Author Topic: Not recognizing FSO Build  (Read 3448 times)

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Offline Sevanti

  • 22 Not recognizing FSO Build
Just got back into Freespace after years of it just sitting on my GoG. Been back playing for a week, but now my is not recognizing the FSO build engine. It states that I need to download a FSO build to enable this setting.

I have the latest stable build of FSO 23.2.1 installed, but the Settings refuses to see it for whatever reason.


Offline wookieejedi

  • 29
  • Intensify Forward Firepower
Re: Not recognizing FSO Build
Good question, from the screenshots I'm not sure why it might not be recognizing it. If you are able to I recommend asking on the Knossos Discord subchannel (link here: The Discord channel allows use to very quickly help troubleshoot. If you are unable to join the Discord though just let us know and we can continue troubleshooting here, thanks!


Offline Sevanti

  • 22
Re: Not recognizing FSO Build
Well, I did not manage to solve the issue with However, using Knossos, I was able to get the game running once more. Silent Threat was an issue, and I had to go back to the 1.7.1 version of ST:R to get it to work without erroring.


Offline Pikaia

  • 23
Re: Not recognizing FSO Build
I think I have a similar issue. After playing Wing Commander and the X-Wing trilogy, the next logical step is for me to try Freespace 2 (GOG version). I installed 1.0, but unfortunately, the download of any version of a FSO build is not detected by Knossos, and several options of the "settings" panel are not available. I also cannot launch the Freespace upgrade media/VP or any others mods.

The downloading is marked "complete!", the decompression step stays at 100 %, and there is nothing for "getting tile image" and "getting banner image". The FSO build seems to be correctly installed inside the "Library" folder. I tried to deinstall/reinstall everything, without any effect.

Any help or advice will be appreciated  :)


Offline wookieejedi

  • 29
  • Intensify Forward Firepower
Re: Not recognizing FSO Build
 If you are able to I recommend asking on the Knossos Discord subchannel (link here: The Discord channel allows use to very quickly help troubleshoot. If you are unable to join the Discord though just let us know and we can continue troubleshooting here, thanks!


Offline Pikaia

  • 23
Re: Not recognizing FSO Build
I have to admit that I am not a user of Discord, and English is (clearly) not my native language, so if you could help me through this forum that will be wonderful.


Offline wookieejedi

  • 29
  • Intensify Forward Firepower
Re: Not recognizing FSO Build
Sounds good. First off, are you on Windows?  :)


Offline Pikaia

  • 23
Re: Not recognizing FSO Build
Yes, I am on Windows 10 Pro 22H2.

Edit : two screenshots of my issue. The first one shows the "settings" panel. The build downloaded and installed is recognized by the stats, but several options are grayed or not available (error message in red : "first download a FSO build to enable the setting").

The second shows what happens when I download a build : the downloading appears to be complete, the decompressing is at 100 % (and the files are on my disk), but there is no tile or banner images.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2024, 02:28:33 pm by Pikaia »


Offline wookieejedi

  • 29
  • Intensify Forward Firepower
Re: Not recognizing FSO Build
Thanks for the screenshots. Can you also show screenshots of your knossos library folder, specifically the `bin` folder, which is where the FSO builds are downloaded.

Also do you get the same error if you try downloading FSO version 23.1?


Offline Pikaia

  • 23
Re: Not recognizing FSO Build
A screenshot of the bin directory, and a maybe more convenient DOS listing of the files. I unfortunately also have the issue with the FSO 23.1 version.

E:\Knossos_library\bin\FSO-24.0.0-RC3>dir /s
 Le volume dans le lecteur E s’appelle Jeux
 Répertoire de E:\Knossos_library\bin\FSO-24.0.0-RC3

28/02/2024  15:35    <DIR>          .
28/02/2024  15:35    <DIR>          ..
28/02/2024  15:35    <DIR>          kn_images
28/02/2024  15:35            12 165 mod.json
28/02/2024  15:35    <DIR>          windows
               1 fichier(s)           12 165 octets

 Répertoire de E:\Knossos_library\bin\FSO-24.0.0-RC3\kn_images

28/02/2024  15:35    <DIR>          .
28/02/2024  15:35    <DIR>          ..
28/02/2024  15:35            35 713 0bf23e028c26d5175ff52d003bff85b0a17b0ddfc1130d65bdf6d36f6324.p ng
28/02/2024  15:35           190 310 bf64bcdea9a9c115969cfb784e1ca457d24a7c2da4fc6f213521c3bb6abb.p ng
               2 fichier(s)          226 023 octets

 Répertoire de E:\Knossos_library\bin\FSO-24.0.0-RC3\windows

28/02/2024  15:35    <DIR>          .
28/02/2024  15:35    <DIR>          ..
28/02/2024  15:36    <DIR>          x64_avx
               0 fichier(s)                0 octets

