Author Topic: ¡BATTUTAMOD! for Crysis 2!  (Read 25044 times)

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Offline General Battuta

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Re: ¡BATTUTAMOD! for Crysis 2!
Alpha release. Give it a whirl and let me know if you spot any glaring errors.


Offline General Battuta

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Re: ¡BATTUTAMOD! for Crysis 2!
Maybe I'll apply for Hosted Project status >.>

Re: ¡BATTUTAMOD! for Crysis 2!
You can also get Crysis 2 via origin access, which is cool.

Downloading it nowtutta.


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Re: ¡BATTUTAMOD! for Crysis 2!
Maybe I'll apply for Hosted Project status >.>

do eeet
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Re: ¡BATTUTAMOD! for Crysis 2!
C2 is one of my favorite 'flow shooters' ever. You perform a core combat loop over and over and over and the feel of that loop is just excellent. The game looks awesome and the core actions of using your guns, hitting enemies, and traversing terrain feel about thirty times better than Crysis 1, where you're more of a floating camera than a massive embodied soldier.
C2's writing and story are also, in my opinion, leagues and leagues beyond C1's. C1 is a popcorn summer blockbuster thriller with spectacular environments. C2 is a deeply cynical and metafictional exploration of an 'alien invasion' in which humans are basically rats and all the real action is going on between supersystems.

Since I love debating these things, I chime in here.

I think C2 is deeply flawed. While I agree on a good core combat-loop with better moment to moment gameplay compared to C1 on a basic level, it comes at the heavy cost of player choice and flexibility. It even goes so far as to explicitly spell out the combat sandbox via the "tactical visor" and compared with several idiotic design decisions, such as the useless car-kick, it ends up being way weaker than C1. Many players, including myself, blame the "console-dumbing-down"-thing here. I always had the feeling that the game tries to reach for a Halo-like loop and simply falls flat. Most of all, at least to me, it is not endlessly repeatable due to low variety. It also fails to integrate vehicles sensibly.
Why can I not kick other heavy things by the way? sure, tech-reasons but from a gameplay standpoints that is so weird...

I think C1 escalated the stakes very very compitently and married gameplay+level-design with story well, including the switch to more linear last act. It used a lot of cliches and certainly included some weaker dialog scenes but the overall experience was excellent and overcame the individual shortcomings.
I was really excited when I heard that Richard Morgan was writing for C2. Then came the interviews and trailers that showed NY and it failed to connect with me. I thought: How the hell do they want to connect that to the first, which was solid despite being simple. The first game's ending obviously was an issue, with its silly "next time on Crysis"-style, but simply ignoring it and jumping the timeline a few years felt wrong for me too. But back to the writing:
C2 is obviously strongly interested in transhumanism, exploring super-soldier themes for real instead of just dealing with a power fantasy. Fusing technology, brain scanning, cryo freezing, supposed immorality (of at least "something resembling your consciousness"), all great themes. The problem here are the Ceph, who now have a name, and the fact that C2 just plainly does not want to connect to C1. It goes out of its way to not connect to C1. It basically, at least borderline, reconns several ideas and plot points from the first game, ignores pretty much all the alien story beats (who are now just sort of there) primitive as they may be and has a terribly broken messiah-undertone.
Your walking dead-guy character of Alcatraz who lends Prophet his body is but a walking tool who switches his boss every act via agency lacking cutscenes. I never felt as ANYTHING was propelling me forward, neither from a story nor a set piece perspective as everything unusual allways happens in these cutscenes.

Plus, I am killing tons of dudes and sometimes major antagonists without personally knowing what the game actually wants me to feel here. Am I an anti-hero? Are these people bad? Good? What are they at all? Why the **** am I doing about 50% of this, the only reason the game comes up with is because the boss-character of this act tells me to and considering that I am supposed to be the technology-messiah who will cure and save all, my character not doing anything of his own intention. I feel Prophet does not even have any intention over at least half the story other than fix-the-world and absolutely no clue on how to approach that goal.

Disclaimer: I have not yet played the mod (which will certainly fix some of Crytek's design ****s) nor have I played the original dub of the game, it is possible subtext and meaning are lost in the German translation.

 :nod: I strongly recommend everyone with 1h of time and interest in Crysis to watch Noah's video on the topic:  :nod:
I agree with most of the points made there.

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Offline General Battuta

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Re: ¡BATTUTAMOD! for Crysis 2!
Crysis 3 neatly explains all the differences between the C1 and C2 aliens in a way I admire (and flatteringly it followed some of BP's fiction about the Shivans (not on purpose of course, just coincidence)).

