drained down to the space bar.  It's SteelSeries APEX keyboard I got as a gift  not another standard Dell USB keyboard and have only been using it for about a month, I'd hate to scrap it before deciding if it's any better than what I'm used to lol.

« Last Edit: November 10, 2015, 06:23:59 pm by FIZ »


Offline jr2

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Managed to get four missions stacked into the same area.

Never tell me the odds!


Offline MatthTheGeek

  • Captain Obvious
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  • Frenchie McFrenchface
I gave it a shot, it's pretty much Freelancer with a capital ship. Controls and combat gameplay aren't formidably good but aren't off-putting either. I'll give it a couple more hours and I'll probably end up buying it.

Really wish I could put my flak on autofire though, cause there's literally no reason not to.
People are stupid, therefore anything popular is at best suspicious.

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666maslo666: Releasing a finished product is not a good thing! It is a modern fad.

SpardaSon21: it seems like you exist in a permanent state of half-joking misanthropy

Axem: when you put it like that, i sound like an insane person

bigchunk1: it's not retarded it's american!
bigchunk1: ...

batwota: steele's maneuvering for the coup de gras
MatthTheGeek: you mispelled grâce
Awaesaar: grace
batwota: oh right :P
Darius: ah!
Darius: yes, i like that
MatthTheGeek: the way you just spelled it it means fat
Awaesaar: +accent I forgot how to keyboard
MatthTheGeek: or grease
Darius: the killing fat!
Axem: jabba does the coup de gras
MatthTheGeek: XD
Axem: bring me solo and a cookie


Offline jr2

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Copy+Pasta from the Free Games thread

Rebel Galaxy free on Epic Games until 8/19 @11AM, HIGHLY RECOMMEND, a blast to play once the 2.5D flight mechanics settle in (probs a few missions at the most).  Also, well worth it for the EPIC soundtrack, besides anything else.

omg it's the necrobeam


Offline Darius

  • 211
Rebel Galaxy OST made me unironically enjoy swamp rock.

Jr2 I think you necro'ed the wrong thread mate haha, as you were literally posting in the other newer Rebel Galaxy thread only a matter of months ago lol.

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