Author Topic: All my articles go here  (Read 14186 times)

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Offline Iain Baker

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Re: All my articles go here
Oh, I almost forgot - part two of "Mechanics Every Space Combat Sim should have". This is the fun one with explosions  ;7

Great to read your thoughts - your articles are very well-written!

Thank you :-) I do try.

I agree with all of your points on this article series. Mid-mission resupply/refit is less common than it should be - Star Wars: Squadrons is a relatively good example of this working well, imho. Also the 6-degrees and glide need to be more utilized for sure! And megastructures... I remember having a blast in XW:A on the Death Star II, even if it took me many, many tries.

hehe. I must get around to playing X-Wing, TIE fighter etc at some point :-)

One other thing that I really loved about FS2 was being part of capital ship vs. capital ship battles as a small ship. The capship beams are unique in making me feel a strong sense of anxiety at getting in the way, but also some clear targets to change the tide of battle. For me it's the only game where capship vs. capship battles are truly alive :D

Agreed. In some space combat sims capital ships are straight up invulnerable to your crafts weapons, so there isn't much you can contibute to the battle other than intercepting torpedoes.
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Re: All my articles go here
Aaaaand another one :-)

The next article in the series will be about the Sega Master System. Unfortunately, my first-hand experience with the system is relatively limited, and I’m concerned I might not do the articles justice.

Therefore, if anyone here has any good sources of info I should use, be they wikis, websites, YT videos etc., I would be extremely grateful. I have asked this on Reddit, obvs, but I figure some of the veterans on here might be old enough to remember it too  :lol: (I'm old enough, but the closest I got to it was my cousins when I was a kid.)

Secondly, if you have any noteworthy first-hand experiences of the Master System you would like to share and that you feel should be incorporated, please let me know, as they would be very handy. For example, info about any idiosyncrasies of gaming on the system, urban myths it may have spawned, controversies surrounding it etc.

I’m especially interested in anything about the system - and the games that ran on it - which a younger audience might find strange by today’s standards.

Cheers everyone.
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Re: All my articles go here
Hi all! Here is my first full length article with Keen Gamer. Feel free to take a look :-)

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Re: All my articles go here
Two more for ya :-)

Review of the hilarious '80s style point and click adventure

Game guide for the superb but brutal S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly mod
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Re: All my articles go here
Part two of my S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly mod survival game guide

... and my first article with TechRadar! After about four years of graft I'm finally moving into the big boi league and actually getting paid more than peanuts for my work  :D

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Re: All my articles go here


Offline Iain Baker

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Re: All my articles go here
Howdy all!
If you, like me, are on lockdown for the foreseeable future, then there are a few things you can do to stop yourself going stir crazy from cabin fever. One of these is binge-watching Netflix.
Kingdom comes highly recommended - think Korean Game of Thrones with zombies 😊
Another two are gaming and reading.  Better yet, why not (sort of) combine the two? And that is my inelegant segue into letting you all know that my latest article is up on Exclusively Games “Nine MORE Games Based on Books.”


Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth was a great experience.  Kind of clunky mechanically due to its age, but absolutely dripping with atmosphere.

Its in my steam library list of games I'll get around to playing one day :-)
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Re: All my articles go here
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Re: All my articles go here

The History of Video Games #24: The SEGA Master System - Part Two

Time Limits in Video Games: The Good, the Bad and the Rage-Quit Inducing

(Includes links to my new YouTube channel and Instagram profile  :) )
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Re: All my articles go here


Offline Iain Baker

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Re: All my articles go here
I recently found out the website has closed down  :(

Therefore, I will be reuploading the articles I had on there to my site so they remain accessible. I have of course taken the opportunity to update and improve them slightly whilst I'm at it. The first is here:
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Re: All my articles go here
Hi all!

FreeSpace multiplayer may not be such a big thing nowadays, but online multiplayer is thriving in many other franchises. Unfortunately, that all too often means running into a bunch of A$$-Hats, trolls and disgusting degenerates who seem intent on ruining everyone else's fun.

What if there was a way of ensuring these scumbags could be kept out? What if not being a degenerate a$$-hat scumbag was rewarded? What if there was a support network to help people who are degenerate a$$-hats to stop being such degenerates and become worthy human beings?

It would be pretty sweet I reckon. Good thing then that such a place exists, and I have had the pleasure of interviewing its co-founders. The first interview article of two has just gone live :-) Click the link to find out more  :)
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Offline Iain Baker

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Re: All my articles go here
Not strictly a post, it's whole-a$$ book! All 120K words of it across 708 pages because why not?  :lol:

Info text and link below:

Hey bros, I have good news!

I have now finished writing, proofreading and editing the expanded 2nd Edition of my unofficial companion book to the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. universe, ‘The Chornobyl Zone Survival Guide: Everything a Stalker Needs to Know to Survive The Zone’.
Its premise is simple: “If 'The Zone' as depicted in S.T.A.L.K.ER. was real, could you survive it?"
Probably not, but with the correct information and training, you might just stand a chance. Most rookie Stalkers are not able to answer the following questions...

•   "What are the physical and mental preparations you need to make?"

•   "What are the skills you need to learn and where can you go to learn them?"

•   "What equipment, supplies and weapons do you need to take with you?"

•   "What are the Zone's many hazards, and how do you overcome them?"

...and this lack of knowledge gets them killed. This book, “The Chornobyl Zone Survival Guide Expanded 2nd Edition” provides the answers to all these and more, so that a rookie Stalker can survive and thrive in The Zone long enough to become a veteran.

Think The Zombie Survival Guide meets S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and you will get the gist of it. It can be downloaded for free as a PDF from my website:

Yes, that’s right, free. No paywalls, no ‘give me your email address first so I can spam you with adverts later’ nonsense, free. I hoped that GSC would allow me to sell it as a commercial product, and I would donate the proceeds to the charities helping the people of Ukraine. However, GSC said no since it would clash with their plans for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2, which is fair enough. So instead I’m giving it away freely and asking readers to consider making a small donation to the said charities – suggested links on my website.

I hope you all enjoy it.

Now get out of here Stalker :-)
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Re: All my articles go here
Oh that's awesome, congrats! I'll check it out