Author Topic: RELEASE: The Aftermath Reboot  (Read 172903 times)

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Offline JSRNerdo

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Re: RELEASE: The Aftermath Reboot
Why do I get executed if I fail to protect the Hestia?  :wtf:
Former Inferno lead, BTA fredder-ish and DE fredder. Driven out by ordinary fascists the_e, aesaar and general battuta. Will return if they're ever removed.


Offline herkie423

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Re: RELEASE: The Aftermath Reboot
In the "Avenger" mission (the first mission where you can pilot a Boreas fly near to it to take it over) there was a minor technical issue.  When I was flying the Boreas cruiser and firing the main gun, the gun energy always stayed the same...

Yes, it is a technical issue but it can be justified. The Boreas in that mission was armed only with  Antimatter Cannons, a standard weapon except for the beams. With  the Boreas' huge energy output, the energy cost for standard weapons is negligible. And Antimatter weapons are extremely energy efficient.

EDIT: What I said above is how I justify it story-wise but in reality, modding-wise or technically, the Antimatter Cannon used by the player is also a weapon used by other capships (I have noticed that issue too a few months back). And capital ship weapons like beams, turrets or flak guns have an "energy consumed" standard value of 0.30 and I know why. I tried to raise that value higher for the AM Cannon so that the energy drain will be visible but during testing, the other capships equiped with it did not fire their AM cannons as rapidly as they should. So I reverted to the standard value. Now with Ion Cannons, it's a different story. These are exclusively for the Boreas and the Avenger. The energy cost is 7.00 (the Maxim has 1.00). The drain will certainly be evident and it is alright for computer-controlled Boreas not firing them rapidly as a result plus it will ruin the game balance if they do.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2017, 11:41:59 am by herkie423 »


Offline herkie423

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Re: RELEASE: The Aftermath Reboot
Why do I get executed if I fail to protect the Hestia?  :wtf:

It's curious, isn't it? I myself will say, what the f***!

That's not the only mission where you get executed if you fail. Practically all SOC missions will send you to the gallows if you screw up. That particular mission ("Critical Prize") was a super secret suicide sorty tied with the SOC to keep the society from knowing about it (but it went out in the open anyway). Richter and the rest of the pilots did not even know about that because it was not mention in the briefing. The SOC do  not accept failure.

The fact that the GTVA is executing soldiers and callously sending people to their deaths (ex. "Order 66") is already hinting that there is something rotten. In Richter's log (in a debrief and not in the fiction viewer), he is disturbed because we are losing our humanity. There are clues scattered in the campaign about High Command's disregard for life. I don't openly tell the player that. I have a way of holding back the facts for players to fill in the blanks. A story-telling technique I learned from Peter Weir, director of the Truman Show.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2017, 01:51:58 am by herkie423 »

Re: RELEASE: The Aftermath Reboot
The error is back: I cannot dock with the station both with 3.7.2 and 3.7.4. Ideas?


Offline herkie423

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Re: RELEASE: The Aftermath Reboot
The error is back: I cannot dock with the station both with 3.7.2 and 3.7.4. Ideas?

Is that the Bretonia police station? You are suppose to land at the platform (the flat structures, there are three). Just get near one of those outer flat tops and the mission will end automatically.

Re: RELEASE: The Aftermath Reboot
Ok, will try.


Offline CT27

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Re: RELEASE: The Aftermath Reboot
I just completed the mission "Sicilian Defense".

Very fun but a couple of minor glitches:

1-The Sathanas juggernauts never reach zero % in health.  They begin to explode after the display reaches 1%.  It's not a huge deal but they should be at 0% when exploding IMO.

2-Something seemed wrong with the Archangel's main gun.  It only fired about twice in the whole mission (whereas in the previous The Aftermath I remember it firing a lot more).  I don't know maybe a juggernaut got a lucky hit on the main gun and destroyed it?  Perhaps you should make the Archangel's main gun 'invulnerable'?
Although something good I noticed about this is that it didn't fire at dying Sathanas juggernauts a lot like the previous version.

One suggestions if I may:
You can select the Boreas cruisers by going C-1 like you can other fighters.  Do you think it would be possible to be able to select all the Boreases at once as a wing if you want to use all of them against one target (C-2)?

