Author Topic: The Mass Production  (Read 1187 times)

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The Mass Production

There was a frantic clamor when the Proteuz Mandate was enacted. Hundreds of physicist, mechanical and structural engineers, and software programmers were signing up even before they were sought after to be recruited. After the public broadcast of the mandate's declaration, they took to the streets and crowd their local city halls and imperium sub centers. There was never a short supply of researchers and yet the employment of construction laborers and auxiliary personnel was cumbersome. So the GTVA High Council had no option but to execute a mass population 'forced drafting.' The majority of the populace were reassigned from their present jobs to service the military.

The resource stockpiles grew exponentially through over mining. Thousands of miners, harvesters and transports swarmed over a potential resource location and moved on to the next. The Terran methods were more severe as they move swiftly like giant galactic locusts. Several uninhabited planets were literally stripped down to the core and fragmented into useless floating rocks. A lot of moons were detonated to be harvested of their ores and minerals. Most of the inner asteroid belts were consumed. Meanwhile, the war factories operated at a rapid phase to produce the modules and components needed for the shipyards and research installations. The Vasudan citizens frowned upon this method as they loath the idea of destroying significant celestial objects, a stark reminder of their doomed home planet. They were even more furious on the human's non-compliance to repay their debt despite of the vast materials they had already acquired. Some of the Vasudan admirals began to question the motives of the Imperium representatives in the GTVA High Council because it was tolerated.

It only took a little more than three months to erect hundreds of shipyards and weapons manufacturing facilities in Beta Aquilae, Adhara, Polaris and Regulus. The speedy construction was possible through a technique called 'Subspace Hauling,' a method conceived by a brilliant engineer and scientist, Dr. Mina Hargrove. It is a process where a space station's pre-fabricated base frames, usually constructed by quadrants, were transported instantaneously to their final construction site through subspace. These massive structures were outfitted with detachable jump drives and boosters and sent them through a vortex opened just in the vicinity of the assembly point where they were initially constructed. The same procedure is also used for constructing ships.

At the same time, the research for new designs went into full gear with several individual teams in their specific projects each with dozens of scientists. In less than a year, more than a hundred new warships were deployed and underwent combat evaluation. Not counting the GTVA Prototypes, there are now five new classes of destroyers, five types of corvettes and three kinds of cruisers. These new crafts are faster, stronger, equipped with new defenses and each class have its own specialty in warfare. In the period of three years after the 2nd Shivan War, the GTVA massed-produced about a thousand military assets divided into 100 battle groups and Task Forces.