Author Topic: Beta testers wanted for a new project  (Read 5288 times)

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Offline Voelkel

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Beta testers wanted for a new project

I'm new to this forum, but I've been making Freespace 2 missions as a pastime since the early 2000s.

I just finished the creation of the starting chapter of a campaign that I consider possibly solid enough for a release.

I'm asking for the help of some experienced beta testers, who could assist me in testing the missions and telling me whether they meet the standards of the community.

The mod is called Reunion (might change) and it's centered around the final stages of the GTVA's Knossos jump gate reproduction effort.

I've already uploaded a playable version to the Knossos launcher, but it's set to private for now.

I'm also interested to learn whether I can use assets from other mods (mainly models) with giving due credit or if I need to ask for usage permit in the case of every individual asset from its creator (I'd naturally go with the latter, but some of these artists seem to have been gone for a long time).

About the campaign:

  • Set 12 years after the Capella incident.
  • Act 1 is complete, consists of 10 missions.
  • Aiming to be as lore-friendly as possible.
  • Contains some weapons and skins I made myself.
  • Driven by a (hopefully) intriguing story and fast-paced fighter action.

I'll release some screenshots too, if I get an answer to my legal question.

Thank you kindly for your help.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2021, 03:13:23 am by Voelkel »


Offline Strygon

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Re: Beta testers wanted for a new project
People use eachother's assets all the time, it's more or less what this community's built on. I think the most you can do is give credit really.
Makes missions sometimes.
Finished Projects: Operation: Cloak and Dagger

Current Projects: Scrolls Part 2 (FREDding), Dimensional Eclipse (Art),
The First Contact War, GTDr Amazon HTL

[23:22] strypolygon: andrew
[23:22] strypolygon: i have one favor to ask of you
[23:22] strypolygon: never try speaking german again
[23:23] Andrewofdoom: No.

[18:50] 島風改八百三: the duck has multipli
[18:50] 島風改八百三: many duck
[18:50] 島風改八百三: left side
[18:50] 島風改八百三: even side
[18:50] 島風改八百三: handle it

[21:34] MP-Ryan: Why on earth would you Google this
[21:34] The_E: why would you not

[06:46] Strigon: how big is a mini-campaign again?
[06:46] Asteroth: smaller than a campaign
[06:47 ]Strigon: thanks

[05:56] Strigon: If I had to take a shot for each time I randomly decided to change the UI sounds, I'd have died of alcohol poisoning by now

[17:36] qazwsxal: time to have some fun
[17:41] z64555: VC++5 is not my idea of fun

[EatThePath] do your missiles do anything absurd?
[Strigon] describe absurd
[Strigon] the entire mod is absurd


Offline Voelkel

  • 25
  • Reunion dev
Re: Beta testers wanted for a new project
People use eachother's assets all the time, it's more or less what this community's built on. I think the most you can do is give credit really.

Alright, thank you kindly. I'll give credit, that's the least I can do.


Offline Novachen

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Re: Beta testers wanted for a new project
Even i have my hands full with own projects, i am actually always very reliable in such beta testing efforts for freespace stuff.
Female FreeSpace 2 pilot since 1999.
Former Global moderator in the German FreeSpace Galaxy Forum.
Developer of NTP - A Multi-Language Translation Library Interface, which allows to play FreeSpace in YOUR Language.

Is one of my releases broken or not working? Please send a PM here, on Discord at @novachen or on Twitter @NovachenFS2, a public tweet or write a reply in my own release threads here on HLP, because these are the only threads i am still participating in.


Offline Voelkel

  • 25
  • Reunion dev
Re: Beta testers wanted for a new project
Even i have my hands full with own projects, i am actually always very reliable in such beta testing efforts for freespace stuff.

Much appreciated! I have added you to the Reunion mod tester staff.

I'm looking forward to you feedback!


Offline Strygon

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Re: Beta testers wanted for a new project
I've got tons of experience in working with missions, and also testing them, so I could probably help out too.
Makes missions sometimes.
Finished Projects: Operation: Cloak and Dagger

Current Projects: Scrolls Part 2 (FREDding), Dimensional Eclipse (Art),
The First Contact War, GTDr Amazon HTL

[23:22] strypolygon: andrew
[23:22] strypolygon: i have one favor to ask of you
[23:22] strypolygon: never try speaking german again
[23:23] Andrewofdoom: No.

[18:50] 島風改八百三: the duck has multipli
[18:50] 島風改八百三: many duck
[18:50] 島風改八百三: left side
[18:50] 島風改八百三: even side
[18:50] 島風改八百三: handle it

[21:34] MP-Ryan: Why on earth would you Google this
[21:34] The_E: why would you not

[06:46] Strigon: how big is a mini-campaign again?
[06:46] Asteroth: smaller than a campaign
[06:47 ]Strigon: thanks

[05:56] Strigon: If I had to take a shot for each time I randomly decided to change the UI sounds, I'd have died of alcohol poisoning by now

[17:36] qazwsxal: time to have some fun
[17:41] z64555: VC++5 is not my idea of fun

[EatThePath] do your missiles do anything absurd?
[Strigon] describe absurd
[Strigon] the entire mod is absurd


Offline Voelkel

  • 25
  • Reunion dev
Re: Beta testers wanted for a new project
I've got tons of experience in working with missions, and also testing them, so I could probably help out too.

Thank you very much! I have added you to the list of testers, looking forward to your feedback!


Offline Iain Baker

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Re: Beta testers wanted for a new project
Hi there! I would be happy to help as a tester if you are still looking :-)
Wanna check out my video games, technology and media website? If so, visit;

Interested in hiring my freelance writing, proof-reading, editing, SEO, TTSO, Web Development or Social Media Management services? If so, please messege me at [email protected]


Offline Voelkel

  • 25
  • Reunion dev
Re: Beta testers wanted for a new project
Hi there! I would be happy to help as a tester if you are still looking :-)

Absolutely, thank you so much! I have added you to the list of testers (the mod is called Reunion). Looking forward to hearing your feedback!