Re: RELEASE: The Aftermath Reboot
Works on the platform. Stupid me, guessing landing in the subsystem "Fighterbay" ;)


Offline herkie423

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Re: RELEASE: The Aftermath Reboot
I just completed the mission "Sicilian Defense".

Very fun but a couple of minor glitches:

1-The Sathanas juggernauts never reach zero % in health.  They begin to explode after the display reaches 1%.  It's not a huge deal but they should be at 0% when exploding IMO.

2-Something seemed wrong with the Archangel's main gun.  It only fired about twice in the whole mission (whereas in the previous The Aftermath I remember it firing a lot more).  I don't know maybe a juggernaut got a lucky hit on the main gun and destroyed it?  Perhaps you should make the Archangel's main gun 'invulnerable'?
Although something good I noticed about this is that it didn't fire at dying Sathanas juggernauts a lot like the previous version.

One suggestions if I may:
You can select the Boreas cruisers by going C-1 like you can other fighters.  Do you think it would be possible to be able to select all the Boreases at once as a wing if you want to use all of them against one target (C-2)?

Question 1:

You know it's incredible that you noticed that. Sadly, it is deliberate. Remember when you posted a reply in the "WIP" thread that the Archangel is still firing at the juggers even in their death throes? I have taken that observation into account. I call that a "beam anomaly" check. I have inserted an SEXP command to "Beam Protect," to make it "Invulnerable" (I tried not to put it but the solution did not work), and "Beam Lock" at the Juggers when its hitpoint reaches 1. So that the Archangel will turn to another target and the juggernaut will stop firing. FREDers will see that if they edit that mission.

Question 2:

Well, when I replaced the model for the Archangel, I edited the model to adjusted the firing FOV to around 20 degrees so anything outside of that will not be targeted. Plus I adjusted the firing recharge time so it doesn't fire constantly like last time. Since most of the assets are replaced, the entire ship and weapon tables are redone painstakingly to achieve game balance. The firing rate of the Archangel's main Tachyon beam cannon actually make sense now. That big of a weapon takes a lot of energy. I read in some science article that to propagate tachyons really takes immense energy theoretically anyway.

On your suggestion:

No it's not possible. I wanted to in the early version and I did flagged them as "fighter" in the Ship Table before. It is the only way to select them as a wing and give them orders but they become weird. They pursue enemy fighters, firing their Ion Cannons, making a fine mess in the battlefield. And the enemy do not fire their beams at them. Sure I can flag the Ion Cannon as a "Huge" weapon only for bigger ships (it can be done) but the enemy not firing their beams at them really screwed it. It is the implementation of the FSO engine. So in the end, I flagged them as "Cruiser" which they actually are. So they cannot be selected as wing group even if they are part of the a wing.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2017, 03:21:15 am by herkie423 »


Offline CT27

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Re: RELEASE: The Aftermath Reboot
I just got done with the mission "The Warlock".

No major technical issues but a question:  Most GTVA capships in this game have blue beams but the Warlock has green beams.  Is there an explanation for that?

« Last Edit: March 06, 2017, 05:40:00 am by herkie423 »


Offline Bossman

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Re: RELEASE: The Aftermath Reboot
No one else seems to be having major issues, but this seems to be the one campaign I can't even get to start up.

Anyone know why I'd be getting a 2,000+ errors message upon entering the flight deck, followed by a complete crash on the first loading bar segment after it says 10 weapon classes are missing? I haven't even managed to get to the briefing room yet. This has to be something stupid, right? I feel incredibly incompetent! :)
« Last Edit: February 26, 2017, 05:10:19 pm by Bossman »


Offline AdmiralRalwood

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Re: RELEASE: The Aftermath Reboot
No one else seems to be having major issues, but this seems to be the one campaign I can't even get to start up.

Anyone know why I'd be getting a 2,000+ errors message upon entering the flight deck, followed by a complete crash on the first loading bar segment after it says 10 weapon classes are missing? I haven't even managed to get to the briefing room yet. This has to be something stupid, right? I feel incredibly incompetent! :)
Please post your fs2_open.log file.  Instructions on how to do this can be found in this post.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Codethulhu GitHub wgah'nagl fhtagn.

schrödinbug (noun) - a bug that manifests itself in running software after a programmer notices that the code should never have worked in the first place.

When you gaze long into BMPMAN, BMPMAN also gazes into you.

