I, like Nyct, really wanted to love Reunion Act 2, and it does have it's good moments, but overall I found it lacking in consistency. I think 6.5/10 like Nyct said is a fair assessment. For the most part the FRED execution is great, and the atmosphere of the first several missions of the campaign is spot on. Things really start falling apart around the middle of the campaign though, and I don't think they really recover. Details below:
The initial reunification with the GTVA isn't poorly handled by any stretch, even if I'd hoped for something a little more bleak. The missions with the Formidable and the 3 stations are well fredded, fun, and narratively consistent with what's going on. Unlike Nyct, I didn't struggle too hard with the first Sath mission, but I can see how someone would. There's definitely some valid criticism about unclear directives, and maybe some poor loadout signalling going on there, but overall not too bad.
Character writing was a bit of an ouch. I found myself wanting to kill Zach not because I didn't like him as a person, but because he didn't feel like a person at all. His entire purpose in the first quarter of the act seemed to be to piss the player off. Not everyone here is a writer and I definitely don't expect War in Heaven levels of writing from anyone releasing a campaign, if you're going to put in characters you should at least make them tolerable, if not interesting or realistic. It's one thing for a character not to be engaging, but quite another for you to actively want them gone.
Zach was definitely the most egregious example, but there was a lot of stereotyping going on that eventually got old. You did take my feedback from Act 1 however and definitely reduced the number of people to keep track of/didn't have personal plot threads which dead-ended, so that's a +1 in that field. It was nice finally seeing the pay-off with Tex & Korhonen (spelling?) at the end, as I chose to side with the Vasudans.
The SOC pilot randomly handing me access to an encrypted comms network right after meeting me was very jarring, and I feel like that could've been done better. The entire conspiracy angle needed far more foreshadowing (it honestly received more in Act 1 than Act 2), and wtf ever happened to Navarro and the Sakoku? Maybe that gets resolved in an ending I haven't played yet, but it should've been resolved in all of them.
I didn't like the Vasudan ending at all. When I betrayed Admiral Togo (whose betrayal actually was a nice twist and decently executed imho, though it needed more foreshadowing), I felt like I was being a, if morally ambiguous, good guy. Joining the Vasudan side isn't morally ambiguous at all however, and stereotypes them as practically murdering for sport in the next mission. This has little to no payoff and left me really not even caring to see where it went. If you were going to make them the bad guys, it would've been a much more satisfying ending to have them actually kill Miller, or have him perform some sort of unspeakable act of betrayal that he can't live with. Instead I was performing fratricide and war crimes on a pretty abhorrent level, all while he internally monologued what boiled down to "I guess we'll see if this is okay or not". Hopefully the other endings are less disappointing, but I'd seriously consider redoing the Vasudan one.
Anyway, I really don't want to knock it too too hard. The gameplay was by and large mostly great, the atmosphere of the opening missions was great, the new weapons and ships were a joy to use, even if the Subach Alpha was a little OP and the Viper was a tad underwhelming.
I am looking forward to Act III, and if I had one piece of feedback I'd ask you to take to heart, it'd be to redo that final Vasudan mission.