 Répertoire de E:\Knossos_library\bin\FSO-24.0.0-RC3\windows\x64_avx

28/02/2024  15:36    <DIR>          .
28/02/2024  15:36    <DIR>          ..
28/02/2024  15:35             2 751 Antlr4_LICENSE.txt
28/02/2024  15:35        12 537 856 avcodec-57.dll
28/02/2024  15:35         1 498 112 avformat-57.dll
28/02/2024  15:35           593 408 avutil-55.dll
28/02/2024  15:35    <DIR>          cmake
28/02/2024  15:35        22 118 400 fred2_open_24_0_0_RC3_x64_AVX-FASTDBG.exe
28/02/2024  15:35        17 821 696 fred2_open_24_0_0_RC3_x64_AVX.exe
28/02/2024  15:35           731 648 freetype281.dll
28/02/2024  15:35        18 772 992 fs2_open_24_0_0_RC3_x64_AVX-FASTDBG.exe
28/02/2024  15:35        17 283 584 fs2_open_24_0_0_RC3_x64_AVX.exe
28/02/2024  15:35           165 716 fs2_open_24_0_0_RC3_x64_AVX_20240228_143548.mdmp
28/02/2024  15:36           167 696 fs2_open_24_0_0_RC3_x64_AVX_20240228_143602.mdmp
28/02/2024  15:35    <DIR>          include
28/02/2024  15:35    <DIR>          lib
28/02/2024  15:35           873 984 OpenAL32.dll
28/02/2024  15:35               433 README-SDL.txt
28/02/2024  15:35         1 401 344 SDL2.dll
28/02/2024  15:35           126 976 swresample-2.dll
28/02/2024  15:35           535 552 swscale-4.dll
              16 fichier(s)       94 632 148 octets

 Répertoire de E:\Knossos_library\bin\FSO-24.0.0-RC3\windows\x64_avx\cmake

28/02/2024  15:35    <DIR>          .
28/02/2024  15:35    <DIR>          ..
28/02/2024  15:35             1 273 OpenXRConfig.cmake
28/02/2024  15:35             2 830 OpenXRConfigVersion.cmake
28/02/2024  15:35               924 OpenXRTargets-fastdebug.cmake
28/02/2024  15:35               914 OpenXRTargets-release.cmake
28/02/2024  15:35             4 398 OpenXRTargets.cmake
               5 fichier(s)           10 339 octets

 Répertoire de E:\Knossos_library\bin\FSO-24.0.0-RC3\windows\x64_avx\include

28/02/2024  15:35    <DIR>          .
28/02/2024  15:35    <DIR>          ..
28/02/2024  15:35    <DIR>          openxr
               0 fichier(s)                0 octets

 Répertoire de E:\Knossos_library\bin\FSO-24.0.0-RC3\windows\x64_avx\include\openxr

28/02/2024  15:35    <DIR>          .
28/02/2024  15:35    <DIR>          ..
28/02/2024  15:35           275 189 openxr.h
28/02/2024  15:35            30 422 openxr_platform.h
28/02/2024  15:35             4 027 openxr_platform_defines.h
28/02/2024  15:35           189 035 openxr_reflection.h
28/02/2024  15:35            13 625 openxr_reflection_parent_structs.h
28/02/2024  15:35            34 842 openxr_reflection_structs.h
               6 fichier(s)          547 140 octets

 Répertoire de E:\Knossos_library\bin\FSO-24.0.0-RC3\windows\x64_avx\lib

28/02/2024  15:35    <DIR>          .
28/02/2024  15:35    <DIR>          ..
28/02/2024  15:35        23 315 772 openxr_loader.lib
               1 fichier(s)       23 315 772 octets

     Total des fichiers listés :
              31 fichier(s)      118 743 587 octets
              23 Rép(s)  123 307 032 576 octets libres
« Last Edit: February 28, 2024, 08:50:55 am by Pikaia »


Offline wookieejedi

  • 29
  • Intensify Forward Firepower
Re: Not recognizing FSO Build
Thanks, to me that all looks reasonable. Could you also upload your Knossos Consoloe File (Debug tab in Knossos)?  :)


Offline Pikaia

  • 23
Re: Not recognizing FSO Build
The Knossos console file upload link :

These lines are maybe linked to my problem :

*Error* : (FsoBuild.GetFlags()) The input does not contain any JSON tokens. Expected the input to start with a valid JSON token, when isFinalBlock is true. Path: $ | LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 0.
*Error* : (FsoBuild.GetFlags()) The input does not contain any JSON tokens. Expected the input to start with a valid JSON token, when isFinalBlock is true. LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 0.
*Error* : (FSO EXE OUTPUT )


Offline wookieejedi

  • 29
  • Intensify Forward Firepower
Re: Not recognizing FSO Build
Thanks, I checked with one of our advanced developers, who thought perhaps the system does not actually support AVX builds even though those are being autodetected. Can you try to download and set a nightly build instead? (Nightly builds are SSE not AVX).  :)


Offline Pikaia

  • 23
Re: Not recognizing FSO Build
I have unfortunately the same issue with the nightly build (with the same errors in the console log). I tested lot of builds, without any success so far. Not sure if it could help, but my gaming rig is quite recent (even if I use it a lot for retro-gaming !) : i7-12700, RTX 4080, 32 Go RAM, M2 SSD.