"I am one of the best FREDders on Earth" -General Battuta

<Aesaar> literary criticism is vladimir putin

<MageKing17> "There's probably a reason the code is the way it is" is a very dangerous line of thought. :P
<MageKing17> Because the "reason" often turns out to be "nobody noticed it was wrong".
(the very next day)
<MageKing17> this ****ing code did it to me again
<MageKing17> "That doesn't really make sense to me, but I'll assume it was being done for a reason."
<MageKing17> **** ME

<MageKing17> God damn, I do not understand how this is breaking.
<MageKing17> Everything points to "this should work fine", and yet it's clearly not working.
<MjnMixael> 2 hours later... "God damn, how did this ever work at all?!"
<MageKing17> so
<MageKing17> more than two hours
<MageKing17> but once again we have reached the inevitable conclusion
<MageKing17> How did this code ever work in the first place!?

<@The_E> Welcome to OpenGL, where standards compliance is optional, and error reporting inconsistent

<MageKing17> It was all working perfectly until I actually tried it on an actual mission.

<IronWorks> I am useful for FSO stuff again. This is a red-letter day!
* z64555 erases "Thursday" and rewrites it in red ink

<MageKing17> TIL the entire homing code is held up by shoestrings and duct tape, basically.


Offline Bossman

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Re: RELEASE: The Aftermath Reboot
Ah, Duh, sry, been lurking too long

[attachment stolen by Russian hackers]


Offline AdmiralRalwood

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Re: RELEASE: The Aftermath Reboot
Code: [Select]
Uh... why aren't you using 3.7.4 Final?
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Codethulhu GitHub wgah'nagl fhtagn.

schrödinbug (noun) - a bug that manifests itself in running software after a programmer notices that the code should never have worked in the first place.

When you gaze long into BMPMAN, BMPMAN also gazes into you.

"I am one of the best FREDders on Earth" -General Battuta

<Aesaar> literary criticism is vladimir putin

<MageKing17> "There's probably a reason the code is the way it is" is a very dangerous line of thought. :P
<MageKing17> Because the "reason" often turns out to be "nobody noticed it was wrong".
(the very next day)
<MageKing17> this ****ing code did it to me again
<MageKing17> "That doesn't really make sense to me, but I'll assume it was being done for a reason."
<MageKing17> **** ME

<MageKing17> God damn, I do not understand how this is breaking.
<MageKing17> Everything points to "this should work fine", and yet it's clearly not working.
<MjnMixael> 2 hours later... "God damn, how did this ever work at all?!"
<MageKing17> so
<MageKing17> more than two hours
<MageKing17> but once again we have reached the inevitable conclusion
<MageKing17> How did this code ever work in the first place!?

<@The_E> Welcome to OpenGL, where standards compliance is optional, and error reporting inconsistent

<MageKing17> It was all working perfectly until I actually tried it on an actual mission.

<IronWorks> I am useful for FSO stuff again. This is a red-letter day!
* z64555 erases "Thursday" and rewrites it in red ink

<MageKing17> TIL the entire homing code is held up by shoestrings and duct tape, basically.


Offline Bossman

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Re: RELEASE: The Aftermath Reboot
I... truly have no idea. Perhaps my initial download of it failed in the installer and I never noticed? Anyways, that gets me much further than I was e.g. to a mission. But none of the weapons are valid so I'm still missing a good chunk of something.. Updated log attached. Thanks for  the help!

[attachment stolen by Russian hackers]


Offline JSRNerdo

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Re: RELEASE: The Aftermath Reboot
This is super weird! Your aftermath files have the same checksum as mine, and same file numbers as well!

Have you set your campaign to Aftermath in the campaign selection menu?
Former Inferno lead, BTA fredder-ish and DE fredder. Driven out by ordinary fascists the_e, aesaar and general battuta. Will return if they're ever removed.


Offline CT27

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Re: RELEASE: The Aftermath Reboot
I ran into a glitch on the mission where you attack the Bhall with Armageddon bombers:

When you call in a support craft and it docks with you the ETA gauge always stays at 00:00 and doesn't change to "rearming" like usual.  Plus while it's docked with you it doesn't stay in place like it normally does but you do a bunch of loops.  The only way to stop this is to use afterburners and "abort" rearming.

Thankfully while this is happening you do get rearmed but it's kind of weird.


Offline Bossman

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Re: RELEASE: The Aftermath Reboot
This is super weird! Your aftermath files have the same checksum as mine, and same file numbers as well!