Alcatraz does whatever he's told because you don't play this game as Alcatraz. You play as the nanosuit, which always tries to achieve its objective.

Re: ¡BATTUTAMOD! for Crysis 2!
Basically it explains the FPS protagonist as a paperclip maximiser, except the paperclips are bodies, amirite?

Re: ¡BATTUTAMOD! for Crysis 2!
Hey Battuta

The mod folder's name "Battutamod for Crysis 2" ensures that the mod does not load. I renamed the folder to "modtuta" and then it did load!


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Re: ¡BATTUTAMOD! for Crysis 2!

Re: ¡BATTUTAMOD! for Crysis 2!
Thus far, I am having a lot of fun with it, but there's a few issues atm:
1) The Nanosuits on the Cell leaders is a neat idea, but it's not all that well implemented at the moment. In particular, when the cell leaders use cloak mode, the blueish outline simply highlights them, even trough heavy smoke that would obscure the regular CELL soldier.
2) The enemies ocasionally seem able to spot you trough walls!


Offline General Battuta

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Re: ¡BATTUTAMOD! for Crysis 2!
Cloak only seems to work properly at night.


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Re: ¡BATTUTAMOD! for Crysis 2!
Can you add comedy suit voice?
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

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Offline aks895

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Re: ¡BATTUTAMOD! for Crysis 2!
Hi, thank you so much for making this wonderful mod for crysis 2!!!!
I  actually got an itch to replay this amazing game, I had been using your mod for a long time but it suddenly stopped working, I had made my own little modifications to it to make the game more difficult by making the enemies harder (increasing the health -> 1000 this is crazy xDD).
But i later realized that my modifications were not working because of the update of V1.9. Could you please tell me how you solved the issue of modified entity archetypes not getting read by the game. I would greatly appreciate it. I enjoyed playing with your mod + my modifications on the old version of the game (directly placing files into the gamecrysis2 folder) but I recently upgraded my system and the dx11 update is just amazing with the game.


Offline Iain Baker

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Re: ¡BATTUTAMOD! for Crysis 2!
Only just saw this :-) I remember completing Crysis 2 twice on my PS3 back in the day. I found it too easy even on the hardest settings, and that was with crappy console controls, so I figured that with gaming mouse and keyboard it would be a walkover. Sounds like this mod may change that and actually make it worth playing :-)
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Re: ¡BATTUTAMOD! for Crysis 2!
C2's writing and story are also, in my opinion, leagues and leagues beyond C1's. C1 is a popcorn summer blockbuster thriller, C2 is a deeply cynical and metafictional exploration of an 'alien invasion' in which humans are basically rats and all the real action is going on between supersystems.
Not to mention the novelization was done by Peter Watts.

It was!? Well that's going on the reading list then :-)
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Re: ¡BATTUTAMOD! for Crysis 2!
Quick question - are you planning on putting this up on ModDB?
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Re: ¡BATTUTAMOD! for Crysis 2!
The novelization is delightfully horrifying. It gives the events in the game so much more context.
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Offline Iain Baker

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Re: ¡BATTUTAMOD! for Crysis 2!
I have been playing this recently.  :) Definitely a big improvement over vanilla, and adds a dose of sorely needed challenge - even posthumam warrior difficulty is too easy on Vanilla. It causes a few funny graphical glitches - the nanosuited Cell troops have a tendency to freeze in mid air when they die, but they cease being physical objects so you can clip through them.  :lol: Unfortunately my play through has hit a brick wall - the dreaded Semper fi or die bug which Crytek never bothered to fix.  :banghead: I have restarted the chapter with and without the mod but it keeps happening  :mad:. Can I ask a small favour? Does anyone know how to get past this bug, and if not, does anyone have a save file with the levels completed they are willing to share, then I could start from the next chapter ‘Corporate collapse’. Many thanks in advance  :)
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Offline General Battuta

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Re: ¡BATTUTAMOD! for Crysis 2!
Is that the stupid bug where the prompt to take the weapon doesn't appear?


Offline Iain Baker

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Re: ¡BATTUTAMOD! for Crysis 2!
Is that the stupid bug where the prompt to take the weapon doesn't appear?

Nope, a whole other stupid bug where ceph shots appear out of thin air and nothing happens.  :p Same one as in this video from nine years ago because the devs couldn’t be arsed to fix it despite it being encountered by a lot of people.
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