Hi friends.
I am learning modding Freespace 2, in general is ok. But one problem came to me.
I added this ship, but she is just TOO fast. Very fast, more than a fighter. And I dont know why, I changed the "$Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 10.0", but she is still very fast.
Any idea about what is wrong or how to change her velocity?
$Name: GR75 Medium Transport
$Short name: GR75 Transport
$Species: Terran
+Type: XSTR("Transport", -1)
+Maneuverability: XSTR("Bad", -1)
+Armor: XSTR("Average", -1)
+Manufacturer: XSTR("Gallofree Yards, Inc.", -1)
+Description: XSTR("General Rebel Alliance Transport", -1)
+Tech Description:
XSTR("The GR-75 medium transport, or Gallofree medium transport, was a clamshell-hulled transport produced by Gallofree Yards, Inc.", -1)
+Length: 100 m
$POF file: gr75.pof
$Detail distance: (0, 300, 800)
;$ND: 42, 42, 224
$Show damage: NO
$Density: 1
$Damp: 0.2
$Rotdamp: 0.6
$Banking Constant: 0.0
$Max Velocity: 0.0, 0.0, 10.0
$Rotation time: 4.0, 7.0, 6.0
$Rear Velocity: 0.0
$Forward accel: 1.0
$Forward decel: 1.0
$Slide accel: 0
$Slide decel: 0
$Expl inner rad: 95.0
$Expl outer rad: 255.0
$Expl damage: 6.0
$Expl blast: 1000.0
$Expl Propagates: Yes ;; If set to Yes, then when the ship dies, the explosion propagates through it.
$Shockwave Speed: 0.0 ;; speed shockwave expands at, 0 means no shockwave
$Explosion Animations: ( 4, 5, 6 )
$Shields: 800
$Shield Color: 100 100 255
$Power Output: 2.0
$Max Oclk Speed: 110.0
$Max Weapon Eng: 30.0
$Hitpoints: 4500
$Subsystem Repair Rate: 0.0
$Flags: ( "transport" "in tech database" "surface shields" "model point shields" )
$AI Class: Captain
$Afterburner: NO
$Countermeasures: 0
$Scan time: 2000
$EngineSnd: 128 ;; Engine sound of ship
$Closeup_pos: 0.0, 0.0, -104
$Closeup_zoom: 0.5
;$Ship_icon: minixwing
;$Ship_anim: demoxwing
;$Ship_overhead: loadxwing
$Score: 8
$Thruster Bitmap 1: Thruster03-01 ;Defines the effect for the standard drives. Overrides Species_defs.tbl line +Normal: under the $Thrustglows: entry.
$Thruster Bitmap 1a: ThrusterGlow01 ;Defines the effect for the afterburner. Overrides Species_defs.tbl line +Afterburner: under the $Thrustglows: entry.
$Thruster01 Radius factor: 0.8
$Thruster Bitmap 2: Thruster02-01LessHaze ;plane at engines, Defines the effect for the standard drives. Overrides Species_defs.tbl line +Sec_Normal: under the $ThrustAnims: entry.
$Thruster Bitmap 2a: Thruster02-01 ;plane at engines, Defines the effect for the afterburner. Overrides Species_defs.tbl line +Sec_Afterburn: under the $ThrustAnims: entry.
$Thruster02 Radius factor: 0.0
$Thruster02 Length factor: 0.0 ;Defines the length multiplier for the trail type (secondary) glowpoint thrusters.
$Thruster Bitmap 3: Thruster03-01 ; Overrides Species_defs.tbl line +Ter_Normal: under the $ThrustAnims: entry.
$Thruster Bitmap 3a: ThrusterGlow01 ; Overrides Species_defs.tbl line +Ter_Afterburn: under the $ThrustAnims: entry.
$Thruster03 Radius factor: 0.8
$Thruster Bitmap Distortion: Thruster03-01 ; Defines name of normal thruster distortion envelope animation. Overrides Species_defs.tbl line +Dist_Normal: under the $ThrustAnims: entry.
$Thruster Bitmap Distortion a: ThrusterGlow01 ; Defines name of afterburner thruster distortion envelope animation. Overrides Species_defs.tbl line +Dist_Afterburn: under the $ThrustAnims: entry.
$Thruster Distortion Radius factor: 0.8
$Thruster Distortion Length factor: 0.8
$Thruster Distortion: YES
$Radar Image 2D: radar-cargo
$3D Radar Blip Size Multiplier: 0.5
$Subsystem: engines, 50, 0
$Alt Subsystem Name: Engines
$Flags: ( "ignore if dead" "damage as hull" )
$Subsystem: Bridge, 5, 0
$Alt Subsystem Name: Bridge
$Flags: ( "ignore if dead" )