Have you set your campaign to Aftermath in the campaign selection menu?

Yep, I did set the campaign as Aftermath in the Menu -- everything appears OK as far as I can see when the mission loads, except that I have no weapons because they are invalid. I also get a debug message saying that every fighter is invalid, as well.

In the way of possible hints, I can only offer nonsense:

-  Bem Cavalgar is still a campaign I can select in the campaign screen, even though the only file associated with it in my Root Freespace 2 folder is the .bmp image from the launcher (Aren't campaigns not selected in wx launcher supposed to only appear in the list if their .vp file is in the root folder? Maybe I assume too much there.)

- Now that I poke around a bit more, it seems like quite a few of the refurbished campaigns error out in similar ways for me.

My best guess, and a question for you fine folks who presumably work in tech and not Product like I do -- is it possible that my download of Core SCP files was somehow corrupted in a way that FSOinstaller can't detect, and the best course of action is to wipe my Freespace 2 folder and start from scratch?

EDIT: Oh wait, the identical checksum would just about rule that out, right?
« Last Edit: February 27, 2017, 08:13:38 pm by Bossman »


Offline AdmiralRalwood

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Re: RELEASE: The Aftermath Reboot
-  Bem Cavalgar is still a campaign I can select in the campaign screen, even though the only file associated with it in my Root Freespace 2 folder is the .bmp image from the launcher (Aren't campaigns not selected in wx launcher supposed to only appear in the list if their .vp file is in the root folder? Maybe I assume too much there.)
Nothing shows up in the campaign menu if FSO can't see the corresponding .fc2 file (which it wouldn't be able to if it weren't installed to one of the active paths). Go to your root \data\tables\ folder and tell me if there's anything there.

My best guess, and a question for you fine folks who presumably work in tech and not Product like I do -- is it possible that my download of Core SCP files was somehow corrupted in a way that FSOinstaller can't detect, and the best course of action is to wipe my Freespace 2 folder and start from scratch?

EDIT: Oh wait, the identical checksum would just about rule that out, right?
No, for two reasons. One, FSO doesn't enumerate loose files (i.e. the contents of the \data\ folder). Two, the checksum is actually only a checksum of the... last 2 MB of the file, if memory serves, so that it doesn't take too long to calculate. If you want a more accurate comparison, you need to either use the -verify_vps command-line argument or use an external checksum tool like md5sum.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Codethulhu GitHub wgah'nagl fhtagn.

schrödinbug (noun) - a bug that manifests itself in running software after a programmer notices that the code should never have worked in the first place.

When you gaze long into BMPMAN, BMPMAN also gazes into you.

"I am one of the best FREDders on Earth" -General Battuta

<Aesaar> literary criticism is vladimir putin

<MageKing17> "There's probably a reason the code is the way it is" is a very dangerous line of thought. :P
<MageKing17> Because the "reason" often turns out to be "nobody noticed it was wrong".
(the very next day)
<MageKing17> this ****ing code did it to me again
<MageKing17> "That doesn't really make sense to me, but I'll assume it was being done for a reason."
<MageKing17> **** ME

<MageKing17> God damn, I do not understand how this is breaking.
<MageKing17> Everything points to "this should work fine", and yet it's clearly not working.
<MjnMixael> 2 hours later... "God damn, how did this ever work at all?!"
<MageKing17> so
<MageKing17> more than two hours
<MageKing17> but once again we have reached the inevitable conclusion
<MageKing17> How did this code ever work in the first place!?

<@The_E> Welcome to OpenGL, where standards compliance is optional, and error reporting inconsistent

<MageKing17> It was all working perfectly until I actually tried it on an actual mission.

<IronWorks> I am useful for FSO stuff again. This is a red-letter day!
* z64555 erases "Thursday" and rewrites it in red ink

<MageKing17> TIL the entire homing code is held up by shoestrings and duct tape, basically.


Offline Bossman

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Re: RELEASE: The Aftermath Reboot
re: #1 -- I've got 13 files in there, all with the same modification date. I've attached a screenshot in case file identity matters

EDIT: Tried the Verify Vps command line, but I can't get past the SCP load screen with that on. The vp_crcs txt file doesn't seem to have been created

[attachment stolen by Russian hackers]
« Last Edit: February 27, 2017, 09:58:51 pm by Bossman »