Wow, a lot of answers in a short time, I'm trying to go through all of this

But thanks to all of you for your reviews, and first of all: I'm not taking any of this personally, so don't worry, I wanted to have feedback and I don't think that your critics are "bashing". Really, I don't.
@ TheHound:
1. Look at the help provided by MitoPL a few posts below yours. The key in this mission are the Paveways. With them you can stay out of the range of the pulse weapons/flak and take your shots at the beam weapons (recommended to just finish the mission) or as MitoPL said at the engines (for the bonus goal). If you managed to get the Canberra out of the first mission at 100 % hull, you can fly an Uhlan, being able to carry the paveways as well but it might get a little easier this way. So concentrate on the beams, use the paveways. This should help. You can also give additional anti subsystem weapons to your wingmen, what I really recommend! You should change their loadout in the coming missions very often, the standard loadout won't make things easier.
2. The fall of Artemis Station takes place much later. It's 2385, only a few weeks after the GTVA arrived. I don't think that it's logical in a military way to chase every little convoy while you're still trying to gain a foothold in the system. These ships are right now very unimportant for the GTVA, so why bother with them? Your critic might be good if it were later, but not right now. That's why they're leaving you alone, at least until you fly towards them, which you shouldn't

I just think everything else would be a waste of military ressources given the current state of the war.
3. The point with the music has been noticed, I know what you mean. I will look into it. The same is with the arrival music.
4. Yeah the cap Nails is wearing... I'll look into it

5. Escort list: You're right, I'll change a few things.
6. M3 battle: Yes, I used the battle just as some background engagement. But since it seems to be so important for some people, I might look into the names of the UEF ships and the behaviour of the capital ships during the battle a bit more. Maybe I can get a better choreography out of it.
EDIT: P.S. Im running the mod fine on a first bpcomplete release that aired. Never got myself to redownload it with all the new patches etc so I guess that isn't a problem. Maybe its some weird FSbuild? Im playing using FS2 Open 3.7.4 (RC2) SSE2.
Well, SF-Junky told me that he got it to work by replacing the core.vp, so I thought it might help others, too.
So, thanks for your feedback and I hope you can enjoy the rest of the campaign. Since you had problems at mission 1, which difficulty are you playing on? I thought 1 was one of the easiest missions, so probably you'll run into trouble if you keep playing on this difficulty level through the whole campaign. From my point of view, playing on medium is challenging. So maybe try 2nd run?
The fiction entries and Cbriefs were a good read despite the frequent grammar and spelling errors, which didn't really take me out of the experience too much.
Since I'm not a native speaker, I might get a beta tester for future missions to help me out with this.
The guardian problem has been mentioned before, so I will look into this and try to find a "smarter" solution.
The idea with the explosion of the suicide transports in M 7 is quiet good, so maybe I'll use this to make their attack a little bit more "realistic".
As mentioned by MitoPL as well: DAMN! I really forgot to take out the invulnerable flags in M 7 and M 12. This really shouldn't have happened. I will look into this soon and see if I have to rebalance the mission.
Maybe I change the loadout of several enemies because of the dart problem, you're right here. But especially in M 9 there is no real need to defend the Salamanca and the Vespire. Or did you mean M 7 (Sunrise), where you have to escort the Freighters. This mission could be a bit shorter, here you're right.
And I will have a look into the music, maybe I change some tracks.
But thanks for your feedback

@ MitoPL:
M 1: I don't know which music is from FS 1, is that a problem? I just ooked through the various options.
So maybe the transports should depart closer to the gate? I didn't see a problem so far...
M 2: The medical vessel should get another message, you're right. But the spyboats??? How fast were you? I mean they are supposed to be attacked after the wings are gone, so I thought the message would fit.
M 3: I don't know what's causing this high speed of the boarding pod, but I could make it slower with a waypoint and cap-waypoint speed...
I never thought of someone who attacks/destroys the second cruiser first, I'll look into the messages and give them an "or is destroyed" to make it better. You're just acting in unexpected ways

M 4: The spinning comes from the ship-maneuver sexp. This was some real hard work to get the movements right, great you appreciate it

And thanks for the options, b) is quiet good!
M 7: That's a good question. I'm not that familiar with effects, though...
M 10: Well the destruction is anticipated as another possibility, using the Uriel with the Archer would be the easiest way I guess to disable it, then the Sanctus would do the rest.
The other Apollo model: I remember that I wanted to use it, but had some problems. I'll think about it.
Is there any way to set a music just for the command briefing? I thought using the briefing tab is necessary.
Invulnerability: Was a mistake, will be changed soon.
The loadout: Well the starting ships are the ships they own, so this is their "standard". I thought it would be good for the players to be able to choose from a variety, didn't think that this was so annoying.
The FPS Drop: Well the Enigma missions are the ones with the most objects... This could be a reason, additionally I think there is the biggest collection of asteroids. They seem to be hardware demanding, at least that's my guess.
I didn't think that these were too many enemies/waves. I have the feeling you're just a better palyer than most of us here, since you come up with certain scenarios I didn't anticipate. During my tests, my wingmen were taking out more enemies so I almost never had this high kill count.
Thanks for the information about the coming update and maybe f***ing up the mod when changing things. I'll see if I can get this to work without BP by taking the models/tables and putting it into my mod, just to be safe. Is there a specific date until this should be done?
So thank you all, you're really helping here!