Offline wookieejedi

  • 29
  • Intensify Forward Firepower
Re: Not recognizing FSO Build
Thanks for that clarification. At this point I'm not sure what may be causing it. But running FS2 through GoG does currently work correct?


Offline Pikaia

  • 23
Re: Not recognizing FSO Build
Yes, I am able to launch and play Freespace 2 through GoG.


Offline wookieejedi

  • 29
  • Intensify Forward Firepower
Re: Not recognizing FSO Build
Good to know. In Knossos, can you go to the Home tab, hover over the Retail Freespace 2 tile, click Settings, then click browse, and manually browse and select a build? Once you have selected a build then click the Save button and close the popup Settings window, then try running the game.


Offline Pikaia

  • 23
Re: Not recognizing FSO Build
When I do that, the game (Freespace 2 retail) crashes (I tried different builds), and a dump file (*.mdmp) is created inside the FSO build folder.


Offline wookieejedi

  • 29
  • Intensify Forward Firepower
Re: Not recognizing FSO Build
Thanks for the update. Can you try manually browsing and running to a debug build and then posting the log on a nightly build?


Offline winn

  • 22
Re: Not recognizing FSO Build
Hello everyone,

I seem to be having a similar problem, difference being Im on Ubuntu (22.04) Linux.

Here is my log, short version - this repeats each time I try to launch. Also, I get red text in Knossos settings all the time: "First download a FSO build to enable this setting"
It is downloaded. Tried nigthly or RC builds, result is the same. The files and folders themselves are there after download. I even modified permissions for them to be sure.
Launching the .AppImage files directly deos nothing.

Any ideas please? Thanks!


Code: [Select]
/8/2024 6:34:55 PM - *Information* : (FsoBuild.GetFlags()) Getting FSO Flags from file: /media/winndzor/winn_pod1/games/Freespace2/FS2/bin/FSO-24.2.0-RC3/linux/fs2_open_24_2_0_RC3_x64.AppImage
9/8/2024 6:34:55 PM - *Error* : (FsoBuild.GetFlags()) The input does not contain any JSON tokens. Expected the input to start with a valid JSON token, when isFinalBlock is true. Path: $ | LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 0.
9/8/2024 6:34:55 PM - *Error* : (FsoBuild.GetFlags()) The input does not contain any JSON tokens. Expected the input to start with a valid JSON token, when isFinalBlock is true. LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 0.
9/8/2024 6:34:55 PM - *Error* : (FSO EXE OUTPUT )
9/8/2024 6:34:55 PM - *Warning* : (GlobalSettingsViewModel.GetFlagData()) Unable to find a valid build to get flag data for global settings.
The process cannot access the file '/home/winndzor/.config/KnossosNET/Knossos.log' because it is being used by another process.
9/8/2024 6:35:46 PM - *Information* : (GlobalSettings.Load()) Global settings have been loaded
9/8/2024 6:35:46 PM - *Information* : (FsoBuild.GetFlags()) Getting FSO Flags from file: /media/winndzor/winn_pod1/games/Freespace2/FS2/bin/FSO-24.0.2/linux/fs2_open_24_0_2_x64.AppImage
9/8/2024 6:35:46 PM - *Error* : (FsoBuild.GetFlags()) The input does not contain any JSON tokens. Expected the input to start with a valid JSON token, when isFinalBlock is true. Path: $ | LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 0.
9/8/2024 6:35:46 PM - *Error* : (FsoBuild.GetFlags()) The input does not contain any JSON tokens. Expected the input to start with a valid JSON token, when isFinalBlock is true. LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 0.
9/8/2024 6:35:46 PM - *Error* : (FSO EXE OUTPUT )
9/8/2024 6:35:46 PM - *Information* : (FsoBuild.GetFlags()) Getting FSO Flags from file: /media/winndzor/winn_pod1/games/Freespace2/FS2/bin/FSO-24.2.0-RC3/linux/fs2_open_24_2_0_RC3_x64.AppImage
9/8/2024 6:35:46 PM - *Error* : (FsoBuild.GetFlags()) The input does not contain any JSON tokens. Expected the input to start with a valid JSON token, when isFinalBlock is true. Path: $ | LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 0.
9/8/2024 6:35:46 PM - *Error* : (FsoBuild.GetFlags()) The input does not contain any JSON tokens. Expected the input to start with a valid JSON token, when isFinalBlock is true. LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 0.
9/8/2024 6:35:46 PM - *Error* : (FSO EXE OUTPUT )
9/8/2024 6:35:46 PM - *Warning* : (GlobalSettingsViewModel.GetFlagData()) Unable to find a valid build to get flag data for global settings.