Captain's log, 27.23.145. standard Essera date. I'm starting to get sick of these "supreme" GTVA fools. Three years ago I was the richest mercenary captain in the known space, until the GTVA robbed me of most of my fleet, all but the greenest of my men, and nearly every weapon, they left me with only this carrier, a few fighters and a limited amount of peashooters... but that's not all! They have cut my pay to only a quarter of the original value! I'm not the only one to be such... ruthlessly robbed, most of my friends, mercenaries, lost nearly everything they've ever had, some were even killed by the goddamn pirates. I cannot take this crap anymore. I don't give a crap about that Sol gate, or whatever it is called, I don't give a crap about their shiny new ships! No negotiation is going to work, I've gotta talk to them in the way they WILL understand, that's with brute force. I'm going to start a rebellion, some mercenaries, civs and even pirates are already willing to support me, but I need to get every man, women and vasudan that wishes to get free of these bastards. I'm on my way towards Ikeya, that should be a prime place to get some help. I know an abandoned civilian station there, it should be good enough for an HQ, at least until I capture one of the GTVA's Arcadias or even an Arcas, if I'm lucky. Its time to start a war for freedom, its time to start the liberation wars.-George Hasbury, captain of the ISS Black Fortune, Delta Serpentis.
-A campaign connected to Inferno and Final Destination.
-Experience a civil war from the perspective of a mercenary pilot that fights against the supreme GTVA for freedom.
-Over 20 missions full of non-stop action.
-Realistic ship behavior, no more ships waiting in place to be destroyed, no more respawning waves of hostile fighters that take no care about themselves.
-You're outgunned and outnumbered, you'll need to put all your skills to test.
-Negotiate with other people to convince them to join you, or use all the guns you have and force them to join you via bloodshed.
-You're the commander in the field, call in reinforcements as you please. Need a cruiser to be blown up but you don't have the power to do it? Call in some modified freighters to deal with it!
Coming out this year, really.