Author Topic: RELEASE: Deneb III  (Read 93320 times)

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Offline Goober5000

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There is definately a rare bug on mission 2 that makes the mission to never end under a chain of events. I cant be certain of the order trought, petty sure it was a failure, the last part is very difficult on hard, my wing is very innefective on hard on this mission.

I have it on video and i could upload it if you wish.

Yes, please do.  I'd like to see it.

BTW, if you are going to update it it may be a good idea to add a counter to see the number of ursas currently alive / landed.

I'll think about that.


Offline ShivanSpS

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Offline Goober5000

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Hmm.  It looks like the mission is losing count of the bombers for some reason.  The goal should complete, either success or failure, when the bombers have either departed or been destroyed.  However, the goal remains incomplete for some reason.  I will take a look at it.


Offline Goober5000

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I carefully looked at the mission and everything appeared to be correct.  There are several possible things that could cause this bug, but all of them looked okay.

There is one other possibility, and that is that the bombers get "stuck" in the hangar bay without actually departing.  If this happens again, can you look inside the fighter bay and see if any bombers are stuck there?

Another thing you could do is press F3 and see if it shows any of the bombers (or cargo containers) still present in the mission.

I have edited the mission to include a count for the bomber directive.  I haven't updated Knossos, but the modified mission is attached to this post.

[attachment eaten by a Shivan]


Offline Colt

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Had some time to spare, and I suppose some extra input is good  :P

I just gave the mission a spin (Version 1.2.3,  Nov.12 nightly) and encountered no issue on my end. Looking at ShivanSpS' video it looks like all the bombers depart normally, but for whatever reason the Legion depart cue didn't trigger.

EDIT: Hold up! In the video at 11:20 there are only 7 bombers (in addition to the other 8), yet ShivanSpS was able to save all of the containers. One of the containers exploded by itself 10:53 and I don't think it spawned an Ursa.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2019, 02:04:56 pm by Colt »


Offline Goober5000

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Ha!  You're right!  Outstanding work, Colt, thank you!  I've given you a Gold Star for your efforts.

The cargo container was struck by debris from one of the other containers exploding.  It must have been so low on hitpoints that the hit was enough to destroy it.  And it happened right in the small window of time when one event check was finished and the other event check hadn't started yet.

This is one situation where the fix is much easier than the detective work.  I'll patch it and upload a new release shortly.


Offline ShivanSpS

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This is what i call a job well done. :)


Offline Goober5000

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I doubt we would have figured it out if not for the video. :)

New version is now available on Knossos, the FSO Installer, and the 162/Phoenix grand prize hidden area.


Offline Colt

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Glad I could help. :D


Offline ShivanSpS

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It is increibly lucky that i was looking at the right direction at the right time.

About the mod itselft, it reminded me how much of a pain in the a* were the Dragons and Nephilims on Hard. haha. Also i think i saw more warships in a single mission than in FS1+FS2 combined, the GTA really lost a lot in Deneb, and that was a good day compared to Ribos and Vasuda.


Offline Goober5000

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Yeah, considering how apocalyptic the atmosphere of FS1 is, we really didn't see too much of the Shivans' impact directly.

You may want to re-read Aadarsh's post following the devastation of Vasuda, now that you have additional insight into what the GTI was up to. :)


Offline Antares

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Something wonky is definitely going on in mission 3, but I'm not sure what. It could be for-counter (I'm still using the default build for the campaign), or it could be something else.

I have "captured" checkpoint #1 in a tech room playthrough of the mission, after all the fighters are destroyed. Some mission events fire after that (Krishna wing jumps in, for example), but the allied cruisers never "get into position"; they reach their waypoints and idle there forever, and the Legion never arrives.

I don't know what I could be doing to make this happen. I'd been playing with different strategies to have as many of my wingmen survive the early part of the mission as possible (so they'd be of greater use during the later parts), which entailed having them mass attack the Shivan fighters one by one, then destroying the Cains once their fighter cover is gone.

Example: Destroy fighter group 1 -> Destroy Cain 1 -> Destroy fighter group 2 -> Destroy Cain 2, etc.

EDIT: I did some testing and was able to reproduce this, though I'm still not entirely sure what's going on.

It looks like if you restore the mission from checkpoint #1 with only one surviving Cain (there may be other variations on this but I haven't tried), and then destroy that Cain, the game "forgets" that this triggers one of your secondary objectives. The Legion never jumps in and the mission never advances.

Note that this weirdness won't happen if you play the mission straight through from the beginning. You have to use the checkpoint for things to bork up.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2019, 12:59:31 am by Antares »
We have returned to continue our purification of this galaxy. It is again your turn to be crushed beneath the great force that is the Antaran army. All your petty squabbling with the other beings in this galaxy is meaningless. The Antaran fleet will destroy you all, one by one. You may not surrender. You cannot win. Your only option is death.


Offline Goober5000

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Try using the latest nightly build and see what happens.


Offline Antares

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No joy with the latest nightly.
We have returned to continue our purification of this galaxy. It is again your turn to be crushed beneath the great force that is the Antaran army. All your petty squabbling with the other beings in this galaxy is meaningless. The Antaran fleet will destroy you all, one by one. You may not surrender. You cannot win. Your only option is death.


Offline Goober5000

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Well, attach your checkpoint file and I'll take a look at it.  You should be able to find it in %AppData%\HardLightProductions\FreeSpaceOpen\DenebIII\data\scripts.


Offline Antares

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Actually, it's in fsport-mediavps-3.7.2/data/scripts. There's no Deneb III folder under FreeSpaceOpen at all.  :wtf:

Also, I found that this still happens even if more than one Cain survives to the checkpoint. (There are two in this copy.)

[attachment eaten by a Shivan]
We have returned to continue our purification of this galaxy. It is again your turn to be crushed beneath the great force that is the Antaran army. All your petty squabbling with the other beings in this galaxy is meaningless. The Antaran fleet will destroy you all, one by one. You may not surrender. You cannot win. Your only option is death.


Offline Goober5000

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I think I found the culprit.  Try the attached mission and see if it works.

[attachment eaten by a Shivan]


Offline Antares

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That seems to have done the trick!
We have returned to continue our purification of this galaxy. It is again your turn to be crushed beneath the great force that is the Antaran army. All your petty squabbling with the other beings in this galaxy is meaningless. The Antaran fleet will destroy you all, one by one. You may not surrender. You cannot win. Your only option is death.


Offline Goober5000

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Excellent!  I uploaded a new version to FSO Installer and 162, and the Knossos version is being uploaded as I type this.


Offline Mobius

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Playing through this minicampaign for the first time. I see the style of voice acting from the Vasudan perspective is the same as the one seen in Scroll - nice touch.  :yes:

Furthermore, I found out what's the best way to tell the player to perform a cargo container inspection. :lol:

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